Clow Cards Cardcaptor

Chapter 1411

 The water waves exploded! A bang and stormy sea!

    Huge…. No,

    hundreds of black shadows form a huge jet black that rushes into a huge water column for hundreds of meters!

    biology? no! mechanical? Not really!

    There are bodies of various freshwater creatures, but no corresponding heads. Instead, there are various kinds of machinery,

    such as the devil fish with the pulp machine, the manatee with the metallurgical furnace, the anaconda with the printing head, the tortoise with the electroplating tank, and the tentacles. Outside are all boiler jellyfish, various schools of fish that have grown out of fish bodies like various parts…It

    can only be said that they are twisted dark monsters, gushing out from the endless horizontal darkness outside the city and flying into the city. District night sky!

    Different from the actual body shape, the dark and weird, they are big and small, all like cruising in the water up to the high altitude of the city,

    and then blasted at the end, a huge black shadow over fifty meters appeared from the pitch black huge wave!

    Spiked scales and sturdy limbs, hundreds of times the size of an ordinary crocodile, are like the ferocious dragon in Western stories. The huge furnace of the head is like the head of a steel dragon with a huge mouth of fierce flames

    . The top of the meter-high Willis Building, stepping on the apex of this more than 100-story city,

    under the night, it looks down on the entire splendid city and roars into the sky!

    And as it roared, as if it had heard a command, all the dark monsters swimming in the air all turned to Fang Ran’s place, and the

    various mechanical heads of the fish opened, spraying out one after another. It’s like a straight long gun and pitch black liquid!

    The thrill of having just solved the chase and blockage of a group of enemies, rushing for the road, speeding life and death, and drifting and taking off with the 400-meter hook lock has not passed, and the

    new crisis has suddenly come in an instant!

    Meng Lang flung out an attack that shot at him, watching it directly corroded the ground and melted into a small hole!

    The moment the fish-intensive pioneer attack hit, the silver-white sci-fi motorcycle flicked, the black off-road shield lit up, and the Bugatti engine buzzed,

    Fang Ran stepped on the accelerator again and shouted at him excitedly:

    “Brother! Come on! Get in the car!”

    Recalling what I said just now, I strongly refused Zhong Menglang’s heart to watch the corrosive bombardment sprayed by the’fish’ at this moment,

    and several’jellyfish ‘ opened the gate to release the water in the night sky, and the pitch-black waterfall fell into a black cloud. The wave rushes on the street!

    “What am I…Fuck!!” To

    this fucking situation, he was speechless and uttered a foreign language. There was no choice. Meng Lang’s figure dodged several attacks and

    caught up with Bugatti, who was galloping with a shield in a crowd of attacks. Car shadow!

    The jet of bullets, the water blade that broke through the air, the water ball that burst and splashed, the giant water whip thrown from tens of meters, and the wave chasing from the street behind…

    Very poisonous, corrosive, fishy, ​​radioactive…Various All kinds of attacks and all kinds of dangerous natures, the only thing they have in common is that they are the same pitch black liquid,

    and they are attacking like a storm and chasing behind them at this moment!

    Driving the Bugatti wildly in such an offensive wave, feeling a different kind of crisis atmosphere,

    “So many numbers…how come out of the sea outside the city!”

    Holding the steering wheel with one hand. When the night wind roared, Fang Ran turned his head and looked at the surging darkness in the glorious streets behind him. The shouts were not surprised but more novel,

    but Michael, who didn’t know when he passed out, was attacking a violent wind, air current, did not escape but soared too fast car thief, shields Juzhen a blow to the body,

    “because this special What is Chicago! the city center is on the water! and that is the lake!”

    rash looked at it would also pull The guy who looked back vigorously with his neck, wished to hammer him to death with a furious roar:

    “And you bastard, show me the way!!!”

    And listening to Meng Lang’s yelling in extreme speed, he rushed into the scene from reality in pursuit,

    cruising in crowds of numbered monsters in the dark night sky of Chicago’s splendid downtown In this scene, Fang Ran finally had time to look at the information on the system interface!

    [First-stage mission goal: less than half of the number of participants in the scene]

    [Remaining number of participants: 4/12]

    [First-stage goal achieved] When

    I saw the rules of the scene, why did the three other than the pursuers also attack themselves? , Put aside the fear of being hostile to the three of Selika,

    Fang Ran originally [? ? ? 】The row has been unlocked!

