Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

v9 Chapter 1178 - All betrayal and relative departure (2)

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The matter has come to this point, it is meaningless to regret the previous actions, and the Queen of Night is no more than a demigod king. With one enemy and four, there is no chance of winning anyway, so she tightened her face and let her own Eyes glanced over the faces of the four demigod kings, including the devil prince Saul, and they seemed to keep these enemies in their hearts in order to avenge them one by one when he came back.

It ’s just that the queen of the night, Tyrese, wanted to pull away, but Prince Mossefeller and others did n’t want to let her go like this. The demigod king, who succeeded in rebelling against the demon tyrant, sighed and suddenly opened his eyes to Herey The main brain of the spirit-absorbing monster that Lord Sterf fights said loudly: “Hey, octopus, are you going to martyr this Titan woman, or stand on our side and work together to share your own interests as you did last time.”

Rao is the queen of the night has more life than the six demigod kings present, but failed to understand the meaning of Prince Mossefeller ’s remarks. After all, she knows too little about the outside world, why? Perhaps knowing the past from many years ago, the wicked monster master brain understood the meaning of reconciliation passed by Saul Demon Prince at the first time. It also participated in the siege of the real **** and survived. I also got amazing benefits after coming down, and now I have such an opportunity to stand in front of myself again.

Although the outside world advocates weak meat and strong food, it will never be subject to retrogression. The behavior of following the strong is not without a bottom line. At least it is necessary to protect its own interests, otherwise it is better to let go when you are the most powerful. , It is better than being weakened step by step and having no power to fight back. As the Eye Demon Tyrant said, the strength of the Queen of the Night is so strong that after defeating her enemies, the Eye Demon Tyrant and the Spirit absorb the interests of the main brain There is no guarantee, so when the four-nation alliance throws out the olive branch of reconciliation and gives a convincing promise, the betrayal of the Demon Tyrant is inevitable,

Not only the Demon Tyrant, but also the spirit-sucking monster’s brain is a little emotional, but it did not immediately react, just stopped the battle with the mother and wife of Herest, and the spirit-sucking monster’s mind was naturally stunned. Mistress Rist made a full guess and she said with a chuckle: “You think that after the war, the Titans will use absolute advantage to let the demigod kings of other races coexist with themselves in the other world. Doesn’t the clan want to always put a guy stronger than you here in town. “

“When you win, my interests can’t be guaranteed either.” The psychic monster responded coldly to Mother Herast, but since it said this, it has actually been punished by Prince Mozartfeller, etc. People were persuaded, and now it is nothing more than seeking a promise, a promise to let it go and then share the Titan resources together,

“You are shrinking in your own den. The five of us dare to go in and trouble you alone.” Prince Mosazfeller laughed a few laughs and replied like this: “Although I don’t want to admit it, it’s within the scope of the brain pool. Inside, your Excellency is almost invincible, unless there are two or three and a half gods and kings to join together to resist the suppression of that spiritual force. Do you think we will take such a risk to divide the interests of the family, even if you kill you in the end Ontology, not necessarily who gets the benefits. “

“But the Titans can rely on the army of overwhelming force to attack, and the strength of the Queen of Night should be enough to restrain the spiritual power of your body. If she is willing to give you a promise of non-aggression, then you just treat us as those words just now. I did n’t say anything. ”Mother Herster very cooperatively cooperated with Prince Mosazfeller to finish these contents, and then everyone ’s eyes were cast on the Queen of the Night to see how the Titan demigod responded to his forcing.

The Queen of Darkness did n’t answer, but just stood silently in this place. After waiting for a while, the wicked monster knew that he had got the answer he wanted, so he twisted his body to occupy a position beside the Queen of Darkness. Is to prepare to return to the arms of the four-nation alliance, and sniping the Titan demigod with other demigod kings, I do n’t know if it is for the sake of peace of mind, the spirit-absorbed main brain hesitated or said: “This is your first Sorry for us, so … “

“Even if I gave you a promise, do you think you would believe it.” Facing the disadvantage of one enemy and six, the Queen of Night was unmoved. She raised her head and said proudly: “Besides, when will the noble Titans depend? I bowed my knees to obtain the right to survival. I admit that I am not an opponent of the six of you. But do you dare to give your back completely to other companions? Do you dare to give your life to fight for a chance to kill me, You ca n’t and do n’t dare, so I ’m facing six opponents who have no intentions in their minds. As long as I fight hard to kill one of you, this so-called six-nation alliance will immediately collapse. ”

