Control the Dragon of Time

Chapter 302


Chapter 302 rune power (seeking a monthly pass)

“It turned out to be Naga Kapooros.”

Forge Fortress, after listening to Galleon and Volibear’s account of the operation, Ornn put down the hammer in his hand, and bowed slightly.

“I’ve dealt with it a long time ago.”

“This is indeed a very powerful Demi-God.”

Lianna A powerful Demi-God like Jacaboulos, whose reputation is generally spread widely in the Demi-God circle, Aoun also knows the existence of Nagacaboulos.

“Brother, since you have taken on such a powerful enemy.”

“We plan to join forces to get rid of it later.”

“The fourth brother has The method can track the location of Naga Kapooros, and after it relaxes its vigilance, we will give it a fatal blow.”

Volibear said coldly.

Ornn nodded, then said to Galleon, “Yes, call me when the time comes too.”

“My flames can strike the Demi-God in the ocean. A good result.”

Ornn is a kind of indifferent character that you don’t mess with me, and I don’t mess with you, but it’s also not a good person, Naga Kaporos’ ability to enslave souls makes Demi-Gods are more afraid, after becoming an enemy, if there is a chance to get rid of it, Ornn will not pretend not to see it.

“Big brother, there are a lot of weak creatures gathered near your forge fortress.”

“Are you protecting them?”

Likewise Anivia who came to the fortress said.

Aoun was subconsciously shook the head first, but thinking of the faith and extraordinary Divine Force that Galleon said before, and nodded, said: “They worship my strength and forging skills and came here spontaneously, put this place here. It’s called Furnace Township.”

“I just ignored them and didn’t intend to provide them with any shelter and help.”

paused, Ornn glanced at Galleon and continued to say Anivia said: “But now for their purer faith, I will provide them with shelter in the future.”

Anivia was slightly taken aback.


“What’s the use of that.”

It wondered.

On this land where intelligent creatures were born soon, except for Demi-God, the rest of the creatures were too weak, as if a cold wind was enough to take their lives.

Anivia, out of kindness, voluntarily shelters some of the clansman species in its territory.

Except, it’s the same as the rest of the Demi-God.

This is just driven by one’s own character, not deliberately for the belief of the other party.

Under the condition of not understanding how belief works, the beliefs provided by humans in shelter are actually very weak, and some fanatical worship emotions are not necessarily beliefs, so it is difficult for the believers The extraordinary Divine Force was born.

“Let the fourth brother tell you.”

“I just found out, I don’t know it yet.”

Anivia was curious. His eyes looked towards the silver giant dragon beside him.

Galleon slightly nods to Bingjing, saying the same thing about the power of the extraordinary Divine Force and the relationship between the extraordinary Divine Force and faith Phoenix.

“.That’s about it.”

“Three sisters, the extraordinary Divine Force will be the most important force in the future.”

“In other Demi- When God has not realized the power of faith, you can seize the opportunity, and when they come back to his senses, the best situation is that the earth, sky, and ocean are all filled with your believers.”

“Even if when the time comes the rest of the Demi-God want to fight for faith again, they all add up to no match for our brother.”

The Demi-God who is free from the world will not Mind the increase in your own power.

After listening to Galleon’s words, Anivia nodded heavily and said, “I understand.”

“It seems that I will also gather intelligent creatures to become my followers, We have developed our people.”

Volibear laughtered and said, “I have already thought of the name of the force for us, which is called the Church of the Four Gods.”

“Valloran continent four True God, in the future, only our four brothers are the true gods.”

Volibear and Anivia chatted enthusiastically about their future plans for the Holy See.

At this time, Aoun looked towards Galleon and said, “Fourth brother, can you show me the world rune you got?”

Galleon nods, said with a smile: “Of course.”

With that, he took out the world rune wrapped in amber crystals.

After erasing the time amber, the blue rune appeared in front of several Demi-Gods. When he noticed the surging power in this little rune, Aoun’s facial expression grave up.

It cautiously picked up the world rune and looked at it carefully.

A moment later, Aoun put out a breath and said to Galleon: “Fourth brother, you have to take care of the world rune.”

