Chasing Tides

Chapter 49

When Sui Yan received the text message, she had just rushed out of the advertisement that Ning Lan refused, and was doing tablet support in the dormitory. Ning Lan leaned over and handed him the mobile phone. Sui Yue kept her posture, took it with one hand, the screen was still on, and the sender was “Mr. Ji”.

[I just saw that there are rumors about me and your CP on the Internet. Do n’t act lightly this time, just wait for the heat to pass.]

Sui Yue read it twice and noticed that there was something in Ji Zhinan’s words, and he seemed unhappy.

A few days ago, he met Ji Zhinan at the audition venue of a movie called “Night Play”, and said a few words to him by the way. He didn’t feel Ji Zhinan’s resistance to him. This resistance was particularly obvious in private. He also didn’t think about explanation, but later felt that it was not necessary. The communication between the two people can be maintained in the comfortable area that the other party wants. That kind of thing happened, and I can’t be friends anyway.

After a period of embarrassing conversation to make preparations, before Ji Zhinan left the script, Sui Yan stopped him: “Mr. Ji, I apologize to Ning Lan for the past. Thanks for the last earthquake, thank you for saving him. “

After all, Ji Zhinan was an easy-hearted person and turned back: “It’s okay, no matter who I am, I will save him, and it’s not me who saves his life.” He paused, and said the only sentence so far that was meant to warn him, “I This person is afraid of trouble and does not want similar things to happen again. He also asks you and the people around you to pay attention to words and deeds. “

Ji Zhinan obviously hated having a relationship with himself, so Sui Yue saw this message, and the first reaction was that it was related to Ning Lan.

He kicked his legs up and wiped the sweat from his forehead with a towel. Ning Lan read a book by the side. There was nothing abnormal on his face. When he saw him, he picked up the cup on the table: “Drink some water.”

Sui Yan guessed that when he handed his cell phone to himself, he should not have seen the text message, otherwise he would not be so calm.

Of course, it is not ruled out that he can disguise well, after all, he used to lie.

Sui Yun took a big sip of water, panting and asked, “Have you contacted Ji Zhinan recently?”

Ning Lan pressed in with the fingers of the pages, shook her head and said, “No.”

Sui Yang couldn’t see anything from his face, so he didn’t ask again. Pick up the phone and ponder for a while, and reply to Ji Zhinan: [Okay, I still take advantage of it, hard Ji teacher]

Ning Lan didn’t mean to lie, he really forgot.

I don’t know if it is the cause of the drug. Recently, he occasionally cannot distinguish between reality and dream. When something happened, he thought he was dreaming, but when he woke up, he found that he had already done it, or conversely, thought that he had done something, and later realized that it was only in the dream.

For example, today, Fang Yu celebrates his birthday. He clearly remembers that he packed the prepared gift into his bag in the morning, and touched his pocket when he was eating at noon.

Ning Lan didn’t eat any more. He stood up and left. Sui Yang held him down: “Where to go?”

Ning Lan was a little flustered, and said nothing before: “Gift … birthday, Xiaoyu’s.”

Sui Yan glanced at what he was holding and understood, saying, “I will practice with him in the afternoon, and I will bring it for you.”

Ning Lan sat down with peace of mind, took a small bite of white rice, and then bite the chopsticks to travel around the world.

Sui Yue saw that Ning Lan was busy training recently and lost weight very much. Today he ordered him a lot of meat dishes. Seeing that he only sandwiched a spare rib, he had n’t finished eating, and Sui Yue had no taste of eating. He asked him: “Unsuitable?”

Ning Lan was immersed in his own world and was suddenly awakened. He looked at him and said, “No, it’s delicious.” Then he put a small piece of meat into his bowl.

Sui Yun guessed that he must be remembering Fang Yu’s birthday. I don’t know what’s in that gift box, so tightly packed, afraid that others won’t see it?

He also thought that Fang Yu said a few days ago that he wanted to eat pickled fish made by Ning Lan. Ning Lan couldn’t get up straight after he was tired after training. He didn’t forget to go to the supermarket to make ingredients. Eat the whole fish thoroughly, holding the stomach content and say next time.

Sui Yang thought of this and couldn’t help but say, “Fang Yu is older than you, you don’t need to accommodate him.”

Ning Lan paused for a while and said, “He is good to me, and I am good to him, regardless of age.”

Sui Yue raised a corner of her mouth and smiled, as if questioning the credibility of his sentence.

Ning Lan had no appetite at first, but now she is even more interested. She plays with the tableware on the table with her eyes down, but she does not eat. Sui Yang took several chopsticks and put them in his bowl. Ning Lan was reluctant to waste food, especially Sui Yan gave him. He picked up the chopsticks and forced himself to eat more.

After dinner, the two returned to the company.

