Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 890: Uzo\'s excellent wind review asks for a monthly pass

Chapter 890 Uzo’s good reputation

ten minutes ago.

Kaoru Kusano’s apartment.

In the living room, there is a lively scene at this time.

When Kaoru Kusano was taking a bath, the other three idols deliberately turned up the volume of the TV. Under the cover of this noise, they rehearsed for a while to deliver the “surprise” steps.

After counting the time, a few people plan to change clothes.

Looking at the pink and cute debut uniform, the three looked at each other for a moment.

In the end, Yoko Kinoshita, who initiated this plan, was the first to enter the dressing room.

After she came out, the most mature and stable Hoshino Terumi raised her head and glanced at the nearby. . .

found that Jiang Xia hadn’t come back, and she immediately lost the interest in changing clothes.

Hoshino Terumi sighed and looked at Yue Yexue: “You go first.”

“Okay~” Someone took the lead, but Yue Yexue didn’t seem to resist so much.

She glanced at Yoko Kinoshita who was wearing her debut uniform, blinked, and left a comment of “It’s very beautiful, it seems that I went back to a few years ago”.

Then, when Yoko Kinoshita blushed, he went out with his suit.

“Oh, when I think about it, I think this idea is very good, but once I put it on, I’m really ashamed.” Yoko Kinoshita sighed, and found a blank greeting card from the bag that had been prepared for a long time, and started her Another celebration plan of , “It’s boring to wait all the time – let’s each write a blessing to Ah Xun.”

said, maybe he felt that the vodka next to him was quite tense. When Kinoshita Yoko said “everyone”, he even looked at him and smiled kindly.

“!” Vodka’s heart suddenly thumped, and wild boars rammed.

But after a night of discussion, he quickly calmed down and said calmly: “I’m an outsider, Ah Xun…Cough, if Miss Kusano sees it, it will be very strange.”

“How could that be, we have to thank you for coming to help today.” Yoko Kinoshita wrote it herself, and enthusiastically stuffed the pen and greeting card into the vodka’s hands, “and who would think too much blessing? This card is so big, if only a few of us The name of an acquaintance looks empty, it is better to write it with a few more people.”

Vodka met her friendly gaze, and nodded moved: Miss Yoko is an angel, no matter how cute she is, she also sings, dances, film and television, and is so approachable… Sure enough, there is no wrong person!

“…” The only regret is that such a good person gets along so well with Uzo…

Damn Uzo.

The pure happiness in the heart of vodka is gradually entangled with a haze of Uzo flavor.

But speaking of this guy…

Vodka looked at the watch and couldn’t help but wonder.

—What on earth did Uzo go out to do?

And since I saw Uzo in the evening, until now, I really haven’t seen anything related to tomorrow’s assassination plan.

Vodka frowned and thought: What conspiracy does Uzo have?

I simply wanted to relax before the serious task came, so I held a killing party to see the excitement?

Or… Is there a connection between this party and tomorrow’s assassination that he has yet to discover?

The vodka hesitated for a moment, and after writing the greeting card handed by Kinoshita Yoko, moved a little to the side.

He approached Osamu Kenzaki, one of the protagonists of today’s engagement party.

Vodka wondered what to do if Uzo really wanted to take advantage of tonight’s party. The “leading actors” in these plays in the living room may be holding some useful clues.

Anyway, idle is idle.

In order to enjoy the debut song sung by the idols for a while, Vodka decided to inquire about some useful information while Jiang Xia was away.

“You are familiar with Mr. Jiang Xia?” Vodka whispered to Osamu Jianzaki in the background sound of the TV series, “I just came to be an assistant, I don’t know if my performance is qualified this time, I’m quite nervous.”

Kenzaki Osamu glanced at him after hearing the words, but he didn’t expect “Mr. Yamada” to take the initiative to talk to him.

To tell the truth, just now, Kenzaki Xiu always felt that this strong man in black was very fierce, and he seemed to have a strong hostility towards himself.

But now… Mr. Yamada spoke in a somewhat uneasy tone.

Kensaki Osamu fell into contemplation in surprise: Is Mr. Yamada’s fierce attitude just an illusion?

Thinking about it this way, it is true that Yamada’s sunglasses are so thick that he can’t see his eyes at all. This may just be a misunderstanding caused by his own appearance.

In addition, according to experience, some fans do get nervous when they see idols up close. And when some people are nervous, they look fierce…

Thinking of this, Kenzaki Osamu’s attitude suddenly became a lot more friendly.

He smiled boldly, comforting the man in black who looked tough but might be introverted and shy:

“Don’t be nervous. Although I don’t have much contact with Jiang Xia, I don’t know him well, but many of my colleagues know him and have entrusted him. Jiang Xia is very easy to get along with – even if he has gradually entered the society, he In his heart, he is still a pure student. You, an admirer, came to be his assistant, maybe he was the one who was more nervous.”

Speaking of this, Osamu Kenzaki paused slightly.

—I don’t know why, but it was a relief, but now, “Mr. Yamada”‘s expression is very complicated, it seems that he is feeling awkward and painful because of something, and the corners of his eyes seem to twitch.

After hesitating for a moment, Kenzaki Osamu suddenly realized that he understood.

—”Mr. Yamada” must have heard his words, and he suspected that some aspects of his work were not well done, but Jiang Xia, who was tolerant, did not mention it, so Mr. Yamada felt that he had caused Jiang Xia trouble and was feeling guilty.

Kensaki Osamu: “…” Mr. Assistant seems to be a good person too…

He stroked his chin thoughtfully, and then felt that even if he tried to comfort “Mr. Yamada” at this time, Yamada’s conscience would still hurt.

So, it’s better to shift the conversation to business and let the work dilute their attention to these interpersonal interactions.

Thinking like this, Jianzaki Xiu patted Vodka on the shoulder familiarly, with a good look: “When the party is over, I will trouble you about the stalker-Jiang Xia handles commissions with high efficiency and helps a lot. People solved the stalker problem. With your help this time, it will definitely be easier to catch. With you here, Xiaoxun doesn’t have to worry.”

“…I see.” Vodka nodded in a complicated mood.

At the same time, I couldn’t help but let out a sneer from the bottom of my heart.

When    looked at Osamu Jianzaki again, Vodka couldn’t help but feel some sympathy: If this little white face suddenly died suddenly in the future, or suddenly murdered and went to prison, he would not be surprised at all:

Look at the comments that Jianzaki Xiu gave to Uzo. They are all positive, and they are still so positive – when Uzo is sharpening his knives, this idiot is probably still handing Uzo a chopping board.


Thank you for your [monthly pass](づど)

(end of this chapter)

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