Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

Chapter 10 - Druid

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magician Lane biography!

Ryan was shocked by the scene in front of him. He stared blankly at the sturdy wind wolf with a spitting expression, and there was an unbelievable expression on his face.

Seeing Ryan’s appearance, the stout wind wolf seemed to understand something. It made a very human gesture. His hands were raised and his shoulders shrugged, saying, “I’m sorry, it was my negligence.” Immediately, the stout wind wolf’s The body made a “cracking” noise, and his body shape began to change. It slowly faded the thick white wolf hair and became a young man about 25 years old.

Ryan watched the stout wind wolf deformed in front of his eyes, his head suddenly flashed, and said aloud, “Druid!”

The deformed youth said in surprise: “Unexpectedly, you actually know the druid.”

Ryan remembered what Draene said to himself when he told the history of the mainland: “The druid is actually a sect. It consists of a group of people who love peace, and its members are close to nature. Just As if every sacred knight is a believer in the God of War, every member of the Druid is a devout believer in the natural goddess. They can choose a kind of nature’s Warcraft to strengthen their bodies, so that they have the ability to fight evil power.

200 years ago, the evil undead legion invaded the Eslar continent, and in order to maintain the balance of nature, the druid also joined the Holy Alliance. During the sunrise battle, the three Druids had the most powerful elders, and at their cost, they jointly cast the banned curse “Oasis of Life.” In the realm created by this forbidden curse, all life will flourish and be full of infinite vitality everywhere. The Lich of the Undead Legion can no longer continue to maintain the Skeletal Warrior, which makes the Undead Legion’s number advantage and supply advantage completely invalid.

The Allied forces charged the Undead Legion and reached the command center of the Undead Legion. In the eyes of everyone, the human hero Bird-Fernando, the dwarven king blood axe, and the elven spirit leader Moon Shadow joined forces with the leader of the undead army, the evil devil Alest-Caslavin.

After a hard fight, the coalition forces won the final victory.

After that time, the Druid’s footprints spread across the continent of Eslar, preventing the evil undead legion from making a comeback. “

Thinking of this, Ryan gave a kind smile to the youth in front of him, and invited him to sit with him by the campfire. The Druid youth did not refuse, and sat beside the campfire with Ryan.

Ryan just wanted to speak, but suddenly a “cooing” sound sounded in his stomach, so he smiled awkwardly.

The Druid youth smiled kindly and said, “So you are hungry too.”

Lane’s face suddenly turned red.

The young Druid whistled at the wind wolf who had just walked with him. The three wind wolf immediately answered him with a long howl, then turned and disappeared into the woods.

Ryan was a little curious about the behavior of the Druid youth, but he just had an ugly appearance, and some were not very embarrassed to speak.

The Druid youth said generously: “My name is Elendor, as you know, a Druid.” Ryan quickly introduced himself and said, “Ryan, a magic apprentice.”

Ellendo said: “I saw the badge on your chest, I didn’t expect you to be a magic apprentice of the dual system.”

Lane replied: “This one passed the test this afternoon.”

Allen laughed a lot, and then said, “Ryan, you are really brave. As a magician, when the enemy is unknown, I dare to bring me close.”

Ryan scratched his head embarrassedly and said, “Actually, I have blessed myself with stone skin.”

Allen was stunned, and suddenly remembered that the badge on the boy in front of him seemed to indicate that he was a dual-magic magician. This stone skin technique is earth magic. It seems that Ryan’s strength is far more than he showed.

Lane did not doubt Ellendo, so he heard Mr. Draenei say that if the druid fell, he would lose his ability to become a Warcraft warrior. Since the teenager in front of him has the ability to turn into Warcraft, then he still has nothing to worry about.

Since leaving the village of Druid, Ellendo has been alone for many years, walking in wild mountains and wild mountains, never appearing where humans gather. Except for several of his wind wolves, he has hardly talked to anyone, which is also a means for every druid to practice hard.

But Allendo was also very curious about the magician he met today. Because on the Eslar continent, magicians do have powerful magical powers, but since they need a little time to cast this power, so ordinary magicians will not come out to take risks alone. Obviously, the young magic apprentice in front of him broke this kind of cognition of Ellendo, and aroused his strong curiosity.

The two of you talked with me one by one, and the atmosphere slowly became active.

After a while, the sound of “Wow” came again, and Ryan looked at the source of the sound, and saw that the three wind wolves of Ellendo were dragging a Warcraft.

Allen smiled and said, “It seems that there is a good meal to enjoy.”

As he said, the three wind wolves had dragged the captured prey to the campfire. Due to the wolf’s natural fear of the flame, the wind wolf appeared a little uneasy, whispering to Alan Duo. Allen waved his hands, and the three wind wolves slowly walked aside, lying quietly on the ground.

