Clow Cards Cardcaptor

Chapter 1417

 “Although I don’t approve of your identity.”

    For a moment, I didn’t expect that the figure I met in front of me would say his denial of myself so directly. It was

    a little embarrassing, but I didn’t care too much.

    After all, he used his heel. Think about it, a huge empire that occupies almost one-eighth of the world’s wealth, letting a young man who is only twenty years old and knows nothing to be the CEO

    should be really nonsense in the eyes of ordinary people.

    This surpassed a dozen or so profitable areas of detached power status. In the story of the commercial warfare, several families were intrigued and insidious, and

    generations of people worked hard for decades, but they all felt quite reasonable,

    so I didn’t agree with it. , He felt it was normal.

    It’s just that I didn’t expect to be in a place like the airport. At this time, I would meet someone who finally dared to say this to myself.

    Think of Fabian of Coase President, Andre of Eisencke Vermeer, and I didn’t remember at all. Litton ** oss, Fang Ran always felt that they were all photographed by Adeline’s lewdness.

    Fang Ran looked at the woman in front of

    him with some curiosity: “Can I just ask the reason?”

    Common sense, age and qualifications, unknown origin, achievement… guess what aspect the elegant woman in front of him would talk about,

    and then see The moment the other party raised his gaze, he subconsciously stunned,

    those eyes that were pierced through, seemed to be able to see through himself…

    “Obviously you have a unique identity, but now you look like a fledgling one. Participants, see everything that is novel and participate in it,”

    “I don’t know what those active means…” The

    quiet voice answered Fang Ran’s question, as if the greeting was over, she got up from her seat with her eyes His eyes calmly took a last look,

    “Compared to the power you possess, you don’t have knowledge commensurate with it.”

    The moment he heard this sentence, Fang Ran’s eyes froze inexplicably.

    Seeing her getting up and expressing her compliments of


    I will save the formal self-introduction until next time ” , Fang Ran still sat in her seat, “How long are you going to sit there in a daze?” I didn’t expect Celica to wait. Hearing her voice, I got up again.

    “Ah, sorry.”

    “Acquaintance?” After

    listening to her casual question, Fang Ran glanced at the direction where the other person was leaving, and replied somewhat distractedly:

    “It shouldn’t be counted…”

    Although she only came to work for a short time to repay favors, she didn’t care about others. sit on their own views of this imperial CEO position,

    but just listen to the words of the man,

    always feel thought of something else …

    shook head, throw this sudden encounter episode did not mind more thought, Fang Ran followed Selika’s footsteps again and walked outside the airport.

    “Then since it’s okay, I’ll take one step ahead. Don’t contact me if nothing major has happened.”

    Annabella’s frivolous and sloppy voice came from the communication channel, which might have walked to the exit, followed by a dull and inattentive voice. The female voice that is easy to ignore,


    you tonight.” Hearing their voices, I also wanted to say hello, but didn’t wait for Fang Ran to say hello,

    “By the way, little handsome guy, don’t regret this opportunity to date me. Yo~”

    Annabella’s teasing before leaving made him silently shut her mouth.

    Although he doesn’t feel malicious, he really can’t resist such a sultry bad woman…

    Two prompts that the communication was temporarily disconnected sounded in the ear, and sighed for a second of her own charm that was nowhere to be placed. Then, at this

    moment , she heard Celica casually reminding me with a light tone of Believe it or not, follow your tone:

    ” You’d better be careful with that woman, she’s not the one who is interested in people casually.”

    “Ah…I know…” After

    blinking, she froze for a moment to show that she understands,

    but in fact He was beaten up by various A-level bosses not long ago, and he didn’t care about this problem at all…

    However, he didn’t even think about it at all. The association was right, and this top-level muddy water was also willing to wade.

    After the lakeside factory incident ended a few days ago, it was strange that they had stayed.

    Thinking of this, I looked at the figure of Selika next to me, casual, wild, handsome enough to embarrass men and fight fiercely. The most important thing is that he has the technology motorcycle he dreams of.

    Although it is just a casual reminder, As a participant who is unfamiliar with each other, she has been very kind to her all kinds of words and deeds. She

    doesn’t think she is the kind of person with ulterior motives, so Fang Ran couldn’t help asking her curiosity from the bottom of her heart:

    “Speaking of Selika You…why did you leave to participate in this kind of task that is related to association?”

    Hearing this question, Selika gave him a random glance and asked

    instead : “What about you? How can I get

    involved in this kind of thing if you are a C-level?” ( ̄д ̄;) Uh…this…

    “Next time you are curious about other people’s things, think about yourself being asked. How to answer.”

    Selika replied casually to his cute new move of asking so directly, and then walked to the exit of the airport.

