Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

Chapter 1 - Thick fog town

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magician Lane biography!

In the southwest of Eslar mainland, there is a place called “Dense Fog Town”, which is named because the town is close to the largest “Hengduan Mountains” in Eslar mainland. Although there is a word “town” in the name, this place is not very big, but there are only more than 100 families and less than 500 residents.

The whole “Dense Fog Town” has simple folk customs, most of the residents live by hunting, and exchange the magic core, fur, etc. of the World of Warcraft for the necessities of life. For hundreds of years, people in the town have been used to this kind of life. Life day after day, year after year.

In the morning, the rising sun hangs diagonally on the sky, and the warm sun shines lazily on the body of lain through the thick fog, giving him a feeling of comfort. The weather in July is pretty good, and today it is almost the best weather of the year in Thick Fog Town. However, there is no one in the town. At this time of year, the foggy town will have such good weather for a few days. The hunters in the town have already agreed to enter the depths of the Hengduan Mountains together and hunt a few large-scale ones. Warcraft, prepare for the upcoming “Victory Day” celebration in Takri Town.

Takri Town is the closest city to Thick Fog Town, but Takri Town is definitely not comparable to Thick Fog Town, let alone, more than 10,000 permanent residents and the two broad businesses in the city center The streets are enough to prove that Takri is bustling.

The annual Victory Day celebration is to celebrate the great victory of the combined forces of humans, dwarves, and elves defeating the invading undead army in the sunrise city on the east of the mainland 200 years ago. At the Victory Day celebration in Takri Town, there will be businessmen from all over the empire, they will bring properties from all over, and they will also purchase the rich Warcraft magic core, fur and other properties in and around Takri Town. . These merchants came from various places, some from the northern capital city of Fernando, some from the largest commercial city in the south, Jagnas City, and even some from the sea breeze city with overseas trade routes. It was the hard work of these merchants who ran around in exchange for the prosperity of Takri town today.

The annual Victory Day celebration is also the happiest time for the residents of Thick Fog Town. After a year of hard hunting, it has finally paid off. A lot of magic cores, fur, and precious Warcraft cubs will be in those days. At a good price, you can also exchange for various items that are usually difficult to buy. Some young people even planned to grind their teeth to buy the exquisite jewelry made by the excellent craftsmen from Fernando City that they saw last time and give it to their beloved girl.

But Ryan didn’t think so much. He took a breath of fresh air and, as usual, hurried towards a wooden house outside the town.

“Lane ~” As soon as he left the town, Ryan saw his former partner Nemo greet himself in the distance.

Ryan was a little strange in his heart. The hunt was only two days away. Why did Nemo come back? He stopped and looked at Nemo carefully. I saw that Nemo was still wearing the gray suit made of winter wolf skin when he was hunting for two days, but the clothes were already torn, and there were still some blood on the chest and thighs. Nemo had a fat pig boar on his shoulders, and he also carried two living edelweiss rabbits in his hand, and the edelweiss rabbits were still in a state of turbulence.

Nemo slowly walked to Lane. He looked at Ryan and looked at himself, and then boasted, “Hey, this time it’s a good harvest. Look, Ryan, I killed a pig myself!”

Ryan was pleased to see that his friend could hunt back a pig. It must be known that the Peg boar has thick skin and can hunt one by itself. It is not easy for Nemo, who is only 16 years old.

“Are you hurt,” Ryan asked with concern when he saw the blood on Nemo’s body, “Will I help you?”

“Haha, thank you.” Nemo lifted his chest. “This is how the man hunts and drinks happily …”

“To be with the beloved woman,” Ryan said eagerly before he finished.

“Hey” was said to be worried, Nemo smiled embarrassedly.

Lane said with a smile: “You, every time I hang these words in my mouth, I’m tired of listening. Did your live edelweiss deliberately grab it and give it to her?”

When he was told that he was worried, Nemo showed a shy expression, quickly arguing and saying: “Nothing, in fact, this is just a smooth catch.”

Ryan secretly laughed, and then said: “Okay, I won’t delay you anymore, knowing why you came back halfway, go and find Meifu.”

“Okay.” Nemo walked into the town in a hurry, and did not forget to say something back: “Lane, come to drink together at night. It’s really good to roast this pie.”

“Got it,” Ryan promised, and teased again: “Is Meifu’s craft okay?”

“Haha” Nemo’s laughter spread from the town, “Must come, today is my adult gift.”

Adulthood ceremony, yeah, time passes so fast, I am almost 16 years old. Ryan is a little melancholy, and Nemo’s adult gift can be spent with Mei Fu, how about yourself? Do you also go to the mountains to play a few prey and then invite the town partners to eat?

Ryan shook his head and threw the thought behind his head. Slowly walked to the wooden house outside the town.

As soon as he arrived outside the cabin, Ryan shouted, “Mr. Caleb, I’m here.”

“Well, boy, you are here,” answered a loud voice.

