Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

v2 Chapter 20 - talk

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magician Lane biography!

Ryan said: “Of course, each of us has at least four teachers in our life. For example, we live with our parents as soon as we are born, so the first teacher of each of us is our parents, and in them we learn to be humans.”

Faras they heard Ryan said very reasonable, nodded involuntarily. Ryan found a trace of sadness on Alina’s face, and he asked strangely, “Alina, what’s wrong with you?”

Faras explained: “Elena didn’t know who her parents were from …”

Ryan quickly apologized to Elena: “I’m so sorry, Elena, I didn’t mean it.”

Elena squeezed a smile on her face and said, “Ryan, it’s nothing. I’m used to it anyway, you continue to say. I still want to hear.”

Ryan said: “Okay. Everyone will learn a variety of skills to make a living. For example, from a blacksmith to learn to make weapons, or to follow a chef to learn to cook and cook, this is the second teacher. When we grow up There will also be friends, and what you learn from your friends is no less than what you learn from your teacher. “

Reed nodded and said to Ryan with a compliment: “I didn’t expect you to be able to say such philosophical words. From the subtle influence of our parents on us, the teacher imparted the skills that we depended on to make a living, and to learn from friends. Short, it really makes sense. “

Lane said with a smile: “In fact, this is not what I came up with, my teacher told me.”

Faras said: “Don’t interrupt, Rhett, let Ryan finish talking. Ryan, hurry up, and the last teacher?”

Ryan said: “The last teacher is actually our enemy.”

“The enemy?” Farath said puzzledly: “What can the enemy teach us?”

Ryan said: “The enemy will study us. In a sense, our enemy may be more familiar with ourselves than ourselves. Well, this sounds a bit awkward, but the fact is so, maybe you can’t remember it yourself. Some things, your enemy still remembers clearly. Therefore, in the enemy, we can find all kinds of deficiencies in our own. Only when we have the enemy, we can spur ourselves and tell ourselves at any time, do n’t care, there is a guy Waiting in secret. “

After listening to Ryan’s words, everyone secretly compared their experiences and nodded. Although his young teammate is very young, he is very knowledgeable. It seems that his teacher must be a famous magician.

Ryan added: “So, in the mercenary guild during the day, I didn’t talk much about myself, because it is likely to be used by enemies who don’t know where to hide. Be vigilant at all times and put some pressure on yourself, Only then will I have the motivation to improve myself. “

Ryan’s words completely conquered the members of Lace Squad. They have completely accepted him and regarded Ryan as his companion from the heart.

After saying it for a while, Faras yawned and felt sleepy. She yawned even when she arrived at Elena, and said, “It’s a little late today, why don’t you all rest.”

Reid said, “Okay.” Then he took out a large ball of leather from his storage pocket, which also contained a stick made of metal. Reid found a relatively dry floor, put a metal stick into a bracket, and then put a large ball of leather on it, fixed it with something, and a simple tent was ready.

Faras said: “Reid you move faster and faster.”

Reed said: “Of course, it needs to be disassembled twice a day.”

Faras threw his storage pocket to Reid and said, “Old rules.”

Red suddenly grieved: “Can’t you take it all by yourself?”

Faras: “If you are a lady, this kind of physical work will of course be done by a gentleman.”

Watching Reid set up his tent skillfully, Faras smiled with satisfaction, and dragged Elena into it.

Reed looked at Ryan and said, “What about your tent?”

Ryan looked at Reed ’s tent, shook his head, and said, “I and Alan live there more.” Then, Ryan pointed his finger at the cave where he usually lives.

Reed looked at it and said, “Well, then Oz and I will take a rest first, and you should take a rest earlier.”

Oz nodded to Ryan and Allen, and followed Reid into the tent.

Lane murmured secretly in his heart: “This Oz is wearing steel armor all over his body and his joints can’t bend. How can he lie down?”

Without waiting for Ryan to think about it, I heard a loud noise from the tent, and heard Red’s voice coming out: “Oz, you fall directly to the ground every time you sleep, you can’t take off the steel armor ? “

Oz did not speak, but reminded Red with a snoring voice that he was asleep.

