Control the Dragon of Time

Chapter 322


Chapter 322 True and False Time Dragon, Earth

Ear Planet.

The main material world, one of the battlefields of elves and dragons.

This planet revolves around a huge sun, and its volume is more than several times that of the Kara planet, but from a high altitude, most of the planet’s land is barren in color.

The endless desert occupies 80% of the land of this main material world.

In this cruel sea of scorching sand, only the most tenacious of life force can survive.

Looking up at the sky, the golden scorching sun, which is so huge that it can be reached by extending the hand, is like a fireball. The bright, dazzling, scorching, high-temperature sunlight radiates from the sun, making most of the world steam hot and hot Unbearable.

Grit like grains of gold shimmered in the sunlight.

Suddenly, there were bursts of hurricanes in the air.

One after another, a shadowy silhouette with a breath of air appeared on the surface of the sand sea, and the wind that followed was rolling up the sand and dust in the sky. It was the huge bodies of the True Dragons that blocked the sun, There are traces of covering the heavens, shielding the sun.

The hot weather seems to have no effect on these giant beasts.

In the sky, grandiose’s True Dragon army is fast as lightning. Under the shadow of the dragon’s wings, there are many monster army composed of creatures such as sand snakes, giant tooth ant lions, and underground shark lizards. They regard the desert as a The ocean, moving at extreme speed in waves of sand.

The target of this army is an oasis in the desert.

The towering giant trees, the bright and colorful grass and flowers, the winding and climbing vines, and the pure flowing streams are more than one oasis in the earth, in all parts of the Earth. are distributed.

Each oasis represents an elf garrison.

The oasis formed by the magic power of the elf garrison is out of tune with the environment here. The vibrant green is rooted in the tawny barren world, but it seems to be a sick creep.

True Dragon armies and kin armies attack the elven garrison from all sides.

Although at a disadvantage, the elven army, which is also not to be underestimated, relied on the Mysterious Chain to fight with the Dragon Clan army.

Until dusk a few days later, when the energy of both sides was almost exhausted, the True Dragon army led the family to retreat, leaving only the corpses on the ground, some elves, some dragons, but more. Most of them are family creatures that were used as cannon fodder in the war between the two races.

Because the strength gap between the two sides is not big, such a scene happened in many places.

Includes the True Dragon army led by Carroll.

The time has come.

Carol, who had just ended a protracted battle with the High Elves, led the army back to the Dragon Clan station.

A majestic Dragon City in the sand.

Several hundred meters high city wall rises from the ground, surrounds the four sides, and countless True Dragons go back and forth in it.

Because of the special environment here, most of the True Dragons living in the Earl planet are Fire Attribute, Red Dragon, Brass Dragon, Golden Dragon, etc. are more numerous, and White Dragon except from other Except for the Immemorial White Dragon supported by War Zone, there is no local one.

The city wall of this Dragon City is visible to the naked eye with countless spells and traces of physical trauma.

Early-Stage in the war on the planet Earth, it has resisted the siege of the elf army again and again.

And the current situation, mainly Dragon Clan attack, elves defense.

Compared with elves, True Dragons are much more adaptable to harsh environments. Most elves want to survive in this kind of place, they must use magical abilities to transform the environment, or for themselves. Apply gain spell.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to ensure your status.

But the dragon can live in this piece of yellow sand just by relying on his own physique.

Therefore, the two forces that were originally evenly matched, with the passage of time, the elf garrison gradually became at a disadvantage and passively responded to the Dragon Clan attack.

It’s just that the Elf’s Mysterious Lock Array has amazing protection ability, and the dominant Dragon Clan has not been able to achieve a big victory.

If there are no unexpected turns.

As the situation continues, it may take decades, or even hundreds of years, before Dragon Clan of the Earl planet can achieve a real victory.

However, the turning point is coming now.


Because the war had just ended, a giant dragon sleeping and resting in Dragon City moved slightly, opened a pair of dragon eyes with different pupil colors, and looked at the sky with vigilant eyes.

I don’t know when.

The rays of light of azure blue smudge the golden sky.

With the fluctuation of space power like water, a plane Transmission Gate with a diameter of tens of meters slowly opened.

A gigantic silhouette leaps out of the massive True Dragon watch.

Wearing an illusory crown, the silver giant dragon with six sturdy dragon horns extends its wings, and its 100-meter-long wingspan covers the sky and reflects its majestic body outline on the earth. The silver scales are shining brightly, and the rings of black scales distributed on the body are mysterious and unique.

