Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 294: Frenzied Battle

Laz and Tommy stood facing each other while others charged forward. It's worth it to note that on Tommy's side, they had about five less people overall, due in equal parts to the members of Laz's group who died and the member's of Tommy's group who Laz and Ruby killed. Originally, the difference would have been a lot higher.

The problem was that there were only so many front line fighters on Laz's side or even those who had something that could be used to fight.

Once you took all those points together, the numbers were pretty equal.

Ruby came face to face with a large man holding an even bigger hammer. Just as she was going to go in for the quick kill, the man slammed the hammer down on the ground, causing shockwaves to spread out on the metal surface and almost causing Ruby to lose her balance. Just as she was about to resume her charge, several large boulders appeared out from underneath his hammer, obviously having been dragged out from underneath the metal flooring. Although Ruby didn't know how he did this, she felt like he wasn't going to go down easy.

This man had three brownish black lines.

Dwayne ended up coming face to face with a rather pretty girl...

"I get to battle a chick?" Dwayne said, not sure if he was happy or upset about it.

"FUCK YOU. I BET MY DICK IS TEN TIMES AS BIG AS YOURS..." Although the young person facing Dwayne seemed rather pretty and female, she was actually a he.

"OK. Now that's better, time to get..." Before Dwayne could even come out with anything, he was suddenly struck with several large ice spears that seemed to appear out of no where, turning him into a human pin cushion.

"DWAYNE!!" Jennia yelled out, almost tripping over herself as she fought a blonde lightning user with three yellow lines.

Just as Dwayne stood still while the pretty boy smiled, the ice spikes melted as a greenish layer of energy covered Dwayne. Before everyone's eyes, the large, gapping holes in his body closed in a mere moment, causing him to pat himself like he couldn't believe it before turning his head and grinning at the guy who was now standing frozen in place with a shocked look on his face. Even Jennia and her opponent were frozen while watching this happen.

"Guess this mediation shit Laz gave me really works." Dwayne said before looking over at the man who tried to kill him.

"YOUR ASS IS MINE BOY!!!" Dwayne said while launching at him.

"COULD YOU SAY IT ANY OTHER WAY YOU IDIOT?" Jennia screamed while turning back to her lightning opponent and raising her hand. A purple light shot out and hit him while a small skull appeared above her head and opened it's mouth. Before, she had just been dodging his attacks so he didn't know what she was doing.

"DRAIN!" Jennia yelled as bits of the mans power suddenly left his control and found it's way into the skulls mouth.


"You're ending," Jennia said with a smirk. She had no intention of telling this guy that her abilities all revolved around her ability to curse things, be it other people or herself.

While Jennia thought she had the upper hand, the lightning user attacked the skull with a concentrated ball of lightning, causing the skull to explode and Jennia to be thrown back. She looked as surprised as he did as it had never happened before. How was she to know that lightning type attacks had a strong effect on dark types of skills like her curse skill.

"Damn," Jennia said as she got back on her feet. Although the skill exploding had hurt, she had trained herself under Aaron to a degree which the whole Vodun respected. The only reason that hadn't shown before was because with Ruby as an opponent, all the training in the world wouldn't help.

Seeing his lightning abilities being super effective, the blonde grinned and got ready to unleash another attack.

Helen was facing off against some sort of wind user with three very clear green marks. His strength seemed a lot more prominent than someone should be at the stage as Helen had fought a few chosen before under Freya's lead. Helen's abilities were similar to Freya's in that she had been granted them from the goddess. Due to this, her speed and strength were exceptional while her ability to charm couldn't be ignored. With a few other skills, she was a perfect front line fighter normally, but against this user of wind, her abilities were super restricted..

How could you beat something you couldn't hit?

"If you were some dirty-blooded bitch, I would love to take you home with me. Well, I guess I still could... I'll just have to kill you when I'm done," The gust of wind taunted as it blew away from Helen's grasp again while shooting off condensed blades of wind at her. Helen dodged out of the way in time as the blades hit the metal ground, causing it to be indented. Although the blades themselves weren't sharp, Helen learned quickly that they could cause quite a bit of damage as compressed air.

"Just slow down enough for me to hold you tight and I promise to never let go...?" Helen shot back with a charming twinkle in her eye,.

"Ho no... I was warned not to look you in the eyes. At least, not until I gouge them out of your skull. But look on the bright side, once I do that, you'll have a few virgin holes for me to penetrate," the wind user mocked her as he kept jutting around, not stopping long enough for Helen to get a fix on him. She wasn't even sure what he looked like.

"I swear to the goddess I'm going to rip his dick off if I ever catch him," Helen muttered to herself before jumping to the side again.

