Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

v9 Chapter 1200 - Planning (3)

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A thick blue lightning struck through the red sky, caught up with the two-headed Chimera trying to escape in front, and saw countless arcs flying in the air. The prey that found invincible after raiding Raine planted toward the ground After going down, its huge body was heavily impacted on the same red ground sandstone, and it continued to slide forward with unrelenting momentum, which stirred up a large amount of dust, and suddenly covered the ground.

Lean floating in mid-air smiled slightly. In other words, other adventurers might think that the two-headed Chimera was dead. The worst thing was that he was dying under his magical attack. Unfortunately, as a demigod, Ryan clearly felt the other side. The breath of life is only converging and not really as weak as it seems. In other words, this prey that has been attacked by yourself is only an attempt to deceive yourself with some naive tricks.

“Since you like to play, then just be my mount for a while.” Ryan suspended in the sky didn’t take the double-headed Chimera’s conspiracy at all. He stretched out an arm and scratched a few mysteries at his chest. The magic rune quickly completed a soul contract magic circle, and then under the control of Ryan, this contract spell that should be released in close proximity was forcibly imposed on the two-headed Chimera brain hiding under the smoke of the ground. Then, the empty crimson space immediately echoed the unwilling shouts of Chimera.

The real strength of this two-headed Chimera lies between the field and the legendary peak, but because of its extremely fast flight speed, it is comparable to the average field powerhouse. At least if there is a disadvantage in the war situation, it is no problem to escape. It is also the reason why it dared to attack Ryan and his team of three people. Unfortunately, the prey it found is not as simple as the strong field. If this two-headed Chimera itself is also good at using lightning type magic, it has a strong damage to this type of damage. The ability of resistance, otherwise it has just fallen under the blow of Ryan.

Despite his unwillingness, the two-headed Chimera was completely impossible to resist the contractual magic of the demeanor of Ryan, about three or four seconds before and after, the scream disappeared into the air, and then Ryan felt the wings fly fast The airflow fluctuated by the fan, a huge double-headed Chimera climbed up from the sand and dust on the ground, and appeared tame in front of him.

Seeing that Ryan has conquered a mount, the nearby Mother Christine and Prince Mossfeller have moved slightly, and have stood side by side with Ryan again, and in their identity they can naturally fly freely in the alien sky , But if there are mounts like the two-headed Chimera that fly very fast to drive, it is also a good choice. After all, the latter two are usually respected and pampered. Which trip is not all around the stars is the moon Afterwards.

After hastily dealt with the affairs of Cassano and the Six-Party Alliance, Ryan quietly returned to the alien world, appointment with the two demigod kings of the Dark Elf and Saul Demon, and passed the magic circle to the secret blood desert now. As a restricted area ruled by seven kings from outside the world, demigods such as the strong and weak Mother Goddess and Prince Mosazfeller also deliberately let their forces avoid the tens of thousands of kilometers of territory nearby, and even intentionally Inadvertently forbid the adventurous team of his subordinates into it, which makes the secret blood desert gradually forgotten beyond the sight of everyone in the world.

The secret blood desert is called this name entirely because this area is full of bright crimson, whether it is the sky or the ground. No matter in which direction the person is looking, it will only see the same picture The picture is like staying in a blood pool covered with blood, but there is no **** smell in the air, but the smell of the wind drifts from time to time. Obviously there is a powerful Warcraft in the upper wind position peeping around, anytime It is possible to attack and kill prey.

“I said, you are all demigod kings. Why do you feel like you are facing a great enemy here? For so many years, you have restrained your subordinates from stepping in here.” The two-headed Chimei standing at high speed Pulling his back, Ryan asked a bit of curiosity to the two companions around him. Although there were strong strong winds around him, Ryan’s not-so-loud sound clearly passed into Herris. The earliest mother-in-law and Prince Mossefeller.

