Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

v9 Chapter 1165 - Night falls (4)

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Ryan secretly feared, but fortunately the wicked monster brain was confronting Ms. Herist, and she did n’t find that she had actually found Ryan ’s weakness, and she did n’t need to compete with Ryan for the **** of the entire Skeleton Legion. You need to destroy Ryan ’s control over the resurrected creatures, or forcibly skim a small part and let Ryan ’s skeleton army kill each other.

In order to prevent the enemy from discovering this flaw, and hundreds of millions of bone warriors could not shrink the back side in a short time, Ryan chose to stay on the spot. His sea star river enchantment was collapsed by the nightfall of the Queen of Night, but This Titan demigod has his own opponent, and now he should not have so much energy to take care of others, which just gave Ryan the opportunity to take advantage of it. Do n’t look at Lothar. They escaped with the support of the Queen of Night, but Ryan did not He planned to stop like this. Previously, he was worried about the opponent’s demigod’s shot and had reservations, but now he has no worries.

The two advanced fields, or the Titans who are stuck in the bottleneck of the peak field, are excellent opponents for Ryan. He quickly scanned the entire plan in his mind and acted immediately after he felt that there were no major flaws. It seemed as if he had guessed Ryan ’s intentions, and the calipers on the side launched a strong attack with the group of Titan strongmen who were moving backwards at the same time. His figure only passed through the distance between the two sides in an instant. Appeared in front of Ferrer, and then Caleb punched the target with a punch,

Ferrer did not stand up to face the opponent of Caleb, but chose to use the power of his companions to offset his attack first. Obviously Ferrell did not want to face Caleb alone, because he had no chance of winning. , Caleb’s behavior is not to challenge Ferrer or to fight against all Titan strongmen, his blow is more like a sham trick, when facing the defensive system built by the Titan strongmen’s ambitions, Caleb’s The figure passed through the void strangely and appeared on the left side of Lothar. Although there were two Titan strongmen between Caleb and Lothar at this time, he had to deny that it was Caleb and Lothar. The closest distance,

“Damn.” After watching Caleb’s success in passing through the void, he continued to maintain an attacking posture, and Lothar instantly determined that the punch that should have hit Ferrer would just hit the one that was in front of it. The key point of the companion, and with the attack speed of afterburner and the power he gained by adding himself the power of the red dragon, I am afraid that the next series of attacks can definitely repel the two defensive flanking senior strong powers. , Directly attacking Losa himself, so under the crisis, Losa shot without hesitation, his eyes burst into a strange light, and the nearby Caleb and the two Titan companions shrouded in,

Caleb suddenly felt a dizzy feeling. He found that everything he saw seemed to be turned upside down, the sky became the earth, and the ground turned into an endless sky. Body, unexpectedly, after his head was in the direction of the original footsteps, that is, the direction of the sky, everything that Caleb saw was still upside down. It seemed that when he turned his body to adjust, the outside world Along with the action of Caleb, there was an unknown turn,

Caleb immediately realized that everything in front of him should be caused by some kind of magic or skill. It turned all the scenes he saw upside down, and even deviated from the real position, so that no matter which enemy Caleb attacked, It is very likely that the attack failed due to wrong vision, and when the enemy launched an attack on him, Caleb would also be judged wrong and suffered fatal damage. However, Losa ’s method may seem scary, but think To completely trap Caleb, it was a matter of contemplation. The latter suddenly accelerated and his limbs began to blur. Then he knocked open the air around him, making the place that was supposed to be empty like a calm lake thrown by stones There were countless ripples in that way, and then under the spread of these ripples, all the upside-down scenes that appeared in front of Kalibu were turned into countless fragments falling towards the ground, and before the eyes of Kalibu forcibly breaking through, he saw the original again. The situation is just that there are three more Ferrer between himself and that Losa,

Lothar ’s method may not be able to trap Caleb even for a second, but he also got enough rescue time for his companions. With the protection of Ferrer who launched the Trinity, Lothar did not need to worry about high strength. The outspoken Caleb has caused fatal damage to himself in a short period of time, and if Caleb does not give up the attack and retreat, he may be entangled by Ferrer, which will attract other Titan strongmen. Although the strength of this group of Titan strongmen has not reached the peak and advanced state of Caleb, but if everyone ’s strength is concentrated, it can still produce a certain effect through the quantitative advantage.

