Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

v3 Chapter 26 - Adventure reward

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magician Lane biography!

Lane said with a smile: “I can see that you and Faras both came from relatively wealthy families, so you have never had any hardships since childhood. Having a happy childhood is of course a good thing, but your usual physical exercise It ’s a lot worse. I remember that in Alfa City, I could n’t stand it for a while. It ’s not okay. The time is short now. In order to greatly change your physique, just use some means. But you all Rest assured, I will slowly add weight to you, and will not let you wear armor equal to your weight at once. This method is very effective, because I have used it since I was a child. “

“In addition, Oz, you may change many of the current combat methods. I do n’t think the passive defense has much effect. If you want, I suggest that you give up the kind of combat method that drags the enemy and waits for the mage to shoot. Why ca n’t you take the initiative to attack? Enemies, use fierce attacks to make the enemy have to passively defend you, so as to create a chance to cast spells for the mage in the team? “

Oz’s eyes lit up and said, “Just like you and Ellen deal with Nasir?”

Lane said, “Yes.”

Oz patted the thigh and said, “Okay.”

Alina saw that others had things to do, and quickly asked Ryan: “What about me?”

Ryan said: “Your things are the most. You need to be able to fight hand-to-hand with the fighters. You must be able to sneak attack, give the enemy mage a fatal blow, and also cover your teammates. You can even lurking near the other party and find a chance to calculate. Enemy. These requirements are still too high for you, but we can come slowly one by one. “

Elendo was very happy for him when he saw Ryan gushed to guide the members of Lace’s team for special training. Now Ryan is really showing his ability, maybe this is the real purpose of Ryan’s teacher to let Ryan to test the adulthood.

Recalling that not long ago, Ryan was still having a headache for not being able to find a companion. Ellendo was also very upset about Ryan ’s situation in the original Lace squad. Now, Ryan can finally do what he thinks. Everyone’s special training this time, the strength of the entire Lace Squad will skyrocket, and finally get a good result in the competition?

Ryan told everyone all afternoon, and finally arranged everything. During dinner, Ryan casually asked Faras about the mission of the investigation of the disappearance of the population of El Mida. Now that it is completed, it is better to quickly take the mission reward to do his own thing.

Faras replied: “The owner of the city of Hermita issued this quest, but only provided a sum of money, and if the quest finisher wants to get the fire magic core, he must go to the owner in person. “

Ryan said: “That’s good. We will go to the city owner tomorrow morning, and then immediately go out of the city and return to Alfa.”

Faras lowered his voice and said, “Then how do we tell the city owner? Lich and vampire?”

Ryan said: “Several undeads, the most powerful is an assembled monster. Shouldn’t it cause too much sensation?”

Faras said: “Assembling monsters is not small, 200 years ago, this killing machine did not know how many lives were harvested.”

Ryan said: “Tomorrow everything will come from you, indicating that you are the captain of our team. Remember to wear the badge of the junior magician. I believe that our team will be defeated by the wise Farass magician. The evil undead? “

Faras gave Ryan a white glance: “Nasty, this kind of thing reminds me of me.”

Everyone passed by with a smile.

On the second day, the members of the Leis team packed up their things, and after Farath paid the fee, they walked together towards the mansion of the city owner.

The guards of the mansion stopped Farath in a vicious manner.

Faras said: “I am the captain of the team, and our team has completed the task issued by the city owner.”

The mansion guard ignored Farath’s words, and several strong soldiers drove towards Farath with a spear.

Unwilling to be outdone, Oz picked up his shield and blocked it in front of Faras.

It seems that a conflict will erupt.

A middle-aged man who looked like a housekeeper came out of the mansion. He said slowly: “What’s the noise, don’t you know that adults like to be quiet when they have breakfast?”

Seeing this middle-aged man, Faras said aloud: “We have completed the mission of the city master to ask for rewards. Why not let us in?”

The middle-aged man looked at the drawing, and his eyes were attracted by the magician’s emblem on her chest. The middle-aged man changed his expression and quickly said, “It turned out to be a respected lady magician, and the soldiers under my hands were rude. Please follow me.”

The mansion guard saw the housekeeper talking and immediately gave way.

Faras and his party walked in with the housekeeper.

The interior of the mansion is decorated with magnificent gold and blue. This style and the materials used for decoration should not appear in a small city owner with a population of more than 30,000. Faras saw her head shaking secretly, she grew up in the imperial capital, and she has been to a lot of mansions, but the mansion of the master of Hermita still surprised her.

The housekeeper brought Faras and his party into the dining room. The huge room and the hotel lobby where Faras and theirs lived together. The walls around the room were covered with various murals. A long table and tables were arranged in the middle of the room. There was a lot of food on it, and a fat-headed guy was sitting there, pointing at the food with his fingers. The eight beautiful maids next to him quickly fetched it for him, and then gently fed it to the fat man. Mouth.

