Chronicles of the Red Sovereign

Chapter 55: The Archduchess' Offer

Zaira eyed the teen who claims to be a reincarnator. She still could not believe one of her wards got herself involved with one.

‘But then again, she’s a reincarnator herself. Or should I call her a possessor? Since she claims to be only possessing Luna’s body?’

The previous day, she received a lot of shocking news. She never thought a day would come where she could still be caught off-guard considering everything she had been through.

First, she reached a dead end on her investigation concerning the illegal experiments Omar Alkis had been doing the last ten years, only to be told by one of her trusted informants that he may have been backed by demons.

‘Gosh. They’re causing trouble again.’ she grumbled mentally.

Next, he was caught off-guard and was confronted by Luna. She did not appreciate being called weird but then she realized those around her really did see her as one. She was still trying to get her heard around the fact that her adoptive niece holds the soul of a fallen high goddess.

And lastly, there was Bernard. She was quite skeptical at such claims, but then she received the note and decided to check it out.

She couldn’t just invite a teenager outright, so she had to look for other means to meet up with him. The archduchess decided to just pull his consciousness into a special room where she could speak to him.

‘Let’s do that then.’


Bernard fidgeted as he sat on the vacant seat which happened to be just across the archduchess. He was still wrapping his head around the fact that Luna’s aunt was actually the famous Archduchess Zaira Chrishni von Celestine.


“What is your name?” the archduchess asked.

“My name is Bernard Thesax, milady.” he answered almost immediately. His voice was even an octave higher than normal which showed just how nervous he was.

“That’s not what I mean.” the archduchess leaned closer with a serious look on her face. “Ni jiao shenme mingzi?” [What is your name?]

Bernard’s eyes widened at the question and language the archduchess used.

‘She asked me in Chinese, does that mean she wants to know my name in my previous life?’ he wondered. He swallowed the lump on his throat and proceeded to answer.

“Wo jiao Bai Yuan, na ni ne?” [My name is Yuan Bai, what about you?]

The archduchess smiled and answered in the language of Afasia. “Mine was Lian Akatsuki. I was half-Chinese, half-Japanese. But I spent my young adult years in China.”

“Lian, Lian as in Lotus?”


“So, you’re also from Earth?”


“So I’m not the only one.” Bernard couldn’t help but sigh in relief. “Your highness?”

“If you want to be formal, just address me as My Lady. But since you’re Luna’s friend, I don’t mind you calling me Aunt Zaira as well.”

“Uhm… that is…”

“Whichever suits your preference.”

“My Lady?”

“Very well.”

“My Lady, I know you’re someone of high status and Luna… Luna as well, but-“

“You’re worried if I suddenly think you’re taking advantage of your friendship to Luna so you can ask me for favors?”

Bernard immediately shook his head but abruptly stopped, she did have a point.

“Don’t worry. I chose to meet you because you have your own merits. Being friends with Luna is just a plus. So, what is it that you want? Why did you want to meet me? Or at least why did you want to meet with another reincarnator?”

“I just wanted to know why we are reincarnated in Afasia.” Bernard looked down to hide his embarrassment and anxiousness. “What is the reason of our existence in this world when we’re not originally from here? “

“I see. I suppose sometimes we do wonder why we exist in the first place. I guess you did not meet any sort of god or deity when you died and crossed here?”

Bernard shook his head. His last memory of earth was drowning to death after rescuing a kid who fell to the sea. When he was conscious again, he was already a baby named Bernard Thesax.

“Figures. To be honest, I don’t know why we, well, I ended up here either. I suppose the meaning of our existence varies. And just like our lives even before this, we search for that meaning all throughout our lives, don’t you think so?”

He stayed silent on his seat. He scoffed at himself. How could he not realize that? That was the point of living and leading a life.

“Thank you My Lady. I guess I was stupid enough to search for it when I haven’t even lived a full life in this lifetime.”

“That’s normal. We always wonder about it after all, especially at your age.” the archduchess smiled.

“I’m sorry I had the audacity of asking, no, I apologize for having the audacity of demanding to meet with you.”

“It is fine. You have questions and it’s up to the adults to guide people like you.” the Archduchess smiled.

Bernard did not know whether to be happy or nervous at her words. If there was one thing he was used to, it was to never fully trust cryptic answers. It did not always bode well.

“Now then, I hope even though we have confronted each other this way, you’d still remain friends with Luna. That kid needs it.”

“Don’t worry My Lady.” Bernard replied. “Even if you tell me to stop being friends with her, I won’t.”

“That’s good. I like that attitude of yours. Although, I have to remind you to never reveal anything we just talked about.” she warned him. “This world is not ready to know of your existence yet.”

“I… I understand.”

Silence hung between him, and Bernard felt like he was losing his mind at his own anxiousness.

“Bernard?” his head perked up at the mention of his name. “One last thing.”


“I know it’s not the right thing to do, but before I met you, I had you investigated.” Bernard couldn’t help but swallow the lump on his throat.

‘I think it’s normal for someone of her status.’ he thought to calm himself.

“I have to say, you have quite an impressive background.”

‘She sounds like she got hold of my resumé or something.’

“You’re skilled, talented and smart. It’s a good background you know.” he could only nod his head. “That’s why I have an offer I hope you’d consider.”

“What kind of offer?”

“I’d like you to join the Dark Palace.”

Bernard couldn’t help but wonder at the name. It sounded dangerous and secretive. Archduchess Celestine seemed to have known what was running on his mind because she immediately added;

“Think of it like the CIA or the MI6 here in Praiji Empire. We operate in the shadows and we receive direct orders from the emperor himself.” her lips gave a faint smile. “What do you think?”

“Uhm…” Bernard swallowed his own saliva due to his nervousness. “Can I… have some time to think about it first?”

“Of course. I’ll give you until the end of your winter break.”

“I think that’s enough. Yeah… Thank you.”

“Very well. I suppose I should let you return to your body. We have a ball to attend to. Third Prince Peter and Prince Royal Kai invited you, right?”


“I hope you’ll consider my offer Xiao Yuan. It’s not every day I get to meet a reincarnator from earth like myself.”

“I’ll give it some thoughts.”

After bidding his last goodbye, Bernard suddenly found himself back on his room, as if he did not just have his consciousness pulled out and had a conversation with the strongest mage in the country.

“The Dark Palace, huh.” Bernard murmured. “I suppose I should watch out then.”

With that in mind, he prepared for the Winter Ball.

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