Clow Cards Cardcaptor

Chapter 1419

 The afternoon was about to pass, as if it was a peaceful evening harbinger of a twilight veil, and the infinite darkness of the night was about to come, the

    clear blue sky had turned into a warm glow, and

    Calgary was melted into this sunset.

    In a retro and elegant coffee shop, sitting in a quiet position by the window, Korosos was not surprised to hear the young man in front of him asking this question.

    He just looked at his expression, not a disgusting question for the traitor. It’s not just gossip curiosity,

    seriousness, calmness, and solemnity. It’s like not asking the reason for betrayal,

    but asking…

    what is your wish?

    It is not that the city is deep, not good at disguising. Under the strength of the A-level superiors, the opponent turned out to be a young man who was still at this stage of life.

    After discovering this, Kolosos smiled,

    although he has abandoned the leadership of the royal court. The identity of the person, but the change in appearance has not changed his inner age. The mentality of the elders who have seen generations of young people grow up

    makes him feel that he should answer this question properly.

    So after thinking for a while, Kolosos looked at Calgary in the setting sun outside the window and smiled:

    “What do you think of this city?” I was taken aback

    by this familiar question, but it was different from the last time I heard it in Paris. , He just came here today,

    Fang Ran didn’t know anything about Calgary.

    “This is a nice city,” the

    older man’s experience could easily see through his ignorance, and Korosos asked himself with a gentle smile.

    “Alberta is the richest province in Canada, and Calgary is here. The most economically developed city,”

    the old gentleman who has experienced so many social tea parties can always make conversations like spring breeze.

    “Most people here have very high incomes, and they do well in social undertakings such as education. The safety factor and happiness index are high. The benefits are so high that you can enjoy free medical care on the first day of immigration.”

    “Winter although It’s cold, but there is warm wind returning from the Rocky Mountains, and the temperature can rise more than ten degrees in a few hours…”

    A topic that has nothing to do with why betrayal, but Fang Ran did not interrupt, just listened quietly. ,

    Listening to him, who had served as the leader of the royal court for decades, introduced the details of the city, complementing his own perception of “clean city and fresh air”.

    From the scenery to the climate, from the economy to the humanities, there are vivid details that seem to be known after many years of living here.

    “But apart from these, the reason why this province is the most prosperous is also the biggest feature of this city,”

    he said. In the end, Kolosos looked at Fang Ran and smiled.

    “This is a city of oil. This is the second largest energy center in North America.”

    Petroleum, energy….

    An accident occurred at the moment of hearing this sentence, to recover the contract and help Esencke Vermetro Through the difficulties, what he is taking over in reality is the energy field,

    but he didn’t expect to hear this topic in the dialogue with Kolosos.

    “Ever since mankind learned to use fire, energy has always been the absolute core of civilization.”

    In the small coffee shop, the words looked infinitely emotional, and a single sentence pulled the topic that had already deviated further,

    and then Korosos again Seeing Fang Ran smiled and said,

    “I was born in a big family with a long history in the UK. For many people in this world, I stood at an end that they may not reach since I was born.”

    Slightly surprised. He didn’t expect him to talk about another irrelevant topic.

    Fang Ran looked at Kolossos’s young face, with a look of ecstasy that needs to be remembered because time has passed for too long.

    “At that time… the family has found many teachers for me since I was young to teach me all kinds of things, from etiquette to horsemanship, from mathematics to classical literature,”

    “I have a good talent, and I can do everything quickly. Responding to everyone’s expectations…”

    Listening to the fascinating tone of Kolosos’ voice that resembled an old photo, at

    this moment, I suddenly realized the preciousness of this moment, and I was listening to an A-class narration. In his past,

    Fang Ran smelled the faint coffee scent in the cafe, and imagined a picture of a British young master who was born and showed his talent since he was a child…

    “Being famous and gifted, such a life is legitimately nothing to fault.

    Yes , but maybe it’s because everything is too easy,” “It makes me not interested in many things,”

    Kolosos turned his gaze and smiled.

    “The kind of’interest’ that can be called the meaning of life and truly comes from the bottom of my heart.”

    Family history , wealth, abilities… everything is like a top-level origin that an A-level identity should have. , Life where everything can be done,

    the problems that are difficult to find in the pursuit of higher spiritual satisfaction are also logical.

    The moment he heard this description from the bottom of his heart, Fang Ran finally understood what he wanted to say.

    “Until one weekend when I was twelve, I ended the art appreciation course that day, and returned home after

    saying goodbye to everyone.” “My grandfather took me to the study room, and he let me sit on his lap and stand. The book opened to tell me about the opportunity of our family’s rise at the beginning of the last century. “

    Obviously it should be quite a long time ago, but I can still tell the details of that day.

    Klossos looked at Fang Ran, and there was a rare eagerness to say the answer in his gentle expression.

    “The first industrial revolution.” The

    industrial revolution… is

    surprised that although this term is not unfamiliar, but it is only seen in textbooks, it was said from the other party’s family history,

    and he looked at Kolossos’ face. That kind of eagerness, that is the look of talking about what one wants.

    “Listening to my grandfather’s recounting of that era and the social structure that was drastically changed due to the birth of the steam engine had a very big impact on me when I was still young,”

    as if I was sitting in my memory for more than half a century. The mood on his grandfather’s lap,

    Kolosos looked at Fang Ran’s eyes with a kind of eager brilliance.

