Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

v4 Chapter 4 - Violent rose?

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magician Lane biography!

A flaming flame shield appeared beside Faraday, completely including Faraday’s figure. Farath waved his staff and cast a fireball. The two fireballs flew one after the other towards the black iron stone slab and a violent explosion occurred.

Faras did not stop, she released a large fireball once released in the Ermida mine.

Seeing Flushing’s large fireball technique, Vladimir’s heart tightened, and he quickly reminded: “It’s a blast, everyone be careful, go back.” After that, he quickly blessed himself with a protective flame and pulled the younger brother around him. Just go back.

The flying speed of the large fireball is obviously faster than that in the Ermida mine. It rushed to the slate of black iron, and had a very close contact with it. A huge red light flashed, and the hot flames erupted violently. Ryan clearly felt the temperature of the air around him, and even the entire magic tower seemed to shake slightly.

Reid was familiar with the fire flame magic for the members of the Rex team, except for Ryan.

Ryan waved his hand gently and released a fireball to counteract the flames that Farasimitis exploded towards him. This action was very subtle. If it wasn’t for taking risks with Ryan, members of the Rex team would never see it.

When everything stopped, Farath greeted Vladimir’s mourning face with a very satisfied smile. Vladimir pointed to the potholes on the black iron stone plate that were blown out by the blasting technique and said, “It’s a loss, it’s a loss. How can I explain this, such a large piece of damage.”

Faras said disapprovingly: “You tell the truth, do they dare to come to trouble me?”

Vladimi heard the words in Faras, and he asked, “Are you doing this often?”

Faras said triumphantly: “When I was in the School of Magic, I didn’t do so much. Who dare to trouble me?”

Vladimir blurted out: “So you are the genius known as the Rose of Violence at the Royal Academy?” Vladimir’s words were exported, and he knew that it was not good. He quickly blessed himself with a flame protection again. Very loud, even Senior Wizard Vladimir heard it.

While Faras was angry and angry, Ryan’s voice sounded: “Thank you President Vladimi, I think we should say goodbye?”

Faras’ anger suddenly dissipated, and she looked at Ryan uncomfortably, who had no expression on her face. Faras said: “Go, let’s go.”

Vladimi could n’t help but leave quickly. He once heard a friend who taught at the Royal Academy of Magic say that when he was studying at the academy, it was very different. Others first conducted basic learning and then followed their own Talent and worship are specialized in the study of a dedicated teacher, and she first became a disciple of Victor and then entered the college for basic learning, and when the magic faction is divided into classes, directly follow Master Victor Learning magic, completely ignore the rules of the Royal Academy of Magic. And Faras usually likes to tease others, which makes many teachers have headaches.

But the joke is a joke, Farath’s magic talent is indeed very high, and there is Victor as a teacher, it’s a big deal to break something, Victor does something casually and replaces it. The dean of the Academy of Magic even deliberately held a meeting to greet all the teachers, and when he saw what was too old, he let Farath destroy it, just to replace it with a new one. So a lot of things that Faras broke down later, in fact, could not be counted on her head.

Ryan and his party left the Wizarding Guild, and Faras uneasy explained to Ryan: “Ryan, actually I …”

Ryan smiled immediately, and said, “Explain what, I didn’t do it on purpose, could Vladimir let us go so easily?”

Faras listened to Ryan’s words and opened her heart with joy. She gave Ryan a punch in the shoulder and said, “I can’t think of Ryan, you’re actually cheating people so realistically, if you don’t say it, I can’t tell.”

Reid also smiled and said: “It seems that our fame is really loud, you see, Alfa City so far knows you.”

Ryan said: “Okay, it’s not too early to see the weather, let’s go out of town.”

Faras asked strangely: “Aren’t you the pride of the Lion King?”

Ryan said: “Of course, the pride of the Lion King is not so convenient outside the city. Our two months of special training happened right here. After two months, we will go to the Imperial Capital.”

“Farass, your magic must be decisive. Red, don’t stand there. Elena does a good job, but when you sneak, don’t stand where the opponent may pass, it is easy for others to notice. Oz, you Don’t subconsciously defend, use your axe to smash the stake in front of you. “

Lion’s voice drifted across the wilderness outside Alfa City.

Ryan saw that the team members of Lace were getting better and better, and he was full of hope for the upcoming competition. However, Ryan did not know at this time that his trip to the imperial capital was by no means so calm. There, he will meet the biggest enemy in his life.

At this time, Ryan, in addition to imparting his own selfless learning to his teammates, is seriously studying Vladimir’s “Magic Array Experience”.

“Magic Array Experience” is the summary of Vladimir’s half-life experience. In this book, he pointed out the characteristics of the operation of the magic array, the role of the single magic array, the use of various enchanting tools, and so on. Come out all the basic magic array patterns, and explain the meaning of each magic spell in detail.

Faras certainly sneered at the book, but for Lane, who had just started, it was simply not much better.

Ryan instructed Faras every day except them, and was reading this book “Magic Circle Experience” seriously. He was completely attracted by the content inside, like the content of the hungry learning book.

Half a month later, Ryan finished reading the book, and seeing that Flushing had become completely accustomed to practice wearing heavy leather armor, Ryan couldn’t help itching.

In order to be able to use what he had learned, Lane deliberately went to Vladimi and borrowed his enchanting tool. Vladimi has generously lent his entire set of tools to Ryan, and now there are fewer and fewer young people who are so serious about studying. It is also a very interesting thing for Fra Jimmy’s smug things.

Vladimi also instructed Ryan to say that at the beginning, he could find wood that is softer than metal for practice. So Ryan, who had returned to the campsite, immediately asked Oz to cut down a few trees and, as the name implies, made stakes for everyone to practice. In fact, half of these big trees were used by Ryan to practice carving magic.

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