Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

v9 Chapter 1160 - Mystery of Time (3)

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Allen repelled the Ferrer behind him, devouring the Titans in front of him with his breath, but he could no longer take care of the Ferrer on the left and right. These two Ferrer caught by the trinity of time secret Taking a chance, he attacked the transformed Ellendo with a flurry of blood, hitting his ribs with blood, and the wound was terrible. Ellendo lifted up his wings and slapped the rear several times in a row, taking advantage of the whole body He rushed forward, out of the dilemma between the two Ferrer between the left and right, but he hit the Titan strongman who was still in the Dragon’s Breath, hit his body with a broken bone Towards the ground,

The flying Titan strongman made an amazing arc in the sky and fell towards the distant horizon. After flying for a few minutes, it hit the ground and stirred up countless dust and broken bones to turn into the sky. After having suffered an Allen dragon’s breath and an impact, the Titan strongman was obviously deeply injured. He failed to crawl out of the mud in the first time, so he was swarmed up like a tide around him. The skeleton warrior was drowned,

Ferrer, who was in the air, didn’t look at his unlucky companion. He played a trinity and he marked an obvious trajectory in the sky, and began to approach Ellendo with the fastest speed. The mouth full of lava, spraying a discontinuous dragon’s breath towards Ferrer rushing towards himself, was turned by Ferrer with agile speed in advance to avoid the attack track, and waited until Ferrer approached his At that time, Allen fluttered his wings violently, blowing a strong wind against Ferrer, slightly delaying the time they formed the encirclement, and then Allen grew his mouth again, spraying out of the inverted cone The dragon’s breath made the area in front of him completely filled with enough power to destroy everything,

Ferrell was the first to sigh, and the skin on his body was burned by a dragon breath with sulfur breath, and immediately a large dark color appeared. If it was not for him, he would protect himself early with the grudge, I am afraid that he has already walked Following the footsteps of the previous Titan strongman, after the front Ferrer was attacked, the two Ferrer in the back immediately changed their trajectory, approaching Elendo by an arc from the side, and then they both waved Stretching his arms and attacking the main point of Ellendo ’s body continuously, a vague fist was formed in front of him,

Allen relied on his intrepid body and terrifying resilience, and did not resist or parry the Ferrer attack on both sides of his side, but fluttered his wings towards the Ferry drowned by his own dragon breath. Er Fei flew out, he was ready to reapply his old skills, but he did not expect that when his entire Red Dragon body had passed through the dragon breath, but nothing was touched, and at this time behind Ellendo, the supposed Ferrer, who was burnt by the dragon’s breath, quietly appeared on the side of the other two Ferrer,

“This is not the body.” A thought immediately appeared in Elendo’s mind, but when he turned around quickly, he could no longer find any difference from the three identical Ferrer in the eye demons. The Ferrell who had disappeared should have traces of being burned by the dragon’s breath, but now I don’t know what happened. It disappeared completely. When the three Ferrer flew to Ellendo in different tracks, The latter had no choice but to give up the previous idea, but to defend with all their strength,

The three Ferrers appearing as a Trinity are moving around Ellendo at high speed, and each of them has left a realistic afterimage behind them. From a distance, it seems that there are dozens of Ferrer in The siege of Allen is similar. Although the latter is known for its speed, it ca n’t stop so many lightning-fast attacks one by one. Fortunately, his body is strong and can withstand three Ferrer ’s rotations. , Even if Ferrell launched a crushing blow that was enough to break limbs and bones, it only made Ailundo shatter a few scales, exposing the **** wound below, which would not affect Ailondo ’s combat power, he only It takes a little relief to be able to heal such traumas quickly with the horrible recovery energy,

Although Allendo’s situation seemed extremely thrilling, he actually had no worries about his life for the time being. Ryan, who saw this point, clenched his fists hard, but did not blindly attack, but suppressed his anxious heart and forced himself to remain calm. Observe the surroundings, look around with Ryan, and Calypso standing next to him. The latter ’s combat experience is much richer than Ryan, so Caleb quickly came up with a way to whisper with After Ryan exchanged, Ryan nodded slowly, agreeing to adopt Caleb’s proposal,

