Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 892: Rescue Messenger Vodka monthly pass (`)

Chapter 892 Rescue Messenger Vodka Asking for a Monthly Pass (`)

Thinking that things might fail, Vodka suddenly felt regretful in his heart.

In order to make things develop in the direction he wanted to see, Vodka instinctively entered the thinking mode of organizational cadres: I thought that if this is the case, then I might be able to provide a little help to the agent…

After making this decision.

before action.

Vodka detected his behavior of “making a decision”, and habitually examined his choice from the “Uzo perspective” in accordance with the course of action he had set for himself before.

After a second, he was taken aback.

—If he did, he would be an accomplice! Anyone who leaves a little trace is likely to be arrested or wanted by the police immediately!

Vodka: “…” Just because of that greeting card, after a little slack, it almost…

Cunning Uzo, he recorded this!

Vodka has added another serious stroke to the vengeance book in vodka’s heart.

“…” Although he didn’t know what was the use of memorizing this, in short, I wrote it down first… Even if I can’t get revenge, at least I can observe the rules that Uzo has set on him, and in the future, he will be able to avoid everything more easily and skillfully. possible death outcome.

At the same time, vodka stopped looking at Kenzaki Shu and Ma Xiong Atsushi. . .

He erased the dangerous thoughts just now, and sat quietly on the sofa, straight and motionless, pretending that he was nailed to the seat by an invisible nail.

—In this chaotic scene, more doing more wrong.

Now that it’s out, it’s too late to regret it. In short, you must be sober and turn a blind eye to the various baits set by Uzzo. Only in this way can we leave safely…

Others fail to notice the complex psychological activities of vodka.

They were also shocked by the manager’s reaction, and looked at the manager who was crying silently in surprise, not knowing what happened for a while.

At this moment, the door clicked—Hoshino Terumi came back after changing her clothes.

She fiddled with the tentacles of the stars above her head uncomfortably, and took a few steps into the living room, only to realize that the atmosphere was a bit strange.

The agent was alarmed by the movement of her entering the door.

He regained his senses, raised his hand and wiped his eyes, and quickly returned to normal:

“Sorry, I’m a bit trachoma, and I was smoked by the oil smoke just now…” He raised his head, looked at the three idols in the living room who had changed into their debut uniforms, cleared his throat, and said nonchalantly, “Everyone is ready. ?”

“Yeah.” The fumes choke… Yoko Kinoshita doesn’t quite believe it.

But the client didn’t want to say more, so she could only nod her head along the other side’s topic, pretending that there was no such thing, and turned to look at the TV.

“Detective Left Text” is playing on TV.

In this episode, Kaoru Kusano and Osamu Kensaki co-starred, which is very memorable for today’s engagement ceremony.

At the same time, Kaoru Kusano hid in the bathroom to take a shower, precisely because he was embarrassed to watch his own play with an acquaintance.

Now, this episode is almost over.

As a busy star, Kaoru Kusano also has a clock in her bathroom, and she knows it too.

That is to say…

“Xiao Kaoru should be out soon.” Kinoshita Yoko said happily, “Let’s start preparing now!”

Kenzaki Osamu was not very interested in what happened next.

He turned his head and glanced at the TV screen, saw his heroic figure, and sighed faintly.

After   , Kensaki Osamu turned to the vodka sitting next to him, and whispered to the “good brother” he just met:

“These guys aren’t watching my drama at all—even though it’s an old drama from a few years ago, it’s still my favorite work, but today, it’s just a tool to take away Xiaoxun… Sigh, sure enough Brothers can be trusted.”

– Kenzaki Osamu remembered that Vodka had been looking at the TV screen for a while, thinking that he was concentrating on appreciating his acting skills.

Beside   , Vodka recalled the cute and cute Kaoru Kusano who played the assistant of Osamu Kensaki on the screen. Thinking of the fact that he was about to become Kenzaki Osamu’s wife, except for Kaoru Kusano, who was cute and a little more mature and sexy, the killing intent surged in his heart, even more so than Gin who was catching an undercover agent.

However, I remembered what Osamu Kenzaki just said.

Vodka couldn’t help but sneer happily in her heart.

He nodded and said meaningfully: “Of course I want to enjoy your drama.”…Until you are in the shadow of Uzo, from a passerby into a corpse prop, and then carried away by the funeral home…

Thinking about the scene at that time, Vodka felt much more comfortable. He even felt that Uzo was a lot more pleasing to the eye.

Counting the time, Kaoru Kusano should be back soon.

Yoko Kinoshita began to distribute fireworks to everyone in the living room.

Vodka took one from her, with a blush of happiness on her face: I was a little reluctant to put it away, I wanted to carry it as a souvenir… Following Uzo, although the burden on the cardiovascular system was a little bigger, now it seems that it is like The kind of game that is extremely difficult and rewarding enough. Every time you pass a level of life and death, there are hidden rewards that make you want to keep going…

As the TV series finished, a group of people in the living room gathered fireworks to the door one after another, intending to surprise Kaoru Kusano when she entered.

However, after waiting for a long time, the corridor was quiet and no one came.

Vodka: “…” I don’t know whether to say it or not, he always has a bad premonition…

“Why haven’t you come yet?” Yoko Kinoshita was puzzled for a moment, and poked Osamu Jianzaki, the “Fiancé of Kaoru Kusano”, “Come and take a look – when Kaoru left just now, she seemed a little angry, maybe she was waiting for us to go. coax her.”

At this time, in fact, they should be urged by the women.

But they all wore the debut uniforms of the Earth Ladies.

If Kaoru Kusano sees it, the carefully prepared “surprise” will go to waste.

And after excluding them, I went to urge a woman who was taking a bath. Of the three remaining men, of course, Osamu Kenzaki, who was his fiancé, was the most suitable.

Jianzaki Osamu was startled, and instinctively wanted to refuse.

But before he spoke, he remembered something and sighed: “Okay. I guess she’s making trouble again… There are so many petty tempers.”

Vodka’s fingers trembled when he heard this intimate tone, and almost smashed the salute in his hand.

He snorted coldly in his heart: This is called Aojiao, one of Miss Ah Xun’s shining points! A **** who doesn’t understand appreciation.

cursed inwardly for a while, Vodka looked at Osamu Kensaki who was walking towards the bathroom, and suddenly froze.

He remembered one of his many speculations just now – “Miss A Xun who is alone will be poisoned, so keep an eye on the other two dog men”.

Vodka: “…”

It was time for Osamu Kensaki to act alone.

The vodka struggled for a moment, and finally caught up with Kenzaki before he entered the corridor leading to the bathroom.

Originally, vodka was trying to find an excuse like “going to the bathroom” and keep an eye on Osamu Kenzaki.

However, halfway through the run, seeing the scene in the corridor, Vodka groaned in his heart.


Thank you for your [monthly pass](づど)

(end of this chapter)

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