Although the retreat had sprung up in the heart of the night queen, she did not show these emotions. On the contrary, the loud words of the night queen weakened the fighting spirit of the six half-god kings. If you can kill the night queen, you will survive. The demigod king will definitely benefit from Tianda, but everyone’s strength is not as good as the other, and their gains will inevitably be lost, so who will be the victim of this battle to siege the queen of night, no one will accept this. Destiny, so as long as the Queen of Night launches at all costs, it may not be able to defeat the encircling circle created by the six demi-god kings, only looking at the two sides who are more determined to fight and who are willing to pay more.

“Come on, don’t you want to kill me, then whoever comes up first, it’s you, you … or you.” The Queen of the Night puts his hand on Prince Mossefeller, Mother Hearst, and Spiritual Suction Blame the three brains on the brain, but these demigod kings were filled with indignation when they said that they did n’t seem to kill the Queen of the Night, but when the Queen of the Night challenged herself, she chose to ignore it, anyway. Everyone surrounded the Queen of Night, as long as someone could hold this Titan demigod, the rest of them could naturally take advantage of the situation to slam the Queen of Night, but as long as the companion who attacked the siege was a little bit unsuccessful, he served as a lure. The person in charge may have to pay an extremely heavy price, and it is likely to fall on the spot. Therefore, if everyone cannot trust each other, they will not easily jump out to respond to the challenge of the Queen of the Night, so the battle will fall into a kind of In a subtle stalemate,

“Since no one … then, I’ll come.” At this moment, a clear voice broke the silence on the battlefield, and the seven demigod kings confronting each other did not dare to use their vision to observe who was talking, but Their perception ability is better and more convenient than the eyes. Just with a slight movement of Min Nian, Ryan came out from the shadows, and then he continued: “Do n’t you look down on the power of ants, let today let You know that as long as there is a tacit cooperation to find the target’s weakness, even a group of edelweiss can defeat the adult red dragon. “

Ryan didn’t pay attention to the Queen of Night after he said this, but turned to look at the other six field powerhouses standing behind him. Under Ryan’s indication, thirteen bone-bone monsters stepped on the ground and came together. The moment when the ground shaking didn’t have time to stop, these white-bone beasts suddenly broke together silently, and the numerous bones that made them quickly fell towards the ground, as if a wild rainstorm had started,

Ryan’s hands protruded slightly towards his chest. He closed his eyes and used his mental power to manipulate the bones of the sky, controlling them to fall on the ground in a strange way, and to combine with each other to form a new shape. This process consumes Ryan so much that his entire body, which was tired in a half-step seal, was soaked in sweat,

When the last bone fell to the corresponding position, a huge magic array was formed on the ground in front of Ryan. These magic arrays made of bones occupy a very wide area, not only including the seven people including Ryan. Going in, it spread to the surrounding area for several kilometers. When the entire magic circle was completed, there was even a strong coercion released from it. Obviously, this bone magic circle has deviated from the scope of ordinary magic circle and has Own “life”,

“You, do you trust me.” Ryan was directly withdrawn from the state of half-stepping God because of the excessive consumption. He strongly supported his weak body and said weakly to the other six field powers: “Come on “Inject your own strength into the bone magic array under your feet, and I will take you to teach the proud woman a lifetime unforgettable lesson.”

Ryan’s words aroused the hesitation of many companions. After all, they didn’t know exactly what the use of this large magic array was. It was inevitable that there were some ups and downs in their hearts. However, as a teacher of Ryan, Caleb chose I believe unconditionally that he did not verbosely concentrate his grudge directly on his hands, and then injected into the bone magic array under his feet,

The Bone Magic Array has been set by Ryan long ago. For this magic array, he directly used a half-step chance to seal the gods. From this, it can be seen how much mental energy was consumed in it. , Immediately turned into pseudo-divine power under the effect of the energy conversion ritual. Although the cost of this conversion is not as efficient as that of Ryan using the power of stars, it is better than borrowing more help, so this of Caleb The movement only lasted for a few seconds, the white bone magic circle on the ground gleamed faintly, and it began to operate officially.

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