“Immemorial Sun Dragon Carol, representing all the Dragon Clans of the Earl planet, celebrates the coming of the Lord of the Dragon Court.”

In the silent atmosphere, light and crisp His mature voice sounded, speaking in Dragon Language.

But the cat-sized Carroll was clothed in sunlight, like an extremely reduced white sun, streaking across the sky with a stream of light and appearing in front of Galleon.

On one side is the Immemorial Sun Dragon, the size of a house cat, and on the other side is the Time Dragon with a wingspan of more than 100 meters.

The body shapes of the two are completely different, and they appeared under the same sky, which immediately attracted countless gazes.

At the same time, after hearing Carroll’s words, the giant dragons who did not belong to the Dragon Court immediately understood that the majestic giant dragon that appeared at this time was the most famous Dragon Court Lord recently, and also The Legendary dragon species in Dragon Clan, Time Dragon.

A row of True Dragons cast a curious and respectful look at Galleon, sizing up the Lord of the Dragon Court.

Dragon Clan’s most powerhouse in the Earl planet, Rilong Carroll also belongs to the Dragon Court, and is regarded as the subordinate of the Lord of the Dragon Court.

Most of the Dragon Clans here met Galleon for the first time, but they have seen Carroll’s strength with their own eyes, so they are more curious to lead Carroll than this Immemorial. Rilong is also the powerful Lord of Dragon Court.

Galleon looks all around, taking in the entire scene.

The hot wind swept the gravel, and the yellow sand filled the sky like an endless yellow ocean.

And the majestic city of the giant dragon under him made Galleon take a few more glances.

This kind of city-like building is relatively rare in Dragon Clan. It is likely to be caused by the environment and can avoid the intrusion of wind and sand.

“Carol, lead the army and go with me.”

“The goal is the location of the high fantasy elves that will compete with you.”

Galleon I didn’t plan to stay here long.

Because there are many main material worlds distributed by dragons and elves, the world affected by this total war is almost impossible to estimate.

During the war, there were many War Zones that needed his power. The purpose of his coming here was to kill the high phantom spirits who were close to Demi-God and liberate the sun dragon Carol.

Without the restraint of the same level of combat power, when Carroll destroys the Elf garrison on the planet of Earl, she can, like Galleon, help the rest of the War Zone, from point to point, little by little. Extend your Dragon Clan advantage to winning.

“Dragon Lord, I just attacked the elf garrison and returned with my army soon.”

“Would you like to rest here for a while? Dragon Clan warriors also need to rest. .”

Carroll said softly.

Dragon’s physique is strong and stamina is amazing, but also not perpetual motion.

During the protracted war, most of the dragons also felt physically exhausted, and it was necessary to sleep and rest to restore their strength.

Listening to Carroll’s words, Galleon’s expression remained unchanged, and his voice said solemnly: “You lead the army with me, when the time comes, you just need to witness my power.”

Without Demi-God.

Galleon alone can destroy a well-established elven army.

If its scale is huge, it is nothing more than spending more power. It is almost impossible to reach the Galleon’s attack by relying only on numbers.

The reason Carroll took the army with him was because Galleon wanted these True Dragons to see their power with their own eyes.

In this way, he has a chance to win over some True Dragon hearts and gain their faith.

In peacetime, harvesting Dragon Clan’s faith is as difficult as heavenly ascension.

Now that Galleon wants to become a god, he has enough strength, and this is the right time, he must seize the opportunity and use the blood and mourning of the enemy on this grand war stage. The performance of conquering the Dragon Heart.

“As you wish.”

Carol looked at the confident and indifferent silver giant dragon, gently nodding, and said.

The other side.

In the elves stationed with traces of war, the elves are cleaning up the devastated battlefield, re-catalyzing the growth of the destroyed giant trees, treating the wounded, resting, and eating.

On the beautiful faces of the elves, you can see a pair of tired eyes.

Defending the Dragon Clan’s attack after attack is no easy task.

Even with the Mystery Lock Formation, every time the Dragon Clan strikes, the elf station will be damaged to a certain extent. Years of uninterrupted war have made many Spirit Warriors physically and mentally exhausted.

It’s not the same as True Dragon, which likes to fight and kill.

Elves love life, and usually have artistic interests such as composing and singing, painting and playing, but these interests are naturally the most extravagant things during the war, and only exist in their memory.

For the elves with romantic character, the constant war and gunpowder make the overwhelming majority unbearable.

But I had to endure it.

Surrounded by several tens of meters tall ancient trees, there is a canopy fortress created with bright red and vines.

