Chaos Fiend

Chapter 42 - Let you die in peace

..Fastest updated chapter of Chaos Demon!

“Well, Wang Fat, I think you can go to death! After speaking for a long time, you made me some nonsense!” Ye Chen was really speechless, let him deal with the purple toad-level ice toad, is there a difference from looking for death? ? No difference at all!

“Brother Ye, I have given you the task anyway. — End of the book, US and Hong Kong and Taiwan romance ))) In the end, do you want to do it? It ’s up to you. ”Wang Fatzi finally said,“ I give you something like this. Looking back, your Yuanli will really go up! Oh, that ’s equivalent to the Purple King of Warrior. It ’s an elixir. “

“Huh!” Ye Chen snorted coldly and turned away, but he remembered it in his heart. Even if he didn’t use it himself, he could also use it to give Chaos a magic ball and speed up Xiao Hei’s awakening. However, the purple demon king-level ice toad is not what he can deal with now, and can only wait for his strength to improve.

After Ye Chen left, Wang Fatzi suddenly said, “Uncle, I have to help you, and the rest can only depend on Ye Ye’s own good fortune.”

Although there was no sound behind him, Wang Fatty knew that the person had been there, and finally hesitated for a while. Wang Fatty said, “I think Brother Ye is not a thing in the pool. One day, sooner or later, he will transform the dragon in the sky. Soaring wings, but if you still encounter something like 30 years ago, uncle you … “

But before Wang Fatzi’s voice was finished, an extremely cold breath came and interrupted Wang Fatzi’s words. Wang Fatzi as a whole fell into the ice cellar as if chilling.

About a few minutes later, a voice came, with a resolute determination, “I have decided to accept him as a disciple. Thirty years ago, I will not allow the second time, if I will Happened, if anyone still wants to deal with my disciples, step on my body first !! “

As the voice slowly disappeared, the icy atmosphere slowly disappeared, and Wang Fatzi recovered. He sighed and showed painful memories. It seemed to recall something unpleasant past. At this moment, there was no sound.


After Ye Chen left the Little Arctic Palace, she always felt that something was wrong.

It felt like I was being followed.

Taking a closer look at the content of the task is still only good for you, not bad.

Is it really that you think too much?

No matter how much he wants, Ye Chen still has to complete this task.

The original location of the Little Arctic Palace is the farthest north of the Arctic ice sheet, very close to the extreme north.

Because in the past, the Arctic Palace, the predecessor of the Little Arctic Palace, not only led the Arctic Icefield, but also ruled the Arctic North, so the current Arctic Palace is located in the center of the Arctic Icefield and the Arctic North.

The closer to the far north, the colder the weather, and the sky became snowy.

Ye Chen squeaked on the snow. In fact, he could also walk on snow, but he didn’t, because he preferred to walk in the snow like this.

Ye Chen rarely saw people along the way. This was normal. First, the small Arctic Palace was originally underpopulated. Second, it was close to the far north, and the far north was a barbarian territory. Humans would not approach it actively.

Fifty miles to a warrior like Ye Chen, long or short is not short. In short, Ye Chen walked for about three hours and finally arrived near Xiaobing Lake.

Liao was uninhabited near Xiaobing Lake, and it was covered with thick snow.

Ye Chen is also looking at the surrounding environment.

However, it is extremely empty here, and can be seen far away at a glance. Except for the internal conditions of the Xiaobing Lake, other sights are completely in sight.

And just as Ye Chen was closer to Xiaobinghu, a figure suddenly emerged from the snow.

Ye Chen was frightened, fixed his eyes, who else could Feng Qiang be?

“Haha, Ye Chen, you are finally here!” Feng Qiang laughed. Although Ye Chen was late, he finally came, didn’t he?

