Control the Dragon of Time

Chapter 304


Chapter 304 Don’t Live!

Somewhere in the endless ocean of cyan, thousands of meters below the surface.

In such a deep sea area, the thick water layer completely blocks the light from the sun, and in the icy dark Sea Territory, only some strange translucent fish are emitting faint fluorescence.

Under the faint fluorescent light.

And in the rough seabed, full of strange stones, a huge silhouette of green can be vaguely seen.

After this period of cultivation, Naga Kapoulos’ condition has improved a lot. In fact, it can leave the deep sea and try to hunt and enslave wild beast again.

The reason for the delay.

The reason why Naga Kapooros was still dormant under the deep sea after her injury improved was because she was cautious.

It also knows what other Demi-Gods are afraid of.

After fighting an enemy like himself, the opponent will definitely not miss a rare opportunity to kill it.

So Naga Kapooros hid with the help of the wide and deep ocean.

Strong tentacles were spread on the seabed, and the seabed with great pressure was swept by, motionless like a sculpture. At this time, the dormant Naga Kaporos seemed to have become invisible. dead thing of life.

“Stupid Demi-Gods, you think you can kill me?”

“Find a way to find me first.”

Naga Kapo Rose is very satisfied with her method of restraining her breath, and combined with the vastness of the deep sea, she feels very safe.


Not long after.

Naga Kapooros, who was dormant, suddenly noticed the unusual fluctuation of the sea water.


It appears that some large creature has entered the ocean.

As a big Sea Beast that lives in the ocean all the year round, it is very sensitive to the slightest fluctuations of ocean currents. It does not need to use eyes, just through the vibration of sea water, it can outline creatures from a long distance body contour.

Following the subtle fluctuations of the sea water, Naga Kapooros noticed the shape of the person who came.

First a dragon with wings, then a giant bear with stout limbs, Naga Kapooros sighed inwardly.

“How did you find out I’m here?”

After the other party entered the ocean, he walked between the sea water and moved towards his position, which made Naga Kapo Rose became nervous. Obviously, the other party knew where it was hiding.

Without hesitation.

Nagakaporos moved.

The tentacles release a powerful force, swinging like a windmill in the sea, creating a powerful driving force, like a vortex boost, making the body of the big Sea Beast like a rocket , lasing out.

The other side.

The silver giant dragon, which had just entered the water, immediately discovered the position change of Naga Kaporos through the time stamp.

“It’s too late to run now.”

Galleon shook his head slightly, not in a hurry.

In addition to several land Demi-Gods, the seal nuns and a marine Demi-God like a sea spider are now involved in the siege of Naga Kapooros, who were found by the seal nuns helper.

And so on.

A total of eight Demi-Gods have set up an inescapable net centered on Naga Capolos’ hiding place in advance. No matter which direction it escapes, Demi-God will block it.

Nagacaporos is powerful, but after losing the enslaved wild beast.

It is not easy to get rid of the entanglement of Demi-God at the same level one-on-one.

Just half a minute later.

In the depths of the Sea Territory in the east of Demi-God such as Galleon and Volibear, a turbulent undercurrent suddenly broke out one after another, the battle of the Demi-God creatures in the seabed, It caused waves of waves to rise up in the otherwise calm sea, and there were many dangerous ocean eddies that were visible to the naked eye.

bang bang bang!

Several green tentacles nearly a kilometer long broke through the sea and soared into the sky, stirring like a giant sea python with tons of seawater , like a waterspout connecting the sea to the sky.

The silhouette of Naga Kapolos pays the sea.

At the same time.

A giant azure giant wolf with a body length of more than 700 meters burst out of the water at the same time.

The giant wolf roar towards the sky, and the sharp hurricane suddenly erupted, like a steel knife scraping on Naga Kapooros’ body, leaving behind on its smooth and greasy body surface. Countless lingering wounds were made.

Not waiting for Naga Kabolos to regenerate from her injuries.

The endless sea water condenses into a network, and the extremely compressed sea water is like an invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable chain of heavy water, hiding the sky and covering the earth, moved towards Naga Kaporos, bound away .

The slender and vigorous sea spiders step on the sea surface and pull huge webs.

