Civil Servant Hunter’s S-class Resignation Log

Chapter 143:

We kindly ask for your understanding regarding the inconsistency of character pronouns, particularly for the Entities (ex. The Greedy Predator). In Korean, pronouns are rarely used, making it challenging to ascertain a character's gender or identity until later narratives unfold. Update twice a week [SUN] & [THURS] starting August 2024!

“Yu Jihyeok-ssi, are you feeling better? Have this first.”

As he consumed the potion, his heavily injured body began to improve visibly. With a Healer’s assistance, he would recover quickly.

“Th-thank you… Thank you.”

“I’m sorry. I should have stopped it before.”

As an educational supervisor, this was a significant mistake. Of course, a prior warning during the Hunter training about the possibility of fatal accidents during the training process had been given, but the emotions got in the way.

“Don’t stand; take a rest. Stay still like this.”

After releasing the cube upon landing on the ground, the Healers who were waiting swiftly began to treat Yu Jihyeok. His complexion quickly returned.

“Sir, it might be best to conclude the training for the new Hunters here.”

Do Junyeong also agreed with Seora’s judgment. Chasing the fleeing monsters, especially those under the command of a Demonic Boss, was too much for the new Hunters. Moreover, there were casualties from this recent attack.

“I will handle the monster tracking with the raid party.”

“But Yun Seora, your body is still…”

“This much is okay. Also, the monster we’ll face suits my abilities better than yours. I’ll go.”

Seora, a spatial manipulator and Sniper, fought much more effectively than a Swordsman like him when it came to a sky full of butterflies in combat. Of course, this wasn’t a handicap for someone at the S-class level, so it was just an excuse. Seora wanted to practice her cube usage more through real combat.

“Is anyone from the raid party injured?”

“We’ve finished treating everyone.”

The Sunset’s raid party was excited to hear that Seora would be joining them in combat. It was an honor to fight alongside her, even just for today. When would such an opportunity come again?

“Wow. Looks like they prefer fighting with you over me. Look how excited they are.”

Of course, when Eun Injae teased, they quickly composed her expression again. Still, the admiring look in their eyes didn’t easily disappear.

“It’s because I’m good. I hope the guildmaster can understand.”

“Seems like your personality has changed a bit. Is it just me?”

“It’s just you.”

When Seora grinned, Eun Injae let out a small chuckle. She had noticed from the moment she discreetly tried to conceal her identity that Seora was quite the mysterious character.

“Um, excuse me! I-I’m all healed up too. I’m fine now. Please take me with you!”

At that moment, Yu Jihyeok, who was receiving treatment, hastily raised his hand. Everyone looked at him in surprise.

“Yu Jihyeok-ssi, even if you’ve received treatment, going beyond this point is too challenging for a D-class like you.”

Do Junyeong expressed his concern, but Yu Jihyeok shook his head firmly.

“We are Hunters, not mere students. I want to fight against monsters that threaten lives properly. If I withdraw because of injuries like this, I will undoubtedly keep running away in the future.”

Yu Jihyeok’s eyes didn’t waver in despair. If that was the case, Do Junyeong had no reason to stop him either. He wasn’t the kind of teacher to withhold information.

“Is there anyone else who wants to stay?”

About half of the rookies, glancing at each other, raised their hands, while the rest who had been injured shook their heads. Do Junyeong made a decision.

“I will guide the remaining individuals outside the gate. And…”

“I’ll accompany the rest. After all, this training involves collaborating with Sunset, so it doesn’t matter. Those bloodsucking butterfly swarms. I need to stretch a bit.” Eun Injae waved her arm energetically. She seemed exhilarated, not bothering about the combat from a while ago.

“Well then, Guildmaster Eun Injae, Yun Seora-ssi. I’ll leave it to you.”

Do Junyeong led six to seven Hunters outside the gate. In preparation for the actual battle, Seora and Eun Injae equipped themselves with proper weapons and armor.

“Oh? Where did your jacket go?” When Seora wore protective gear instead of her trademark jacket, Eun Injae showed interest.

“It got heavily damaged in the Labyrinth, so I sent it for repairs.”

“Someone offered to repair the Regeneration Jacket?”

“Yes. Since they were quite confident, let’s wait and see. I told them if they mess it up, I won’t let them go.”

“Oh, I see…”

Eun Injae seemed to sympathize a little with the item repairer, who had received a menacing threat from the L-class, but Seora wasn’t bothered. After all, that person was the one who had initially threatened her to wear what he had made.

“Guildmaster Eun Injae, with considerable experience, will lead the raid party. New Hunters, prioritize my orders in any situation. Always keep in mind that your top priority is survival. Now, let’s move out. Mages, activate detection skills.”

“Yes, understood.”

The party set off again.