“What are you guy doing here? Are you waiting for me inside the snowdrift? Are you playing with snow?” Ye Chen saw Feng Qiang’s eyes narrowed. Didn’t he just take the task just now, which is only a few hours, Feng Qiang already squatted here in advance? Who told Feng Qiang the news? Ye Chen thought of Wang Fan who felt like a good old man. Damn, he couldn’t be deceived by the appearance of an honest man. This master Wang Fan was not a good thing either.

“Of course I’m waiting for you here!” Feng Qiangyin laughed. “As for playing snow, you can’t come here for a long time, I can only entertain myself!”

“I’m not your father, what are you waiting for me to do!” Ye Chen continued to roll his eyes.

“Huh, you guys will be stingy!” Feng Qiang knew that he couldn’t say Ye Chen, and said the key points directly. “But I want to say thank you first. If it is not your mercy, hehe, Maybe I’m still healing; the second is because of the humiliation you brought me, making me angry, and it took me more than a month to break through to the blue general again, so I still want to thank you! “

“Well, you’re right.” Ye Chen nodded. “But since you thank me, it’s not right to say something on your mouth, so what’s the real benefit?”

“Ha, are you really stupid or fake stupid? Are you still asking for benefits?” Feng Qiang sneered. “It’s OK to give you benefits, that is to let you die with peace of mind!”

“You are so boring, you kill me!” Ye Chen glared, “Can’t we get along well?”

“You know how to live in harmony now? It’s late!” Feng Qiang smugly said. “Now I’m a blue general. What are you? Are you worth living with me?”

“You really think you’ve been great since you were promoted to Cyan General.” Ye Chen shrugged.

“Of course it’s great! It’s better than your green martial artist! And I can kill you with a single sword!” Feng Qiang hummed.

“Oh, you’re amazing. You can’t feel such a big guy behind you?” Ye Chen said helplessly.

“What are the big guys? Don’t think you want to lie to me to look back, you can have a chance to run away.” Feng Qiang thought Ye Chen lied to look back, and then Ye Chen took the opportunity to escape.

Feng Qiang continued, “Even if I look back, you can’t escape, you know? I was faster than you, but now I’m promoted to the blue general, you really can’t run away.”

“I still have to run in the face of you?” Ye Chen rolled his eyes, “You still have to look back. If you don’t look at it again, I’m afraid you won’t have the chance to look at you.”

“Huh, look at it.” Said Feng Qiang turned his head quickly, and then quickly turned back. After all, he always felt that Ye Chen was lying to him, so he wanted to tease Ye Chen intentionally. After turning around, Just smug, “I watched it, but nothing later …”

Feng Qianggang wanted to say nothing, and suddenly choked, as if swallowing the feeling, and then slowly turned his head back.

“Look, I didn’t lie to you.” Ye Chen said, “You can’t see such a big guy, your blue general is really rubbish.”

Feng Qiang was speechless, because a white jade-colored big toad was staring at the big bell-like eyes, looking at him, and the long tongue had been pulled to the ground. , Saliva melted the surrounding snow and ice, and looked extremely disgusting.

“Damn, what the hell?” After Feng Qiang responded, he quickly retreated seven or eight meters away, far away from Bingchan.

“This is Bingchan, my task this time is to kill him.” Ye Chen laughed.

“Well, since your task, what is it staring at me? And you don’t hurry to come and kill it.” Feng Qiang glared at Ye Chen, while staring carefully at Bing Chan.

“Maybe it wants you to eat it.” Seeing the saliva in that place, um, it should be the saliva of Bing Chan, Ye Chen also felt very disgusting, but he still made a small joke of Feng Qiang, and then again Continued, “I’m just a big green warrior. How could I have beaten it? So give it to Brother Feng, the blue general!”

“Count your acquaintances and know that my brother is a blue general, this time I will save you, do you obediently be my younger brother, do you know?” Feng Qiang thought that he was indeed a blue general, afraid of a hair, proud of it.

“Hey, Brother Feng is mighty, but I forgot to tell Brother Feng that this beast is also a blue monster.”

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