Classroom Of The Elite Year 2

Chapter 451 - 7 : New Expulsion

Chapter 451: Chapter 7 : New Expulsion

IT WAS SAKAYANAGI'S first attack in the second half.

This time, the target shifted from Horikita's class to Ryūen's.

Before the special exam, no specific policy was set on how to fight Ryūen's class.

They didn't think it was necessary to formulate a meticulous plan against an opponent who did whatever he wanted.

However, Sakayanagi now had extraneous information.

She received a phone call the night before where she was strongly advised by her classmate, Hashimoto.

Among the other various things he said, there were a few things that stuck in Sakayanagi's mind.

One of them was the conversation about eliminating Shiina Hiyori and exploring the possibility of expulsion.

Sakayanagi wasn't interested in Hashimoto's personal thoughts, but when she heard the reason, her thoughts came to a halt.

Ayanokōji's gaze and treatment towards Shiina.

Hashimoto said those were different from what he gave to ordinary students.

This remark caught Sakayanagi's interest.

She wondered if Ayanokōji would show his emotions if Shiina were expelled.

"But that's already an impossible development, isn't it?"

In the first half, Ichinose's way of fighting was more determined than before. Before, she would've hesitated to eliminate people from her opponent's class, Ryūen's Class C. However, Ichinose had no hesitation. She eliminated four people merely in the first half: Ishizaki, Isoyama, Yano, and Morofuji.

She was absolutely determined to protect only her class. To do that, she decided to be merciless with outsiders.

Even if Sakayanagi could single out Shiina and eliminate her, the rest of the students would be sacrificed.

Aiming for the unlikely chance of Shiina's expulsion would be less efficient.

Shiina had only made one mistake by this point. Even if she could get her to incorrectly answer twice by directly targeting her with problems she couldn't solve, it would be difficult to prevent her from being protected. The strategy wasn't easy.


She finished the first half of the exam in first place and was starting to get bored. Having some fun wouldn't be so bad.

She changed her mind and thought it would be interesting to eliminate a challenging target.

She would overcome the challenge, of course, keep the lead, and then finish the game.

To do so, she needed to build a strategy.

Within the few minutes she had until her turn came around, she finalized her plan.

And so, her 11th turn to attack began.


In the 11th turn, all five students that Sakayanagi appointed were protected.

Two points were wasted against the perfectly protected slots. A total failure.

However, the students unanimously said that it wasn't a problem—that the play was fine.

But Sakayanagi saw it differently.

It was just one perfect result, but she didn't see it as just her being incredibly unlucky.

Immediately, she had reset her self-imposed challenge regarding Shiina in her head.

She threw away all strategies and logic, and she picked everything at random.

In other words, a combination of category and appointees that no one could predict.

The result was the same perfect outcome as the 11th turn they showed two consecutive miracles.

Her classmates were clearly baffled.

If she was someone who thought normally, it wouldn't be strange for her to believe that she had been read, leading to her failure. However, such a thought didn't even exist in Sakayanagi's mind.

After two turns, she was certain there could only be one answer. Someone was interfering.

She believed a traitor, a Judas, was hiding in this class.

Clearly, internal information was leaking.

Otherwise, inexplicable events were starting to occur.

Until her next turn came, Sakayanagi decided to observe her classmates without saying a word.

Some sighed at Ryūen's luck, others desperately clung to their phones to avoid elimination.

And then came the attack on the 13th turn.

The class naturally became quiet.

Sakayanagi remained silent. After a 30-second pause, she took a one-minute pause between each name before passing them to the teacher.

It wasn't because she was wracking her brain to avoid Ryūen's flawless defense again.

This silence was Sakayanagi's unspoken command to her classmates.

It was a hidden message expressing, 'Enough with the games.'

After holding her silence until the last minute, she passed on five names to Chabashira-sensei.

However, the result was still the same, another perfect score.

"How unfortunate."

Sakayanagi muttered alone, her smile waning after three consecutive failures.

If the information was leaking in real time, their methods would be limited.

One method was to type Sakayanagi's appointed students into a chat or email and send it. Since a phone is used to collect information, typing wouldn't necessarily be seen as suspicious.

Another method was auditory transmission through a phone call. Immediately after Sakayanagi relayed information to the teacher, it could be transmitted to the other party this could be executed without having to touch the phone.

