Control the Dragon of Time

Chapter 308


Chapter 308 Yuna of no one dares provoke

“This is probably a Divine Item.”

Galleon thought, rubbing the cuticle of his chin lightly.

Between the sharp claw of the giant dragon, there is a longbow imprinted with traces of leaf texture pattern, which is also sealed by time amber, motionless, like a fine art.

“The Sage of Soronor couldn’t even bruise me without this bow.”

The Sage is an Avatar after all, not a god.

As a Demi-God, Galleon, if he becomes a god with the extraordinary Divine Force, is actually a True God.

Demi-God is also True God.

Avatar is unable to withstand a single blow against True God.

If the true Demi-God of the elven pantheon is willing to risk his fall and come to fight Galleon, he will be serious.

“Giving the Divine Item to Avatar, the saint, is quite courageous.”

Even through the time amber, Galleon can feel the edge of the moon scorpion’s diving bow.

This is a very powerful Divine Item. When he has free time, Galleon will tune it well. If he can turn it into his own weapon, it is best, otherwise , it can only be sealed in time amber as a collection.

“Galleon, I knew you wouldn’t die.”

Afterwards, the giant dragons cleared the smoke-filled battlefield, Immemorial Silver Dragon Nehemiah landed on Galleon’s body aside, said.

“In six years, your strength at this time has reached a level that I can’t match.”

Nehemiah looked at the gigantic figure with amazed eyes. The silver giant dragon.

In the battlefield of Kara planet, the gods and saints have been coming for more than three years. Because of the lack of the existence of the same level, under the offensive of the gods and saints, the Dragon Clan in the Kara planet will be defeated steadily. , the territory originally all over the planet was occupied by the elves.

But just now.

The returned Lord of the Dragon Court, with his unrivaled strength, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, captured the invincible gods and saints of the planet Kara, and slaughtered a Divine Force with ease. Avatar.

Galleon’s stalwart silhouette is like a dragon god, deeply imprinted in the minds of every True Dragon who has witnessed his giant posture.

Even if it doesn’t use the size of the giant god, it is far larger than the ordinary Legendary giant dragon.

Compared with the Galleon, the ordinary Legendary giant dragon with a length of more than 30 meters is like a small beast that is harmless to humans and animals.

Galleon is now more than 60 meters in size, more than 20 meters longer than the Immemorial Silver Dragon of Nehemiah, and in the classification of dragons, more than 40 meters is super giant.

There are no other distinct body types above this.

If the body length of ten meters is used as a stage, Galleon strictly speaking should be regarded as a super super giant dragon, and it is even more indescribable when using giant deification.

“You guys have worked hard during my absence.”

Galleon looked towards Immemorial Silver Dragon, not holding on to his current status and strength, said.

“As Legendary, charge against Demi-God.”

“I see the courage of your fierce and unafraid of death.”

“You are the true heroes of Dragon Clan.”

Immorial Silver Dragon had a visible smile on his face after hearing Galleon’s words.

“I heard that you were drawn into a vortex of time and space more dangerous than space turbulence.”

“What happened after that?”

“For you I’m not really surprised by the increase in the strength of Galleon, but how did your scales become golden?”

Nehemiah looked at Galleon’s golden scales with a curiosity. asked in a tone of voice.

Galleon thought for a while, then said slowly: “I accidentally entered a primordial world of the main material, and I came back after recovering from my injuries and progressing in strength.”

“As for this dragon scale, it’s just a piece of equipment.”

Saying that, Galleon took off Imaskar’s holy robe, and the surface of his body glowed like a golden liquid, and in the rays of light After being restrained, his scales returned to the appearance of silver light.

Nehemiah laughed a few times after seeing Galleon change from ‘Golden Dragon’ to ‘Silver Dragon’.

“Silver’s dragon scales look better.”

As a Silver Dragon, Nehemiah certainly wants to see the appearance of the Lord of the Dragon Court more than his own dragon species. like some.

“What happened to Yuna and Salia?”

Galleon said, looking all around, looking at the devastated scenery.

The battle was in his original territory, and Galleon recognized it through the dragon’s strong memory and the few remaining familiar terrain.

In the north of his field of vision, there are also several icebergs created by the White Dragon Mother and a group of winter wolves.

However, Galleon didn’t notice the scent belonging to the White Dragon Mother, the Force Dragon girls were also not in the vicinity, and Tom’s little White Dragons were also not within Galleon’s perception range.