Caleb sneered, aiming at Ferrer who was standing in front of him, but at the same time he punched out, the whole person retreated at full speed and escaped into the void, so when Caleb After the real punch was released, he had crossed the void and appeared a long distance away. At this safe distance, his attack naturally lost its effect, and Ferrer ’s resistance was wasted,

With Caleb attracting the eyes of this group of Titan strongmen, Ellendo, who had transformed into a red dragon, had exhausted his breath and took a deep breath, then spurted a scorching dragon’s breath towards Lothar, led by him. Need to deliberately aim at the target, because the size of the Titan strong is already very large, and so many people are concentrated, even if they are forced to hit the eyes, they can hit.

Caleb’s Red Dragon Breath is not particularly powerful in power, at most it has some influence on the Titans, but it is not even a threat in front of everyone’s concerted defense, but at this moment Ferrer and Lothar is focusing on Caleb, so he has to rely on other Titan strongmen to organize their own defense. Because there is no central command, the Titan strongmen will inevitably waste extra energy, so that two people will obviously To ensure that everyone is safe and sound, the four Titan strongmen who are attacked by Allendo in the direction of the front, back, left, and right are all focused on resisting breath. This inevitably involves a lot of attention from these Titan strongmen.

When the scorching dragon breath slammed into the defensive enchantment under the Titan strong cloth, Lothar keenly discovered the intentions of Caleb and Elenduo, just when he was about to remind his companions to pay attention, his arm Thick fork-shaped lightnings descended from the sky and bombarded the defensive barriers of the Titan strongmen. These lightnings are numerous in number and all contain amazing energy, and they appear very suddenly. In order to ensure their own safety, in addition to being resisting the red The four Titan strongmen who breathed the dragon, and the remaining other Titan strongmen took almost all their power to construct a new defensive enchantment. Who made their commander now attracted attention by afterburner There is a reasonable way to distribute the power. Without the coordinated defense system of the commander, this kind of renewed defense behavior will inevitably occur when facing the attack. After all, everyone would rather do more than dare to miss it, because the former has the worst consequences. It is a waste of energy, and the latter is likely to cause the overall collapse,

The flame of the red dragon’s breath and the blue arc of Thor’s wrath interweave, forming a fascinating color, but this is quickly covered by the radiance of countless shining stars, let Losa these The enchanting Han Xinghe enchantment of the Titans appeared around them again, and Lothar and Ferrer were slightly surprised, although they had already noticed the intention of the other in advance, but the perfect cooperation of Caleb and others plus Ryan ’s unimaginable casting speed still allowed them to be besieged by the power of Ryan ’s law before they could turn their warning signs into actual warning work.

Lothar ’s and Ferrer ’s reactions were unpleasant. Before Ryan ’s Hanhaixinghe enchantment was completely closed, they immediately left the coordinated defense of the Titans and rushed towards the front line of vitality at full speed, but greeted Theirs was Calypso covered with the image of the Red Dragon. The latter made a series of seemingly easy punches, firmly sealing off all the routes that Rosa wanted to escape, and fighting for the encirclement of Ryan. To the most precious time,

Looking at the predicament in front of him, the Ferrer who launched the Trinity turned his heart and forced himself to integrate the seal in other time streams into the body. This method, which completely violated the law of time, immediately made him the whole body. There was a trembling tremor, and at the moment of three Ferrer’s integration, his body began to become a chaotic time turbulence, which triggered a space-time storm that even Ryan changed color, but Ferrer has always been He is using the time secret technique, so he has some resistance to this situation, and he does not really want to always merge his past self with his own self in the future, but use this combination to stimulate the present. For himself, it is he who breaks the rules and obtains more powerful power,

“Get away from me.” At this moment, Ferrell was not fighting alone. The final result of the Trinity increased his strength several times out of thin air, making Ferrer actually forcefully break through the existing bottleneck like Caleb , To increase the power to the peak realm, not only that, because of the turbulence of time turbulence in Ferrer ’s body, each attack will also trigger such an effect. When he yelled after Caleb ’s punch , Under this influence, Lane ’s Hanhaixinghe Enchantment showed signs of collapse.

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