Red murmured a few more times, and said nothing.

Ryan and Ellendo went to sleep in the cave where they usually rested.

Ryan is still very excited. Seeing that the things that have troubled him for many days have been solved, and the team’s professional collocation is very balanced, I believe that it will definitely achieve excellent results in the competitive competition. Of course, there are still a lot of things. First of all, everyone needs to cooperate to strengthen, especially myself and Allen. Just joined, it will take some time. In addition, several members of the Lace team are too coquettish. The storage pocket is originally Very rare, the space inside is even more limited, they even used Flushing to install tents; Faraday would not be able to stand it after walking for a while today, I am afraid that it is more time for me to do the work of drawing, It seems that there is still a long way to go. “Thinking, thinking, Ryan went to sleep.

Early the next morning, Ryan woke up early as usual.

He walked out of the cave and watched Ellendo already active there. Ryan hurriedly walked over. In the past few days, he was busy looking for a companion in the mercenary guild to participate in the competition. The coordination exercise with Ellendo stopped. It was rare. If you have time today, it is better to practice again.

Seeing Ryan walked over, Elendo thought the same way. He beckoned at Ryan, beckoning Ryan to attack with magic.

Ryan nodded, but he pointed to the two tents over there, and to the forest near the creek in the distance, instructing Allen to go over there, so as not to disturb his companion.

Allendo understood Ryan’s meaning. He squatted slightly and jumped over in a sudden. His body changed in the air, and he grew thick wolves. When Allendo landed, he turned into a wind wolf.

Ryan was surprised by Alan Duo’s faster transformation speed. His companions have been working hard, and he has to work hard. Ryan simulated the scene in Giethoorn and began to meditate on the magic spell of lightning.

Because it was a drill, Ellendo did not bring sharp claws. He just looked at Ryan vigilantly and reminded him: “Ryan, this is the method I came up with in the past few days. Be careful.

As soon as the words fell, Ryan’s lightning was completed, and a blue lightning flew toward Ellendo at high speed. Allen, stroking with both feet, jumped up suddenly, avoiding the lightning.

Ryan cast a second flash of lightning at the place where Ellendo fell. Ellendo leaned forward in the air and pressed **** the ground with his hand. He turned a heel, and the lightning passed by without any damage.

Ryan estimated the speed of Ellendo in his heart, and once again cast lightning, the blue electric light flew to the place where Ellendo progressed. If Ellendo did not stop, he would definitely be hit.

Ellendo, who was running at high speed, inserted his right hand into the trunk of the big tree beside him, stopped his body stiffly, and avoided the blow.

Ryan saw that Elendo was so agile. Compared with the last time he completed in Giethoorn, he felt like a person, but his heart was amazed, but the magic in his hand did not stop. go with.

The continuous blue electro-optics are intertwined into a net of light beside Ellendo, which is indescribably gorgeous.

Allen saw that his course of action was about to be blocked by Lane, and he whispered in a low voice.

Ryan is using continuous lightning to hinder Elendo ’s actions. Seeing that he will successfully trap Elendo, he suddenly feels that something is hitting on the right. He decisively gives up the lightning and gives him a stone skin instantly Surgery.

A wind wolf bite on Ryan’s arm. Although he did not bite Ryan due to the protection of the stone skin, but the wind wolf still bite Ryan firmly, and the other wind wolf also rushed up, biting Lived Ryan’s other arm. Ryan shook his arms vigorously, hoping to get rid of the two wind wolves, but he tried for a long time and found himself to be in vain.

Alan stepped over to Ryan in a few steps, extended his paw and patted Ryan’s head gently. Ryan said to Ellendo: “You’re too bad, come up with this way.”

Allen changed into a humanoid figure again, and he said with a grin: “I see how you still cast a spell by biting your two arms this time.”

Ryan nodded and said, “This is a very powerful move. If I were just a magician, I would be in trouble if I was bitten by my arm.”

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