After hearing this question, the faces of the two demigod kings seemed to have changed slightly. It seemed that Ryan had asked a question that was a taboo, but obviously this taboo was not enough to hide the companions of demigod kings like Ryan, So Mother Mother and Prince Mossfell glanced at each other, and finally the former explained, “If it wasn’t for Ryan you mentioned, maybe we wouldn’t want to mention this thing in thousands of years. It has a lot to do with the last siege of the demigod that ignited the **** fire … “

“At the beginning, we were surrounded by 17 kings, but only six of them fell on the spot. Only eleven were left, and everyone suffered heavy losses.” There was a trace of grief on Mother Herster’s face, obviously I remembered the tragic battle at the beginning. Ryan also heard Astalote and others mention this past a little bit, and I felt a little annoyed for a while. I only hated that I could not be born for tens of thousands of years early. I participated in the magnificent time. During the epic battle, the mother Mary Hester’s tone changed, but she said another result that Ryan unexpectedly said: “Everyone thought that the demigod who lit the fire was killed by us on the spot. This is not the case. Although we paid a heavy price, we probably did not actually kill each other. “

“What, you said that the new **** did not fall.” Ryan was shocked when he heard the words. Rao was already a demigod king, and he still could not control his mind at this moment, so that he shouted out of silence, but The conversation between the three demi-gods is naturally covered with thoughts. Even if Ryan tried his best to roar, even if the others stood beside them, they would n’t want to hear the slightest sound. Naturally, do n’t worry about leaking this secret. Of course, in a remote and desolate place such as the Secret Blood Desert, I am afraid that even without such protective measures, I do not have to worry about the emergence of such a leak.

“No, that’s not the case.” Mother Herster hesitated slightly and said in a less certain tone: “According to the hindsight of several of us, that person should have fallen on the spot, after all, even if he ignited After the Divine Fire, we are faced with 17 demigod kings. Imagine this time when we are fighting against the Queen of Night together. At that time, such a luxurious and huge camp, I am afraid that even the real gods can kill here. It ’s not just a pseudo-god that has ignited the fire but has n’t really formed a godhead. It ’s just that each of our demi-gods must have some means of life-saving, so that person should have left a ray of distraction to escape us. The prophecy of magic, this statement may not be completely consistent with the facts, but it should be the closest explanation to the facts. “

“So, the demigod Lich Const is the demigod monarch who was re-formed by the ray of distraction left by the new **** who you failed to kill.” Ryan asked this sentence really. Mouthless, but Mother Hearst and Prince Mossefeller naturally understood what he meant to express. The latter nodded and agreed with Ryan, but Mother Hester slightly shook her head and seemed to be right This answer is reserved, and this inconsistent situation has caused new doubts in Ryan’s mind.

Seemingly guessing Ryan ’s idea, Mother Christine went on to say, “The reason why we gave two different answers is because we ca n’t find any direct connection between the two, just through the previous Some temptations have come to such an inference … “Mrs. Hearst said that it was difficult to explain in this direction, so he turned to say:” Lean, so, any strong man will appear, With his own unique growth trajectory, even if you, Ryan, you can become a miracle of a demigod for decades, when you start to learn martial arts from Caleb, start with a mortal cross the legend, impact the field, and finally promote As a demigod king, this process may be shorter than other similar ones, but every step is traceable. “

“But the Lich King in the depths of the Cursed Crypt did not have this process of growth. Even with prophetic spells, he couldn’t find any fragments about its past. You naturally understand what it means, Ryan.” Mossaz Prince Phil said: “If you are aware of your rapid growth experience, or the situation of the Titans crossing from other planes, you can find a clue anyway, after all, you are becoming After the demigod can resist the magical detection of other people’s prophecies, but before, for example, before becoming a legendary strongman, how could the spellcaster be left with the chance of magic detection, and the strength of the strongmen within the Titans varies, needless to say Nature also has an opportunity to take advantage, but the Lich King does not, which shows that the Lich King has the power of a demigod realm from the moment of its appearance. This situation obviously does not conform to the law of growth of the strong, if It is not a mutation that has been inherited after a certain power, and it simply cannot be explained. “

“Inherit power.” Ryan couldn’t help repeating the words of Mother Hearst and Prince Mosazfeller. Based on this conjecture that has not been fully confirmed, the seven kings of the outside world are only half. The secret blood desert where the **** lich is located is so afraid, and the undead legion of the demigod lich has never officially appeared in the other world. It seems that this conjecture has also been verified from the negative side. Obviously, the demigod lich is also very afraid of the kings of the other world. It is even reluctant to fight against other forces in the alien world like the rising kings of Raksha and Selachan, so as not to expose their identity and trigger another battle of demi-gods.

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