    “It’s the first time that I have a heartfelt interest in something.”

    Knowing what that glorious real body is, he looked at Korosos as the kind of mad believer who expounded his beliefs. The tone became unconsciously exuberant,

    “Those textile machines that replaced manpower in factories, those tireless mining trucks in tunnels,”

    “The trains that shorten the distance, and the steamship that regularly crosses the ocean, that can be called evolutionary productivity realizes people. in the past it would have been unthinkable incredible, machinery to replace the manual, triggered a huge revolution in human society, ” “

    following the wind, hydro, coal, raw energy, ” “

    new energy drives the entire civilized step forward! “

    whom With a fascinated and high-spirited tone, listening to the Eighth Pillar executive expounding the meaning of that era, Fang Ran seemed to be able to imagine the changes brought about by the operation of steam engines in various places at that time,

    and it made him even more so. Surprisingly, the topic

    went round and round, and it turned to energy again.

    Able to raise, the industrial revolution… Listening to the faintly fanatical words of Korosos at this moment, I feel inexplicably, I always feel that there is something important in these words, but I don’t understand it for a

    while … and I started the coffee. With a soft smile, the excitement of talking about interest just now disappeared, and the

    gentleness was restored. Kolosos seemed to be a little longing and a little relieved:

    “I have thought more than once, if I was also born in that era, It would be nice to be able to witness that kind of world change.”

    Hearing his emotions, Fang Ran didn’t say anything, but just perceives all the real results of [Brand Scale] and

    understands the reason for his betrayal… No,

    I should say What is his wish.

    Yes… Except for this thing that every participant cannot avoid, what can make an A-level give up all the choices before betraying…

    “Since you have a relationship with the sixth pillar, come this time I should have seen her in North America,”

    Kolosos smiled as Fang Ran was silent, and then raised the coffee in front of him again with a chuckle:

    “She should have said something to you.”

    Maybe it’s been a long time. The years have tempered everyone like them to maturity. After listening to Klossos, he guessed these all at once.

    Without denying, Fang Ran just nodded and recalled the conversation with Trinity at that time.

    “…In the future described by the

    lord , there is a wish for all of us…” Without knowing that Fang Ran was thinking of her words at the time, Kolosos lowered his eyes and looked at the coffee. Reflection on the top.

    “I used to think that the queen’s boldness, pattern, wisdom, and praises used to describe the saint were the culmination of being a human being,”

    “So I agree with her radiant concept, as a faith, I believe it. ..”

    Even if he has betrayed, he still has almost devout respect when talking about Vaillinyin,

    yes, but whoever has seen that queen, who doesn’t…

    But it may be thinking of himself. What he did, he raised a slightly bitter smile, and sighed softly:

    “Before I met the lord, I never thought that there could be a figure comparable to that queen in this world.”

    “You Have seen the leader of the alliance?” After

    listening to his words touched that character, Fang Ran interrupted the question for the first time,

    “No, but as long as you have been in contact with the leader or have been selected by the leader, you will know that it is not important. ,”

    “The lord is actually the same as the queen,”

    and he was totally unsurprising that he would ask so, Kolosos smiled and gave an unexplained answer,

    then put down his coffee and looked at the world outside the window, sighing curiosity uncontrollably :

    “I really don’t know what kind of pattern and vision the legendary Midnight Fairy possesses.”

    He said that he suddenly sighed with a dumb laugh.

    “Speaking of which, it is because of your night game that made me the opportunity like today.”


    Surprised as to why the name of the night game suddenly appeared in his words, Fang Ran just wanted to ask, when he saw Koloss watching him calmly,

    “To this day, I also think that the queen’s philosophy is correct. I have never regretted the time I have believed in for the past few decades,”

    “It’s just that in comparison, this place is closer to my imagination,”

    “Abandoned lover, abandoned homeland, loosened everything I had in the past, just because I can’t deceive What is my heart yearning for,”

    “So I chose this side.”

    Listening to his words at the moment, his eyes slowly widened, “It

    has been almost a century since the world of Night Wars has entered peace and stability. No one knows whether the next era will come tomorrow, but at least in the future described by the leader. Here, there is the wish of all of us, ‘

    ‘In this way, the leader and the queen are actually the same kind of people, and the executive officer and the zero ride are the same kind of people,’

    ‘It’s just like investing money to become a shareholder of the future consortium. ..’

    ‘I choose the future of the leader. ‘

    Listening to Korosos’ final answer, what Trinity said at the time seemed to echo in his ears.

    At the time, he felt vaguely and always incomprehensible words. Although he still didn’t understand all of them, it seemed to be clear all at once. a little.

    Obviously got the answer, but didn’t know what to say for a

    while , and looking at such a silent young man in front of him , the young gentleman just smiled gently.

    Then finally recovered, suppressing the chaotic and unclear thoughts, Fang Ran opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something,

    but at this moment, the contact in the communication channel sounded!

    In the deep winter of January, unknowingly, a short chat had darkened the sky outside the window

    , and he stood up in silence for a while. He was not surprised by his preparation to leave. Kolosos just held his coffee as if he said to himself. He sighed and smiled to himself,

    “What about you, would you also be like me?”

    Hearing this, he paused and saw that his side face was not like asking, but like It was something that was stunned,

    and before he walked out of the cafe, he watched the boss take away his untouched cup of coffee and replaced it with a cup of black tea.

    Kolosos sat alone by the window…

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