    She glanced at the direction and time, and then directly prepared to turn around and speak:

    “Assemble at night, remember to pay attention not to attract attention, and contact immediately if you encounter any situation.”

    When she saw her preparing to leave, Fang Ran quickly subconsciously said:

    “Hey, Wait, what are you going to do after disbanding?”


    Huh— ?” Hearing his strange question, Selika turned her head and glanced at him, and then casually waved her hand indifferently:

    “The club, Clubs, learn from other participants to find a woman, in short, do whatever you like, do you still need me to teach you this kind of thing.”

    щ(?Д?щ) None of the things you said would be good!

    Seeing that she turned around and left, she was left alone at the gate of the airport. The

    clear sky was like washing, the snowy mountains in the distance, wearing a thick coat and exhaling white breath in the beautiful snow-covered city, she

    looked messy in the wind. After looking at the street signs,

    well, all in English, I don’t recognize them at all.

    Completely unfamiliar city, full of letters that cannot be read, this inexplicable situation with a strong sense of sight, the corners of the mouth twitched silently,

    but it was not in the bad state last time, so I looked at the time near noon. .

    Forget it, let’s have a meal first


    Human beings often lose something before they realize their preciousness to themselves…

    Calgary, southwest of the city,

    in Having had lunch at a restaurant with a good evaluation, and walking down the street like an ordinary tourist, Fang Ran suddenly realized at this moment that

    it was inconvenient without Adeline by his side…

    Although there is Il’s existence, relying on the power of the artificial intelligence under the Queen’s command, it is enough to let her navigate in the headset where she wants to go,

    and it can even be called omnipotent to find out which restaurant has the freshest and best ingredients. Information,

    but how to say it, like the trivial details like going out from the airport to find a place to take a taxi, and waiting for the chef to serve the food when you arrive at the restaurant, without Adeline’s perfect arrangement of everything from clothing to meal time,

    Fang Ran suddenly felt Foreign countries are actually quite troublesome…

    wait…I left Adeline for less than a day, did I start to miss her…

    Fang suddenly fell into serious doubts.

    Do not! impossible! Fang Ran, you have to be rational! These are all sugar-coated shells of capitalism! Don’t be tempted by that guy’s business ability!

    When he was in a daze, he put out the idea for the first time, and Fang Ran quickly reflected on himself and threw it out of his mind, focusing on the city sightseeing in front of him.

    But think about it, it seems that since I came to North America, I was busy with Fiesder’s things all the way around.

    This is the first time I have completely free private time…

    walking in the snow on the streets and watching the city scenery of Calgary It is obviously a big city with four satellite cities, but only a population of over one million,

    so there is no such hustle and bustle of a big city here, but there is a kind of leisurely and leisurely small city that is not rushed or slow.

    Speaking of which, Fang Ran originally wanted to go to a well-known scenic spot that Yier said, but a few hours was not enough to travel a hundred kilometers back and forth, so

    he finally chose to hang out in the city.

    Strolling alone in the streets of Calgary, time is the black-haired youth appearing everywhere in the city, slipping away in the freeze frame with the camera,

    looking at the scene of a foreign city in front of me, unconsciously thinking of being in Europe During the wandering time,

    But for some reason, I feel that things I see are completely different.

    If you have to say why, it was probably that he was still worrying about a few pounds and a few pounds at that time, and now he took out the largest denomination of dollars to pay the bill,

    on the one hand as a disabled fugitive and on the other as a powerful chief. The executive officer, where

    he stands, is different, and he knows different things.

    ‘….Compared to the power you have, you don’t have the knowledge commensurate with it….’ For no

    reason, this sentence suddenly flashed in my mind, thinking of the figure I met at the airport in the morning, from Houston After following the clues, he came to Calgary,

    but he didn’t expect to meet someone who knew him here.

    I was so emotional, but it was only the people from Fiesder, in such a big North America, people I really knew wouldn’t happen so coincidentally,

    and then at the moment Fang Ran thought about it,

    his heart was inexplicable. Feeling a little bit, he turned his head subconsciously and looked at the shop on the other side of the street, and

    a figure just opened the door and walked out.

    A tall figure, a gentle and handsome face, a well-fitting suit and an elegant woolen coat, he smiles at the corners of his mouth. Even if he is holding a kraft paper bag in his arms, his every move is full of elegance, which

    makes people feel him at first glance. The aura of an impeccable British gentleman on his body.

    But at the moment when he saw this figure, his unbelievable footsteps paused. For a while, I couldn’t believe that I would occasionally encounter this moan here, and at this moment, across the street, I also noticed his existence, and the other person’s eyes turned in surprise. The appearance of the figure slowly turned into a clear name in Fang Ran’s mind.


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