The door opened and a strong figure appeared in front of Ryan. I saw him wearing clothes made of some kind of light yellow Warcraft fur. The gold-sized spots on the clothes were staggered, a blood-red belt tied around his waist, and a pair of black leather boots on his feet. It was not just Caleb teacher who taught his nine years of martial arts.

Of course, Ryan knew that the light yellow dress on Mr. Caleb’s body was made from the fur peeled off from a lightning cheetah in sadistic foggy town. The belt was made of leopard tendons to mix a few tarik antelopes. Made of tendons. If these two pieces are just listening to their parents, the black leather boots worn on the feet of Calypso clearly remember them.

About five years ago, Ryan followed Mr. Caleb to explore deep in the Hengduan Mountains. Said to be an adventure, but Caleb took Ryan to learn some survival skills and impart some experience.

The young Ryan accidentally disturbed a sleeping earth bear. The awakened bear of the earth was very angry. He slapped Ryan with his huge bear paw fiercely. At that time, Ryan only learned some basic things with Caleb, mainly on physical fitness. It was too late to avoid it, and it was about to die under the claws of the bear of the earth.

At this time, in order to protect Ryan, Caleb standing next to him actually shot for the first time in front of Ryan. This incident was very shocking for Ryan, killing this earth bear that belongs to the seventh level in the Warcraft books, Caleb only used three moves!

Caleb laid his left hand on the earth ’s bear and slapped it to Ryan ’s claws, then kicked back the heavy earth ’s bear with one foot, and finally hit with a volley. The right fist directly broke the earth ’s bear ’s head and the huge body The bear fell so softly.

Afterwards, Ryan asked Mr. Caleb, why three moves could kill the bear of the earth. Teacher Caleb said meaningfully: “The powerful enough to hit the enemy’s vital point under flexible and ingenious use is as simple as that.”

Of course, the end of this matter is that Caleb made Ryan independent to drag the bear of the earth back as a punishment for him. Ryan spent a few days trying to drag the bulky guy back.

Ryan still remembers that his little figure was carrying a huge earth bear into the town at the beginning. The surprised scene in the eyes of everyone made Ryan, who was onlookers, feel a little proud. Maybe, I was influenced by that time when Nemo-Peg entered the town today.

“Ryan, come in with me,” said Teacher Caleb, faintly, after seeing Ryan staring at his shoes.

“Oh, okay.” Ryan was interrupted by Mr. Caleb’s voice, quickly agreed, and followed the teacher into the cabin.

As soon as the two entered the cabin, Ryan heard an old voice saying, “Ryan, you are here.”

Ryan looked at the voice and said, “Ah, Mr. Draenei, why are you here too?”

I saw an old man wearing a magic robe, sitting in a chair on the right of Lane, and the wrinkling of his face with the passage of time. The old man’s clothes are very simple, except for a magic badge on his chest that symbolizes the identity of a magician, he does not bring any magic items or any decoration.

There is a table beside the old man. In addition to the chair that the old man sits on, there are two chairs beside the table. The tables and chairs are the most common birch wood, the workmanship is very rough, and even the bark is not peeled off. A large bucket and two wooden drinking glasses were placed on the table, which were carved out by Ryan himself with a dagger on the goldenthorn log.

Ryan was a little surprised to see Mr. Draenei appearing in front of his eyes. Mr. Draenei, who had left before last month, came back in less than a month. When he left last time, he did not say that there was something more trouble Do you have to deal with the matter, and solved it so quickly?

Watching Ryan was a little surprised at his appearance, Draene didn’t feel anything wrong, he said slowly: “Ryan, don’t think so much first. Today, Caleb and I want to tell you an important thing thing.”

After Caleb and Ryan were seated around the table, Delaney said slowly: “Ryan, you are 16 years old this year. On the mainland of Eslar, children grow up to 16 means **, usually In this case, the child ’s parents or teacher will set a question for the child and let the child complete it through their own efforts. This is the adult ceremony test. Have you ever thought about how to conduct your own adult ceremony test? “

Hearing Teacher Draene’s words, Ryan couldn’t help but recall the past:

Ryan was born in an ordinary Orion family in Thick Town, because the family is not rich, and his parents have only one child. When Lane was 5 years old, a strong lightning cheetah came in the deep mountains outside the town. The Lightning Cheetah included in level 6 in the Warcraft Books is fast, moves like the wind, has sharp claws and teeth, has a grumpy temper, and is extremely aggressive. When the hunters in the dense fog town went hunting in the mountains, many people were attacked by this lightning cheetah, and several people died.

Just when the people in the whole town were helpless, Caleb passed by from here. When he learned the plight of the town, he shot out the Lightning Cheetah. The residents of the town are very grateful to Caleb, and Caleb also likes the simple folk customs here. He built a wooden house outside the town and settled down. So Caleb lived in Thick Fog Town.

Slowly everyone became familiar with it, and the residents of the town became accustomed to such an extra neighbor. The children in the town worship heroes, all around the Caleb cloth except the lightning cheetah. Although Caleb is indifferent to people, he prefers to children. Later, he can’t stand the hard work of the children, and received seven or eight children to teach some basic martial skills. Ryan and Nemo are some of the better ones in this group.