Under a series of blows, Naga Kapooros was restrained in place for a while.

It struggles desperately to get rid of the entanglement of the two Demi-Gods.

But after a short period of time, the other six Demi-Gods from other directions came one by one and appeared in Naga Kaporos’ field of vision. At the time of the eight Demi-Gods, Naga Kapooros tensed inwardly and showed despair on her face.

Don’t talk about now.

Even if it’s at its best, revive all the enslaved wild beasts, it’s not a match for eight Demi-Gods.

Next, the Divine Force-like attacks with different attributes, such as Rolling Thunder Storm, Winter Ice Crystal, Scorching First Fire, etc., fell on Naga Kaporos, hitting it one after another.

Sea Territory centered on Naga Kapooros.

At this time, because of the attacks of the Demi-Gods, it turned into a forbidden area of death that resembled Divine Force. Willing to get involved.


Nagacapoulos gave it a go, breaking the shackles of oppression with all her Divine Force.

The broken body escaped with a gleaming green light, very fast.

Seeing this, the silver giant dragon, which was soaring in the sky, narrowed its eyes and took out the world rune.


“You want the world rune, try its power first.”

Magic infused into it , the blue light sphere re-expanded and appeared.

This time Galleon did not inject the same huge amount of magic power as last time, plus the intimacy with the world rune is higher, and it can be controlled by a greater degree of influence.

spirit strength locked Naga Kapooros.

The surface of blue’s orb of light flickered in arcs.

Stab it!

The blue arc light flashed away.

In an instant, Naga Kapooros, who was already far away from several dozen li, let out a whimper, and a wound of torn skin and gaping flesh appeared on the forehead of her body, and faintly wriggling brain tissue was visible. .

Not waiting for Naga Kapooros to come back to his senses, thousands of arcs were interwoven into a net, and one after another fell on it.

Some of the aftermath of the arc swept across the ocean, and the turbulent magic force directly tore a huge gap in the sea, and countless seawater evaporated and disappeared, and the seabed that was also torn apart could almost be seen on the shallower seabed. The ground, but at the same time more sea water poured from the surrounding, filling the gap torn in the world rune.

“Can you control the world rune?”

The seal nun looked at Naga Kapooros, who was shrouded in rune power, her expression was amazed, and her moist eyes turned to look. towards Galleon.

Galleon nodded slightly.

As time went by, Naga Kapooros struggled less and less.

When the world rune calmed down again, a horrific corpse, whose original appearance could hardly be seen, surfaced.

The destructive power of world rune is really high.

A Demi-God creature can’t be bothered to be hit by the arc of magic it unleashes, plus it’s been battered by all of the Demi-God’s attacks before, so Naga Kapooros He died under the power of the world rune he wanted.

Galleon waved his dragon wings and approached the corpse of Naga Kaporos.


He exhaled the breath of Time Shatter, and an inch of shroud swept over the corpse of Naga Kapooros.

Connected to the surrounding seawater, Naga Kapooros’ corpse turned into nothingness in the breath of Time Shatter, like a stick figure that was erased from the blackboard, and failed to leave behind The slightest trace.

After doing all this, Galleon unleashed substantial spirit strength, sweeping the surrounding Sea Territory.

After probing back and forth for the half-rate, Galleon found nothing out of the ordinary, so he withdrew his spirit strength.

Immediately, he looked at the seal nun and said, “Nagakapooros is dead, you don’t need to worry about your own safety any more.”

The seal nun who is worried all day long You can breathe a sigh of relief later.

The seal nun smiled and said, “I’m grateful for your willingness to lend a helping hand.”

“Nagakapooros is an ambitious Demi-God, Its death is a good thing for the sea.”

Even without the world rune, Naga Kapooros has a bad reputation.

At this time, Aoun, who was standing in the air in a cloud of fire, said to the seal nun: “Sister, the sea channel you brought in is very useful.”

Seal The nun nodded lightly and said gently with a smile: “You can come to the ocean to find me if you still need my help in the future.”

The dust has settled.

After a while of talking, the seal nun and the sea spider disappeared to the depths of the boundless ocean, while the terrestrial Demi-God such as Galleon left the ocean and returned to the continent.

Time is passing slowly.