With an L-class and an S-class Hunter on its tail, no matter how vast the ground was, the Demonic Boss was quickly caught. And not long after the battle resumed, Seora perfectly understood why Yu Jihyeok insisted on continuing to fight.

On that day, acknowledging Yu Jihyeok’s unwavering determination, a certain Entity recognizing his perseverance chose him, and he was reawakened from D-class to B-class.


“You did a great job this time. Well done, Director Do.”

In the association’s president’s office, Song Hanna, who received the report from Do Junyeong after days of training, smiled with delight.

“Yun Seora has done more than me.”

“I heard she cleared out the Demonic Boss down to its soul. Impressive.”

“I personally regret not being able to witness that sight.”

“Do you know that you’re also an exceptional talent, not inferior to Jaeheon?”

Do Junyeong evaded eye contact for a moment. His cheeks turned slightly red.

“The noticeable figure would be Yu Jihyeok, I presume? Chosen by an Entity in the dungeon. It’s been a while since such a promising talent emerged.”


“Moreover, everyone was quite impressed by Seora’s combat. Thanks to her, we’ve suddenly had an influx of talent in our association.”

Do Junyeong was quite surprised by the file Song Hanna handed over. They were all Awakened individuals who had submitted job applications to the association.

Even though the association was a government position, the hiring process for civil servants was slightly different from other fields. Due to the nature of the job, which often involved casualties and required knowledge of Awakened-related legislation, the association would accept applications separately in January and conduct exams for only those applicants.

However, most applicants to the association were below D-class since the exceptionally strong Awakened often joined guilds. This time, however, there were many noticeable individuals among the applicants.

One of them was Yu Jihyeok.

“The demeanor he showed in the dungeon was impressive. If he passes the exam properly, I think it’s okay to hire him.”

“The support office has been keeping an eye on me. Director Kang was here earlier to express regret that too many talents were gathering only in the management office. So, he specifically requested to have Yu Jihyeok transferred to them.”

The head of the management office was an S-class, and even the lower-ranking employee had awakened to L-class. With the addition of a B-class Healer, the balance might be disrupted. Director Kang from the support office passionately made his case to maintain the balance.

“Unfortunately for Director Kang, the TO offer was given to the management office first. By the way, about your request for promotion; it was approved without any opposition, naturally.”

In the second file, Song Hanna handed over, there were individuals scheduled for promotion this year. One in the response office, two in the support office, and two in the management office. The most prominent names were none other than Gong Haeyeon and Yun Seora.

“Gong Haeyeon is being promoted from Grade 7 to Grade 6, and Yun Seora is receiving a special promotion to Grade 5.”

It wasn’t feasible to keep an individual of such a high rank at the bottom. Hence, the decision was made for a 2-grade advancement. Starting from February, Seora would assume the position of section chief.

“Of course, I say section chief, but in terms of external influence, she’s far superior. Actually, some people who are still discontent with you hiding your grade suggested promoting Seora to the director position this time.”

“Are you considering promoting her?”

“Don’t think you can step down. Since you’ve blocked me from retiring, do you think I’d just let Seora take your place?”

Do Junyeong openly expressed his regret.

“The section chief position is suitable for her, who dislikes having a lot of work. Also, with both Gong Haeyeon and Seora being promoted, we need an operational member in the Dungeon Management Team, so let’s select and place someone during this year’s public recruitment. You must accept Director Kang’s dissatisfaction.”

“Yes, understood.” Do Junyeong nodded wearily. The discontent of Director Kang would inevitably come out during drinks, making it already a wearisome prospect. Knowing this well, Song Hanna chuckled.

“Director Do, you’ll have to stay with me in the association until Seora leaves, so hang in there. Hiyaa, it’s impressive to think the section chief holds the highest authority in this association.”

Eventually, Do Junyeong couldn’t help but smile at Song Hanna’s playful banter.

Though, as per Song Hanna’s words, even if he felt like giving up the director position to Yun Seora immediately, she would detest such a burdensome role. So, it might be better for her if he continued to stay in this position to ensure she didn’t end up in it.

He was willing to handle the tasks that Seora disliked whenever she needed him to.


“A promotion.”

Upon receiving the news, Seora was extremely flustered. If it were a one-grade promotion, she might have felt it was about time and accepted it. After all, her peer, Gong Haeyeon, had also risen to Grade 6.

But a whopping 2-grade promotion? Of course, given the high mortality rate in the association compared to other professions, the promotion criteria were relatively lenient, and a special promotion wasn’t surprising…

‘Promotions mean increased difficulty in tasks!’

With a higher salary comes a pile of work! That’s how it goes. If you flaunt your abilities at work, they give you even more. This is why you shouldn’t show off your skills at the workplace. Tears welled up in Seora’s eyes. Goodbye to the days when she was content at the bottom.

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