Ryan volunteered and said, “Let me get it.” He took a closer look at the Warcraft on the ground. It turned out to be a mountain antelope. The antelope’s neck and body were imprinted by teeth. It should be bitten by the wind wolf. Almost, so the ground looks cleaner.

Ryan grabbed the antelope’s neck, and supported the antelope’s body with the other hand. He lifted the antelope over his head, carried it on his shoulders, and walked towards the nearby stream. Soon, Ryan skillfully washed and cleaned the antelope, stringed it with a branch, and smoked it on the campfire.

Ellen smiled at Ryan ’s skillful movements, but was secretly surprised. Ryan effortlessly lifted a man ’s weight mountain antelope and carried it on his shoulders. If he was a warrior, it would be nothing, but as a The magician still has this kind of strength, which is really rare. It seems that even if someone approaches Ryan who is a magician, he may encounter unexpected “surprise”.

Soon, the scent of barbecue flew out. The wind wolf that smelled of the meat suddenly stood up and gave a low growl at Allendo. Allen smiled and said, “Got it, there won’t be less of you three.”

Finally, after Ryan devoted himself to roasting the antelope meat, Ellendo couldn’t help but sip. It seems that Ryan’s cooking is very good. It seems that his teammates will be very happy.

Lion cut off the four legs of the antelope with a dagger, took one hind leg to Allendo, and threw the other three to the side wind wolf. The wind wolf immediately rushed up, grabbed the antelope legs and ran to the side to chew.

Elendo was also unwilling, and took the antelope’s legs and bit them down. Ryan took a dagger, cut off the antelope meat, and put it into his mouth to eat slowly.

Everyone seemed hungry. Under the moonlight, the two wolves and three wolves intently dealt with their own food. The quiet woods heard a chewing sound of a tooth biting the food.

Everyone was satisfied with this meal. Ryan ate a few large pieces of tenderloin, Alan Duo ate a whole hind leg, and the three wind wolves’ food intake was even more amazing. Not only did they eat the meat that Ryan threw in the past, but he even brought him directly The remaining antelope meat was dragged away, and there was no bone left.

This move completely eliminated the strangeness between Ryan and Ellendo, and the two laughed face to face together.

After laughing, Allendo asked curiously how Ryan grilled the meat, which was so delicious.

Lane said with a smile: “My teacher has taken me into the Hengduan Mountains many times for adventure. He has taught me a lot of skills in this respect. In fact, my craftsmanship is only average compared to my teacher, and his roasted meat is more delicious. . “

After a few words of praise, Ellen asked again, “Ryan, do you have any plans to venture out?”

Ryan told Elendo in detail about his completion of the adulthood ceremony.

After listening to it, Ellen said to Ryan: “Every adult member of our druid will come out to do a hardship to increase his own strength, while also looking for the traces of the evil army of undead. I left the druid village It ’s also been five years. In the past five years, I have barely contacted outsiders, just wandering in the wilderness with my companions. ”Then, Allen pointed to the wind wolf lying lazily on the side, and then continued: I slowly feel the disadvantage of being isolated from the world. Whether it is to inquire about the news or fight against evil, I can only rely on myself unless I am lucky enough to meet another druid. In fact, in the human world There is already a very good solution, that is, mercenaries. But I have lived away from the world since I was a child. I only have companions who are trained together, but I never have a real friend. It is inevitable that I am afraid of interacting with others. . “

Speaking of which, Allen sighed more.

Ryan nodded slowly. He deeply understood Elendo’s mood. He walked alone for many years, and it would be lonely to have no company around him.

Ellendo continued: “Ryan, our Druid has been with Warcraft all the year round and has an intuition that can feel the hearts of others. From the moment I saw you to now, I can be completely sure that you are a kind person , So I decided to join you in this year ’s Royal Athletics competition. I think, as a magician, would n’t you mind having one more druid as your companion? Do n’t know if I can do it? ”

Ryan couldn’t help hearing Elendo’s words and quickly said, “Okay. You are welcome to join.”

Ryan was very happy because he finally found his first companion in the Royal Tournament. I believe Ellendo’s joining will make him one step closer to achieving his goal.

For three consecutive days, Ryan and Ellendo are seriously studying cooperative tactics.

Generally speaking, the magician’s magic power is huge, but it takes a little time to cast. Therefore, a strong comrade needs to be blocked between the magician and the enemy, to prevent the enemy from approaching the magician of his own side, and to provide the precious magician with magic time. And when teammates are fighting, especially the soldiers fighting on the front line, they are easily injured, so they need a priest to heal him. When resting and investigating the enemy’s situation, the team needs a thief, and he can also solve troubles such as traps and organs in the adventure.

So in a team of adventurers, having a warrior, a thief, a mage, and a priest is relatively balanced, and can deal with almost all kinds of situations. Of course, this is not absolute, a well-trained knight can also be qualified for the warrior’s job, and even can serve as a half-priest to help the team members.