A sigh of relief came from Caleb’s mouth, and the powerful Longwei was released from the dragon’s body, and slowly condensed behind him, forming a blurry pattern, and then the pattern began to slow down. Slow clarification, and eventually turned into a leading dragon of adult red dragons. For thousands of years, Caleb has long been accustomed to fighting with the human body. It would not be suitable for him to return to the state of red dragon, but this does not hinder the increase. Libu used the secret technique of the blood of the black dragon to launch himself. When the illusion of the adult red dragon behind him completely emerged, the red dragon slowly opened his eyes, and a dragon roaring between the world and the earth immediately erupted from the illusion. Came out, and at this time, Caleb also completely completed this mystery. He and the red dragon image behind him were superimposed on each other, thereby gaining a more powerful force,

Calypso raised his hand gently, watching his five fingers of his right hand close and spread in a slow rhythm. This mystery was launched for the first time. Even the caliper that created it did n’t know if he could. What powerful power he gained, feeling the constant release of Longwei in his body, Caleb suddenly felt a sense of contempt for the law of heaven and earth, he had stood at the highest point his race could reach, even if it was the three in the family The old guy who has lived for countless years but never died, has not been able to step into the current position of Caleb, and is only one step away from the demise king.

Caleb did not move while standing on the spot, but for the first time he stepped into the realm of the pinnacle realm because he failed to grasp the power of the body’s constant tumbling, and let them be released as Longwei. Bone chariots have turned into countless bone meal scattered on the ground. Not only is it centered on the position of the feet of the afterburner standing on the ground, countless thick cracks have torn open the soil and spread out towards the distance. As for Ryan ’s The main array is neatly arranged, and now there are only a pile of broken bones. How can these bone warriors bear the dragon power of Caleb, as long as the adult red dragon illusion behind him has not been completed. The body has been splattered, and if the force behind the force cloth slowly controls the leakage of the body, I am afraid that there will not be a complete skeleton warrior within 10 kilometers around Ryan.

Looking at the suddenly erupting Caleb, Lothar ’s eyes almost did n’t fall out of his eyes. A half-step God of Ryan had already burned his head. As a result, there was now another Calyptus that reached the peak of the realm. Although the latter is highly likely to achieve this state through some kind of short-term continuous mystery, the pinnacle field is indisputable for the rolling of the advanced field, as long as Losa has no way to stop the afterburner. With the killing ring coming down, even if he brought in more advanced companions, it would be useless.

Losa, whose face changed rapidly many times, finally issued a new order. He changed a high-level field strongman to attack the transformed Ellendo, and replaced Ferrer. It seems that Losa is ready to use the strongest The battle is desperate, he will not naively wait for the mystery of Caleb to disappear automatically. At present, this layout is already the only best choice he can come out. Without the Trinity Ferrer, Ellendo after his transformation There is no risk. On the contrary, he can rely on the dragon’s powerful body to in turn suppress the high-level Titan strong field opponents against him, but it is not possible to achieve victory in the battle within a short time.

Caleb stood at the same place, letting Lothar calmly transfer his troops, and after seeing Ferrell standing beside Lothar, Caleb raised his hand and took a finger at the Titan strongman, and issued a In a provocative manner, after seeing Lothar blocking his companions with both hands to prevent them from landing on the ground and attacking himself, Caleb turned his head and nodded to Ryan, then the whole body suddenly became dim, and at the same time, Next to Lothar, Caleb’s figure appeared across the void, and then he punched it, letting the world and earth begin to tremble with this seemingly unpretentious attack,

“Rewind.” Lothar had no time to see this sentence, his body has appeared hundreds of meters away, but not everyone in this group of Titan strong has his keen response, a senior field The strong man was a little slower by half a beat. After being punched in the chest by Kalibu, he then centered on the attacked area. Numerous space cracks quickly spread towards the surroundings. Not only did the body of the Titan strong man crack, but There were obvious cracks and ripples in the empty air, and then these cracks quickly shattered, and even the body of the Titan strongman who broke the fist was shredded into countless pieces, an advanced field that made countless strongmen from outside the world look up The strong, just died under the attack of Caleb, and there were no corpses,

While Caleb was attacking, Ryan also quickly recited the magic spell of Han Haixinghe. Caleb let him use his domain rules to form an enchantment to encircle Lothar and others, and then source the skeleton of Legion. Continue to transport into this magic enchantment, so that you can use these resurrected bones to consume the power of Lothar and others. Maintaining the Hanxingxing Enchantment will make it difficult for Ryan to distract those bone warriors into the joint attack, but As long as the entire enchantment is always filled with countless bones, it does n’t matter what strategy or tactics are used.

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