Chasing Tides

Chapter 61

Sui Yang was raining, and when he went back, he became seriously ill.

He has a good physical fitness. He hasn’t stopped running and strength training for a day. Not to mention a fever for three years, he never had a cold. This time, I have been accumulating illness for a long time, and it’s menacing. I spent the last few days in bed.

Mi Jie automatically switches roles to life assistant, mainly responsible for buying medicine and delivering meals. Sui Yun had a fever and did not want to go to the hospital. She took her sister’s house to Xiaowaiyu to treat him with a navel stick for her fever. After two or three days of tossing, the condition finally stopped repeating.

On that day, Mi Jie walked on and remembered that she had forgotten to bring the key, and knocked on the door directly after going upstairs, only to hear a loud noise coming from the door, followed by the rapid footsteps from far to near. When the door was opened, Sui Yue His chest was violently wheezing, so he called out “Lan Lan” without seeing the person clearly.

Seeing that the light in Sui Yan’s eyes faded quickly, Mi Jie followed with some sadness. Of course, she knew who Sui Ye was calling, and why he lived in AOW’s former dormitory alone.

He held here stubbornly with little hope, hoping that Ning Lan would return one day.

After entering the door, Sui Yan said, “Say to Brother Wang, I will resume work tomorrow.”

Brother Wang is Sui’s current agent.

Mi Jie put her hands on the tableware and said, “So fast? Let’s take two more days of rest?”

Sui Yan shook his head: “No, I’m fine.”

Mi Jie watched Sui Yang turned on the TV with the remote control, and watched the “Covering the Mountains” that David started to replay every summer, thinking that it was still called “good”?

After Mi Jie left in the afternoon, Sui Yang saw a U disk on the dining table and thought it was Mi Jie’s fall. He picked it up and saw a note under it: look at this.

Sui Yan turned on the computer, plugged in a USB flash drive and read it. There was a video file, which was a clip of all the shots that Ning Lan had appeared in “Covering the Mountain”.

In the video, Ning Lan was dressed in a black dress, with his head raised and his chest raised, and his eyes were sharp when he raised his whip, and when he laughed, he brought his unique youthful spirit and chic look.

As soon as the TV series aired that year, the small guard played by Ning Lan was praised by a well-known play critic and praised it as “completely unlike the first acting” and also said that “there is no time left, the future is promising”.

Zhang Fan is right, Ning Lan is indeed very talented in acting, or because he is smart, he learns everything very quickly.

Including learning how to hide from oneself.

Sui Wei opened Weibo, and the AOW supertalk post that has become a cold circle was slowly updated. Some fans also watched the replay of “Covering the River and Mountain” and lamented: Ning Lan actually has acting skills, I do n’t know if he is going Where is it.

There are only a few comments below, all of them sighing and lamenting the time, and now in retrospect, most of the stops in memory are still beautiful parts.

Three years ago, shortly after Ning Lan left, Sui Yue bypassed the company and sent a Weibo post on his own initiative: Things are not what you see. Ning Lan will return. I wait for him.

At that time, the comments exceeded 10,000 minutes. Most netizens accused him that Ning Lan’s staff had collapsed, and the Emperor Laozi could not wash him in white; there were also suspicions that Sui Yang’s number was controlled by the company’s senior management because “Jiangshan” is about to be broadcast, and it will be necessary to create a wave for Ning Lan. After all, he just withdrew from the group and did not officially terminate the contract.

Three years passed in one flash. At that time, those sprayers who changed their name to “Ninglan Lifetime Black” were gone. Some fans even turned back for him. Unfortunately, they felt that three years of hard storage was enough. How many careers can an artist have? Three years?

Fans are very forgetful. Sui Yang hopes that Ning Lan can be like a heartless and heartless person and forget about those unhappy things.

Don’t forget the way back.

Due to illness, which was delayed for several days, Sui Yue ran to the Jingjiao Stadium every day after resuming work.

The surrounding conditions were rough, and he was dieting and reducing fat for the concert. During the rehearsal, he only drank mineral water. After a long time, he would inevitably lose his taste.

He remembered the small store with a coffee machine. Mi Jie was called by the Wumei team to help him. Sui Yang had nothing else to do. He walked along the path for more than ten minutes according to the impression of walking to the venue that day, and he found the store door smoothly. Half-open nameless kiosk.

The old lady lay in the rocking chair behind the counter and went to bed in the morning. Sui Yue approached her and woke up, squinting and asking him what to buy.