    [The mission objective of the second stage: Kill B-15 or persist until the end of the scene]

    Even the objective text without modification by the system becomes deadly at this moment, shaking the car body to avoid the attack, and staring wide-eyed. To the most critical piece of information!

    [Target description: B-15 is composed of-[industrial wastewater pollution] -, with mechanical characteristics of the head. B-15 has an extremely large body and some characteristics of the creature embodied in its torso, so it can treat the ground as a liquid latent Among them, affected by its high-ranking number-[water pollution]-, B-15’s body, attacks and surroundings have extremely toxic, corrosive, radioactive and other pollution characteristics]

    furnace characteristics, extreme giantization, escape, latency, and inability The approaching venom, while driving the Bugatti on the rampage, stared at the power of the number on the top of the city one by one.

    Amidst the tide of offensive, Fang Ran widened his black eyes and looked at the last sentence in the description!

    [Due to the terrain factors of the scene, due to-[DATA EXPUNGED]-influence, B-15 can call the unnumbered similar]

    Then at this moment!

    At the highest point of all the glory, the fierce dragon-like B-15 on the top of the Willis Tower raised a huge mouth of the mechanical furnace, roaring at Fang Ran and the others, spraying a fireball of pitch-black liquid!

    With a diameter of more than 20 meters, it blasted down from the highest point of the city at a violent speed. It burned wildly with great power. Even if it blasted on the ground, it was a fatal giant fireball.

    The moment when a miniature meteorite whizzed to everyone on the street, it was

    black and transparent. The round ball appeared, and the time orbit was predicted in advance, and the space swallowed directly wiped out this blow!

    Lynn, who put his arms down on the roof, squatted down and drove a black off-road. She was uncomfortable because her performance was not as good as the supercar and couldn’t catch up.

    Annabella’s steering wheel turned coldly!

    “I can’t go on like this, we can’t hold on for eleven hours in this situation!”

    Driving the silver shadow like a streamer, avoiding all attacks, looking at the top of the building on the front of the detection interface, looking at the B-15 that has not sneaked into the ground.

    “We’d better do it right away,”

    Selika said calmly without any waves, and then glanced behind her.

    “But first we have to find a way to get there.”

    With the dark waves pouring down the streets and the numerous trash monsters, the surroundings of the Willis Building have been completely occupied by these two, and

    ordinary means can no longer get close to the location of B-15. !

    “I use my ability to send you there!”

    But Annabella said without any nonsense about this. The roof of the off-road vehicle had just annihilated the B-15, and Lynn was killing some’anaconda’ rays.’     Faintly speaking :

    “I’ll take care of the cover.”

Without asking what to do or asking, Selika directly turned on the projection of the building near the Willis Building, and said quickly and calmly:

    “My attack may be weakened. We also need the power that can give it a fatal blow.”

    B-level 15, the number that most participants look up to, roughly divided into levels that can only be dealt with by the adjutant’s B-level peak.

    But just as Selika said that the moment was missing, the hot chuckle of the young man in the communication channel sounded loudly!

    “I’m here! I’ll be responsible for the final blow!”

    No accident, no more to say, each division of labor, whizzing in the dark wave of offensive, surmounting all the difficulties in the current situation,

    Serika’s eyes suppressed a touch of sharpness He whispered:

    “Then let’s start now.”

    Then the moment this sentence fell-the

    silver and white science fiction future motorcycle took the lead in the car body, turned to the direction of Willis Building, and the flame jet accelerated again into a brilliant light and shadow!

    And in the wild corner that followed, [Driving Card] turned into a light in his hand and dissipated,

    “Brother! Are you ready!!!”

    Amidst the enthusiasm of black hair flying, Fang Ran looked at Meng Lang expectantly Shouting with flying excitement!

    Seeing Lin also jumped onto the body, grabbed Michael and threw it off-road towards the rear, without knowing what to prepare, Meng Lang felt the same extreme push back feeling as fierce as before!

    Full speed! The extreme speed turned into two streams of black and white, and then, at the moment when it was about to hit the inky black wave and the crowds of black monsters, the

    two jet points that had been accumulated by the cyclones roared and exploded!

    Accelerating to the limit, Bugatti and Silver Shadow, who are dragging the whistling light and shadow, rise into the night sky at the same time! ! !

    Damn it!

