Chaos Warlord: Reincarnated in Eldrich with the Devil System!

Chapter 42 42: The Guests

The guard of lowly standings couldn't directly meet the lord of the IronSpire Stronghold.

He passed the news to the head butler of the Whitemore family.

The head butler then send him away and strode into the manor, entered Joshua's private study, finding his lord engrossed in a parchment of affairs.

Clearing his throat, Reignarld announced to Joshua, "My Lord, an envoy from SilverPeak Stronghold requests your audience. It is Lord Kendrick himself, along with Lady Adelina Kendrick."

Joshua looked up from his work, surprise evident on his usually composed face. "The Kendricks?" he frowned, a faint trace of confusion on his otherwise stoic face. "At this time? And on this day? Either it's urgent or they don't mean well."

Eldritch Day was a time shrouded in superstition, believed by the common folk to be an occasion when only foes would dare darken your doorstep. The stunt pulled off by the Kendricks deeply disturbed Joshua, instilling a sense of unease in Joshua's heart.

Reading Joshua's furrowed brow, Reignarld ventured cautiously, "Should I turn them away, my Lord?"

The Kendrick family might have arrived uninvited, seeking amusement, but it did not necessarily mean the Whitemores were obliged to satisfy their whims.

They could just deny them entry!

"We cannot afford to risk our alliance with the Kendricks over petty superstitions," Joshua admonished.

The Kendricks were far from strangers to the Whitemores. They were the rulers of SilverPeak, a stronghold neighboring Ironspire. The alliance between them had spanned over two decades of prosperous business dealings.

This bond had its foundations solidified when Joshua, in a time of crisis, lent his aid to Lord Hamilton Kendrick, saving his life.

To express his gratitude and cement their alliance, Lord Kendrick had proposed a betrothal - his daughter, Lady Adelina, was to marry Val of Whitemore. It was a pact that promised shared fortunes and an intertwined destiny for both the powerful families. Being buisness minded and greedy, Joshua accepted the proposal without even asking for Val's consent.

If this union of Val Whitemore and Adelina Kendrick happened, the alliance between the two powerful families would be strengthened even more, allowing for mutual prosperity.

Thus, despite being caught off guard by their abrupt visit, Joshua could not simply turn them away.

He couldn't deny the significance of their bond and the future it held.

So, despite the oddness of their unannounced visit, he decided to entertain them.

He wanted to see what they wanted and react based on that.

"Grant them entry." Joshua ordered.

Reignarld bowed respectfully, "As you command, my Lord."

Following his orders, Reignarld ordered the gatekeepers of the stronghold to let the entrouge of Lord Kaldrick in.

From there, he personally escorted the distinguished guests to the grandest chamber of the manor.

This chamber was a symbol of the Whitemore's wealth and taste - filled with expensive art, luxurious furniture, and exquisite decors. A chamber of such grandeur was reserved exclusively for the most distinguished guests of the Whitemore lineage. They were brought to this place because Joshua was still treating them as valued guests, but that might change soon depending on how they behave.

Ensconced in a plush chair, Joshua watched as the party of five entered the grand chamber.

The first to draw his attention was Lady Adelina Kendrick, a woman whose beauty was the stuff of legends and who was betrothed to Val. Next was her father, Lord Hamilton Kendrick, a man whom Joshua held in high regard as a friend.

Alongside them was a young man of notable charm. While he wasn't unattractive by any means, when compared to Joshua's son, the difference was evident. Val's handsome features simply outshone those of this young man.

Trailing behind him was his attendant, cloaked entirely in an attire as dark as a moonless night.

The company was also graced by a Queen's Guard. This guard, though serving a role akin to Joshua's, which was serving the Queen with utmost loyalty, held a position less esteemed within the kingdom. For, unlike Joshua, who was a lord of one of the hundred strongholds of the kingdom, this individual was merely one of the Queen's many combat slaves.

As tradition dictated, they exchanged salutations and pleasantries.

"Lord Kendrick, Lady Adelina," Joshua sai. "It's a pleasure to welcome you to Whitemore Manor."

"The pleasure is ours, Lord Joshua," Lord Kendrick replied.

Lady Adelina offered a gentle nod of acknowledgement.

Among the esteemed guests, there was a face unfamiliar to Joshua. This man, despite being a stranger, had arrived in the same carriage as the Kendricks.

"And who might this gentleman be?" Joshua inquired, gesturing towards the unfamiliar face.

"Ah, allow me to introduce you," Lord Kendrick replied. "This is our distant cousin."

The young man nodded at Joshua and introduced himself, "I am Seraphim Stroud. I've heard quite a bit about you, Lord Joshua, and I must say that seeing you today, the rumors don't seem to be off the mark."

The name 'Stroud' struck a chord in Joshua's mind. He knew the Strouds were one of the thirty great noble families of the inner region.

To meet a member of such a distinguished family was indeed a rare occurrence.

Joshua couldn't help but wonder what circumstances had brought this distant cousin of the Kendricks to his doorstep, but he didn't voice out his thought so as to not offend the other party. He could sweep the floor with this brat, but the consequences of such an action wasn't something he wanted to afford. Moreover, he was treating him with utmost courtesy in order to avoid unnecessary troubles.

"The pleasure is all mine, Seraphim," Joshua responded, "I didn't realize my grandeur was such that even a Stroud couldn't remain ignorant of my name. But it's always satisfying to know that one's reputation precedes oneself, don't you agree?"

'Narcissistic bastard,' Seraphim thought internally but outwardly he showed a smile and agreed with Joshua's narcissistic words, "I do."

As the pleasantries waned, Joshua got straight to the point, "May I know what brings you to our humble abode so unexpectedly, Lord Kendrick?"

Seraphim thought: 'Humble abord, my ass! This place seems even more well-decorated than my room.'

"Joshua, we'll discuss the matter at hand once Val joins us. It involves him too," Lord Hamilton Kendrick replied, an enigmatic smile playing on his lips.

In response, Joshua turned towards his reliable butler, Reignarld Ashworth. "Reignarld, please bring Val."

"Understood." Reignarld bowed to him and left the room in search of Val.

Finding Val was not a difficult task for Reignarld, who had been serving the Whitemore family for years. He knew Val's habits like the back of his hand. He knew that everytime an Eldritch day would arrive, Val would go to the rooftop terrace and gaze at the omnious clouds in the sky as if trying to comprehend the odd phenomena.

"Ah, there he is," Reignarld muttered under his breath as he spotted Val on the terrace, just as he'd expected.

"Master Val," Reignarld began, delivering the unexpected news. "The Kendricks have honored us with an unanticipated visit on this ill-omened day and are requesting your company." Pausing for a moment, he leaned in to add, "They're accompanied by a young man who appears to share a close rapport with Lady Adelina. Seems like your suspicions might have some weight."

"If what I suspected proves true, I will deal with them accordingly." Val replied calmly.

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