Civil Servant Hunter’s S-class Resignation Log

Chapter 122:

We kindly ask for your understanding regarding the inconsistency of character pronouns, particularly for the Entities (ex. The Greedy Predator). In Korean, pronouns are rarely used, making it challenging to ascertain a character's gender or identity until later narratives unfold. Given this is a guest-funded site, the time to backtrack is better used to keep other works' going. On a more important note, refrain from sharing this work on social media to ensure our survivability. Thank you for your cooperation!

“What was that in the end?”

As the situation settled, everyone approached Oliver and Yun Seora. Julian’s gaze was fixed on the peacefully sleeping Yun Seora.

“It must have been Headbang’s ability, right? Did she overexert herself with this condition and pass out again?”

“No, Miss Yun Seora hasn’t woken up at all.”

“Then what happened? She couldn’t have reached a point where she can use her abilities while unconscious.”

“It’s her summon’s power,” Kang Sejun explained briefly. The summon could mimic one skill from a contractor, allowing it to use Yun Seora’s red cube. Julian was astonished by the revelation.

“Not only does she possess a weapon she can freely transform, but she also has summoning abilities? She’s luckier than winning the lottery.”

In a way, it was similar. Her status as the system administrator’s contractee granted her these extraordinary abilities. Seong Jarim, who was aware of this, nodded in secret.

“Aaaah! Don’t get any closer!” Julian attempted to approach the fox, but Jarim quickly blocked his path. “Don’t come near until she wakes up. That fox… well, it won’t forgive anyone who threatens Yun Seora’s safety. If you don’t want to be attacked for no reason, just stay quiet!” Jarim stumbled over her words in confusion. It was obvious who controlled the adorable and charming fox!

‘The administrator protects Yun Seora, even taking the form of a fox!’

Jarim trembled, remembering what she had heard from Yun Seora earlier.

Life would become unbearably difficult for anyone who went against this administrator, who cared for their contractee so diligently, far surpassing Baskar’s administrator. Nothing was more terrifying to Seong Jarim, who had suffered for decades and lost her sanity.

“Attacked for no reason? Well, the fox wouldn’t stand a chance if it tried to attack.”

However, unaware of Jarim’s efforts, Garcia carelessly brought his face closer to the fox. Ignorance and bravery seemed to go hand in hand.

Tap, tap, tap. A chilling sound resonated from behind. Jarim turned her head slightly and noticed one of the fox’s tails tapping the ground, conveying its displeasure. Jarim jumped in surprise.

“If you value your life, listen to me!”

“Yeah, you brainless idiot. Do you have any idea how much this fox has suffered to protect you while you were happily indulging in your fantasies, defeating Julian and Ali? Unless your head is just for show, you should reflect on your actions!” Monique scolded Garcia and smacked the back of his head. It seemed the Healer had not only focused on enhancing her powers but also developed a sturdy physique. With a loud thud, the hefty Garcia easily crashed to the ground.

It was said that Healers, lacking mana, had to rely on their own health to perform their healing abilities. As a result, Monique, known for her exceptionally robust health even among typical Tanks, stood out as an exemplary Healer.

Of course, Garcia was far from ordinary. He quickly rose to his feet, his face unharmed, and casually brushed off the debris from his body and face.

“Tsk. I can’t argue with that.”

“Yeah, it’s better to listen and obey.” Kang Sejun also stepped forward in support of Jarim. He regarded the fox with a cautious gaze. “Speaking from experience, be careful. That fox can easily penetrate even an L-class defense.”

A slap to the cheek and a strike from its sharp teeth. With just one more devastating blow, the Triple Attack would be unleashed. Evidently, anyone who forced their way toward the unconscious Yun Seora would face the full force of the third attack.

“That much? What kind of summon is this? Unbelievable.”

“Exactly. It’s far more intelligent than this idiot and could be more useful. Let’s bring the fox along for our next raid. With Yun Seora and the fox, it’s one plus one equals three.”

