Chasing Tides

Chapter 57

Gu Yankai said in shock: “Brother, don’t you know? The company signed a new contract with him. After the Chinese New Year, he will not participate in the combination.”

Gu Yankai didn’t realize what was wrong after he finished speaking, covered his mouth with his eyes wide, and quickly thought in his head. Did Ning Lan let the matter of confidentiality come?

Sui Yue stood up, stood in front of Gu Yankai, and Shen Sheng asked him, “Why?”

Gu Yankai has said that he just leaked his hands and broke the jar. “I ca n’t dance because of a leg injury, and the previous black material is too bad. However, the company retained him a basic salary during the contract period and basic life. It must be fine. “

Gu Yankai said lightly, but Sui Yang couldn’t calm down. Ning Lan owes money everywhere, and his mother seems to depend on him. How can the basic salary be enough for him?

No wonder he didn’t take the leave before going on stage, and he stumbled while walking. He thought it was an ordinary twisted leg, but he didn’t expect it would be so serious.

Seeing Gu Yankai’s look dodging, Sui Yang knew that he must have something to hide, and with a little threat and intimidation, the casual children recruited all.

“Just, just the black materials before, it was Gao Ming and Wang Bingyang who worked with Feng Qiu who couldn’t join our group. Ning Lan asked me not to tell you, brother, don’t tell him what I said.”

Sui Yan’s eyes were dark and dark, and there seemed to be a surging wave breaking in it, wrapped in a little doubt.

Gu Yankai bit his finger with a bit of fear: “In fact, I don’t think it’s okay. After all, the video in their mouth didn’t explode. It is said that it was a big deal. It was probably overwhelmed by the company. It was from you. hand?”

Sui Yan looked for a moment: “What video?”

Half an hour later, Sui Yan who drove along the road got everything she wanted from Zhang Fan.

Including what kind of video it is.

Gu Yankai only knew that Gao and Wang wanted Hei Ninglan, and when they mentioned the video, they thought it was Ning Lan who beat his mother on the street and was shot. Because of his prejudice against Ning Lan at the time, of course he would not Regarding this matter, I did not take it seriously.

Even Zhang Fan was silent for a long time, and was forced by Sui Yang’s clear and conjecture, and then he could not tell the truth.

“The company can’t fail to protect you, plus Ning Lan has voluntarily given up on himself, and the video has been suppressed. He won’t let me tell you that I’m afraid you’ll be distracted by the movie, and he begged me like that, I can’t help it.”

The facts were exactly the same as Sui Yun’s speculation, but he did not understand why Ning Lan did so. He originally thought that these black materials were not directly posted on the Internet through the company. Since Ning Lan was the first to learn, it would be good to just tell him, how could he not help him?

The heavy rain will fall, and the sky will be like a fierce beast with a mouth full of blood. Suddenly, the air pressure dropped, and Sui Yun was out of breath.

All other possibilities were ruled out one by one, and there was only one reason left-Ning Lan didn’t want him to get involved.

I’m afraid that it will affect him to make a movie. I feel I can take it. Ning Lan’s own star journey and future are not necessary, all for him.

But how did he respond? He used a high-minded posture, with a strong prejudice and distrust of him, and could not help but ask Ning Lan about geology and forced him to admit it.

It was him who called people, and it was him who drove them away.

Sui Yue stopped at the intersection and waited for a red light. On the left side of the road was a familiar hotel. That day Ning Lan got into his car for the first time. He knew what Ning Lan was going to do, and sent him downstairs.

Perhaps from that day on, he completely lost his rational judgment on Ning Lan. No matter what Ning Lan did, he could not escape the shadow of the wandering.

“咚, 咚, 咚.”

Suddenly, the car window was banged, and a girl’s face was printed on the window. Sui Yue hesitated for a moment and lowered the window.

The girl holding a large bunch of flowers said: “The handsome guy buys a flower and goes back to his girlfriend. If there is no girlfriend, he can give it to his mother.”

The girl probably came across the fence and onto the road. This is the main road. Traffic jams are very severe at late rush hours. Sui Yue has been to this area before and has also encountered hawkers who sell at the windows.

He was upset and just wanted the red light to hurry up and the girl was busy: “Are you anxious to eat? It’s going to rain soon, just buy one, and people who are waiting for you will be glad to see such beautiful flowers. of.”

Sui Yan accidentally remembered that Lu Xiaozhou had bought flowers for Ning Lan yesterday, and a flaming bouquet was placed on the table, and it was impossible to ignore it.

He bought all the flowers in the girl’s hand.

