Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

v9 Chapter 1180 - Mysterious symbol

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The Queen of Night once witnessed how Ryan exiled the soul hunter. Naturally, he knew that the six-pointed star magic circle he had launched should also change accordingly, but the Queen of Night did not think that Ryan would succeed because of her shadow position. The plane has actually invaded the outer world, and is still engulfing an area in the other world. If you use this method earlier, you may still be able to take advantage of the shadow plane is not stable enough to produce effects, and now the integration of this plane and the outer world has been At the end, even the Queen of Night cannot violate the power of the law and then release this state of engulfing fusion.

It seems that Ryan does not know this. Perhaps he also feels that as long as more power is gathered, the pseudo-god of the night queen can be banished. Once this happens, the power of the night queen will inevitably be affected, at least in exile. During the period when it takes effect, the Queen of Night will have to face the situation of not being assisted by the Pseudo-God Domain. Her strength is stronger than other demigod kings. She has condensed the Pseudo-God Domain. If you lose this power, even if it is only short Time is sealed, and the Queen of the Night who has no advantage in power can resist six out-of-world kings like wolves.

Thinking of the Queen of Night here couldn’t help but show a smile, had to admit that Ryan’s idea was very unique and very effective, but unfortunately he didn’t understand all the secrets of the Queen of Night Pseudo-God, so this exile magic will definitely fail, As an enemy who has repeatedly destroyed the plan of the Queen of the Night, the Queen of the Night is very much looking forward to seeing the loss and even the desperate expression on his face after Ryan finds that his plan with a weak attack has failed, which is far more than killing the enemy in battle. More effective.

Ryan did not seem to realize that his plan had been seen through by the Queen of Night. He still recite magic spells with all his mind, controlling the entire six-pointed star magic circle to start rotating irregularly, and also appeared on the surface of this six-pointed star pattern. There are symbols that are more mysterious and more difficult to understand. They seem to no longer belong to any type of text that is known, but they are not as simple as graffiti, because you can feel this kind of sight with a glance. The powerful pseudo-magic power contained in the mysterious symbols, almost half of the pseudo-magic power transformed by Ryan through the Bone Magic Array, is used in this place.

Each volume of this mysterious symbol is comparable to the size of Ryan ’s body, and they appear more and more frequently on the hexagram pattern, and because of the continuous increase in the number, the entire single hexagram star magic array has become It is quite compact and chaotic, and with the acceleration of the rotation speed of the Six-pointed Star Magic Array, often when someone looks at any one of the mysterious symbols in an attempt to read and understand its meaning, the field of vision has become because of its completely irregular movement. Blurred, this feeling will even continue to spread, directly invading the brain, and even confounding the spirit.

Fortunately, except for Ryan, the other six advanced domain powerhouses are all in full force, and there is no time to watch what kind of monster he helped Ryan make, and the seven demigod kings on the other end are between each other. Mutual surveillance, it is impossible to put the main energy on things that are not related to the current situation. At best, it is through the perception of Shennian that the six-pointed star magic array that Ryan is launching is somewhat unusual. Perhaps it should be vigilant, but also That’s all.

Unconsciously, the volume of the Six-pointed Star Magic Array continues to expand, and the mysterious symbols that should have been attached to the six-pointed star pattern have a tendency to break away from this body and dissipate in the surrounding air, waiting for others to notice this. Changes, those symbols have burst into a shining light, filling up a large space around them, so that this part of the black and white shadow plane space completely wipe out the existence of black, leaving only people to feel happy Bright radiance.

When all this happened, Ryan ’s spirit seemed to be even more depressed. Needless to say, he must have overdrawn too much power, so that the whole body was crumbling. Not only Ryan himself, but also his other six field strong companions. They all sat exhausted on the ground bones one by one, all of them, including afterburners, had no grace at all, and they looked weaker than Ryan by three points. It seemed that they could crush them with just one finger They looked like these companions. Ryan’s face showed an apologetic smile, but his arm stretched into his arms, and he slowly reached out a small bottle of sealed black potion.