“That sounds like a good plan. I’m in agreement.” Julian quickly raised his hand. They decided to propose this strategy to the WDO director as they departed. Surprisingly, Monique and Julian got along well.

“Let’s conclude our tasks and leave. Fortunately, this time we have a two-day window,” Ali announced, capturing everyone’s attention. The demise of the Labyrinth’s 8th floor owner, the Dragon of Revelation, triggered a countdown in the sky.

【Time remaining until gate closure: 47:47:51】

“Last time, we didn’t even have a chance to attend to the corpse. It’s a stroke of luck that we have two days now. Yun Seora should wake up within that time.”

It had taken them days to reach this point because of the snakes along the journey, but they were expected to return faster than before.

Ali sighed as she glanced at Yun Seora’s peaceful slumber. It was crucial for her to wake up before Yun Jaeheon found out and became agitated. No one knew what kind of difficulties the captain might face because of the branch manager, who was usually rational, unless it involved his younger sister.

“Let’s depart immediately.”

Upon hearing Ali’s words, Kang Sejun cautiously approached the fox, intending to offer support to Yun Seora. However, Jarim quickly intervened, pulling him back. If she hadn’t acted promptly, the fox’s claws might have scratched his face.

“Hey, I told you not to do that. What if you provoke it? Just leave it be; the… fox will take care of Seora on its own.”

Jarim’s words resonated as the nine-tailed fox gently placed Yun Seora on its back. Its tail wrapped securely around her, preventing any chance of her falling. It seemed that the fox trusted no one else but itself to protect her.

“The fox will safeguard Seora better than any of us. Let’s not worry and continue on.”

With the fox leading the way, the group followed closely behind. Kang Sejun appeared disappointed, but Jarim swiftly thwarted his attempts to catch up, ensuring he couldn’t get too close.

Consequently, he couldn’t approach Seora properly until she regained consciousness.


Approximately a day later, Seora awoke within the embrace of the fox’s soft tails. Jarim, who had remained by her side, immediately rushed toward her.

“Seoraseora! Are you okay!?”

“Oh, Seong Jarim… I’m fine. Where…?”

Although she felt discomfort from something heavy pressing on her stomach, her mind felt clear, as if she had slept well and just woken up. Looking around, she found herself in a vast empty field.

“Is the raid over?”

Witnessing the tranquil scene devoid of any snakes, Jarim vigorously nodded. “It’s over. Well done. You were the biggest contributor.”

As she spoke, a series of system messages that Seora had missed while unconscious began to appear one after another.

【The owner of the 8th Floor of the Labyrinth, ‘World of Crumbled Revelation’, has been defeated!】

【Top contributors: Yun Seora (Class L), Oliver Ross (Class L)】

【You are the biggest contributor to defeating the owner of the 8th floor of the Labyrinth. Rewards and achievements are being calculated.】

【Head of Wrath – Destroyed】

【Head of Lust – Destroyed】

【Head of Greed – Destroyed】

【You have destroyed a total of three heads from ‘Red Dragon of Revelation’. You have achieved a remarkable feat. You have fulfilled the conditions to acquire a title!】

【A new title is born!】

【You have acquired ‘Title—Dragon Slayer (Class L)’!】

【Title—Dragon Slayer (Class L)】

This title can only be held by those who have slain dragons. When facing dragons, your attack power increases by 30%.】

‘Dragon Slayer?’

The name itself was extraordinary. It seemed to have a similar effect to Jarim’s title, ‘The Slaughterer of the Battlefield.’

Seora wasn’t certain when she would face dragons again, but having additional titles was always advantageous, so she felt pleased. Besides the title, her inventory was filled with items obtained from slaying the dragon. Oh my, this must be worth a significant sum. With this, I could soon construct a new building for the association.

“But it’s strange. I only killed wrath and lust, so why does it say I killed greed too? The system couldn’t possibly have an error, could it?”

