Celestial Peak

Chapter 65: Heavenly Blood Pact II

The Heaven Realm and the Hell Realm are divided in different layers respectively. The Heaven Realm is divided into [Lower Heaven], [Middle Heaven], and [Upper Heaven] respectively.

This story is about an unknown from the Lower Heaven of the Heaven Realm. In the lowest parts of the Heavenly Realm, where only low level cultivators and low level beasts abounds, an insignificant White Fox was born not out of another White Fox but from an egg that no one knew came from.

The White Fox was not out of the ordinary and had the strength of an early-earth root stage savage beast. The white fox was weak and was on the bottom of the food chain. That beast was supposed to die but through all adversaries, lived.

It was too weak to hunt even the cubs of other beasts so the White Fox had to live through with normal animals. It hunted for rabbits to frogs, it even sometimes ate dogs that it occasionally come across.

It might have been because it was too weak to garner any attention from both human and beasts. Or it might have been too beautiful that it struck a chord in other beings heart making them unable to hurt the beast.

Time went by and the White Fox grew older. As it grew older, so did its intelligence which was extremely bizarre for a savage beast. Bizarre or not, the White Fox began to learn and began to think well than its predators that also resides in the mountain it resides.

From earth root stage to sky root stage, the White Fox spent three years of hiding and hunting. It lived in fear but the White Fox that was weak wanted to survive was suddenly enlightened when it reached sky root stage.

The burning desire to gain strength surged in its heart and began wanting to grow stronger. The White Fox that was too focus on surviving was only enlightened at the truth of the world after that long.

Why did the White Fox needed such a long time to realize this truth? Maybe it was because it lived in fear that it became stupid even though it was so supposed to be intelligent, or because it was too focus on surviving that it never even had the idea of beings like it could grow stronger.

It might even be because it had no parents that could explain the matter about getting stronger.

Putting the issue aside, the White Fox grew wanting power to protect itself. The White Fox started to grow and years passed and the White Fox once again passed the arduous trial of life and grew stronger once again.

From sky root stage to energy palace stage. When the White Fox reached such a milestone, it finally opened its bloodline inheritance. The White Fox did not gain anything other than a mutation and a single technique.

The mutation it had undergone was internal and not external. Its mutation gave path to the usage of the single technique it had gained from its bloodline… the ability to devour and gain the ability of those that had the bloodline of the [Four Beast Deities].

These four beast deities were the White Tiger, Azure Dragon, Vermillion Bird or the Undying Phoenix, and the Black Turtle. The White Fox thought that the technique was impossible to use as it was too weak.

However, when dozens of years pass once again and the White Fox reached a cultivation of a Celestial, it met an opponent that had the bloodline of one of the Four Beast Deities.

It met the Phantom Cloud Tiger when it roamed the Heavenly Realm. The White Fox stumbled into the territory of the Phantom Cloud Tiger.

The White Fox fought with the Phantom Cloud Tiger and somehow managed to beat it. After beating the Phantom Cloud Tiger, the White Fox tried using its innate technique to the White Phantom Tiger and devoured it whole.

The White Fox ate the Phantom Cloud Tiger and gained its ability and form. The White Fox was startled at first, but it soon gained understanding over the matter. It became the ruler of the Phantom Cloud Tiger's territory.

The White Fox became stronger as it wore the Phantom Cloud Tiger as its front. The White Fox became s proficient in using the Phantom Cloud Tiger's skill that it chose to use it more often than its original body. 

The White Fox became the Black Tiger and soon became king of the territory it basically hijacked. The White Fox reached the top of Celestial stage and was just about to enter the [Third Boundary Realm] of cultivation. When another beast barged into its territory and challenged him to a duel.

The White Fox agreed but was defeated. The White Fox was just about to die from that beast but it managed to somehow escape doom by escaping the realm altogether. It was then that it reached the Celestial Spirit Realm.


"That's basically my story, a story that is similar to yours but also different. I became strong and wanted to rule the world of the beasts in the Lower Heaven but ended up getting defeated by some no name beast.