The housekeeper hurried up a few steps and said a few words in the fat man’s ear.

The obese man waved his hand, and the eight maids immediately retreated.

When the man had finished walking, the obese man looked at Faras with a fascinating eye and said, “It is a great honor to meet a beautiful lady of magicians, and below is the owner of the city of El Mida. Would you like to have a meal together?” Said Wan pointed to the seat beside him.

Faras frowned, saying, “I don’t think it’s necessary anymore. Lord of the city, we completed the task you posted to receive the reward.”

The obese city owner said, “Oh, how can I prove it?”

Faras said: “This is done by a few undead, they tried to make an army, but when the ceremony was not completed, we were wiped out by a net. The place of the ceremony was in the waste copper **** outside the city, a very hidden passage on the ground, leading to A wide cave. Inside the cave is the place where undead perform rituals. “

The obese city owner said: “Let ’s not talk about these first, it ’s better to be a bodyguard for me than a beautiful lady. Look at my mansion. You can enjoy exquisite food, beautiful clothes, and many more The maid serves … “

Faras strongly resisted his anger and said to the city owner: “I remember that when the king dine, there were only four maids serving. And even his palace is not as gorgeous as your restaurant.”

Faras pointed his finger at a mural on the wall of the restaurant: “For example, this” Marching “depicting Fernando I’s expedition to the orc tribe. I remember it was done by an extremely famous painter when Fernando III. At the Imperial Capital auction, some people bought it anonymously for 300,000 gold coins. It was originally bought by the master of the city. I do n’t know how small this little city of Hermita is. It is how much tax is paid to the empire every year. what?”

The obese city host heard Faras’s words, and there was a murderous opportunity in his eyes.

Reid immediately said: “Master Lord, we are also very **** this disappearance case. The head of this group of undead is a huge assembled monster. You must know how terrible this assembled monster was 200 years ago. A fist can break a horse, and both hands can easily break people into pieces, just like the lamb chops you are eating, the blood is coming straight. “

The city owner listened to Reid’s words, and then looked at the 3 mature grilled lamb chops in front of his eyes, and “wow” spit out.

Seeing the embarrassed appearance of the city lord, Reid said with a smile: “Master City lord, I have studied with Master Ibeir for many years. Do you want me to stay as a full-time pastor for you? As for Faras, it is estimated that it will not work next month. If the King ’s birthday celebration is missing her, the emperor ’s rose? “

The obese city lord heard Reed’s words and changed his face, saying, “You …”

Faras glanced at Ryan and said, “We came to the Imperial Capital, but we were just visiting the mountains and waters. Unexpectedly, the lord of the city was so hospitable and hospitable, it would be better for us to stay and stay for a few days. Wait for the fools of the Imperial Prosecutor’s Office We got it. “

No matter how stupid, the obese city master could hear the meaning of Faras and Red. It seems that these people are not easy to provoke, or give them something, let them go early. I wanted to use this to attract several magicians to hire if there is a suitable one to increase my strength.

The obese city owner recently felt that the miners under him were a little bit restless. If 30,000 people messed up together, their 500 guards could not stop them. Seeing such a beautiful person as Faras, and being a magician, this is simply perfect. Protect me in the mansion during the day and continue to protect me in bed at night. Unfortunately, I can’t afford it.

The obese city host motioned for the butler to get something. The housekeeper went out, and soon took back a box and handed it to Faras.

Flushing opened the box, and a red light suddenly flowed out of the box, reflecting Flushing’s face flushed. Faras carefully observed this thumb-sized fire-type magic core, and it was easy to feel the fire-like power radiating from it.

Faras asked: “How do you get this magic core? It must be at least level 6 of Warcraft.”

The housekeeper replied: “A few months ago, someone found an incomplete Warcraft corpse outside the city, and found this magic core from the corpse, but the corpse was rotten and was broken into several pieces that could not be recognized What is Warcraft. “

Faras nodded and said, “Master Lord, since we got the magic core, then this pleasant trip to Hermita will be a good memory for us. I believe Lord Lord will think so too? Disturb Lord Lord Let’s say goodbye. “

Faras and his party left the mansion of the city owner.

Faras said embarrassedly to Ryan: “Ryan, in fact, Red and I didn’t mean to hide …”

Lane said: “It doesn’t matter, anyway, you just said, I haven’t been to the emperor capital, and no one knows.”

Faras explained: “My full name is Faras-Redia, the second daughter of Luke Redia, the Chancellor of the Treasury, and Reid is a disciple of Archbishop Iber. In addition, we are talking about all it is true.”

Ryan smiled: “In fact, it doesn’t matter. We are companions. We need to help each other and support each other. As for status and status, I honestly don’t care. I’m not taking risks with the Chancellor of the Exchequer or the Archbishop. I’m with Faras and Reid Adventure, this is enough. “

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