Although she had fainted midway, the memory of slaying the head of Lust remained vivid.

She had teleported within the controlled cube, depleting all her remaining mana in the process. Nonetheless, she managed to accomplish it. With further practice, she could master it completely.

“Seong Jarim, what happened?”

Seora inquired, but Jarim merely averted her gaze without providing a direct response. Why is she breaking out in a cold sweat? More importantly, what is beneath me that feels so soft…?

Seora turned her head and gasped. Right in front of her nose was a fox with bloodshot eyes, whimpering and sniffling.

【Administrator: 。゚(゚ ˃̣̣̣̣̣̣⌓˂̣̣̣̣̣̣ ゚)゚。】

Even the emoticon floating above her head seemed dampened with tears.

How could she have forgotten? The administrator had witnessed her fainting episode firsthand.

“Administrator,” Seora belatedly realized that nine tails lovingly enwrapped her body, and she offered a wry smile. She felt remorseful. “You must have been worried, right? I apologize for making you witness that. And thank you. Thank you for protecting me.”

【Administrator: (っ ˃̣̣̣̣̣̣⌓˂̣̣̣̣̣̣̩ )っ】

The administrator extended his arms, seemingly asking for a hug. Seora tightly embraced the fox’s neck and tenderly stroked its smooth fur. Before she knew it, she was enveloped under the nine tails, completely concealed from the outside.

“Yun Seora!”

“Oh, you’re awake? Phew, I’m relieved. Your brother wouldn’t have let me off the hook if he found out.”

“Who exactly is this ‘brother’? Can you tell me?”

“Why is it that only Seong Jarim can approach the fox? Because of that, I can’t even get close to Seong Jarim!”

“How clueless can you be? It’s evident that Seong Jarim dislikes you.”

“I’m glad you woke up safely. Truly, it’s a relief.”

At that moment, the commotion caught the attention of other members of the raid party who were scattered around. Seora, who had been attentively listening to the soothing heartbeat resonating within the soft fur, attempted to sit up as they approached.

Yip! The fox emitted an adorable sound and promptly stood up with Seora on its back.

“Eliza… Huh?”

Without delay, it began to run. Despite the calls from behind, questioning what had happened and where it was going, the fox paid no heed.

“What’s happening? Where are we going?”

Seora was taken aback but made no attempt to halt the administrator, as she harbored no fear about his actions. She simply continued to stroke his neck gently while riding on his back.

【Administrator: _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):_】

In response, the administrator adopted a posture of lying down, appearing exhausted. Seora, who had spent nearly half a year with the administrator, immediately grasped its meaning.

“You mean we need to go outside and rest quickly?”

【Administrator: o( ˃̣̣̣̣̣̣︿˂̣̣̣̣̣̣ )o】

That was the correct interpretation. Seora smiled and held the administrator’s neck a little tighter. She would do whatever she could if it would relieve him.

However, there was one thing that piqued her curiosity.

‘Why has the administrator only been communicating through emoticons and not allowing me to hear his voice?’

She longed to hear his gentle voice, yet the administrator remained silent and continued running toward the gate.


Labyrinth Island. In front of the crimson gate.

The gate, which had remained still for days, began to tremble, capturing the attention of the onlookers who stared at it in bewilderment.

“Th-the raid party is returning!”

“Beds! Bring the beds quickly! Are the Healers prepared? If there are any injured, begin treatment immediately!”

“Yes! We have eight beds ready for use!”

People nervously swallowed as they anxiously gazed at the gate.

【The 8th floor of the Labyrinth has been conquered!】

The awaited message elicited cheers from the crowd. They had truly succeeded. Really! Tears welled up as they eagerly awaited the emergence of those who had once again come to their rescue.

After a few minutes passed,

【Top contributors: Yun Seora (Class L), Oliver Ross (Class L)】

Accompanied by the resplendent announcement, Yun Seora was the first to emerge, accompanied by the brilliant white fox by her side.

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