"But don't you dare think that what I had claimed before is a lie. I will become the ruler of all beasts and will become a peak existence in both Heaven Realm and Hell Realm. After I devour the original Four Beast Deities, I will become reach peak existence."

The White Fox that looked like a Black Tiger started laughing all of a sudden. It sounded proud and arrogant. It was far from the coward that it had started off as. Wang Ling looked at the Black Tiger and said.

"So… what happened next?"

"What do you mean what happened next? That's it, I got beaten and I had to flee to this realm with the intent of recuperation from my injuries."

"You know what I'm talking about. That's just one part of the deal, I told you what you wanted to know now tell me what I want to know. What happened in the White Dragon Valley that day?"

The Black Tiger became silent for a moment before continuing its story.



After running away to the Celestial Spirit Realm, the White Fox stumbled into an amazing sight. Two beast coming from different realms from their own respective middle layers, descended and started fighting.

The power of both the Dragon and Phoenix was something the White Fox was unable to comprehend. However, the White Fox at that time felt its heart beating fast as it looked at the two beast that was supposed to be his food.

Two of the Four Beast Deities' bloodline members were present. Although they were not the actual Azure Dragon and the Vermillion Bird, Their bloodline was still denser when compared to the Phantom Cloud Tiger.

So, the White Fox became greedy and planned to wait and see who would be defeated. The White Fox wanted to devour the one that is going to die and gain its strength, maybe after that, it will have enough strength to reclaim its lost honor.

The White Fox stalked the two beast that was fighting. It was silent and was waiting for the right moment to pounce at the two beasts. It took a long time before the fighting stopped but the White Fox was patient.

The White Fox saw the Phoenix fall and the Dragon leaving so it pounced at the falling Phoenix. But just as the White Fox was about to reach the falling Phoenix, it heard the roar of the Dragon.

As if it was trying to save the honor of its fallen rival, the Dragon descended from the Heavens and intercepted the White Fox from touching the Phoenix. The Dragon roared and launched an attack towards the White Fox.

The difference of strength was immense. The White Fox could not win against the Dragon and saw a white laser-like breathe coming from the Dragon's maw. It was at this time that the White Fox's story came to an end.

Everything became dark and the next moment the White Fox opened its eyes, it was already trapped in the mixed blood of the Dragon and the Phoenix. The Phoenix was already inside its body and the Dragon was injured all over its body.

The voice of the Dragon then echoed in its ears.

"One day this prison I have created is going to fall and the most treacherous being is going to be born." The Dragon then paused and spoke in the language of Dragons that the White Fox could only vaguely understand, "Ri Do Teni Kar Fo Ji."

The words was vaguely understood by the White Fox as the Dragon getting back at him for some odd reasons. The Dragon then soared back into the Heaven Realm and went back to the layer to cultivate.

In the end, the promise of the Dragon about returning to eradicate the White never came true, and the White Fox slowly managed to digest the Phoenix it had unknowingly devoured after millennia of getting imprisoned.

The White Fox gained the ability to control the ball of blood and also unlocked a new ability of devouring blood of other beasts to nourish itself.

After millennia of being imprisoned, the ball of blood became weaker and easier to control. It had been trying to destroy the ball of blood, but every time it wanted to break the ball of blood, the suppression coming from the resonation roars and cries of the Dragon and Phoenix always appear.

It took the White Fox almost a year but it had finally done it after plotting against the entire White Dragon Valley and everyone else.

The White Fox got out and it met a young man that was part human and part devil. The battle was hard as the human was weird, they fought and the fight ended in a draw. The human helped it recuperate and as soon as it regained consciousness, the human offered alliance.

It refused but decided to use the opportunity to learn how the human got stronger. However, who would've thought that the human was some old fogey who was blessed by the heavens to reincarnate with his memory intact.

The story of this old fogey was similar to the story of the White Fox and their goal aligned. Even before the White Fox got to tell its story, it had already decided what it would do.

[This human is interesting.]

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