After several years of basic training, the skills of children who learn martial arts with Caleb have greatly improved compared with their peers. Once, Caleb asked the children why they followed themselves to learn martial arts. Some other children said they wanted to learn some martial arts to show off in front of their partners. Others planned to learn more martial arts and grow up to support their families. People, this sentence touched Caleb, so the teaching of Ryan was also more careful, and Ryan’s skill far exceeded Nemo and others.

Five years ago, the year when Ryan entered the town carrying the bear of the earth, Dranai came to the town of Thick Fog to find Caleb. It is very difficult to capture a bear of the earth in the mountainous western part of the mainland where the dense fog town is located. Usually, it takes a lot of effort to form a hunting team of more than 20 people, and the captured bears are also scarred. However, Caleb and Lane only went for a few days in the Hengduan Mountains, and killed a bear of the earth, and the one they killed, the fur was almost not damaged. How can it not cause a sensation?

This matter quickly spread to the surrounding towns and became a resource for many people. Draenei heard that someone was talking about this when he was staying in Takri town, so he rose up to visit the adventurer who could capture the bear of the earth in Thick Fog Town, and he found Caleb.

Draenei and Caleb have been separated for a lot of time, and they are very happy to meet again this time. They each talked about their respective experiences after a long conversation.

The next day, Draenei saw Ryan who came to learn martial arts with Caleb, and unexpectedly discovered that Ryan had a good magic talent, he offered to teach Ryan to learn magic.

In this way, Ryan added another lesson every day to learn magic. After more than 4 years of magic study, Ryan gradually mastered many magic skills, and can easily release multiple magics, making Dranai very satisfied.

There was a cry of Feng Peng outside the cabin, which caused Ryan to wake up from his memories and return to reality. He sorted out his thoughts and said to Dranai: “Teacher Dranai, what kind of adulthood do you think I should be? What about ritual trials? “

Draenei knew that Ryan would say so, and he looked at Caleb with a smile on his face, which made the wrinkles on his forehead more prominent.

Delaney said slowly, “Ryan, in a few days it will be your sixteenth birthday. As far as I know, the customs of Thick Fog Town should be to hunt a Warcraft alone, and then invite good friends to join yourself. ** ceremony, of course, the hunted Warcraft will become everyone’s delicious meal. “

“Yes, Mr. Draenei.” Ryan nodded, and suddenly he remembered something, adding: “I also met Nemo just now, and he wants me to go to the evening. This is the test of Nemo’s adult ceremony Refining. “

“You have learned martial arts with me for nine years? It has been more than four years for you to learn magic with Della.” Caleb took the topic and said: “If it is just a simple beast hunting, it is estimated that with your Ryan’s ability, Coupled with careful layout, it is possible to hunt a seven-level earth bear independently, so I do not recommend that you celebrate your adulthood in this way. “

Ryan nodded and agreed that he had studied with the two teachers for many years and really suffered a lot. This ordinary trial was really not attractive to himself.

Caleb continued: “I still remember, once I asked everyone, why do you want to learn martial arts from me, and your answer is to protect the people around you.” In Ryan’s eyes, he said, “Why do you say that?”

Ryan did n’t expect a word from years ago to make Caleb remember fresh. He thought about it and said, “Mr. Caleb, I remember that when I was very young, my father took me and my My mother entered the Hengduan Mountains to hunt Warcraft. That day my father’s harvest was good, and he hit several jungle pheasants, but later, in order to protect my mother, my father was hit with blood on the body of the fang of the wild boar.

At the campfire in the camp that night, my father wrapped my mother’s wound and said to me sitting at the side, boy, you remember, as a man, you must protect yourself and the people around you, don’t let them be Injury, even if you pay yourself a scar. “

Speaking of which, Ryan seemed a little emotional, and he stood up and said excitedly: “Mr. Caleb, Mr. Draenei, do you know? My father is a very ordinary hunter, and even if he is aggrieved, he is silent. I do n’t argue with people. But at the moment when the safety of his loved ones was threatened, he just kept his body in front of his mother and used a hunting fork to slam a pig boar into the ground. Great power. “

“The impact on me was too deep. Although I was young, I secretly vowed that my Ryan must learn martial arts from his father like this and do his utmost to protect his loved ones and friends around me!”

Caleb and Dranai listened quietly to Ryan’s story. Looking at Ryan with some excitement, Caleb said: “Ryan, you can relax and drink some water first. I believe you can carry out your promise.”

Ryan reached out and picked up the water-carved glass on the table, and drank the clean water inside.

When Ryan calmed down, Caleb gestured to Ryan to sit down, and then said: “In addition to learning martial arts and magic, Ryan and I have also taught you a lot of knowledge about Eslar, It can be seen that you are yearning for the vast world outside. Have you ever thought about going out of this town? “

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