Sui Yun pointed at the coffee machine: “Do you have coffee today?”

Mother-in-law turned to the room and shouted, “Shit boy, come out!”

I shouted a few times and no one responded, while standing up and muttering something like “The stupid boy is going to kill my old woman”, throwing out a fan, taking out a disposable coffee cup from the cabinet, and putting it in the water outlet, After groping for a long time, I didn’t know where the switch was, and I patted the coffee machine impatiently.

After getting permission, she walked behind the counter, found the valve switch, and filled her with a cup of coffee. The old lady was worried about how much she should receive.

Sui Yang took out a hundred-dollar bill and placed it on the counter: “Keep it on my account, and wait for the next time I come back to pay more and make up.”

As soon as he walked on the front foot, someone opened the curtain on the back foot and yawned and stretched against the head of the henhouse. The road followed a curve: “Why me, mother-in-law?”

The mother-in-law waved his head with a fan: “You don’t come when you shout, what do you come out now? Get in and get in.”

“I don’t have a fever, and I’m getting long hair when I lie down.” Ning Lan avoided her mother-in-law’s fan attack, walked around the counter, saw the brand-new one hundred, and her eyes lit up. ? “

The mother-in-law hummed and sat back on the rocking chair: “I don’t know how much it is to buy coffee, so I will save more for the next time.”

Ning Lan picked up the money, blew it, and narrowed his eyes with a smile: “There are still such people? Next time he comes, tell him two hundred glasses.”

Mother-in-law’s fan will be thrown over again: “Smelly boy, we can’t make money with ignorance!”

“Know, I’m kidding.” Ning Lan folded the money in his pocket, “I’ll get a card for that person, and next time he comes, I’ll hold it for him, one hundred and five cups, and one more membership card, Is this okay? “

Anyway, take out a box of water from the side of the shelf and go out: “I’ll go to Bingbing and wait for me to come back to cook at night.”

“Just let him wash your hair!” Shouted her mother-in-law.

Ning Lan pushed the scooter to the east. The hot sun tanned his skin, but he didn’t care. He pushed it leisurely for a while, and then used the scooter as a skateboard. After a short turn at the second intersection There are four big characters in front of me-Bingbing Hair Salon.

“Boss, here comes the water delivery.”

Before the sound came, Lu Binghua, who was dozing on the barber chair, had no arms, her face was almost smashed on her legs, she took a sip of water and looked at the door, stupidly: “You are coming, brother.”

Ning Lan put the water on the ground, and unceremoniously opened a bottle to drink. After drinking, he slammed the table vigorously: “Boy, your male hormone? Isn’t it good to be the first stylist of Quanxi? So soon? “

Lu Binghua scratched his hair: “No, no, isn’t this nobody? I’ll just sleep for a while.”

Ning Lan waited for him to return to the IQ basket after washing his cold water, sitting on the barber chair with one buttock: “Give me black hair.”

Lu Binghua’s five senses were wrinkled together: “Don’t you agree to help me advertise?”

“In this style, I can say that anyone can dare to make you hair?” Ning Lan pointed her head in the mirror. “Do you know what Mother-in-law Zhang said about me?”

Lu Binghua was right-hearted: “CEO of Quanxi Street’s largest non-chain canteen.”

“You come less.” Ning Lan rolled her eyes. “She said I was like a watermelon peel, and I wanted to split it with a knife.”

Lu Binghua wanted to hold on, rolled his belly with a smile, and wiped his tears at the end: “The last time I dyed you was for advertising, so I confiscated your money. This time, I can’t do it. I have water, gas, and gas every day. It costs money … “

“Okay.” Ning Lan took out a hundred and patted it on the table. “Return water, electricity, gas, are you a restaurant here?”

Lu Binghua took the money, and Meizi opened the cabinet to get the dyeing cream: “I dare to pack tickets, you won’t regret paying this grandpa!”

Lu Binghua was extremely tortured. He dyed his hair and tossed for more than three hours. Ning Lan had several strange dreams. When he woke up, the slimy hair dye was still on his head, and he touched the black oil.

He was followed by a black, and he was about to get up in a hurry. Lu Binghua held him down, and took out a thin printed cardboard from his pocket like a treasure: “Look what it is!”

Ning Lan took it over in a bad mood. The finger that had just touched the hair dye on the hair will press a black and large fingerprint on the words “concert”. The word “Sui Yang” in front of him was unexpected. Into the ground.