The volume of this black potion is not very large. Ryan’s palm can completely wrap it in the palm of his hand, but the solemn expression transformed from Ryan’s face seems to indicate that the potion should contain a force that even he fears, otherwise There can never be such a situation. When Ryan opened the stopper, the smell of the black potion immediately spilt out, and the spirit of Aledia and other people who sat down nearby without any manners was attracted. Come, although they still do not understand the use of this potion, but the **** breath filled with the smell, and the powerful coercion that accompanied this breath, are enough to shock anyone.

“Are you sure you want to drink it.” Caleb guessed something vaguely, so he asked weakly and weakly, the strong guys in other fields didn’t understand the meaning, just heard some from Caliber’s tone. Clues, it seems that this bottle of potion will have some side effects, but unfortunately we do n’t know much and ca n’t intervene, so we have to keep silent and watch Ryan ’s reaction.

As a master of enchanting, Ryan made the most use of the blood of the black dragon. In addition to using it to soak the body, the most important thing was to modulate the ink used to draw the magic array. Fortunately, the elf queen Fria is proficient in alchemy. , And also has all kinds of recipes passed down through the ages of the elves, especially the elven clan goddess of the moonlight got a recipe from the admiration of his dragon gods on how to use dragon blood to dispense potions. The small bottle filled with black potion, but the final dispensed potion has a near-destructive effect on the user’s body. After all, the adult dragon can only bear the power of the black dragon’s blood.

This is the reason why Caleb asked. He was obviously worried that Ryan ’s body could not bear the power of the potion. However, waiting for Ryan to answer anything, the Queen of the Night in the high altitude suddenly said with a sudden enlightenment: “Black Dragon Blood, you even have the blood of the Archaic Black Dragon. I understand. I understand why Ryan your strength has grown so rapidly. The Archaic Black Dragon that I defeated originally fell into your hands. “

“Blood of the Black Dragon.” “The Queen of Night’s men are defeated.” “The secret of Ryan’s strength.” The brief words of the Queen of Night brought too much information to everyone present, and everyone was guessing it with their own understanding. The facts that may be included are only the exceptions of Mother Herast and Caleb. The Taikoo Black Dragon invited the Ryan couple to kill, and naturally it is clear that Ryan ’s increase in strength has little to do with the black dragon. The latter is Ryan ’s enlightenment teacher, and he has also inspired and guided Ryan in several key stages. Naturally, the Queen of Night ’s conjecture, which is almost completely contrary to the facts, is naturally in the heart, but he is also happy to let others because of the night. The Queen’s inducement made him guess the truth, so he wouldn’t stand up to explain anything.

Regarding the self-righteous guessing mistake of the Queen of the Night, Ryan just lipped his lips, and his psychology is almost the same as that of Caleb, which makes the strong people in the outside world think that his rapid growth is related to the ancient Black Dragon. Well, as long as Ryan has the strength to protect his safety, even if their eyes have nothing to do with it, you must know that any of these seven kings have the same effect as the ancient black dragon, but they have not seen those for so many years. The guy dared to offend these kings and fulfilled his wish.

The potion in the vial in hand gave Ryan a feeling of nausea from the heart. This is still the result of Fria’s meticulous preparation. If the original pure blood of Taikoo Black Dragon, I am afraid that Ryan is mentally or physically They can’t tolerate doing the same thing as the blood race. It’s as if everyone likes roasted meat and delicious food, but really let him go to slaughter and devour the **** raw meat directly, I’m afraid there will never be any feeling of enjoying the food.

Pinching his nose, he poured a small bottle of prepared black dragon blood into his throat, and then Ryan created a hot line on his chest, which is the process of the black dragon potion flowing from the throat into the stomach, which also means this The potion full of powerful potions began to take effect in Ryan’s body. Ryan did not dare to be indifferent. He launched the time warp secret technique at the fastest speed, so that his tired body returned to the state of semi-stepping God. From other people’s point of view, Ryan has repeatedly launched this kind of strength-enhancing secret technique. I am afraid he is already at the cost of overdrawing his vitality. Fortunately, he is still quite young as a strong field player. No matter how he spends, he has enough capital, but he does not know that Ryan is After immersed in the blood of the Black Dragon, this mystery has been slowly improved in actual combat. After escaping from the imprisonment of the blood emperor and returning to his hometown floating city, Lane is within his power, such as eating and hanging out. As much as possible to keep himself in this state, so the number of times and the duration of his entering the half-step state of **** closure has long exceeded other people’s imagination.

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