Celestial Peak

Chapter 587: Genesis III

Chang Ping was moving alone away from the others.

The others were tracking down Qinyang by piecing together remnants of life in the air.

Cultivation in essence was borrowing the power of the world to prolong life. Because the abyss was full of death energy, it was significantly easier to follow the tracks laid down before them.

A Sage once said that cultivating was to seek infinity in oneself and soul, The truest meaning of cultivation had long been lost. It was once to find enlightenment, but it was now only used to gain power. To become eternal and live amongst mortal men with their richest.

Cultivators follow the flow of life to conquer its chains. Because of this, Wang Yue and Wang Hong were going in every direction that they sensed anything that stood out from the rest of the Abyss.

Like hounds, cultivators followed the whiff of life. Wang Yue followed Wang Hong to search for Qinyang.

Wang Hong went to search for Qinyang because he was worried for the niece he had never met before. Wang Yue was also worried about Qinyang, but she was also worried about something else.

"But that girl doesn't want to tell us about it." Chang Ping let out a heavy sigh but did not comment on it any further. Wang Yue sees what's happening in the Universe as her fault, thus she sees it as her job to fix it, [I just hope she doesn't get killed. Wang Hong better protect her. I also hope they find Qinyang soon.]

While the two were following the most optimal way of finding Qinyang. But, Chang Ping wasn't. In fact, she was following a different trail altogether. The Sword God that had wanted to fight and kill the Emperor of Death like no other was currently preoccupied with something else.

"Oh, is that Chang Ping I see? DIE—"


A revenant appeared and died under the edge of her sword. It was a swift end and Chang Ping cleaved through them like they were nothing, especially the Abyssal Demons.

Ten Revenants with their halos and wings summoned appeared right from below with the intent to run her through. Those with halos summoned wind and fire creating a fire tornado. The appearance of the incinerating blaze and the wind carried those with wings before Chang Ping.

They were no longer playing. They brandished their swords from all directions as one would expect from Wang Ling's clones. They created a net that would have been impossible to escape, but their enemy was Chang Ping, the disciple of the current Wang Ling.

She… was the Sword God.

"Celestial Bleeding Sword: Cleaving the Cosmic Path."

Overlapping the past and the present, Chang Ping unleashed a powerful straight slash from above. It was a powerful wave of killing intent and qi meant not to kill the ones before her but to break through their formation and destroy the flames behind them.

Chang Ping could see the ones behind were preparing to entrap her with a combined God's Domain. She would not allow for such a thing to happen.

[They are regrouping, I have no more than a split second to face them… should I kill them first? But if I do then I will be left open on all sides. They will come for me. I am unsure of it, but I can sense some people nearby. They are moving fast… what should I do?] Chang Ping decided to jump back a step. She lowered her body and then gathered her qi at the tip, "I don't have time for this."

She implanted herself to Space. The world seemed to have realize the weight of her presence and as if she connected to the world below, even the earth that her feet could not reach suddenly cracked and broke.

The tip of her sword glowed with an amicable light that granted death. A mix of her celestial might honed for thousands of years and a borrowed technique that she claimed for herself. The world warped and the asura that once accompanied her now appeared once more with three heads and nine arms holding each a sword culminating at the tip of her blade.

The Asura smiled and so did Chang Ping. Leaning forward she rotated her shoulders and then elbows until finally her wrists and the thrust was unleashed with a spiral that influenced even space itself, "Celestial Bleeding Sword: Partition of Dimension."

After saying those words a red energy escapes from the tip of her sword. A vortex that had spirals made of swords. The sword lacerated the world, and then, it destroyed itself.

The Revenants tried to run away and reground to the side so they could flank Chang Ping, only to find themselves locked in place.

"Don't bother trying to run away. Even the Master was surprised by this technique. It warps space and draws you in. By using space's innate ability to heal without the interference of a cultivator, the many cuts of that vortex would immediately heal and create a vacuum. Before you know it, the space around you will also be broken and then your ability to move properly will be hindered, restricted, until you can no longer move and get drawn to the Vortex where you will meet your end. If you do not react fast enough and counter it with your own spatial manipulation, it will be devastating. If you were a normal Cultivator, it would have been possible to react, however, you are an imitation of my master, then as he had predicted, this would be effective. Because of your over reliance on your lineage and physical capabilities, you are a step behind in escaping. Unless you are Master's wife or Master himself, you are not going to get away from this."

Chang Ping explained and the Revenants were sucked into the vortex she created. Their bodies were turned to blood pastes that rained down to the Abyss.

After this encounter, Chang Ping would run through hundreds of enemies. They were mostly Abyssal Demons and curiously, there were not as many Revenants as she had expected.

The Abyssal Demons were quite troubling as they numbered at an impossible rate, but there were few people who could've faced Chang Ping even when they were alive. Without even considering resting for a moment. The Abyss was dangerous, and she knew this all too well therefore she was moving with haste before her tank reached its bottom.

Eventually, Chang Ping stopped.

Chang Ping flew towards what seemed to have been a battlefield. It was a massive crater that was five hundred meters in diameter. She would have suspected it to be the battlefield of others who had gone inside the Abyss, but the present was bizarre.

Landing on the ground, Chang Ping touched the ground, [This qi… it's similar to the Primordial elements that Bai Xue uses… but, that's impossible they are fighting far awa—huh?]

She looks over her shoulder to her right. About half a kilometer away from the crater there was a forest. It was far away for normal people such distances could be crossed in mere moments by people like Chang Ping.

But such a place was strewn across the many landscapes around the Abyss, so it shouldn't have been much of a surprise for Chang Ping what kind of Abyssal Demon would appear from such a place. However, she felt something different coming from that direction.

[Something Ominous is approaching me… this qi… it's vile.] Chang Ping's brows met at the middle as she prepared herself to fight whatever was coming.


An explosion occurred and a tower of earth shot up to the skies, The spire of earth was then devoured by tendrils of pure darkness.

[It's coming!]

Chang Ping noted as she prepared her heart and sword.


The creature in the forest appeared and what Chang Ping saw opened her eyes wide.

The creature she was readying herself for saw her and the face smiled as they met eyes.


It was Qinyang flying towards Chang Ping at an insane pace.

However, when Chang Ping saw her, the Sword God's brows met in the middle of her forehead and her qi exploded and almost immediately followed was her bloodlust reaching sky high!

"STOP! DON'T MOVE FROM WHERE YOU ARE!" Chang Ping shouted at "Qinyang" who was obviously taken aback and stopped her advance just a step away from the edge of crater.

"Wha-what do you mean, Sister Chang Ping? It's me, Qinyang!" Qinyang pleaded with tears welling up her eyes.

A part of Chang Ping could hear Qinyang but… right before her was a woman with wings of flesh that extended for hundreds of meters, reeking the stench of death.

[Dammit, what the hell is happening?]

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