“It seems to be related to the world we are in. A deep connection, the condensation of magic.”

It handed the world rune to Galleon again.

Galleon sealed it with time amber again and put it into the dimensional space.

paused, Aoun said: “There should be more of the world rune.”

“This blue one is just one of them.”

Aoun The idea is the same as that of the seal nuns.

Galleon nodded and said, “Yes, I think so too.”

Galleon thought so too.

He doesn’t know how many world runes there are in total, but there are definitely not too many, and all of them have powerful effects. If you can gather world runes together, you may not know what kind of power you can get.

However, this rune is too small.

If it wasn’t for the explosive force that caused the big difference, the seal nun couldn’t find a world rune from the sea, and wanted to actively search for the world rune. It’s not like looking for a needle in a haystack.

So Galleon really wants to find other world runes.

But after thinking about it, I gave up this unrealistic idea and decided to let it go. It is best to get other world runes by chance, but if you don’t get it, it’s fine.

After chatting briefly for a while, Anivia left the Forge first.

Because of the knowledge of Faith and the Transcendent Divine Force, it can’t wait to implement the method of restraining Faith.

“Fourth brother, let’s go back too.”

“Big brother is still busy, so don’t bother him.”

Soon after, Wally Bell also said.

Galleon nods, bids farewell to Ornn, and returns with Volibear.

At this time, there is already a Demi-God’s powerful Galleon, who can actually leave the protection of Volibear and build a dragon’s nest to live in.

Galleon has mentioned it to Volibear before.

However, Volibear thinks that Galleon won’t stay in Valoran continent for too long, so while still in this continent, it’s better for brothers to get closer to each other in a lair, so that Galleon can’t leave alone. , let him live in his own Stormhill until he leaves the Valoran continent.

Galleon couldn’t refuse Volibear’s request.

After all, this brother’s kindness to him is really not small.

Galleon opened the Spatial Teleportation door and planned to take Volibear directly back to the Mountain of Storms, but Volibear shook the head and said, “Go back alone first.”

“What’s wrong? Are you going to do something?”

Galleon asked.

Volibear’s face showed a hideous smile, and said: “Of course, I’m not going to besiege Naga Kapooros, I’ll go find a few friends first, when the time comes, let it plug in.

There’s no escape.”

Volibear was angry when Naga Kapooros said that his brothers were waste Demi-God who huddled together for warmth.

This appears to him to be an insult to his brother’s sisterhood.

Therefore, Volibear already had the idea of killing Naga Kapolos.

Galleon nodded and said: “So, then I’ll go back by myself.”

Said, he entered the Transmission Gate and went directly back to the bear cave in Nuoda .

As soon as I came back, the sound of the rumbling storm thunder was endless, one after another, because of the influence of the Volibear-like Divine Force, this high mountain, which has been surrounded by storms all year round, can also be regarded as a special scenery.

Counting the time, Galleon has lived here for over three years.

The sound of thunder, which at first seemed noisy, now made him feel at ease.

In the bear cave covered by the storm, Galleon lay down on the ground with his dragon wings drooping.

At the same time, he took out the world rune.

“What’s the use of this little thing?”

Galleon looked at the world rune and thought to himself.

Listen to what the seal nun said before, the power after its eruption is enough to level the mountains, overturn the ocean, and achieve an effect that ordinary Demi-God can’t match.

Thinking, Galleon unleashes Time Amber.

The faint blue world rune is exposed to the air like this.

It exudes an inexplicable power, evoking the magic in Galleon’s body, causing his magic to surging uncontrollably, like the Great Sea Waves rolling in his body. If Galleon does not control it, his magic is estimated. It will come out of the body and be absorbed into the world rune.

After a short study, Galleon saw it too.

The world rune has nothing to do with the class Divine Force.

It is the condensed product of primordial magic, representing the dangerous and mysterious power of magic in this Savage Wilderness World.

And Galleon is not like most of the Demi-God here.

He can spell, and he also has magic in his body, so he can perceive the powerful power implied by the world rune.

However, Galleon has no idea how to use the world rune.

