Chaos Fiend

Chapter 608 - The Heart of Phoenix (Part 2)

Ten days later, under the tune of ice extinction, Ye Chen’s physical strength also reached the peak of the silver nine stars, that is, the peak of silver.

Of course, because in the Tower of Time, the outside world has passed one day, so in this case, the outside world has only passed two days.

Ye Chen took this opportunity to feel the outside world with his mental strength, and found that the magma is still the same as before, and there is not much movement, knowing that Xiao Hei has not yet conquered the heart of Phoenix.

In this case, Ye Chen began to concentrate on his spiritual strength. His mental strength is the weakest of the three major strengths, but it has also reached the silver star.

Originally, Ye Chen still had the spiritual fragments of the demon’s evil thoughts. Assimilation of that will promote it faster. Unfortunately, Chaos’s orb was taken away by Xiao Hei, and Ye Chen could only practice the tenfold spiritual meditation.

Ye Chen, the powerful of the tenfold spiritual meditation, has long experienced it. Now that he is immersed, his mental strength is also steadily improving.

Although the mental fragments were not absorbed, the free mental power between the heavens and the earth was almost sufficient, and the strength of the ten days Ye Chen was raised to the silver nine stars.

In the past, Ye Chen had too many things, and he could n’t immerse himself in cultivation. Now he ’s basically fine. In addition to this position, even if there are other things, he ca n’t take care of them, so now he can sink down and cultivate with all his heart. At that time, the strength of the natural increase quickly, this can be raised to silver nine stars in one breath.

Of course, if Ye Chen continues to cultivate, I am afraid it will take ten days to cultivate to the silver peak.

But Xiao Hei didn’t give him time, because the magma outside had begun to boil, just like a tumbling dragon, tumbling across the river.

At the same time, a black bead and a fiery red heart flew together from the magma, facing each other in the air and colliding with each other. Net om

Just the invisible force emanating from the smashing, defeated the top of the tower of time.

As for Ye Chen, I felt it in the Tower of Time and found that if I went out by myself, I would be crushed by this invisible force.

Although it has long been known that Chaos Magic Beads are extremely powerful, but at this time Ye Chen was more certain that Chaos Magic Beads could not exert such power in his own hands, but it could be in Xiao Hei’s hands.

It seems imperative to chat with Xiao Hei this time, you must make it clear to Xiao Hei.

Of course, Ye Chen also lamented the strength of the Phoenix Heart. If it were not for this seal formation, the Phoenix Heart would not be willing to consume its own power to suppress the entire continent.

“Boom boom!” The two sides bumped into the end, making a huge roar.

In the end, the heart of the phoenix turned into a huge phoenix, and the bright tweets rang through the entire ground, and even the magma erupted from the ground because of the tweet.

As for the Chaos Orb, it was dark, exuding a faint breath, and suppressed everything in the heart of the Phoenix.

No matter how the heart of Fenghuang resists the struggle, it cannot resist the suppression of the chaotic magic pearl.

Finally, in the whine of the Phoenix Heart, the Chaos Orb took it away.

The moment the Phoenix Heart was taken away, the seal array that was originally enveloped outside seemed to lose something, and it began to destroy instantly.

The huge force of destruction has formed all kinds of space black holes and space cracks.

The breath that emanated from it still made Ye Chen palpitated, and even he could clearly feel that as long as he touched it, it would be a fate of death. Om

Of course, Ye Chen can understand that before the seal formation and the Phoenix Heart can form a tacit balance, but now the Phoenix Heart is taken away, this balance is broken, and the Seal Formation is destroyed.

Without the suppression of the Phoenix Heart, the Seal Array has restored the power of the earliest. It can suppress the Phoenix Heart. It must be the top formation on the Phoenix continent. Now the Phoenix Continent is a lower continent. The power is also the peak of the Golden Emperor Wudi, and the formation method is naturally also this power. Now it bursts out. The power of the Golden Emperor Golden Emperor is everywhere. This kind of power can destroy Ye Chen at will.