Galleon isn’t worried about Yuna.

As a Force Dragon, Yuna has the deep and unmeasurable protection of the ancient Force Dragon, but the White Dragon Mother is too weak, just like the war that just ended, with the strength of an adult White Dragon, it is basically equivalent to Cannon fodder, it depends on luck if you survive.

“Yona is on the southern battlefield.”

“The elven gods have avoided her.”

“As for your mother and siblings, at this time He was placed in the half-plane of Dragon Court.”

He never actively publicized the relationship between the White Dragon Mother and Galleon, but he never deliberately concealed it, so True Dragon, who has some knowledge of Galleon, is basically Know that the White Dragon Mother is connected to Galleon’s bloodline.

After the war with the elves.

The guardian giant dragon of the Dragon Court came to Kara planet and took away the White Dragon Mother.

“The elf god deliberately avoided Yuna?”

“What’s going on.”

Galleon asked in a relieved mood.

Nehemiah said with a reminiscence on his face, “After you left, Force Dragon Yuna, who is also a Legendary dragon, became the most powerful True Dragon in the Kara planet.”

“It’s different from the seclusion until now.”

“Whereabouts unknown because you were attacked by elves, after learning that secret mastermind is an elves, Yuna by The strength of oneself, the first Legendary creatures from Elf Race who came to the Kara planet will not be left behind.”

It seems to recall the tyrannical side of the Force Dragon girl when she vented her anger. Nehemiah of Immemorial Silver Dragon showed a lingering expression on his face.

“At the very beginning, there were two elf gods who led the elves to attack the planet Kara, the god of bows and arrows, Soronor, and the god of sea spirits, Sesela.”

It goes on: “Such a powerful True Dragon has caught the attention of the Sea Elf God.”

The Sea Elf God, like Soronor rank, is a medium Divine Force with a marine domain the priesthood.

“The Holy Spirit of the Sea Spirit has come and wants to kill Yuna.”

“However, just when Yuna showed her defeat, she once defeated the original sun god. Avatar’s Immemorial Force Dragon has come and killed the holy one of the sea elves.”

paused, Nehemiah looked at Galleon and said: “Two years ago, the kingdom of the sea elves gods Being attacked, this medium Divine Force deity was pierced through his chest by his own Divine Item, Deep Sea Trident. Although he did not die, he will no longer have battle strength for a long time to come.”

In During the war, the intelligence information between the elves and the dragons was very fast.

The changes in the elf pantheon were soon known by Dragon Clan.

The god of sea elves did not reveal what creatures he was seriously injured by in the kingdom of God, but thinking of the unfathomable legendary dragon species, many forces speculated that the Force Dragon, a powerful Divine Force, would take revenge.

If it weren’t for the timely support of other elf gods, the sea elf god might have died in his own kingdom.

“After that, there will be no elven gods to take care of Yuna.”

Nehemiah finished the whole sequence of events.

‘so that’s how it is.”

Galleon looked thoughtful, slightly nodding.

From the attitude of the dragon gods towards him, he already had a vague guess at this time.

Dragon Clan’s Legendary dragon species, perhaps basically like Force Dragon, doesn’t care much about ordinary Dragon Clan, and thinks that ordinary Dragon Clan’s life and death have nothing to do with itself.

Even in the war that affected almost the entire Dragon Clan, the Divine Force class in Force Dragon didn’t show up.

Only after the juniors in the tribe were attacked, did he show his strength and temper to the elven gods, and clearly threatened the elven gods not to provoke their juniors.

The Force Dragon family has a high probability of having a powerful Divine Force-like individual.

Galleon remembers Yuna saying that there was a ancestor in the Force Dragon family who saw the head of the divine dragon but not its tail.

For now, the growth rate of Force Dragon is not as fast as that of Galleon, who is Time Dragon, but Galleon knows that its upper limit is also unpredictable, and the rainbow dragon he has never met is estimated to be too.

“In the southern hemisphere, there are a large number of planes of Transmission Gate and array arranged by the elf kingdom.”

“It is also the main battlefield of the Kara planet.”

“The magical ship covering the heavens, shielding the sun enters the Kara planet with continuous forces, and Yuna is currently fighting the elves in the southern hemisphere,” said Nehemiah.

After listening to this, Galleon’s eyes became sharp, and he said, “Kara planet is a world that belongs to dragons, and there is no place for elves here.”