As a preemptive measure, she could receive permission to pass the information on to the teacher via paper. Even if that was impossible, she could switch to whispering, preventing any voice leaks.


Sakayanagi looked at the large monitor positioned over the teacher's shoulder.

If a method involving the use of a phone camera was employed, even preventing voice transmission wouldn't guarantee a resolution.

Perhaps the only way to defend was to physically prevent the transmission of information.

She would have everyone stop using their phones and tablets.

As for informing the teacher, she'd whisper, and until Ryūen named five people, everyone would keep their backs turned to shut out any information.

If this solved the problem, it would be a blessing.

They had only given away 15 points so far. They could still stop Ryūen's rampage.

As she continued to think, the silence was broken, but it wasn't Sakayanagi who broke it.

"Information is leaking."

The one who shattered the class's silence was Morishita Ai.

She muttered those words expressionlessly.

"Morishita-san might be right. We should probably have everyone stop touching their phones and check them. Ryūen-kun might have a trick up his sleeve."

Sanada, slightly delayed, agreed with Morishita's words, asking Sakayanagi for a response.

Kitō and Hashimoto immediately rose.

"There's no need for a response."


"We should continue using our phones to find hints and leads to solve the questions."

Under these chaotic circumstances, it would be hard to say that cramming was effective.

Unexpectedly, the leader refused to do what needed to be done.

"Are you okay with this, Princess? I'm also certain after seeing three consecutive perfect nominations. I definitely think information is leaking. We need to take action—"

"There's no change in plans. Let's continue the exam as it is."

If instructed to, no other students could question further.

Nobody was given the authority to overturn the decision.

Though everyone was obedient, they were thinking, 'Why didn't Sakayanagi make the necessary moves?'

Betraying the class wasn't something that could be easily done. If the opponent was obviously protecting the targeted students, it was only a matter of time before people realized that information was leaking during the exam.

Since they were still executing the plan despite knowing this, concerns arose that the problem might not be solved simply by confiscating phones and blocking the monitor's view.

What would happen if measures were taken and the leaks didn't stop?

Information gathering would be hindered, and the class would become bewildered and disoriented.

Even if some evidence came to light, if Sakayanagi was in the position of a traitor, she would never leave evidence near her. She would plant it on some random student's desk or bag, or somewhere in the classroom. Then, it would become a war of words. They'd argue with each other on the spot, pinning the blame on each other.

Naming a student who had a high possibility of being a traitor without providing solid evidence was simply too risky.

Either way, it was more disadvantageous to make a fuss about it now.

Sakayanagi decided to prioritize avoiding last place rather than aiming for first place.

It didn't affect you as long as you could defend and gain points, even if information continued to leak.

They tried to defend against Horikita's attacks as much as possible and aim for third place, but it didn't go as well as they hoped.

From the flow of the exam transmitted from the monitor, it became evident that Ichinose was assisting Horikita. A strategy was being constructed—to use a traitor to make their class sink to the bottom.

The 20th turn ended while they were falling behind, and they lost their third placement by six points.

"It seems this time I've lost."

They competed between the four classes and suffered the disgrace of coming in last place.

Even if the circumstances were due to inside betrayal, no excuses could be accepted.

Sakayanagi let out a sigh.

As the leader, she still needed to take responsibility for this defeat.

"As we have been defeated, we must select an eliminated classmate to expel."

During the exam, five students—Kamuro, Yamamura, Sugio, Toba, and Machida—were eliminated.

"Normally, it would be proper to decide based on the contribution to the class, but we won't do that. The reason is simple. From my perspective, the five of you are all on the same level."

Sakayanagi asserted that there would be no change in the class's strength regardless of who was expelled.

"So, how are we gonna decide then...?"

One of the eliminated students, Machida, asked anxiously.

"We should draw lots and decide on who to expel fairly."

An unexpected proposal caused a scream from the eliminations.

"Are you dissatisfied? Unfortunately, it won't make a big difference who is expelled."

In the silent classroom, Sakayanagi continued the process tirelessly. The eliminated students wanted to vent their frustrations, but they wanted to avoid aggravating Sakayanagi and being singled out for expulsion.

"It's pointless to object. The leader has the right to decide on who to expel."

"If we follow the results of the draw, can that be considered the leader's decision?"