Ning Lan opened her mouth stiffly, and for a moment wondered what kind of expression to put on. His mood at this moment is probably the same as when he sent the water to the background to see the poster that day, knowing that the person might be in it.

“Who knows this Sui? I heard that it was very red and very red. The ticket was issued by my elder brother. You also know that my elder brother does not like to watch these singing and dancing. It ’s not cheap. I ’ll talk to you. Haha, This morning, Jiang Yan asked me if I asked for it. “

Lu Binghua noisily kept talking, but Ning Lan didn’t hear a word. He stood up and shoved the ticket back into Lu Binghua’s arms: “Can you wash it?”

Lu Binghua did not respond: “Ah?”

“I said, can I wash it?”

“Yes, yes, yes.”

Drying her hair, Ning Lan looked a little bit unfamiliar when she recovered her dark hair in the mirror. He exhaled slowly and stood up: “I’m going back first, and my mother-in-law is waiting for me to eat.”

Lu Binghua shoved the ticket to him. He refused to pick it up. Lu Binghua lamely said, “This is a VIP in the front row, especially in a row!”

Ning Lan couldn’t help crying: “No … I don’t really want to. I don’t know who this person is.”

Lu Binghua couldn’t help but slap his ticket in his pocket: “Then sell it, I don’t care, it’s yours anyway.”

On the way back with a small scooter, Ning Lan was completely out of skateboarding. Passing by the bus stop, he glanced at the posters neatly posted in the light box, hurriedly retracted his eyes, and speeded his pace towards home.

The shadow of the setting sun stretched his shadow for a long time. He passed by watch shops, clothing shops, massage halls, and greeted every owner in the shop.

Careful calculation, he has lived in this peaceful place for three years. At that time, he did not dare to take a car, did not dare to take a plane, and wandered into this place without help. When his mother-in-law said, “Is the young man unable to find a home?” Can get such a comfortable life.

Eighty percent of the residents here are elderly people living alone. No one knows who “AOW Ning Lan” is. Everyday entertainment is nothing more than reading newspapers and listening to operas. They don’t even watch TV. It is better to sleep more at this time. Even the only alien Lu Binghua here is a secondary two boy who just wants to become a well-known hairstylist on this street and has no ambition to go outside.

Ning Lan stayed in this environment for three years, and naturally took this place as another world, shrouded in a shell like a bell. He didn’t go out, and others didn’t want to come in.

Back at home, Ning Lan put the concert tickets into the locked drawer and saw two jewelry boxes stacked on top of each other. After a moment of hesitation, he took the ticket out and clamped it into the book on the table.

The appearance of this name undoubtedly gave him a good shot, knocked a crack in the closed world that he had managed to build, and dazzled the light, letting him face reality.

So his first reaction was of course to hide, and the farther he could go, the better.

In the evening, Sui Yue drank the last sip of the coffee that had been cooled down.

Probably the quality of the coffee beans is not good, and the taste of the ground coffee is really difficult to evaluate.

Sui Sui felt it was a miracle that he could finish drinking. He dropped the paper cup and got into the nanny car. When the car passed the coffee shop, it was brightly lit and there was no one at the counter. The old lady should have gone in for dinner.

He retracted his gaze, lowered his head and opened Weibo, and went directly to Fang Yu’s homepage from the first place he visited recently to see what he is doing today.

Fang Yu liked a video of a food blogger twenty minutes ago, or the blogger who made the pickled fish last time.

The car was idle, and Sui Yang drove it and looked at it, with the title “Bacon rolls are better for rainy days.” There is no face in the video, the style is very simple, there are no good-looking tableware, you can only see the cutting board and the big iron pot, without BGM, you can only hear the sound of chopped vegetables and the stabbing sound of frying vegetables.

This blogger’s bacon roll is also very special. It is not stuffed with enoki mushrooms, but carrots, cucumbers, and a few sprouts. The colorfulness is pretty good.

Sui Yang hasn’t seen such a casual persuasive food blogger. The pickled vegetables are used in the sea bowl with a missing corner. When the bacon is rolled out of the pot, one of the toothpicks is not stable and scattered. The blogger directly Stir with chopsticks and loosen all kinds of silk in the pot.

At this moment, the cook’s hand holding the chopsticks flashed by. Sui Yang seemed to see a trace on the back of his hand, and just about to go back to look carefully, the teacher’s phone call came in suddenly.

“Guests are here,” said the teacher.

Sui Yan frowned and asked, “Who?”

“She claims to be Ning Lan’s mother and says she wants to see you.”

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