    At the moment when Meng Lang felt that they had crossed the shadows, they also crossed the submerged streets and groups of monsters below,

    soaring in height, and flew towards the dark giant on the top of the hundreds of meters high building!

    And sensing the approach of Fang Ran and the others, the terrifying, dark, giant furnace head monster with its limbs and claws resembling an evil dragon roared again and spit out a huge fireball,

    but stepped on the flying Bugatti body, Linn once again raised his hand and swallowed the space. Wipe out obstacles!

    Unexpectedly in this way, as the edge was unfolding, the giant crossbow of the Holy Silver Cross appeared in his hand, and Meng Lang shot down a rain of arrows,

    killing all the trash fish below the group that wanted to interfere with the pursuit!

    “Follow me!” At

    this moment, Selika’s cold voice was heard, her black hair danced on her hot face, and she stepped on the car door to take off, the rocket-propelled leg armor was activated, and the flames

    under her feet were almost 100 meters high. Rush to grab the tail of the silver chariot’s motorcycle!

    At the same time, the perceptual driving force gradually disappeared, Selika’s eyes turned in the air, the front hook lock shot and hit the side of the building, and the

    car body flew towards it to touch the moment, the wheel halo changed color and the attraction device was activated,

    silver white Light and shadow are flying straight up outside the building as if they are free from gravity! ! !

    The leg armor opened the pulleys, grabbed the rear of the car and stepped on the building, surprised at this moment of speeding on the side of the glorious building, just

    watching the night sky rushing towards him!

    The pitch black monster at the highest point opened its huge mouth again. This time many small fireballs came like a meteor shower.

    The thin straight blade of blue steel cut off a’jellyfish’. In the fireball bombing rain, Celica rode like a silver shadow. Dodge like a flat ground,

    and then shuttle across the surface of the building with several explosive roars, shuttle through the explosions of the high floors of the building being pierced by rumblings, passing through several brilliant and high-rise buildings, and

    flying from the top of a high-rise building. She finally reached hundreds of meters above the city’s highest point B-15!

    Flicking the figure in the rear of the car, the eyepiece locked the huge black and hideous monster tens of meters away on the roof of the building. As Selika’s eyes stared,

    the silver shadow she was holding the handlebar transformed into an open cannon in the gleaming light. A huge weapon of mouth!

    When the energy rays were condensed and released,

    a violent and straight silver-white beam dazzlingly shot out of the sky! ! !

    When it hits in an instant, the tail of B-15 in front of him, and the small half of his body, exploded and disappeared directly in its whistling and roaring!

    It really didn’t work…

    After the blow was over, the result was confirmed. The weapon was temporarily cooling down. Selika flashed this thought during the fall,

    but it was only at this moment!

    Start preparations for the final blow at this moment!

    Being thrown up at high speed by the speed of the future motorcycle rushing into the building, the figure is suspended in the night sky higher than the Willis Tower. Looking at the skyscrapers below,

    hundreds of meters above the night sky, the whole city is glorious. !

    It’s not just the enthusiasm just now, it’s as if it’s been full of heartfelt satisfaction, it’s just like the simple joy of the night in Los Angeles,

    going to the black market, in the tavern with a different word, encountering traps and chasing, participating in the scene, and cooperating with other participants to kill Numbering goal…

    Experiencing such a thing as an ordinary participant would normally experience, the ecstasy of turning fantasy into reality is burning!

    At this moment when I was in the night sky, I felt the

    vitality and freedom of North America, and the black eyes locked in the distance below B-15, Fang Ran laughed, the same magical aura rose violently!

    Perceiving a fatal threat from the wound, he was about to dive into the ground, B-15 roared and raised his head, and directed a full blow directly at Fang Ran!

    But without dodge or dodge, Fang Ran chuckles and throws out small crystals,


    The moment a small black shadow swiftly sprang out of thin air, the fatal attack was eaten away with its happy voice,

    and then threatened. The second that disappeared completely as if the ears roared,

    Celica, Annabella, Lynn, and even Meng Lang, who was wondering what his final blow would be in the C-level state, they all saw them everywhere in the scene at this moment!

    Above the glorious urban area, hundreds of meters above the sky at night!

    A huge moon white halo appeared in the hands of the young man, dozens of the trials of the fairy mountains and moonlit nights blossomed, and the extra bowstrings lighted up in

    a staggered manner. Want to shoot! ! !

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