Chaos Fiend

Chapter 38 - Challenge Ye Chen

..Fastest updated chapter of Chaos Demon!

“Abominable, abominable, Ye Chen, you are abominable! I really want to smash your abominable face!” Although Feng Qiang came here to benefit Ye Chen, he took the initiative to challenge Ye Chen!

But now seeing Ye Chen’s face and face, coupled with Ye Chen’s seeming approbation of his appearance, his heart was really exasperated. — End of the story, romance with Hong Kong and Taiwan

Obviously his strength is far superior to Ye Chen. Why did Ye Chen have to look better than himself?

In the end Feng Qiang took a deep breath, “In this way, I now have 10 points, and I have ten medium-quality ice-based stones, which are used for the training of the green master and blue generals. These are all my possessions. . “

“Okay, I promised!” A medium-quality ice-based stone, the price is around tens of thousands of gold coins, ten are equivalent to hundreds of thousands of gold coins, plus Ye Chen can use the ice-based stone to enhance strength It can also be used to absorb the chaotic magic beads. The ice-based stone has a great use for him. Adding ten points, he thinks it is enough, and should now reach Feng Qiang’s limit.

“Just promise, you will regret it!” Feng Qiang’s mouth finally smirked, and his heart smiled insidiously. Is my benefit so easy to take? I’m going to hit you in this life! Let you grab a woman with me!

“Haha, rest assured, the person who will regret is definitely not me.” Ye Chen laughed.

“I really don’t know whether to die or not.” Seeing Ye Chen was still laughing, Feng Qiang was even more angry, that Lao Tzu will let you see and see my strength. As soon as you leave your sleeves, you will leave first, leading everyone to the duel of the Little Arctic Palace field.

And several boys behind Feng Qiang also followed up. In the past week, Feng Qiang has conquered them with strength plus benefits, otherwise they would not see Ye Chen while eating, and immediately report to Feng Qiang is up.

Feng Qiang walked halfway and suddenly thought of something, and said to the boys behind him, “Go and call Linger.”

“Relax, Brother Feng, I promise to call Linger.” One of the boys patted his chest.

“Well, hurry up. The benefits of turning back are inevitable for you.”

The boy nodded and left quickly.

Soon Feng Qiang and Ye Chen arrived at the duel of the Little Arctic Palace.

There was no one in the duel field. There was only an old man who looked about sixty years old, with a pipe in his mouth, a tired expression and an unlovable expression, sitting on a teacher’s chair and shaking it.

After seeing someone coming, his eyes brightened, and it seemed that he had raised a little interest, but after seeing the strength of Feng Qiang and Ye Chen, he restored the look of dangling and acting, and couldn’t lift the slightest. interest.

But the old man still said, “Are you guys here duel?”

“This master, we are here for a duel!” Feng Qiang naturally respected the elders in the Arctic Palace.

“Okay, I think the rules of the duel are clear to you, as long as you don’t kill each other, I won’t take any action. You have to go directly to the duel.” The old man waved his hand, quite impatiently.

“Yes, Master.” Feng Qiang stepped back respectfully, disdain Ye Chen, “If you have the courage, come with me.”

Said that Feng Qiang will take the lead on the duel.

“Wait a minute!” Just as Ye Chen followed her, Linger rushed over. Her full name was Tang Linger.

“Brother Feng Qiang, do you think you’re doing this well?” Tang Linger said unhappyly.

“Sister Linger, I don’t understand what you’re talking about?” Feng Qiang said, “What’s wrong with me doing this? I challenge Brother Ye Chen, and Brother Ye Chen agrees.”

“Hehe.” Tang Linger hesitated, instead of talking to Feng Qiang, but looked at Ye Chen, “Brother Ye Chen, in fact, you don’t have to fight with Feng Qiang. If it was because I took the initiative to fight with you Speaking of these things, the duel can be played by me instead of Brother Ye Chen! “

“Sister Linger? Are you crazy? You know what you’re talking about?” Feng Qiang didn’t dare to say anything, Tang Linger and Ye Chen only met once. Why did you maintain Ye Chen like this? Is it because Ye Chen looks handsomer than himself? In fact, he is not much handsomer than himself.

“I’m not crazy! Since this is caused by me, then I will solve it myself.” Tang Linger stared at Feng Qiang with no expression. “Furthermore, Feng Qiang, you are not allowed to call me Linger sister, from You just refused me to start, our relationship is not as good as ordinary people! “

“Abominable, abominable!” After Feng Qiang heard Tang Linger’s words, there was a trace of vicious, stink, son, woman, waiting for me to kill Ye Chen, and then find a chance to kill you!

And the impatient old man flashed a little interest in his eyes, and there was also an appreciation of Tang Linger. The little girl looked weak, but she was very strong in the bones, yes, yes, it was a good seed.

Ye Chen heard the words and looked at Tang Linger. He didn’t want to have too much contact with Tang Linger before, but he didn’t expect Tang Linger to come forward this way.

But Ye Chen finally spoke, “Thank you, Linger, but since I agreed to Feng Qiang’s challenge, then I will naturally accompany you to the end!”

After hearing Ye Chen’s words, Tang Linger stomped angrily, “Why are you so ignorant? Do you know that Feng Qiang has successfully promoted to the Green Nine-Star Grand Martial Master these past few days! You, a Green Six-Star Grand Martial Master! , What can you do? What pretend to act ?! “

It turned out that when the boy just brought Tang Linger over, he deliberately bragged about Feng Qiang’s strength and directly told Tang Qiang the strength of Feng Qiang.

