Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

v3 Chapter 2 - Sunset

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Faras asked, “Free labor?”

The thin hotel owner said: “Yes, work for free, you can only eat two rough meals a day, you can’t starve but you can never get full.”

Faras seemed suspicious of the hotel owner’s words. She stared at the dry old man’s eyes and asked, word by word: “Since being a miner is tax-free, why do you still open a hotel?”

The thin hotel owner sighed and said, “After all, there are a lot of copper mines here, and a large number of businessmen come here every year to purchase. There is only one hotel in this city, and it can barely survive. To be honest, compared to the miners, I feel very satisfied. “

Ryan was very indignant when he heard the thin hotel owner. He said loudly, “Is there no one in the Empire to control?”

The slender innkeeper gave him a contemptuous look and said disdainfully, “Why? Who will take care of it? What about it? The laws of the empire allow the city owners to have absolute control over their territory, as long as they do not rebel. Besides, what if it ’s done too much? Thousands of tinkering gold coins can make people shut up, if not, those … “

Speaking of this, the skinny innkeeper changed his face and seemed to remember something. He quickly changed his mouth and said, “What do you want to use? I haven’t had any business here in recent months, so I will give you the best price. It is also idle. “

Faras thought about it and decided to stay here. She was not used to living in the wild. Although she spent a little more money, she was not short of money.

A sumptuous dinner was quickly put on the table, but everyone was very depressed. Eating a piece of grilled meat is almost the same as eating silver coins of the same weight as him. In this case, even Faras, who spent money all the time without blinking, felt pain.

Barely filling the stomach, everyone followed the lean hotel owner upstairs. In the bragging of the skinny hotel owner, he moved into his own room.

Every room was just cleaned. Although the room was not boasted by the thin hotel owner, the occupancy was no problem. For this reason, Faras paid an extra 5 silver coins for each room.

Ryan and Allen lived together and looked at the humble house with two beds. The sheets on the bed were very old, but still clean. There was also a stone-paved table and two seemingly swaying chairs that could not sit in a chair.

Ryan was n’t in the mood. In a room like this, it costs 1 gold coin for one night. It ’s just grabbing. Oh, no, it ’s easier than grabbing.

It was too early to sleep at all. And things are too expensive in El Mida city, and Ryan and Ellendo are not going to go shopping. Besides, they just walked along in a carriage. They are basically slums, and there is nothing to go shopping.

Allen took out a few pieces of raw meat from his pocket, fed them to the wind wolf, touched the hair on them by the way, and communicated with them. This is what Ellendo must do every day.

Ryan was lying on the bed for a while, feeling bored, put on a dress, pushed open the door and went out.

Lane walked down the corridor and walked to a place without a roof. Looking at the location here, Ryan estimated that his downstairs was probably the hall where they ate. Presumably, the hotel specifically reserved it for the guests to walk and rest.

Ryan looked up at the sky, and he found that there was still a sunset on the horizon. But along the way, the sky is always gray, I thought it was cloudy today.

The setting sun on the horizon was about to fall, and the sky was thick with thick clouds.

The sunset seemed unwilling to just fall like this, it changed colors tenaciously, once yellow, and then purple again, as if to ask the world to prove its existence.

However, the thick black clouds in the sky ignored them, and they gathered together to cover the sunset.

The sunset was helpless, and he could only barely emit his light through the gap of the dark clouds.

The ray of sunshine exposed by the fluke shone on the ground, on the roof, and on Ryan, but people could not feel its slightest warmth.

The setting sun seemed to know this very well. It did not choose to continue struggling, but fell slowly, weak, and let the dark clouds around it slowly swallow it up, disappearing little by little in the shadows of the sky.

Ryan stood there, silently watching the sunset gradually disappear from his eyes, and his shadow was stretched for a long, long time by the light of the sunset.

The lonely sunset gradually converged its glory, and it was about to be drowned in the endless dark clouds.

Suddenly the setting sun condensed into a huge blood-red ball, shining bright light to the ground, Ryan’s eyes were suddenly bright, and his body seemed to suddenly feel the slight warmth!