Ryan and Elendo discussed the coordination problem carefully. The time for Allendo to change from humanoid to Warcraft Wolf was very short, even less than 1 second. After Allen turned into a wind wolf, he has an amazing speed. Under his rapid strike, he can make the enemy overwhelmed, thus gaining time for Ryan to cast magic.

Ryan demonstrated the magic he would use one by one. When facing teammates who were to face danger or even die together, there was nothing to hide from his abilities. He could deeply understand each other ’s strength in detail, which is very useful at a critical moment. of.

After the exercise, Ryan was helpless to find that his fireball technique was powerful, and it was easy to accidentally hurt Allendo. It is a single attack lightning and magic missile, which can better cooperate with Allen. Ryan couldn’t help but feel a bit regretful about testing the magic of the fire department. Knowing this earlier, it would be better to say that he is a magician of the electricity department and the Austrian department.

Allendo comforts Ryan. After all, Fireball is amazingly lethal. You can often achieve good results in dogfights. Just control the power of Fireball a little, and do n’t call yourself the center of the explosion. It was just burned by the scattered flames, and there was no big problem. Anyway, Elendo himself had some research on herbs, and then it was all right to dispose of some healing potions to drink.

Ryan knew that Allendo was comforting himself, and he also remembered what Teacher Draene said: As a magician, instead of pursuing endless power, it is better to learn how to maximize the use of the power he has. He secretly made up his mind to find a way to effectively kill the enemy without accidentally hurt Ellendo.

As a Druid, Ellendo is very good at surviving in nature. He hides and sneaks in the jungle. He can make Ryan completely unable to find his own track. I believe it can also win any outstanding scout job. . What’s more, the three wind wolves were originally members of nature. With their help, I believe that the whole adventure will be a lot easier.

Although Ryan couldn’t do it like Ellendo, after all, he learned martial arts with Caleb for many years, and also went into the depths of the Transversal Mountains with Caleb many times. There are still some experiences for survival in the wild. Guidance, Lane also learned how to lurk in the jungle. As long as he does not move, Ellendo wants to find Lane, which is also a difficult thing.

The three days passed in countless discussions, drills, summaries, and further drills.

At the beginning, Ryan and Elendo cooperated very often, often interfering with each other. Often it was a magic past of Lean. Ellendor appeared in the place where the magic hit. Fortunately, Ryan deliberately reduced the magic power, and then added Shang Ailundo also equipped a lot of healing potions, so nothing happened. But slowly, the cooperation between the two is getting better and better, almost achieved the spirit, Alendo can already block the vision of the imaginary enemy first, and then suddenly burst out when Ryan cast lightning on himself, so that the enemy has no time Dodge Ryan’s magic. Coupled with the tactics of alertness, harassment, and siege of the three wind wolves, in addition to some small details that need attention, it is almost competent for real adventures.

In this case, Ryan proposed to go to the mercenary guild of Alfa City the next day to test the two men ’s achievements in these three days with a real adventure. Allendo readily agreed.

After a good night’s rest, the next day, Ryan and Allen arrived early at the mercenary guild of Alfa. Originally, Ellendo didn’t want to enter Elfa, but Ryan insisted that Ellendo follow him, so that he could have more opportunities to contact others. Ellendo had to follow Ryan into the mercenary guild.

Seeing that the young magician a few days ago came to the Mercenary Guild again, the mercenaries in the guild hall could not help but have a lot of discussion. The mercenaries present yesterday talked to their companions and talked about what they saw and heard, as if they were themselves He personally participated in that fierce battle.

Ryan pretended to be indifferent to this and went straight to the mercenary task counter to prepare for inquiries about the mercenary task.

Lucy was still in front of the desk. She saw the young magician came to the mercenary guild a few days ago and greeted him in a more enthusiastic tone. And took out 50 gold coins with reward scars to Ryan. It turned out that the Alfa City Mercenary Guild had already dispatched people to dig the scarred body at the place where Ryan said, which proved Flanner’s words. When the body of the scar was transported back to Alfa City, Lane, a group of thieves who independently removed the scar, was also well known in Alfa City.

Ryan took the gold coin without hesitation, which he deserved. Ryan decided to take another reward mission like this. With the help of Lucy, I carefully looked at all the mercenary missions released by Alfa Cheng and decided to take the next mission to eliminate the thief. This mission was issued by a mayor called Giethoorn, about two days away from Alfa City. It had been attacked by a group of thieves before, and the loss was quite heavy. When the Alfa City Defence Officer led 50 soldiers to station While there, the thieves disappeared. The thieves continued to harass as soon as the sergeant left. The Alfa City Defence Officer had a headache for this, so he took out a bounty and asked the town mayor to release this task to eliminate thieves.

However, although this mission was released for a short period of time, no mercenary dared to take it, and even the Alfa City Defence Officer had no choice but to be a thief. He must be very cunning and deal with them by himself. Lost his life. Although 200 gold coins are eye-catching, in contrast, no matter how many gold coins have life, right?

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