In the canopy fortress, the commander of this elf garrison, Portia frowned wearily.

He is a high-level fantasy elf who has been fighting with the sun dragon Carroll for more than six years, until now it is difficult to determine the outcome. He looks handsome, delicious and pretty to the point that he looks like a woman at first glance, with a unique appearance. To emerald eyes.

Portia’s gaze pierced through the vines, looking towards the distant sunset.

In the War Early-Stage, this high fantasy elf who is only one step away from Demi-God still wants to make great achievements in the war, and plans to ascend the dive throne in this war and become Demi. -God.

Portia may seem young, but he is thousands of years old and is about to reach the end of his lifespan.

So he wanted to be a god, to be immortal.

But as time passed, he now felt that it would be nice to be alive at the end of the war and to die naturally afterward.

Although Dragon Clan has already fallen from the throne of the multiverse overlord, a dying, starved camel is still bigger than a horse, and the overall strength of Dragon Clan is still better than that of the elves.

Not a Demi-God, nor an ordinary Legendary Portia, knowing that he is more likely to be seen by the Dragon Clan powerhouse as an enemy that needs to be eliminated.

“Maybe, I will die today under the giant dragon’s minions.”

The high fantasy elf was sighed and a little pessimistic.

Immediately, he picked up a glass of floral wine and sipped it gently while looking at the distant sun.

This is Portia’s way of letting herself relax.

However, before he took a few sips of the fragrant flower dew wine, his eyes narrowed and his face darkened.

In Portia’s green pupils, a black line in the sky is reflected. This line expands rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, it turns into a black army of True Dragons.

Because there are no Familia troops below, the True Dragon army is flying very fast.

“Enemy attack!”

“Dragon Clan army attack!”

“Elf warriors, take up your weapons and defend against this savage group The evil beast!”

The tense voices in the elf station came one after another.

Portia jumped out of the window and faced the Dragon Clan army, and at the same time had a bad premonition, because the Dragon Clan attack has just ended, it stands to reason that organizing the next attack, at least need a period of time.

However, Dragon Clan, who had just left not long ago, returned at this time.

After a while

Under the vigilant gaze of a Spirit Warrior, the Dragon Clan army covering the heavens, shielding the sun stopped, neither advancing nor retreating.

The elves looked suspiciously at the Dragon Clan army.

They don’t understand what these dragons want to do. Did they come to the oasis station just to watch them from a distance?

But soon, the elves understood why.

The dark tide-like Dragon Clan army slowly parted, respectfully giving way.

A silver giant dragon with a dragon horn crown on its head, like the silver giant dragon of the Dragon Clan king, appeared in the eyes of every elf.

After a brief silence, the hearts of a Spirit Warrior, including Portia himself, sank uncontrollably.

The huge body, the special dragon horn, and the strange ring of black scales all tell the identity of the other party.

“Lord of the Dragon Court.”

Portia felt her lips dry.

To say that now in the main material world, the enemy that the elf army in each War Zone does not want to encounter, there is no second dragon except Galleon.

The other side.

Galleon looked at the oasis station in the desert with a calm expression and Dragon Language.

“Betray your gods and become Dragon Clan servants, and I will give you a way to live.”

Compared with directly destroying the elf army, if you can make it betray the elven kingdom, it will be a good thing for you. The giant dragon fights against its kin, and the morale blow to the elven armies everywhere in the war will be enormous.

Most of the elves already know the Dragon Language.

Especially in these tense times, knowing the language of the enemy is essential.

Listening to Galleon’s condescending words, Portia took a deep breath and her face became determined.

Under Galleon’s gaze, the phantom elf, who is about 1.8 meters tall, swept into the sky.

“Wishful thinking.”

“Elves are a noble race. If you Dragon Clan are willing to become our beasts, after the war, this world will still have a place for you.”

Although he knew he couldn’t beat him, Portia still said tough words.

The beasts he said refer to Chimera, giant eagle and other creatures that fight against Dragon Clan with Elf Race. In Elf Race, they are equivalent to Dragon Clan’s family, but they have more words. right.

Galleon looked calm, looked at the phantom, and shook his head slightly.

“Then let’s bury it in the yellow sand.”

Speaking, the size of the silver giant dragon skyrocketed. With a wingspan of kilometers, it is like a terrifying giant beast of a mountain.

Titanic True Dragon breathes like rolling thunder.

With the slightest movement of the kilometer-long dragon wings, there will be a tornado of yellow sand in the sky, surrounding the giant dragon’s body.

Galleon’s eyes were cold, looking towards the elf station.