When the traffic flow moved slowly forward, Sui Yun glanced at the flower lying on the co-driver, and suddenly an indescribable emotion came into her heart.

This feels no stranger to him. Every time he kisses Ning Lan, when he hugs, when he watches him cook for himself, when he smiles at himself, and when he wears his earrings, he seems to be saying When “I belong to you”, when you hear his voice and receive his text message to work at ease …

Any time.

This is different from the feelings he had for other people in the past. It is not longing for, longing for, nor friendship.

It was a fresh taste he had tasted for the first time in two decades.

The heavy rain poured down, the cold rain in the late winter hit the windows, meandering down the glass, and the fog coiled in my heart was also scattered by the cold rain, and the truth gradually showed the mountain dew.

Sui Yan held the steering wheel’s long fingers firmly and squeezed for a few seconds, then released again with a long exhalation.

He should have long noticed that only by caring can he make a mess. And the more he cares, the more he will care about it, his misbehavior, his corruption and self-love, why he doesn’t like himself.

The heart seemed to be pierced through a hole, and the tide was pouring out of it like a tsunami. All the words were insincere and difficult to control, and they found the source.

I like him.

I have long liked him.

Downstairs in the residential area was the first time the lantern was up. When Sui Yue took the elevator to go upstairs, her heart beat quickly and her breathing was a little short.

He firmly believes that Ning Lan also likes him, or he won’t do that for him.

He wanted to see that Ning Lan’s heart had never been so urgent, and it was urgent to have no time to think about why Ning Lan stubbornly did not admit that he liked him.

Using the key to open the door, the room was dark. At the moment when the light was turned on, Sui Yue saw the bunch of flowers still standing alone on the table.

He didn’t care to throw it away, holding the fresh bouquet with a few drops of rain, and pushed open the door of the room.

No one inside.

The window was half open. The last person who left the room might not know that it would rain in the evening. The heavy curtains were blown around by the wind. The rain hit the window sill through the screen, and the floor close to the window sill was wet.

In this messy situation, Sui Yan found that the pot of plants raised by Ning Lan was gone.

Not only the pots of plants, the pillows and dolls on the bed, the basic music theory by the pillows, the slippers under the bed, the odds and ends in the drawer, the clothes in the cabinet …

All proofs of a person’s existence have disappeared.

Breathing gradually lost its temperature in the cold air.

Sui Yue took out her cell phone and dialed Ning Lan’s number. The endless busy tone on the phone reminded him that Ning Lan’s cell phone card was lost, and she was with the cell phone.

This time he didn’t lie.

Sui Yang didn’t remember this is the first time he turned around. Several times before, when he turned around, he could see Ning Lan standing in wait for him.

But now, a strong sense of anxiety suddenly rose in his heart. This terrible feeling instantly spread to all limbs, controlling his thoughts and movements, so that the phone rang for dozens of seconds before he heard it.

Press on to open, stiff mouth: “Hey.”

Fang Yu spoke very quickly: “Captain, is Lanlan by your side? Trouble asking him to answer the phone.”

Sui Ming rolled his throat knot a few times: “He’s not there.”

“Not in?” Fang Yu’s voice raised a few degrees, “He’s not in the dormitory?”

“Not here.”

“He said he won’t go home for the New Year … Do you know where he went?”

Sui Yun thought blankly for a moment: “I don’t know.”

Fang Yu snorted coldly: “What time is it, Captain, you are not in a hurry.”

What’s the use of panic, and what’s the use of being busy? He knew very little about Ning Lan and didn’t know where he would go.

“Do you know where Ning Lan will go?” Sui Yan asked.

“How do I know, I haven’t slept with him yet.” Fang Yu was extremely hostile to him, and he was thorny. “You might as well go to Weibo to see his message and maybe find any clue.”

Hang up after talking.

Sui Yue put down her phone, paused for a few seconds, and opened Weibo.

He and Ning Lan are in a state of mutual relations. The first one on the homepage is the Weibo posted by Ning Lan two hours ago-sorry, goodbye.

In just five words, he took his breath in an instant and made him cold from head to toe.

Ning Lan will not return.

He was so stubborn that he could be seen in the past because he didn’t want to leave. If he wanted to leave, there would be no trace left, and no one would want to find it.

Sui Yan was standing alone in the empty room, and a wind passing through the hall blew his clothes, as if someone was gently dragging him.

But when he looked up, there was no shadow around him, and the taste of Ning Lan had already disappeared in the air, so cold as if nobody had ever come.

That winter, Ning Lan stumbled into his life, and in another winter, he left silently.

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