Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

v2 Chapter 17 - Lace Mercenary Squad

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magician Lane biography!

At this time, another girl was singing on stage. She had blonde hair and a dimple on her face. She was wearing an imitation priest robe and a prop book in her hand. The holy priest Bruce, who is in the interpretation of the seven heroes, held the “Lite of Light” and spread the story of the blessings of the gods to a civilian who was injured by the war.

Ryan looked at the sky too late, not to mention that the following volumes of the “Heroic Epic” mainly describe some things after the war. They are not as attractive as before. He pulled La Ellendo’s clothes and signaled Ellendo to leave with himself.

There were far fewer people watching the performances around the platform than at noon, and Allen walked out with Ryan.

As he walked out of the central square, both Ryan and Ellendo felt hungry, and they randomly found a place to fill their stomachs.

After eating, the two turned around and went out of the city to the camp.

The next day, Ryan got up early. Although the Victory Day celebration has always lasted for three days, Ryan did not plan to go shopping again. He had calculated the time, and he had been out of his hometown for almost a month. It was less than three months away from the Royal Athletic Competition. It would take about 10 days to walk from Alfa City to Fernando City, the capital. In the test of adulthood ceremony, there is only a little more than 2 months left to prepare. In just 60 days to find other teammates, and also set aside a short period of time to run in, Ryan suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

Ryan crouched on the ground and unconsciously paddled through the soil with a branch of tree. He was so puzzled by the matter. Thinking about it, Ryan did not think of a good way. He decided to use one of the most stupid and currently the most effective way. That is to wait for the mercenary guild every day. There will always be mercenary groups to recruit people or some people hope to be able to Work together to complete the task? Can you find someone when you see it?

Ryan and Ellendo talked about their plans. Ellendo had no better way. He agreed with Lenin’s opinion.

Lane waited for two consecutive days in the hall of the mercenary union, and did not find a suitable companion. The Alfa city is so large. There are many mercenaries that the mercenary guild enters and leaves every day. Unfortunately, most tasks are relatively simple and do not need to be. Too many mercenaries can be completed, and naturally no one will invite others to collaborate. Occasionally, there is a more troublesome task that needs to be gathered by multiple people to complete, and it is the type that hunts advanced Warcraft deep in the Hengshan Mountains. Ryan had no idea, it would take three months to come out, and the competition would not be able to catch up.

“Alas,” Ryan sighed and stretched a lazy waist. In the past few days in the mercenary guild hall, Ryan felt too bored. Looking at other mercenaries going in and out, Ryan missed some days in his hometown, remembered his mother ’s barbecue, and remembered the interesting things of his childhood. , Thinking of teacher Caleb.

Thinking of Teacher Caleb, Ryan immediately remembered the scene when he was desperately studying martial arts with him. At that time, it was really bitter. Every morning, he had to carry a large wooden pile of one person tall and ran around the dense fog town for twenty laps. Then I can rest for a while, eat breakfast by the way, strength training in the morning, and go mountain climbing again in the afternoon. Ryan has gone to the cliffs near the town of Thick Fog. The steep cliffs, which scared Ryan from childhood, almost gave up. How did you persevere at that time?

Thinking of this, Ryan secretly felt alert, how did he do it? If you like the life in your hometown so much, why did you study martial arts with Teacher Caleb so hard? Why should we venture out now? Isn’t it just a little frustration?

Ryan quickly rejuvenated. He took a deep breath and said to himself: “Ryan, you need to be stronger, and even the biggest difficulties will pass. Isn’t it that you can’t find a companion? The big deal is my two. Yue desperately completed the mercenary mission to get some money, and then I posted a mission to recruit companions at the Mercenary Guild. I believe that many adventurers like me also want to participate in the Royal Athletic Competition and are troubled by finding a companion. “

Thinking of this, Lane had a smile on his face, and he felt that the stone pressed on his heart had been pushed away, and his heart could not speak with ease. Ryan changed a relaxed posture, shouted a large glass of juice, and made up his mind. Waiting for another day, if there was no suitable one, he gave up and completed his adult gift test according to his own ideas. This task can be posted in the mercenary guild of the Imperial Capital. I believe that on the eve of the competition, it will definitely recruit companions.

