Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

v3 Chapter 23 - Role dislocation?

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magician Lane biography!

Of course, Farath is desperate for Ryan’s strength. In recent days, especially today, Farath has seen it with his own eyes. I am afraid that his teacher has not reached this level. Ryan said it was too simple for him to learn magic, he could n’t do it at all, and he did n’t do so much mana. It ’s better to tell Ryan the magic he has learned carefully, and see what can be improved. .

Faras spoke carefully to Ryan about the process of learning magic.

Every magician starts with a magic apprentice. He begins to meditate every day, to feel the power of various elements, and to save his own mana. The greater the mana, the greater the natural magic power. In addition, it is to learn and memorize various magic spells and gestures every day.

When Farath studied at the Royal Academy of Magic, he was endorsing it for the first year. What is “Magic Energy and Casting”, “My Little Magical Experience-The Master’s Notes of Melan”, “Magic Encyclopedia”, “Fire, Fire” “Fire” … This kind of magical knowledge learning took Faraday for a year.

From the second year onwards, it is the whole department of magic learning, contacting different magic teachers every month and learning the magic of each department separately. In the words of Faras, no one knows what you are good at, so you have to learn each one, which also lays the foundation for future promotion.

In the third year, students will be divided into classes, and students will participate in different classes according to the magic factions they are good at. From this year, it will be regarded as a real study of magic.

Faras has a good talent, she was promoted to a junior magician in only five years, which caused a lot of sensation in the Royal Academy of Magic. But Faras said in a sour tone: “18-year-old promoted to a junior magician is known as a genius girl, then 16-year-old killing lich, blood slaughter, what is it called? God?”

After hearing Faras’s words, Lane’s face was red. But Faras didn’t go on, because the more she said, the harder she hit herself. Faras sorted out his thoughts and continued to introduce Ryan to his studies at the Academy of Magic.

Like Faras, she is a junior magician, majoring in fire, and minor in water. According to the strength test of the Magic Guild, she must be proficient in using five third-level magics, including at least 4 fires and one water.

But Faras has memorized all the spells of level one to level three magic, including the earth and other magic that she does not know at all. Not only that, but Faras is also learning the level four that she ca n’t use at all now. Up to level 6 magic.

Ryan saw that Faras ’s magical learning method was completely different from his own, and it was n’t good to point Faras to his own. This kind of magical learning method was totally incomparable with Farass ’s very formal magical learning.

However, a thought appeared in Ryan’s heart: “Why did Faras receive such formal learning, but her magical strength is far inferior to herself?” Ryan certainly does not consider himself a genius. All the strength of Ryan now is every One day of hard work, with enough sweat and even tears, made Ryan’s current strength.

“Since the problem is not with me, is Farath’s method of learning something wrong?” Ryan thought. “Maybe large and complete learning of magic is far less practical than a few specializations like this.” “

Ryan felt that it was a waste of time for Faras to remember all the magic of the whole system. It is better to study a few commonly used and powerful magic. Take Faras as an example, a single killing magic. A large-scale killing magic, and then a quick cast magic and a protective magic, these four magic is enough to deal with most situations, why bother to learn so much repetition? Moreover, almost 90% of those magical Faras will not be cast. Isn’t this to find some useless things for yourself to do?

Ryan pointed this out vaguely, and Faras said helplessly: “In fact, I don’t want to do that, but the college teaches this way, and the teacher asks this way too, because his teacher, his teacher’s teacher … all teach and Learning magic. Moreover, according to the method that Ryan said, my level of magical cognition cannot meet the requirements of the academy, and the amount of magic cannot pass the evaluation of the Magic Guild, and cannot be promoted to a junior magician. “

Ryan said: “Since this way of teaching and learning magic has existed for a long time, it must have its unique place, but I have lived in a remote mountain area since I was a child, and I have my own views on many things that are different from others. For example, you Say, your magical power is accumulated every day by meditation, and you dare not use it, because you are afraid of unexpected things. But this thing of magic is no different from other things, you need to practice a lot. You dare not practice every day , How can you deepen your mastery of magic? Also, you said this evaluation, that exam, you study magic just to cope with these exams? “

Ryan’s words gave Faras a sense of initiation, as if she saw a brand new road in front of her eyes. “Yeah, learning magic is ultimately for myself, why bother to cope with various exams and evaluations? This time I did not invite Ryan to join in Alfa City, my life is gone, what is the name of a genius magician on his head Use? When someone waits to commemorate himself every year, can the eulogy be different? “

Faras looked at Ryan with his eyes, took the latter’s hand tightly, and said sincerely: “Ryan, I beg you to give me a magic training.”

Lane said, “Magic training?”

Faras said: “Yes. Starting tomorrow, please guide me according to your ideas and ways of practicing magic, hoping to change my current magic bottleneck in the shortest time.”

Ryan feels that Faras can make such a request, indicating that Faras himself still hopes to improve. Ryan wants to participate in the Royal Athletic Competition and achieve good results. The strength of his teammates is a very crucial point. Thinking of this, Ryan nodded and said, “As long as you can endure hardships, no problem.”

Reid’s voice rang in the ears of Lane and Faras: “I want to participate too.”

It turned out that Reid had finally completed the difficult task of inspecting the cave. Hearing that Ryan was willing to instruct Farass, of course he had to participate.

Faras realized that he was holding Ryan’s hand tightly. Her face was red and she quickly released her hand.

Ryan was also a little embarrassed. He coughed and said, “If there are no more problems, shall we go out?”

“Okay.” The other members of Lace’s team replied neatly when they heard Ryan’s words.

This answer actually surprised Ryan. Seeing the convincing eyes of the team members of Ray, they could not help scratching their heads. It seems that the role of the team is a bit misplaced? It seems that Faras and Red are the captains.

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