In order to show that he knew how to vote for Tao Li, after getting down from the elevator, he turned Sui Yue into the stairwell, and as soon as he knocked the door down, he pushed him against the wall, and raised his head to kiss him.

The initiative was quickly taken away by Sui Yue. He twisted Ning Lan’s wrists together with one hand and pressed it to the top of his head, while holding his other hand to his waist, and kissed his lips and chin all the way to his neck.

Ning Lan twisted her body to break free, wrapped her arms around Sui Yan, panting against his side, and said, “Captain, in this kind of place, you seem to be … very excited.”

Sui Yue was unconvinced. His big hand reached into his clothes from below and squeezed the meat on his waist: “In the future, no one is allowed to touch here.”

Ning Lan was choked to itchy flesh, biting her lips without speaking.

Sui Yan pinched his buttocks again: “Not here.”

Ning Lan finally figured out that when Fang Yu was intimately rubbing his waist from the back, slapping his ass, and arguing with him, when Sui Lu was so ugly.

The young man’s possessiveness and sexual desire are as strong, and he regards himself as his possessions. Although he spurs his heart, he forbids others to touch his fingers, just as he reacts when he sees Lu Xiaozhou.

Ning Lan’s heart was astringent, and she held down Sui Yun’s hand, “You are older than me, can you …”

When he was halfway there, he closed his mouth and Sui Yue looked at him: “Can you please?”

Ning Lan was confused in his head, and consciously said nonsense again, and bowed his head, “Nothing.”

Sui Yun forced his head to look up and ordered undeniably: “Say.”

Ning Lan dodged her eyes, but she couldn’t help but smiled, and whispered, “Can you … be nice to me?”

Sui Yan looked at his dark eyes, his heart softened, and the strength of his hand holding his chin was relaxed a lot. His thumb rubbed lightly over his bright lips and said, “OK.”

Master Jin promised to be lightweight, but before he could deliver it, he was abducted from the work falling from the sky.

The film “Night Play” has begun shooting, and Sui Yun was not selected for two roles in the audition. The director liked him at the time, saying that his image temperament best matched the second male in the film. It would be better if the acting skills were better. Said to choose another actor from a science class.

Sui Yang has a self-knowledge and knows that his acting skills still need to be hone. He went to audition to gain insights and gain some experience.

Within a few days of the film’s start, the actor who played the role of policeman II was exposed to a drug scandal. Surveillance videos and personal identification equipment for entering and exiting the drug-using private house were in the morning. The crew just maintained a positive personal image during the filming and promotion period The terms of the agreement were terminated, and the police car drove to the scene to detain people.

“Night Play” cast a free wave of hits but couldn’t be happy, worrying about re-election.

Zhang Fan was well-informed. After hearing this, he actively contacted the director and said that Sui’s schedule was empty and he could join the group at any time. On the phone, he exaggerated his artiste. There is no popularity in the sky. The young man was particularly able to endure hardship and spoke with his fingers. The director groaned for a while, discussed with the producers on the side, and then settled on the table.

As soon as Sui Yang transferred the gift to Fang Yu on behalf of Ning Lan, Zhang Fanhuo was rushed to sign the contract, for fear of hurrying over to the director to regret it.

Sui Yan actually hesitated after hearing her describe the situation. As we all know, the male No. 1 of “Night Play” is Ji Zhinan. Recently, the two have cooperated frequently and fired such awkward things as CP. Ji Zhinan may not want to see him again.

But “Night Play” is a good movie. No matter the script, the director or the production team are first-class in the industry, many people can’t get a chance that they can’t get their blood in front of him.

Sui Yan sent a message to Ning Lan on the way to the crew: [The gift has been brought, I’m going to enter the group for filming]

Think about adding another sentence: [shooting location in the suburbs of Beijing]

After finishing her training in the afternoon, Ning Lan rushed to Fang Yu’s birthday party. Last year, Fang Yu’s birthday was close to the album promotion period, and she made up in the hotel. One year later, the popularity of the audience rose, and the company invested in a birthday party with real fans.

Ning Lan hid behind and didn’t go on stage. When she saw Fang Yu wearing a necklace she sent herself, she thought he liked it.

Some fans asked if it was sent by the captain, and Fang Yu generously showed it to everyone: “It was sent by Lan Lan, is it good?”

There was a boo under the audience. The recent Luo Nan CP gave Gao Hua CP fans a sense of crisis. Now Xiao Hua’s birthday party captain has not been revealed, which is really frustrating.

Ning Lan did not dare to come to power because of this, and left before the birthday party ended. On the way back, I saw a message from Sui Yun, and he thought about why he told himself his address.

Ning Lan is now so cautious that he ca n’t believe any of his interpretations. Sui Yun did n’t say that he did n’t guess or ask. Sui Yun wanted it, he gave it, wanted to see what he looked like, he wanted to hear it. He said whatever he said.

