Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

v2 Chapter 22 - Run-in

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Faras was not angry with Reid ’s interruption. She continued: “In fact, like this mercenary squad, all combat intentions are formulated around the magician in the team. It can be said that the magician is the core of the entire squad. For example, I am good at fire and water magic, fire magic is mainly offensive, water magic is mainly used for defense and control, then the entire team’s combat plan will be reflected according to my magic characteristics. “

Ryan asked: “I don’t understand this at all. Can you elaborate more?”

Faras secretly wondered in his heart: “Why didn’t Ryan’s magic teacher say this to him carefully? Then how dare he come out to take risks alone, not afraid of a thief stabbing a sword behind him?”

But to think about it, Faras still seriously answered Ryan’s question: “For example, the attack magic I often use are” flame burning “,” flame spray “,” flame arrow “,” fireball “and” frozen arrow ” , Most of them are fire magic, then Reid will use the “protective flame” magic when blessing Oz, and Oz will try to rush to the front as much as possible for my fireball The explosion leaves room to avoid hurting yourself by mistake. “

Faras still did n’t understand Ryan, so he gave an example: “For example, there is an earth magician in the team, who is better at protection, then this mercenary squad usually has more soldiers because of the magician ’s Protective magic blessings will allow them to fight more safely. But a team with a fire magician does not need so many soldiers, because a fireball is likely to kill a few enemies, and all of them have accidentally injured themselves. “

Ryan listened to Faras’s explanation and understood something. He said: “The biggest advantage of every member of the team. Is it like this?”

Faras nodded to Ryan and said, “Yes, that’s basically what it means. So when we chose teammates before, we would all come in and find a magician, because Reid is an excellent priest, and his magic is enough to protect the Olympics. Now, what we lack is offensive power. “

Reid smiled triumphantly when he heard Faras praise him.

Faras continued: “So the tacit understanding and cooperation between us is mainly reflected in whether Red can provide Oz with protective magic in time to avoid being injured by his own people; whether Oz can attract the enemy, give me Fight for time. As long as I can successfully cast magic, I won almost half. In addition, I am afraid I can only slowly cultivate in actual combat. “

Faras said again: “Ryan, you are responsible for casting magic on my enemies to attack my enemies after I run out of magic, until I restore my magic. Ellendo, like Elena, usually you two take turns in charge, depending on the situation Protect me and Ryan, or attack our opponents. “

Ryan and Ellen nodded together, showing that they understood what they were responsible for in the team.

Farath finished this and swept everyone with his eyes. When he saw that there was no problem, he said, “If everyone is fine, then we will be Alfa City today.”

At noon, the team of Lace returned to Alfa City. Faras directly took everyone to the pride of the Lion King and enjoyed a rich lunch.

After the meal, before Farath checked out, Ryan took out the badge engraved with the pride of the lion given to him by Flanner. The waitress on the side saw the badge in Ryan’s hand for a moment. She was the first time she saw someone use this badge that can enjoy VIP treatment for free.

The waitress did not dare to neglect. She took the badge and looked closely. It was indeed true. She quickly said to Ryan: “Dear Sir, you and your friends can go, welcome you to the Lion King’s proud meal again.”

Faras was also very surprised to see the badge in Ryan’s hand. She had seen it before, but the people who possessed the badge were all very prominent figures, even her father. Unexpectedly, I saw it in Ryan today.

Faras was very curious, but she refrained from asking. Because the badges sent by the pride of the Lion King are sometimes not public, many people with such badges are unwilling to publicize them, so why bother? But Faras guessed that the badge should be Ryan’s magic teacher, Ryan just used it.

Before leaving, the waitress asked respectfully if there was anything else to do. Faras simply asked the waitress to rent three carriages for herself.

The Lion King ’s Pride Inn is very efficient. After a while, three brand-new carriages stopped at the entrance of the hotel.

Faras put Ryan and Ellen on the last one, Oz and Red got on the middle one, and Elena got on the front wagon and whispered to the driver to drive to El Mida City. The coachman’s face was awkward. He thought it was a few aristocratic masters who wanted to set up a platoon and take a horse and carriage ride around the city. But after Faras pulled out 10 gold coins, the driver’s face immediately turned into a respectful look. Although his carriage was brand new, he rented only 20 silver coins a day. In the six-day round trip to Hermitage, the three carriages had a total of less than 4 gold coins. He waved his whip and ran in a carriage.

Ryan sat in the last carriage in the queue and looked at the scenery outside with interest along the carriage window. Seeing the trees on the roadside, the boulders moved backwards quickly. Ryan felt that the carriage ride was really good, but it was a little bit crowded. Because after leaving the city, Allen whistled and attracted the two wind wolves. In the pale face of the driver, they greeted them and jumped into the carriage. There were two more wind wolves in the carriage that could only be two people, and it naturally seemed a little crowded.

Along the way, Farah tied the members of the Rex team almost to the stage. She did n’t seem to be out for adventure. Instead, she seemed to be a leisurely nobleman who came out to play in the mountains. Dozens of servants were around.

Three meals a day, Faras will order the best food, and a luxurious room for overnight stays. The gold coins in her hands flowed like water, without frowning.

Ryan looked extremely sullen next to him. In his heart, since he came out to take risks, he had to walk mainly, so as to achieve the purpose of increasing knowledge. Faras they went to Hermida and directly chose the carriage. Between the carriage dimensions, what insights can be gained? In addition to looking more at the scenery outside, this scenery is certainly pleasing to the eye, but when it’s dangerous, I’m afraid I can’t help the task? What’s more, when Ryan was in Alfa City, they took Faras and they just walked a short distance, and sweated Faras and Redre in sweat. In that state, they met Enemy, I am afraid that the strength will be greatly reduced? This distance can be used to exercise on the insufficient ground, but unfortunately, Farath chose to ride in a carriage.

In order to improve the combat effectiveness and coordination of the entire Rex team, Ryan repeatedly thought of drawing during the break. The entire Rex team members conducted at least one simulated combat drill, but they were all inconvenient by Faras in the journey. This kind of coordination exercise was not effective and was rejected. Farath believed that as long as the individual’s responsibilities were clearly stated on the lips, there was no need to rehearse the teacher to carry out the exercise that Ryan said, let alone the outside is very hot and good. The carriage doesn’t sit, so run into the sun to practice what kind of cooperation? I have gone through so many adventures on my own and I have no problem at all. However, in order to appease Ryan, Faras specifically promised him that by the time Elmirda had reached, he would definitely find a place to carry out a combat cooperation drill that Ryan hoped for.

Ryan shook his head helplessly. Since the team’s name is called the Lace team, it is naturally up to Faras to decide.

Reid would listen to Farath no matter what. Oz hadn’t heard him say anything in a day, but he drank faster than anyone else. Other than that, it was the endless topics of the two ladies, Faras and Elena. Ryan also has his own way. He sits on the carriage, his body swings with the bumps of the carriage, but he is silently chanting magic spells in his heart, constantly casting a variety of magic, flames, and arcs in his hands, according to Ryan ’s With an intention to jump briskly, Ryan was very happy with this game of magic control and soon forgot Faras ’luxury vacation trip.

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