“Ye Chen, let’s go!” Xiao Hei controlled the Chaos Orb into Ye Chen’s sea, and said immediately, “This time I didn’t expect that this formation would collapse, and the ancestors and I couldn’t help you anymore. The Chaos Orb was consumed before. A large amount of power suppressed the heart of the Phoenix and entered the chaotic continent. Only by the suppression of the ancestral tree can the heart of the Phoenix truly merge into the chaotic continent. Now we can say that we have no power and can escape from it depending on your luck. It’s … “

Ye Chen turned his eyes away. Why didn’t you realize the current situation earlier, but Ye Chen couldn’t say anything more, because the space force of chaos and explosion had dispersed.

Ye Chen naturally did not dare to touch the power, because now he was hiding in the tower of time, and he could only control the tower of time to avoid the space force.

However, on several occasions, they were evasive, almost falling into black holes and cracks in space.

Ye Chen had no choice but to take out the sea boat. After all, the sea boat was a speed-like artifact. Although there was no **** crystal, Ye Chen could control with his own power. The speed of the sea boat was comparable to Jin Peng’s speed.

But don’t forget, this formation can only be crossed for half an hour with the action of the superpowers. It can be seen how large the formation is, and now all of them have erupted, and the space black holes and cracks are already numerous.

Basically, when Ye Chen controlled the sea boat, he would be surrounded by hundreds of thousands of space black holes and space cracks.

Ye Chen escaped the first day, but did not escape the fifth day.

After all, the front is densely covered with black holes and cracks in the space, while the original back space is also full of black holes and cracks in the space.

“Fuck, am I going to be left here today?” There were wolves and tigers before, and Ye Chen couldn’t help cursing his mother. How could Nima still run?

“No, no, I can’t die here, I must have a way to leave.”

Seeing that the space black hole and the space crack are getting closer, the more such a moment, Ye Chen will force himself to calm down, what should he do, what should he do.

When the sharp, terrifying breath of the space black hole and the space crack has been cut to the sea boat, Ye Chen wakes up.

Although the breath of space black holes and space cracks can threaten yourself, but you have a seacraft artifact, and the artifact cannot be destroyed?

Of course, it looks like there is a suspicion of being a turtle, but Ye Chen can’t help it. He can’t go out and use his strength to resist?

While Ye Chen was thinking of using the sea boat to resist, a space crack swallowed the sea boat into it.

The strength of the space crack is extremely fierce. Even if the sea boat is under the cutting of the space crack, it makes a crunching sound like a metal cut, and even gives Ye Chen a feeling of destruction at any time.

The sea boat has followed Ye Chen for so long. How could Ye Chen destroy the sea boat and immediately integrate the strength of the whole body into it to protect the sea boat.

Unfortunately, Ye Chen’s power is like a floating boat in the sea, easily destroyed by cracks in space.

Even because Ye Chen was helping the sea boat with all his strength, his power was destroyed by the cracks in the space, and even his body was affected, and he was severely hit instantly.

When Ye Chen was severely hit, his brain was completely awake at the first time, because the space power destroyed by the formation was so powerful, why did he have to harden the space cracks, and he would also have space power, why not go Control it?

Thinking about it, Ye Chen used the power of the space under his control to fuse the space crack, and regarded him and the entire sea boat as part of the space crack.

In the end Ye Chen simply took the sea boat away, and the whole body was integrated into the space crack. He is the space crack, and the space crack is him.

His approach was truly successful.

However, Ye Chen also fluttered freely following the cracks in the space. Wherever the cracks in the space went, he followed them. He could only move passively instead of actively controlling the movement of the cracks in the space.

Of course, as long as the formation of the battle broke out here, the original red lotus, Ye Long, Tang Yao, Huang Fufeng, etc. were all pushed out by unknown forces, just outside the Flame Mountain, and also witnessed the flame mountain The destruction of space forces.

Honglian was naturally worried about Ye Chen, not knowing what happened to Ye Chen.

Of course, she didn’t find out that the next Huang Fufeng clenched her fists tightly, her eyes were full of unbelievable eyes, and she didn’t manage the change of the Flame Mountain at all …

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