"Of course. To make it easier to avoid a case where a student with a low OAA takes responsibility, I have decided to judge the unlucky ones as those without talent. And if someone refuses to participate in the draw, I'll interpret that as them giving up the fight at that point, and I'll expel them."

In order to forcibly involve them, Sakayanagi tirelessly eliminated any means of escape.

"I've prepared the lots."

A female student spoke to Sakayanagi in a carefree voice, unaware of the heavy atmosphere.

"You're well-prepared, Morishita-san. Thank you for carefully coloring them. We're short on time, so let's get it over with quickly. The person picking the colored paper will unfortunately have to drop out of school."

There were a total of five lots prepared, four of which were safe. That was all.

"Who would like to draw first? Whether you're the first or last to draw, your odds start the same."

Would they show that they can avoid expulsion with their own hands, or wait for someone else to be expelled?

While suppressing his urge to object, Machida was the first to draw a lot.

"Heck yes!"

Machida drew a plain lot and showed the biggest victory pose so far.

Encouraged by this, Sugio and Toba followed.

One after another, they drew uncolored papers.

Then, only two of them were left: Kamuro Masumi and Yamamura Miki.

The former simply stayed because she couldn't be bothered to go and draw.

The latter was too scared to move. They were left behind for totally different reasons. Sakayanagi, who had a friendship with both, didn't change her expression.

The reason she chose a lottery of equal probability was that she decided it didn't matter who dropped out.

"You go ahead and draw."

Even though she was prompted by Kamuro, Yamamura couldn't move.

She was shaking with the realization that she had a one-in-two chance of being expelled and was completely unprepared for it.

She couldn't think about what would happen after her expulsion. freewebnøvel.coɱ

Even if she wanted to move forward, her feet were frozen.

"I-I, I am..."

"Geez... then I'll draw it first. Is that okay?"

Unable to speak, Yamamura repeatedly nodded in agreement. That was all she could do.

Kamuro approached Morishita, who was holding the lottery box.

"Please wait."

Just as she was about to reach out her hand, Sakayanagi stopped her.

"I said that those who won't draw will be expelled. That means, Yamamura-san, who refused to draw, will leave."

"Eh...? But... Eh...?"

"So, there's no objection?"

"E-Eh...! T-That's..."

"What is this? Are you trying to help me?"

"No, that's not it. I was just stating the facts."

"Oh, I see. Then it's settled. Yamamura and I will draw at the same time, right?"

Eager to declare who would be expelled, Sakayanagi found herself stopped by Kamuro.

Kamuro easily threw away her own chance to avoid expulsion.

"Come quickly."

She went towards Yamamura, who couldn't take a step forward, and forcibly grabbed her arm and dragged her.

"This is your first and last opportunity to decide which of our luck is superior."

"You're really kind, aren't you, Masumi-san? Do you really need to take risks to help someone you should just discard?"

"No, it's just a whim."

"Is that so...? Then let's see the both of you draw."

Morishita offered two lots for them to draw.

When Kamuro forcibly moved Yamamura's indecisive left hand, she reflexively clutched one lot.

Seeing this, Kamuro also wrapped her hand around a lot.

"Don't hold a grudge."

In a calm voice, Kamuro awkwardly comforted the restless Yamamura.

"Now, release your hands."

Morishita said slowly, and at the same moment, they opened their clenched hands.

The two pieces of paper fluttered in the slight breeze.

The person who drew the colored paper would be expelled—that was the rule.

The one who held that paper was Kamuro.

Apart from the person in question, the other students were unable to accept the result and fell silent.

"It's decided. Good for you, Yamamura. You survived."

"Ah, eh..."

She gently patted Yamamura on her shoulder, whose status, whether staying in school or dropping out, had not been conclusively determined yet.


Class A was engulfed by silence.

It was a completely different situation from when Totsuka had previously been expelled—the class points decreased due to the defeat and the expulsion was through a selection.

Class A was truly experiencing defeat for the first time.

What was surprising was that Kamuro, the sole sacrificial lamb, seemed calm throughout.

Seemingly annoyed by the gazes pouring in from her classmates, Kamuro brushed them off and returned to her seat.

Sakayanagi took her eyes off her and urged Chabashira, the teacher in charge, to proceed.

"Well then, let's consider this special exam completed."

The survival and elimination special exam, that had taken such a long time, had ended at last.

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