Tang Linger knew that Ye Chen was a green six-star warrior last time, and now Feng Qiang is a green nine-star warrior. Where could Ye Chen be Feng Qiang’s opponent!

“Oh, so what?” Wang Sheng, the green nine-star warrior, didn’t kill him in seconds, and Wang Kai, the blue general, also fought. Who was he afraid of? He even fought for the Purple King Wu. Although Xiao Hei took a shot somewhere, he only played soy sauce.

“What, then? What about him? Samsung is higher than you! Samsung! Is it possible that you can fight beyond the ranks?” Tang Linger said.

“It’s not up to you whether you can leapfrog.” Ye Chen laughed.

“Ah! You guys are really mad at me! They are all geniuses, so why can you leapfrog? Can’t everyone fight leapfrog?” Tang Linger angered!

“Hehe.” Ye Chen laughed without concern.

Seeing that Ye Chen couldn’t make sense, Tang Linger went straight to the ring. “No matter, I took this duel. Since Feng Qiang was troubled by Brother Ye Chen for me, let’s do it. If you lose, you are not allowed to bother me and Brother Ye Chen forever! “

Feng Qiang was even more angry now, but Tang Linger did this for Ye Chen’s little white face.

However, he was also afraid of Tang Linger. With the strength of his green nine-star master martial artist, Tang Linger dared to come up and challenge him, and when he lost, he was not allowed to call them. The battle with him has a certain heart of heart. Although Feng Qiang is not afraid of Tang Linger, he does not want to fight such an unsure duel, especially Tang Linger is still a woman. It ’s okay to win and lose. Wouldn’t it be embarrassing to die?

Thinking about this, Feng Qiang flinched, and said to the old man who was so busy, “This master, I have already agreed with Brother Ye Chen to fight. Now Tang Linger suddenly inserted this foot, I am afraid Does it not conform to the rules? I also hope that this master uncle decides for me! “

“Feng Qiang, you are so shameless!” Tang Linger glared at Feng Qiang as he watched Feng Qiang transfer to the old man. Although I do n’t know what the old man ’s identity is in the Little Arctic Palace, since he can come to take charge of the duel field, then the purple king of warriors will definitely not run. After all, all disciples in the duel field will come, even if the purple king of warriors in the gate has May be duel, the person in charge of the duel must be super strong!

The old man nodded. “This kid named Feng Qiang is right. Since Ye Chen has promised a duel between the two, then this duel should continue. Little girl, if you want to fight, It can only wait for the two to finish the duel before challenging Feng Qiang. If Feng Qiang does not agree, the small Arctic Palace will not allow internal fighting! “

“Yes, Master!” The old man had already spoken, and Tang Linger had no choice but to take a look at Ye Chen again, “Be careful yourself!”

Ye Chen would like to say that we are not so familiar, but seeing that Tang Linger is related to herself, Ye Chen has nothing to say, but shrugs his shoulders, indifferent and light-headed, walk. Go to the duel.

Tang Linger was even more angry, but she was more worried about Ye Chen being beaten up.

And the old man noticed Ye Chen, especially Ye Chen ’s cynical and eclectic attitude. How do you think he has the style when he was young, this kid will not be like him, he is a pig and a tiger. Right?

If this boy wins, I will accept him as a disciple? I have confiscated my disciples for decades. Is it worthwhile to make an exception for such a kid? I don’t know what his qualities are yet.

Forget it, forget it, what do you want to do so much, don’t you just pursue what you want? Observe it first. If it’s a good seed, just reluctantly accept it as a disciple …

Ye Chen naturally did not know that he had been followed by the old man. As for his attitude toward Feng Qiang, it was naturally because of the self-confidence brought by his superior strength.

“I thought you would hide behind Tang Linger and didn’t dare to come up!” After seeing Ye Chen coming up to the duel, Feng Qiang breathed a sigh of relief. As soon as he came up, he would have nowhere to run!

“Well, what about it, you should give it to me!” Ye Chen waved and interrupted Feng Qiang who wanted to speak.

“Here you!” Ye Chen couldn’t run anyway, and Feng Qiang didn’t care about Ye Chen’s attitude either. He took out ten middle-grade ice-based stones from the storage belt, and then assigned ten points in the token to him. Ye Chen.

Ye Chen nodded contentedly after accepting things, “Yes. Rest assured, I won’t hurt you this time, after all, you are my money-sending boy! You can continue to challenge me next time!”

“Nima, do you seem to say the opposite? Shouldn’t this be me? You don’t always try to provoke me, I won’t be angry!” But Feng Qiang’s tone of speech made people know that he was still Extremely angry! Feng Qiang was thinking, wouldn’t Ye Chen be a neurosis? Damn, are you thinking about a neurosis?

“No rebellion, no rebellion, because you really can’t beat me.” Ye Chen said seriously.

“Wow! I’m so mad!” Feng Qiang couldn’t bear it anymore. The back of the hand was lit with the green nine-star emblem of Yuanli. He took out the fine steel sword issued by the Little Arctic Palace. Arctic swordsmanship, rush to Ye Chen!

When you come to the Arctic Ice Field to practice, not all ice systems are needed, but most of them are water systems.

“Good time! Hell Lion Elephant Boxing!” Although Ye Chen hasn’t practiced the Little Arctic Sword Technique, he has also seen it and understands the Little Arctic Sword Technique. !!

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