Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

v3 Chapter 4 - Crazy and genius idea

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magician Lane biography!

Ellendo has been completely deterred by Ryan’s words. He didn’t expect Ryan to learn magic like this, so that as long as Ryan can still think, he can slowly restore his magic. Ryan’s way of learning magic is actually more like learning martial arts, through practice to achieve the purpose of mastering skills. But is n’t Ryan ’s unpracticed magic completely impossible? If this is the case, the price he paid is also very large, because he gave up most of the other magic in order to specialize a small part of magic!

Allen pointed out this implicitly.

Ryan said disapprovingly: “I can be satisfied with this step in a few years. I am very satisfied. Besides, it is not impossible to learn new magic, but it takes more hard work. I believe that when my magical ability becomes If it gets stronger, I will be able to cast more powerful magic. Besides, I do n’t need much magic, so why bother to learn it? “

Allen asked: “Every magic has its own role. Your shortcomings are too obvious. If you are caught by your opponent, you will be in trouble.”

Lane said with a smile: “If I were a pure magician, this would definitely not work. But don’t forget, I have another identity.”

Allen nodded a lot, yes, Ryan, who has two positions, can really make up for her weaknesses. It ’s a crazy and genius idea to use martial arts to protect yourself and use magic to attack your enemies. Someone really taught such disciples!

Ryan added: “For example, the light fire magic of this fire department was originally used to illuminate. But I don’t need it. I can also be lurking in the dark. The magician who casts light fire will become my target. And those who want to be close to the magician will certainly regret his choice, and my shadow will let them know that the magician is not ‘only’ to cast magic. “

Allen sat down, and he thought calmly. Ryan was indeed the best choice. In fact, it is very difficult for a simple magician to come out alone, he needs someone to protect his fragile body. Ryan, a hunter, how could this be done. What’s more, Ryan couldn’t go any further. After his magical ability improves, spend more time to ‘remember’ the new magic. And Ryan’s magic power is already very strong. After giving up many things, people can go further. Isn’t Ryan a good example?

Ryan was also talking about this secret with others for the first time. After he said what he had said for many years, he felt a lot more comfortable in his heart.

Allen stretched out his hands and held Ryan tightly, moved by Ryan’s trust in himself.

Ryan patted Allen ’s hand and said, “Allen, do n’t think too much. I believe that our strength will always be fully reflected. And now, we are not just able to increase with the team of Lace. Your own experience? “

Allen nodded and said, “Yes. The elder elder once said something similar. A seed, as long as it is alive, will take root and germinate sooner or later, and grow into a lush foliage!”

The next day, Ryan and Ellendo still got up early as usual, but because there was no large open space in the city of El Mida, the two just practiced in the room.

Ryan and Allen stood well face-to-face, one step away from the other, and could hit each other with one hand. The method of practice is also very simple. Allendo makes consecutive moves to attack Lion, but Lion can only use protective magic.

This kind of practice can allow Elendo to make full use of his fast advantage, and also allow Ryan to practice the defense behind the soldiers.

In the end the two were tied.

Allen ’s attack speed is faster, it will run out of Ryan ’s protection before Ryan casts the next magic, and directly attacks Ryan ’s body; if Ryan moves a little faster, he will win for himself to release offensive magic. Time, at his current speed, can only be cast alternately with stone skin and mirror shadow to defend against Ellendo’s attack.

This exercise eventually became a war of attrition between two people, to see who spent longer.

At this level, the fight was no longer necessary. The two laughed and stopped together.

After a brief tidying, Ryan and Ellendo walked to the hotel lobby, only to see Faras they were sitting at the dining table.

Seeing Ryan’s coming, Faras waved his hand and said, “Ryan, Ellendo, here.”

In fact, Faras didn’t shout, and Ryan could easily see them, so there was only a group of guests in the whole hotel.

Members of the Lace team sat together and enjoyed their own breakfast.

After breakfast, Faras took the napkin and wiped his mouth, and greeted the innkeeper.

The skinny innkeeper walked over to Faras and bowed slightly. Faras asked, “Is there anything going on in Hermitage recently?”

The skinny hotel owner said: “There are hardly anyone here except the merchants who buy copper ore. How can there be anything new?”

Faras said: “How did I hear that a big thing happened here? It is said that many people are missing.”

The thin hotel owner shivered, and said quickly, “No, I don’t know.”

Faras took a bulging money bag out of his arms, grabbed a large handful of gold coins from it, and threw them on the table. He said to the thin hotel owner: “Look, the whole hotel is a group of our guests, No one else will know. We are just curious and want to know. If you are willing to say, these gold coins are yours. “

The skinny hotel owner was hesitant, and he could see that he was attracted by the money, but he was just a little worried.

Reid released a small bright blessing, and a courage spontaneously emerged in the heart of the thin hotel owner. Faras said while he was hot, “We are outsiders, and the things here are very expensive. Can you stay for a few days? Take these gold coins. Go, let ’s not say it, if you do n’t say it, who knows? You do n’t even have to pay taxes. “

The skinny innkeeper plucked up the courage, grabbed the gold coins that Faras had thrown on the table, and rushed into his arms. He looked away and saw no outsiders present, and ordered several of his men out, and then whispered in the ear of Faras, “This missing person is not a day or two, as early as two months ago, Someone is missing. But the strange thing is that the number of people missing every day is about the same. “

Faras asked: “Do you know how they disappeared? Logically speaking, here are poor miners, who would kidnap them?”

There was a look of terror in the eyes of the skinny innkeeper. He said carefully: “Who will kidnap them? I’ve heard that the demon roaming in the dark took them away.”

Faras asked: “Demon? Who came this claim?”

The skinny innkeeper said, “Jie Xi, that little girl.”


“Yes.” The thin hotel owner said: “It’s her. Two months ago, her brother was gone, and Jessie said that it was done by a few demons walking in the dark, but no one would believe this. Yes, they thought it was the little girl ’s whimsy and did n’t take her words into consideration. But there were more and more missing people, and this kind of claim was spread again. After hearing this, the city owner was very angry and ordered no more Talk. So no one dared to talk anymore, just stayed at home after dark at night, and no one dared to go out. “

Reid interjected and said, “Where can I find this Jessie?”

The skinny innkeeper said: “Her family lives in the west of the city, but all the houses there are similar and not very easy to find. But you can ask yourself, Jessie’s brother used to be famous Lux, the most copper ore shipped every day, people there know him. “

Faras and Reid glanced at each other, feeling that Jessie was the key to the whole thing.

The skinny innkeeper saw that Faras didn’t ask any more, and quickly clutched the chest of gold coins and left.

Faras said softly, “We are going to find this Jessie now.”

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