While Helen was busy dealing with that, The four Ivy's had also found opponents of their own.

Each one of them ended up facing a water user. Although they didn't look identical to each other, they each had similar abilities and pretty boy looks. While Dwayne's opponent was a male that looked like a female, the four pretty boys facing off against the girls were clearly male and clearly narcissistic.

"How did we end up with these scarred chicks?"

"Honestly, even on of the other random girls from this group would have been fine..."

"Check out that hot, snake like chick over there?"

"I wonder if her tongue is snake like too?"

The four assholes weren't even taking the Ivy's attacks seriously since all four of them had just entered the foundation realm. Compared to them, the bright, aqua whitish lines on their bodies showed three clear lines per person, showing that their power was higher on average than the four girls. Instead, they had taken the time to use their water bases abilities to slowly strip, restrain and humiliate the girls.

Unlike the harsh, explosive and destructive power of ice, their water based abilities were better at control, something they were using to the fullest right now. Originally, in their perverse joy, they found that these four girls were very attractive, despite the scars that the one had. But as soon as they began their sick game of using their powers to strip them, they found each of them covered in horrendous scars and now didn't know how to feel. The one thing they did know was that they were no longer taking them seriously.

The Ivy known as death looked at her sisters and nodded her head. They were going to do something that they were originally never planning on doing again, allowing their full abilities to burst forth.

And the reason for that?

As Death Ivy, Pestilence Ivy, Famine Ivy and War Ivy let go of their inhabitations and fully activated their foundational realm power, their bodies began to shimmer with light. Just as people wondered what was happening, the light disappeared and in place of the four, somewhat dainty girls were four grotesque monsters.

One of them looked like a balloon with huge arms and legs, looking like a giant, muscular freak.

Another one of them looked like a dried up husk with leather like skin that seems to flake away just from the wind.

The next one looked like some sort of freakish zombie from a low budget horror movie. Her skin had turned a putrid mix of green and yellow while lesions and boils erupted all over her body.

And the final one didn't even look alive, her flesh having disappeared. She was now a walking skeleton that didn't even have eyes.

There wasn't a single person who could process what was going on. Although the girl's bodies were normally rather horrible to look at, at least they still would resemble women.

But now there was these four monsters that didn't even look human, much less female.

The ones who had the biggest reaction were the four water users who had faced off against them. They couldn't control themselves and started gaging.

Although this would have been the perfect time to attack, the four monsters, who despite their harsh lives, training and experience, couldn't help but be taken back by everyone staring at them.

They felt more exposed then ever right now and didn't know how to react.

"THAT'S FUCKING AWESOME!" Laz yelled out, breaking the silence.

Everyone then turned to look at him, only to see him giving the girls two very stupid looking thumbs up.

"Alright. Since they think we are fucking monsters, let's show them just how monster like we are!" Laz followed up with this statement before igniting his flames to mask his body. Just when people wondered what he was doing, two golden lights lit up from the center of the flames before Laz stepped forward. His body was now a dark grey color with various black tattoo like lines running all over his arms, chest and down his back. His hair had turned white and grew as well, coming just below his shoulders.

Standing there, he looked over at Tommy who looked to be backing away and smile, showing a rather sharp pair of fangs that had grown from his canines.

Laz had become a monster as well.

Seeing other's take the lead, no one else hesitated to bring their full abilities to bare.

Helen's skin became pale while while the bones in her face became more pronounced, her irises turned yellow and her lips became the color of blood.

Ruby let loose with her transformation as rainbow colored scales emerged from her skin, no longer the dull red color they had been while her eyes became reptile in shape and color.

Even Dwayne got in on the change, his body expanding and enlarging in uneven ways until he looked like some sort of monstrous undead with black skin and white, soul-less eyes.

"This ain't fucking fair bro. You still looking pretty like that in a dangerous way," Dwayne's voice called out from where his mouth should have been.

"You look like you could get hit by a bus and walk away like it tickled," Laz shot back while returning his gaze to Tommy.

"I guess it's time to get this party started, eh?"

"So now you all show your true fucking skins? I take back what I said earlier, kill the women too. These things are way to nasty to touch."

Hearing this, Every female on Laz's side turned and glared at Tommy while wanting to rip him limb from limb. Just then, a fist came out of nowhere and swung at Tommy who just managed to get his flame covered arms up in time to stop it from hitting his face. Even then, he flew backwards for tens of feet before he was able to stop himself.

"I'll shut his mouth for good. The rest of you focus on taking down your targets. The clock is ticking," Laz spoke to his team before again charging forward to Tommy.

The real fight for the gate had begun.

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