You don’t need to mix in your own will, obedience is the right way to open this relationship.

So a few days later, when Sui Su asked him if his legs were still painful, Ning Lan directly took a photo of his trouser legs and posted them.

After a few minutes, Sui Yun replied: [Can’t see clearly]

Then flung over to locate.

Ning Lan didn’t dare to speculate, asking: “Want me to go? 】

Sui Yang was displeased by his reluctant attitude, and came up with a mantra: [anything you want]

Ning Lan saw these three words stunned for a while, and then stood up to pack his clothes.

Before getting on the bus, I was still not sure, and sent a message to Sui Yun: [I am ready to get on the bus]

Sui Yan returned quickly this time: [Um]

Intercity buses entered the suburbs in a large circle in the city. Ning Lan walked in a hurry. He only took a backpack, installed a few items for changing clothes, and did not bring a mobile power supply. The mobile phone was almost out of power on the halfway, and turned off automatically. Before, Ning Lan glimpsed the date when looking at the time, June 28th, tomorrow is his birthday.

Although it was just a coincidence, Ning Lan couldn’t help but twitch his lips.

Being able to spend his birthday with him, even if only once, is enough for him to remember his whole life.

In the evening, Sui Yue couldn’t make a phone call to Ning Lan, so she just went to the station to wait for him. When Ning Lan got out of the car, he saw a tall man in a mask standing at the exit. When he saw him, he turned silently and strode forward with his hands in his pockets.

Ning Lan clutched the bag to catch up, followed unhurriedly. After walking for dozens of meters, Sui Su suddenly turned back: “Hurry up, don’t simmer.”

Ning Lan stepped forward and walked side by side with him. Sui Yang took one hand out of his pocket and planned to pick up Ning Lan’s bag. Ning Lan hid backwards. The two men held their hands against each other, and Sui Yan His face sank and he put his hands back in his pockets, his pace quickened.

After entering the room, Ning Lan wondered when Sui Yang was angry.

Sui Sui asked him to come over, nothing more than to do that. He took off his clothes and shook him coquettishly, holding his hand from behind, lifted his bare legs to poke him, and spit in his ears as if he said, “Don’t you want to check it yourself?”

Sui Yan finally didn’t hold his seduce and pressed him to bed.

On Ning Lan’s birthday, Sui Yan had a whole day of filming to do.

It may seem boring to be alone in a hotel. In fact, there are a lot of things you can do. Practicing songs and dancing is really uncomfortable, and you can open the window to breathe.

In the evening, he wanted to go out and buy a small cake, and wait for Sui Yang to come and eat together. He opened the door while wearing a mask, and bumped into Ji Zhinan walking forward. Ning Lan is getting used to it. If he loses, he loses. The first reaction is a provocative look.

People really couldn’t do bad things, and soon Ning Lan regretted it.

He walked around several times, and couldn’t find a cake shop. When he went back, it was raining heavily. He got soaked all over, and just came into the room to take off his wet clothes, and suddenly received a call from Zhang Fan.

“When did you and Sui Hui get together?”

Zhang Fan’s words were tantamount to a bang. Ning Lan froze. The first thing in her head was Xue Ying, who was busy: “Who said it? Isn’t it Xue Ying?”

Zhang Fan was silent for a while, and asked, “Does Xue Ying know?”

That’s not Xue Ying’s surprise. Ning Lan breathed a sigh of relief. He and Sui Yun were usually very cautious and should not let others grasp what could be used as evidence.

However, Zhang Fan’s next words made Ning Lan like an abyss.

“I really didn’t expect you to do so many good things on your back. The paparazzi pressed you on a pile of materials, each piece has a real hammer. For the sake of attention, some have been released, leaving only the weight of you and Sui Yang. A pound bomb came to me to make an offer. “

“How can …” Ning Lanner said, “What, what bomb?

“It’s a real hammer, even if you block your face, you can see that you are both.”

Ning Lan still couldn’t believe it: “A photo?”

Zhang Fan was anxious, and said sharply, “Photo? Oh, the photo can still be said to be P, that is a video. Once you send the video, the video of the two of you hugging and hugging in the staircase is useless no matter how to explain!”

“Can’t send it!” Ning Lan had no time to think about the cause and effect before, just thinking that Sui Yue had just picked up such a good movie, and now that such a thing broke, the star path was ruined, “Can’t send, sister Zhang, please, Sui Yue just entered Group, can’t send it! “

Zhang Fan on the other side of the phone breathed a sigh of relief, and pressed his temple: “Now you are in a hurry? When signing the contract, the black and white text says the company will not help you deal with this scandal …”

Ning Lan interrupted her in a hurry: “Can I give money, how much will it cost, or what will I do, I will bear it.”

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