He took a deep breath, and the power of time lingered between the dragon teeth.

The next second, the breath of the river-like Time Shatter surged wildly.


Dragon Breath leaves a blank trail in the sky, erasing everything in the path, and at the same time tearing open the Mysterious Lock Protection Array, and then destroying the oasis forest inside. It runs through a blank passage that is dozens of kilometers long.

Whether it’s ancient trees, rocks, rivers, or some Legendary creatures that can’t be avoided, they all disappear into this world like patterns erased by an eraser.

Countless elves were shaking hands and feet, looking at the giant beast in imposing manner.

And looking at the silver giant dragon that ripped open the mystery with a single blow, and the aftermath also caused such damage, a True Dragon is full of brilliance, and the eyes looking at Galleon are full of awe. color.

The seeds of faith are planted silently, waiting for the bud to grow.

Portia’s face changed dramatically.

At the same time, he looked at Galleon under a shroud of lustre, the appearance of Galleon reflected in his pupils, and his body deformed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And Galleon felt a force sweep across his body.

The power of the true Transformation Technique.

Soon, a silver giant dragon more than fifty meters long and carved out of a mold like Galleon appeared above the elf station.

“Can the real Transformation Technique change even my Time Dragon?”

Looking at the ‘Time Dragon’ with green eyes, Galleon suddenly became curious and approached Demi-God’s fantasy. The elves can change a bit of their own strength.

“Put out all your strength and let me see the power of the phantom spirit.”

He said lightly to Portia.

On the other side, Portia looked at the mountain-like giant dragon, and then looked at her body, which was only a few dozen meters, and her complexion darkened.

Under Galleon’s gaze, this ‘Time Dragon’ brewed for a while, and then spit out a Dragon Breath at Galleon.

The low-temperature cold wind of ice blue and countless ice crystals formed the frost Dragon Breath, which almost froze the sky and stretched to the kilometer-level giant dragon.

Galleon shook his head slightly.

He didn’t dodge, let his body be washed away by the frost Dragon Breath.

Under the ferocious Dragon Breath of frost, approaching Demi-God formidable power, the silver giant dragon was unscathed, and even showed a look of enjoyment from the familiar cold sensation.

Portia was stunned for a while, expressing incomprehension to the frost Dragon Breath she spit out.

This is clearly the breath of White Dragon.

He has transformed the White Dragon and knows what the White Dragon’s breath is like.

Meanwhile, Portia realizes that his true Transformation Technique seems completely ineffective against Time Dragon.

“insect is just an insect, it’s really boring.”

Galleon can encounter some twists and turns, but now he looks the same as himself, but only has the ability of White Dragon ‘Time’ Dragon’ is rather boring.


I saw the giant dragon of Portia time is limited, and spit out the breath of plundering time.

The invisible and intangible Dragon Breath is like a waterfall, passing through the gap previously torn by the breath of Time Shatter, accurately engulfing the fake Time Dragon dozens of meters long.


This high-level illusion elf who has lived for thousands of years has changed back to its original appearance in the violent body tremor.

He watched in horror as his fair and delicate skin decayed, hairs fell out, and his teeth turned yellow. With dry bones.

With Galleon’s current size, the Dragon Breath he spit out was like a river pouring out from the sky.

After just one bite of plundering the breath of time to easily kill the phantom elf with a biological level of 38, the aftermath continued to sweep across the elf station.

The earth is cracking, ancient trees are decaying, rivers are drying up. The environment exposed to the plundering breath of time seems to have passed baptism for a long time, and at the same time, countless elves, like Portia, have changed. It became a dead bone, and even when it was blown by the wind, it directly turned into fly ash and disappeared, as if it had been dead for countless years.

The same as Demi-God, even the existence of higher biological level than Galleon, will be suppressed by him in the main material world.

This isn’t even Demi-God’s elf, and he can’t resist even a single blow.


The giant deified Galleon once again used the Great Desolate Dragon Fall, descended from the sky, and completely defeated the Mysterious Lock Realm with a violent attitude, and then covered the heavens, shielding the sun The body crossed the sky, washed the ground with Dragon Breath, It didn’t take long for a Power of Dragon to wipe this elf station that had been standing for several years from the surface.

The True Dragons who were watching this scene witnessed the crushing might of the Lord of the Dragon Court, each with a look of admiration and admiration, roaring and roaring in excitement.

Galleon’s eyes moved slightly, and he found that the threads of his faith began to increase one by one.

“For the Dragon Clan who worship power, this way of showing supernatural power directly to them is really effective.”

Galleon thought with satisfaction.