In the sky, a black crow flapped its wings lonely, and cried out, “Ah, ah”. The cry seemed to condemn the death penalty of the setting sun, and the setting sun’s dazzling light was dim. The sunlight on the earth, like the seawater at low tide, slowly subsided, dissipating in the endless darkness.

When the last ray of sunlight disappeared from Ryan, it was dark.

Ryan stood motionless, witnessing all this. Somehow, Ryan suddenly remembered the innkeeper. The thin old man couldn’t help but sigh.

Faras ’voice came from behind:“ Ryan, do n’t you have to meditate? How did you get here? ”

Ryan turned around and saw Faras changed into a purple dress, not wearing her red magician robe. Faras, who changed clothes, seemed to change a person, revealing a touch of femininity.

Ryan couldn’t help but take another look.

Faras’ face was slightly red, and she asked Ryan, “Lane, why are you sighing? Did you remember your home?”

Ryan shook his head and replied: “No. I remembered what the innkeeper said just now, and I felt very uncomfortable.”

Faras said: “Can you tell me something?”

Ryan nodded and said, “I have lived with my parents since I was a child. I have never heard anyone work hard just for two meals, nor did I expect to see this scene at such a close distance today.”

Faras comforted Ryan and said: “In fact, on this continent, there are a lot of things like this. My father racked his brains and could only make it happen in his city.”

Ryan scratched his head and asked, “Farras, is your father also a city owner?”

Faras did not want to talk more about her hunger, she said quickly: “No. Ryan, can you tell me about the tasks you have done?”

Ryan said: “If you want to listen, I will speak.”

Ryan introduced himself to Farass from the first time he walked out of his hometown and joined the mercenary union until the experience of Giethoorn.

Ryan’s eloquence is not very good, but his plain language is easier to be immersive.

When Faras heard the residents of Anceno cheering for her salvation, there was also a happy expression on her face, as if she was the magician who rescued them; when Faras heard that Ryan was scarred During the siege, there was a nervous look on his face, and his small hand was clenched into a fist, almost casting magic on the non-existent villain in front of him; when Farath heard the thief magician Will pronounce the last note, completed After the powerful magic, the knight of justice was about to be destroyed, she finally couldn’t help it, grabbed Ryan’s hand, and hurriedly said: “Then? Let’s say, what happened later?”

At this moment, footsteps came from the corridor.

Faras saw her hand tightly grasping Ryan’s hand, her face suddenly flushed, she quickly released Ryan’s hand and stood aside pretty.

Ryan was also embarrassed by Faras’s move. In order to avoid embarrassment between the two, he walked a few steps in the direction of the hallway and planned to see who had come.

Reed ’s handsome face appeared in Ryan ’s sight. He was very happy to see Ryan and Faras in here, and quickly said, “Great, I ’m looking for you two.”

Having just said this, Reid saw Faras’s blush on the face, and asked strangely: “Farni, what’s wrong with you? The face is red? Is it uncomfortable?”

Faras shook his hand shyly and said, “It’s really annoying. I’m sleepy. Go to bed first.”

Reid said quickly: “Don’t leave, this matter is very important, and we three must negotiate together.”

Farads didn’t look back, and hurried away.

Seeing Faras away, Reid felt even stranger. He asked Ryan: “What happened to Faras?”

Ryan was also embarrassed to mention the matter just now. He concealed and said, “Well, may I distress the gold coins spent today?”

Reed scratched his head, his heart was even stranger, he lowered his head to himself and said to himself: “It doesn’t make sense, Faras is not the kind of stingy person. Besides, in the Imperial Capital, dream bars that are more expensive than this go to Yeah. “

Ryan dropped the confided Red and strode away.

Red murmured for a long time, and said to Ryan again: “Ryan, you are not right, Faras will not take this matter to heart. Do you say it will be anything else?”

Reid asked him several times without hearing Ryan’s words. He looked up and Ryan didn’t know where he was going. He shook his head and said, “Why are these two people weird today?”

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