Ryan slowly drank the juice, estimated the approximate cost of recruiting a companion, and calculated how many gold coins he had to prepare.

A team of young mercenaries came in, headed by a girl about 20 years old. She had a very beautiful face, big blue eyes, a delicate nose, and a small ruddy mouth, and a black The hair was braided into neat braids and put behind the head. She wore a red magician’s robe, and a badge of flame on her chest engraved with a flame and a ripple of water holding a magic wand with a red magic core in her hand.

Next to the female magician, there is a man in a priest’s robe. This man is about twenty-seven or eighty years old, with a very confident look on his face. He wears a white hat on his head. Holding a silver hammer in his hand.

Behind them is a woman covered in a cloak, her face is also covered by a black cloak, and she can’t see clearly, but from the figure, she is not too old.

At the end was a male warrior in his thirties who was wearing steel armor. He had a sharp battle axe in his hand and a large shield on his back. To make a dull noise.

As soon as this mercenary squad entered the hall, it attracted the attention of most mercenaries. A mercenary squad with mages, priests, and fighters must be very strong. The woman who was covered in the cloak was probably a thief. What does such a professionally-matched mercenary team come to Alfa City?

The four-person mercenary team approached Lucy. The female magician led her and asked a few words in a whisper. Lucy’s face was embarrassed. She shook her head and said she could do nothing.

Next to a burly mercenary with a sly smile on his face, he said to the female magician: “Little sister, what’s the use of finding a magician? The magician’s body is as strong as me, so I’m following you Let’s kill Warcraft together during the day, and at night … “

Without finishing the speech, I saw a flash of white light. A sharp flying knife was inserted on the shoulder of the burly mercenary mercenary. The woman wearing a cloak made a clear voice: “Go!”

The burly mercenary bent down painfully, and a companion with a giant axe beside him shouted loudly: “It’s just that it’s just a bit cheap, why do you hurt someone?”

The male priest said coldly, “Go away by yourself, or we can help you go.”

The mercenary with a giant axe laughed loudly: “I have been a mercenary with a blood axe for almost 10 years. I don’t know how many fierce Warcraft I have killed. Will you be afraid of your little white face?”

The giant axe mercenary shouted, “Go to death!” He lifted the giant axe in his hand and cut it to the male priest.

The warrior companion of the male priest quickly removed the shield from his back and met the giant axe of the mercenary.

The loud metal crash filled the mercenary hall and also caught Ryan’s attention.

Seeing someone fight, the other mercenaries in the hall immediately dispersed, forming a large circle to see the excitement, and Ryan also stood up and surrounded him.

The mercenary with the giant axe and the male warrior in steel armor fought together. The sound of metal collision kept on sounding, and the ears of the tremor numb. The female magician frowned, expressing a trace of disgust at the harsh sound.

The burly mercenary who made fun of the female magician pulled out the flying knife that was on his shoulder. He said viciously, “I have been a mercenary for ten years. This is the first time I have eaten this kind of mercenary. Defeat! “He shouted loudly:” Blood axe, beating fiercely, the man beaten into crippled, the woman grabs away. “

After hearing this, the female magician lost her patience completely. She frowned and said, “We are not here to fight.”

The male priest immediately said, “Okay, I will solve them immediately.” After that, the male priest raised the silvery white hammer and read the spell. A golden light came out of the male priest. Pure power emerged spontaneously. The golden light attached to the body surface of the warrior wearing steel armor and the female thief in cloak gave out a dazzling brilliance.

“Hey!” The steel-clad warrior yelled with joy. He pulled out the battle axe and blocked the mercenary’s giant axe, and then hit the shield with a fierce blow at the mercenary’s head! The face of the mercenary holding the giant axe suddenly splashed with blood, and the soldiers in steel armor chased the victory, kicking the lower body of the giant axe mercenary. The mercenaries watching on the side couldn’t help but take a breath of air. It seems that the mercenary is finished in the next half of his life.

The female thief in the cloak raised her hand and a flying knife came out again. The mercenary who claimed to be “evil” was guarded and blocked the flying knife with two short axes in his hand. But I felt a headache in the back of my head and suddenly lost consciousness.

The male priest put away the silver-white hammer in his hand. Just now, while he was attracted by his companion, he slipped behind the evil spirit and gave it with the hammer in his hand. A note came to his head!

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