“Your strength is truly breathtaking.”

“This phantom elf, who has been in a stalemate with me for several years, has no room for resistance in front of you.”

The little Carroll waved her dragon wings and flew over, saying.

After seeing Galleon casually kill Portia with her own eyes, Carol has a new understanding of the strength of the Lord of the Dragon Court, and is even more in awe. Heard it, never saw it with my own eyes, it’s completely different from the shock I received at this time.

“You defeat all the elves of this planet as soon as possible, and then go to the Dragon Court to help the rest of the War Zone.”

Galleon said to Carroll.

“I see.”

“Without Portia, the rest of the elves can’t stop me.”

Carol said softly.

Afterwards, Galleon stayed in the planet Earl for a short time, and after restoring his magic and time power to the Peak posture, he bid farewell to Carroll, taking the world coordinates given by the Dragon Mother as the The anchor point, went to the main material world where the first-generation Ferrite Dragon King was located.

When Galleon stepped out of the plane of Transmission Gate, the scene in his eyes changed drastically.

The azure ocean replaces the endless hot sand.

The fishy sea breeze assumes the senses.

Galleon is located between the floating clouds in the sky, his eyes swept across the ocean below, and he finds that this world is just like what the Dragon Mother said, there is no elemental energy in the air.

But until Galleon runs out of his magic, he needn’t worry about it.

Even if there is no magic power, in this world without elemental energy, if he needs to use magic power, he also has a way to obtain magic power, but it is just a little more troublesome.

Generally speaking, a sorcerer who often travels on planes, and above a high level, has the means to obtain magic power without elemental energy.

Galleon certainly has some.

For example, the necromantic life refining technique can drain the life force of animals and plants, and refining it into magic power, which is quite evil, but it is the best use in a magic-free world.

“There is a certain deviation in the plane transmission.”

The Sea Territory that Galleon arrived at is still a certain distance from the location of the first-generation Ferrite Dragon King.

Just when Galleon wanted to follow the coordinates of the first-generation Iron Dragon King, suddenly, a feeling of being peeped arose.

He frowned and raised his head.

The giant dragon’s gaze penetrated through the clouds, tens of thousands of meters away, and landed on a precision machine made of metal.

At the same time, Galleon was slightly taken aback as he looked at the familiar structure of the machine.

“This is, a satellite?”

“This isn’t Earth, is it.”

Galleon’s heart skipped a beat, and his eyes became odd.

He again looked towards the moon orbiting the planet and found an emblem on its metal surface.

It’s red and white, and it’s marked with a white pentagram and blue box.


“The satellite of the Lighthouse Kingdom.”

When he saw the pattern, Galleon was sure that this was indeed his alien soul birthplace.

At this time, Galleon remembered that what he had imagined when he was weak may one day be able to return to the familiar planet to manifest himself in the form of a giant dragon.

At the beginning, I just thought about it casually, but I didn’t think about really working hard for it. After all, there are countless main material worlds. In the absence of coordinates, trying to find a specific main material world is like looking for a needle in a haystack. .

For example, the whole nation of Imaskar’s Second Empire has not been able to find Faerun.

But Galleon didn’t expect that he would unexpectedly return to this planet in this way.

But to be honest, Galleon has no attachment to this place. Before he became a giant dragon, he was alone, and after reincarnating into a dragon, he has spent nearly a hundred years in different timelines. , The scenery I have seen and the things I have experienced are far from comparable here.

Actually, Galleon doesn’t want to bother this world.

If he had known that he would come here, he would have disguised his body, came quietly, and walked quietly.

But now Galleon knows he’s been spotted.

In a world with gods, all mortals know that it is best not to look directly at a god.

The same is true for Divine Force-like creatures.

Because of such a powerful existence, I can perceive all the prying eyes.

Galleon can’t help but frowned, feeling the increasing prying gazes from the satellites.

He raised his head, his dignified and indifferent eyes seemed to directly see some of the monitoring personnel who were passing through the satellite images and looked at him in shock.


The giant dragon opened its mouth and aimed at the moon beyond the sky.

The sharp breath of frost pierced through the space and went upstream, leaving a frosty curtain in the sky, destroying all the satellites that had found their tracks, turning them into floating objects. Metal remains.

“Even if they found me, after this warning, they shouldn’t be thinking about taking the initiative to trouble me.”

Galleon showed his strength and then performed the Invisibility Technique , and galloped away following the position of the first-generation Iron Dragon King.

At the same time, a country’s space satellite measurement and control agency exploded like boiling water.

(End of this chapter)

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