For such a magical Rare Item, if it can only be sealed as a collection and cannot exert its true power, it would be a pity in Galleon’s view.

Release the sharp claw holding the world rune.

The world rune without restraint is naturally suspended in the air, and the invisible power is like a thread, emanating from its body surface, extending to the depths of the world that cannot be seen by the naked eye.

“How did it come about?”

Galleon stretched out the dragon claw and poked the world rune lightly.

It does nothing.

After thinking about it, Galleon took a deep breath, let go of the control of his own magic power, and let the turbulent magic power in his body move according to the instinctive trend.

Next, as Galleon thought.

The stars are like the magic power of the stars infiltrated from his body, moved towards the world rune suspended in the air, and converged into it.

And over time, the magic is consumed.

Galleon can clearly see that the world rune is getting brighter and brighter, and the attraction to magic is also getting bigger and bigger. After just ten seconds, the attraction from the world rune made Galleon feel it too. A trace of apprehension.

At this time, in his body, the magic power is rushing like a river, and he can’t wait to run all the brains into the world rune.

With a thought, the restless magic is locked in the body and no longer overflows.

Galleon stares at the world rune.

The world rune, which has absorbed nearly 30% of his magic power, is already like a little blue sun at this time. The blue and faint light of the rune even penetrates the cave and dyes the storms outside. On a layer of blue.

Galleon doesn’t think it’s all his magic to make it work this way.

Magic is more like Catalyst, just activating the power that the world rune already has.

Buzz!Buzz!Buzz! The .world rune kept shaking.

one after another Dangerous aura gradually emanates from the world rune.

At this time, it is the best choice to seal it with the time amber seal.

But Galleon didn’t do that.

The spirit of inquiry derived from the sorcerer makes him want to know what will happen to this world rune next.

Drawing out a lot of Galleon’s magic, Galleon now feels a faintly discernable connection to the world rune, as if it could influence it to some extent.

Thinking, Galleon’s face is serious and his thoughts move.

In an instant.

A ring of blue light emanates from the world rune, sweeping in all directions in the blink of an eye,

and then under Galleon’s watchful gaze.

Where the brilliance passed by, a layer of delicate grass and flowers quickly spread on the bare cave floor, and vines climbed the walls all around.

Outside the cave.

As the snow melted and the temperature rose, countless grasses, flowers, vines, and large trees filled Life Aura’s plants, covering an area of more than a hundred miles around Storm Mountain.

In the blink of an eye, this place has changed a lot.


silver giant dragon put away the world rune, and rushed out of the cave with its vibrating wings, and came to the sky.

Galleon’s face was full of shock as his eyes swept across the surrounding ground inch by inch.

Because of the melting pot, the Mountain of Storms has also been shrouded in ice and snow for a long time, but at this time, the original polar appearance seems to be just an illusion.

Even the snow-capped mountains are full of flowers at this time, and the mountains are covered with bright colors.

Sniffing the faint fragrance in the air, Galleon took a deep breath, calmed down, looked towards between his dragon claw again, a little darker, but still very bright world rune.

The cold and barren land becomes full of life and flowers in an instant.

And also affecting such a large area.

Galleon has a hunch that the ability of this world rune is stronger than he imagined.

“In that case, let me see your limits.”

“If you want magic, then I will be as you want.”

silver giant The dragon’s body hovered and rose to an altitude of several thousand meters.

Like a galaxy of stars, the magic light spot surging, left the Galleon’s body, merged into a river, and continuously injected into the world rune.

And the world rune is getting brighter.

Galleon’s eyes are solemn, and he continues to radiate magic.

It wasn’t until about 80% of the magic power was injected that he stopped his movements.

The world rune at this time has expanded into a blue ball of light with a diameter of about ten meters. The blue electric arcs flicker and dance on its surface, and the dazzling light turns the sky into a With its faint blue color, the reflected Galleon seems to have become a ‘blue dragon’.

Last time, when the world rune made the cold winter land come alive, Galleon’s order was very casual, that is, let the world rune unleash its own power.

This time, Galleon’s thinking is more accurate.

(End of this chapter)

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