The Elves and Dragons The war between them spanned countless prime material worlds.

The Kara planet is a particularly important one.

For the rest of the main material world, Galleon will leave it alone.

He decided to win the Kara planet first, defeat the elves who invaded this world, and then go to support the rest of the main material world, and even go to the outer plane to fight side by side with the Dragon God.

The silver giant dragon slightly closed his eyes.

Immediately, among the six dragon horns with crown-like crowns, a pair of central dragon horns glowed brightly.


A message spread instantly through the Deed of Dragon Court and spread to many main material worlds.

The message is simple.

Galleon tells the Legendary giant dragons belonging to Dragon Court that he is back, and as soon as he shows up, he celebrates his return by capturing a divine saint alive and killing an avatar of the Divine Force.

at the same time.

The dragon garden giant dragons located in different main material worlds are slightly startled at first, and then their morale skyrockets.

The Lord of the Dragon Court was attacked and disappeared for six years, and the news of his return as Demi-God spread quickly.

Galleon opened his eyes after news of the giant dragon.

There was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Because Galleon has just discovered that the Legendary giant dragon who signed the Deed of Dragon Court has reached nearly ten thousand in each main material world.

These are Legendary creatures, not Chinese cabbage.

In Dragon Clan, Legendary level dragons are relatively rare. Except for the first few dragon species, most of them need Ancient Dragon or above to become Legendary.

When Galleon entered the Valoran continent, Dragon Court had just been established, and the total number was in the hundreds.

In just six years, the size of the Dragon Court has expanded dozens of times.

This change was unexpected by Galleon.

He thought that after he didn’t know his life or death, the development of Longting would be stagnant, but he didn’t expect it to develop to such a scale.

Afterwards, Galleon got the answer from Nehemiah.

This war was the largest war in the history of Dragon Clan after the Dragonfall War.

Enemies are not weak.

But the worst thing is that Dragon Clan is almost a piece of sand compared to the Elf Kingdom. In the Early-Stage of the war, because of the characters of True Dragons who are arrogant and not easy to cooperate with, it can be said that they have suffered blood loss. .

Even the most united and friendly metal dragon inside, because of the arrogant character hidden in his heart, often loses the battle situation.

Being defeated many times by the Elf Race that I despised.

This has awakened many True Dragons who were still living in the dream of the ruler of the multiverse until now.

Then, with the passage of time, under the conscious or unintentional guidance of the dragon gods, and tempered by blood and fire, Dragon Clan gradually became more united in the furnace forged by the fire of war.

Fighting side by side is the easiest way to breed true friendship between life and death.

Dragon Court has become a high-level organization dominated by Legendary giant dragons, led by the Immemorial Council of Dragon Court, mobilizing giant dragons belonging to different main material worlds to fight against the strict and orderly elf army.

After that, Dragon Clan gradually occupied a slight advantage in most of the main material worlds.

Dragon Clan’s overall strength is still stronger than that of the elves.

It’s just that Kara planet is at an obvious disadvantage because of the special care of the elf gods and the insufficient number of dragon gods.

“That’s a good thing.”

Galleon nods to Nehemiah.

Dragon Clan currently has the upper hand. However, six years are just the beginning of a full-scale war between the two Overlord level forces, and the future direction is still unknown.

If it lasts for a long time and spreads to a wider range, it is estimated that the rest of the gods will not be able to survive alone.

“Nehemiah, you stay here and continue to be in charge of the battlefield here.”

Galleon looked into the distance and said, “I’m going to the main battlefield in the southern hemisphere. , first defeat the main force of the elves.”

Even the saint Avatar and Galleon of the powerful Divine Force dared to fight against one, and had high confidence in defeating the opponent. At this time, the powerful Divine of the elves god system Force, where is the free time to gather Saint Avatar to deal with him?

If the Divine Sage of the medium Divine Force resists Galleon’s ferocity, he will be defeated by his thunder like the Soronor Sage before him.

In the main material world, Galleon is currently the invincible giant beast.

A burst of magic power, with the coordinates informed by Nehemiah as the anchor point, constructed a super-long-distance Spatial Teleportation gate under Galleon’s control.

Immediately, under the admiration of many True Dragons, the majestic silver giant dragon stepped into the Transmission Gate.

I am addicted to eating melons today and forgot to code…

I will add more tomorrow to celebrate.

(End of this chapter)

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