In the cool sea breeze, the sun sank, like a black velvet cloth, the night banned the bright sky, the clear sea reflected the stars and the bright moon, which together constituted a magnificent Sea and sky view.

The sea was rippling slightly.

A light green brilliance gathered between the ripples, and a miniature octopus slowly emerged.

The small octopus is only a few inches in size. It is transparent and has no flesh and blood. Its body looks like a green jelly. It is surging with the waves of the sea, and it seems that it is weak. The waves beat.

The body was smashed, and Soul Power was like Naga Kapooros, who was fiercely looking towards the direction where you Demi-God left.

“You wait for me!”

“I, Naga Kapooros, will be back.”

A wave surged, sending the clamoring Octopus slapped under the sea.

Once upon a time, the overlord of the ocean, the mighty big Sea Beast, has now turned several somersaults in the waves to stabilize his small body.

Nagacaporos has never felt so weak.

Although it desperately wants revenge, it also knows that this is tantamount to a fantasy story for it now. It is seriously injured to such an extent that it may take thousands of years to restore its former style. , and even dying in a corner that no one knows about is not necessarily true.

Thinking about it, Naga Kapooros revealed a very ruthless look on her face.

“If I can’t live, then don’t live!”

The cute and fierce octopus escaped into the deep sea, controlling some weak fish and shrimp along the way, slowly Dive into a dark deep sea crack.

This is where the seal nuns get the world rune.

world rune unleashed its mighty power for the first time, capsized the sea, pierced the seabed, and left this deep seabed crack.

When Naga Kapooros came with great momentum, the world rune had been taken away by the seal nun, so how did it know the existence of the world rune?

In a few hours.

The octopus stopped before a crack in the plane emitting a faint purple light.

This crack, located in the depths of the sea torn by the world rune, has been slowly healing due to the self-healing ability of the material world.


The octopus murmured in a low voice, circling outside the purple crack, hesitating.

It has communicated with the existence behind the crack of the plane, and learned about the terrifying power of a scale and a half claw called the Void, which made Naga Kaporos, who is Demi-God, have a deep fear in his heart, Realize your own insignificance.

The Nether is very close to the Valoran continent.

The power of the world rune burst through the barrier between the planes, connecting the two worlds, exposing the Valoran continent to the eyes of the void.

The hungry void wants to devour this world and use it as a springboard to erode the rest of the world of prime matter.

When touching the Void, the unknown being in the Void promised Naga Kaporos to give the Void the world rune, and the Void would give back its unimaginable power.

But Naga Kapooros knew the danger of the other party and did not agree.

But now, the cornered Naga Kapooros is already not in danger.

It does not have a world rune, but it has the identity of the Desolate God native to the Valoran continent.

“Give me the power of the void.”

“I will serve as the tentacles of your minions, open the passage that can accommodate the void, and hand this world into your hands.”


After a moment of hesitation, Naga Kapooros approached the void crack, said solemnly.

No response.

The time passed slowly in the silent and dark.

But just when Naga Kapooros looked disappointed and was about to leave.

The void crack vibrated suddenly.

A deep purple light, like mercury pouring down the ground, extended from the void crack and swept over Naga Capolos’ body, turning it into a deep purple octopus.


The endless hunger, the terrifying desire to devour everything, swept in like a tide, flooding the soul of Naga Kapooros, engulfing its will.

After passing the deep purple light, this void crack in the deep sea seems to have exhausted the last trace of strength, slowly closing, and disappeared.

Purple octopus leaves the seabed.

Driven by a strong desire to devour, it uses its Soul Power to hunt common fish in the sea.

Demi-God creatures are extremely weak and easy to deal with ordinary fish.

The hordes of sea fish were controlled by Naga Kapooros and turned into blood mists, which were absorbed by it, and the seriously injured body that should have been recovered for thousands of years, but the breath was in the form of blood mist. The speed increase visible to the naked eye is returning.

It seems that the creatures swallowed by it, without any loss, are all turned into its power.

However, although Naga Kapooros’ breath is recovering quickly, its eyes seem to have lost the luster of wisdom, leaving only endless hunger and thirst. Action is simply driven by instinct and void will.

(End of this chapter)

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