Celestial Peak

Chapter 585: Genesis

Two silhouettes flew across a great span of a forest that spanned for thousands of kilometers in a single moment. They were Wang Yue and Wang Hong.

"How powerful." Wang Hong's mouth was hanging seeing the tower of light appearing kilometers away from where he was, "I had never doubted she was strong. But sister-in-law makes me feel insignificant. I can also feel Older Brother's intent even from here. They are terrifying. You think they can defeat him, Yue?"

Wang Yue did not even glance at Wang Hong as she answered, "I want to say yes, but you already know the answer to that, Older Brother. Eldest Brother and Sister-in-Law are both strong beyond belief, but if they could kill her with just this, then this whole thing wouldn't have lasted for so long."

Listening to his sister, Wang Hong nodded in silence, [There are numerous reasons as well like Older Brother's unrealized powers, territorial disadvantage, and number disadvantage. The longer this war goes on, the more powerful the Emperor becomes, is he drawing out this war to make sure he can win? Something's not right.]

Wang Yue noticed Wang Hong's graved expression and wondered, "What's wrong? Are you bothered by the ever growing difference in power? I know you're currently the weakest of us three siblings, but, you have to remember, when it comes to technique, you are technically stronger than me and I have my lineages so I—"

"I'm not worried about that, what do you take me for?" Wang Hong shook his head in feign annoyance, "No, what bothers me is the fact that Qinyang was taken."

"It's obvious that the Emperor wanted to drag Sister-in-Law and Eldest Brother somewhere to gain advantage. He wanted them in Origin but they didn't listen and came charging here instead. Luckily, the bastard hasn't moved yet. They can get her back on their own… but the sword Eldest Brother sent us told us to search for Qinyang so that means that they haven't found her. I had hoped they had rescued her before the bastard could do anything bu"

"But that's just it. If the Emperor of Death wanted to just gain an advantage, killing everyone in the Deity Paradise would've been more optimal. You met him and knew his strength, right? We can't beat him even if we pool our strengths together, maybe we can drive him back, but the fact that he could enter the Deity Paradise meant that he could bring the Abyss there as well. There are many ways for him to gain an advantage. If he killed Qinyang, Sister-in-Law and Older Brother would go into a frenzy just to find him… then the situation would still be the same, the only difference is that… you and I will be dead and then, no one would be left to stand up to him. So, how come he didn't do such a thing?"

"What are you saying, Older Brother?"

Wang Hong silently kept to himself as he stopped his movement. Instead of searching for his niece, he started thinking and indulging his thoughts to see deeper and see through schemes.

Slowly, he dissected the situation.

[He got something. It seems like he got something.]

Despite her constant remarks about his annoying attitude, even to the point of disrespect, Wang Yue held Wang Hong in high regard.

They were siblings who grew close after fighting together for so long. With the Wang Family's value of caring for their own more than anything. Not only that, the reason why they have not fallen was because of Wang Hong's capability as a leader.

He saw through most of the Abyss' Schemes, stopped their advances by allowing the spread of the Towers and allotting worlds of interest that was tactically necessary to the advance of the Abyss and posted those who could spread their spirit across an entire world and oversee its entirety.

While Wang Yue was arguably stronger in terms of Qi reserves and even techniques, Wang Hong was skillful and insightful.

When he was young, Wang Hong was bullheaded and could not look left and right to examine his situation. He would fight when his emotions dictated not thinking of the consequences they would present.

But throughout his years, Wang Hong had grown.

Wang Hong was the current Head of the Wang Family, taking over the Legend of his Father. He fought back against the Abyss, slowing down their advances even reclaiming worlds from their hands. He had grown to a Monster.

He was the Spear God and a General that took the mantle of leading billions to victory. He was a beast, but all those who saw him fight would say that he's a monster.

Nevertheless, what he valued his growth to was not his increase in strength. It was because of the experience he accumulated with every fight. Anyone who practices the spear could not be in contention for the strongest because of Wang Hong.

A thousand years after Wang Ling's death, the idea of gathering the strongest forces of every Race had was presented. From its creation till its destruction all of its decisions were created through a council, but only one man could command cultivators to face their deaths with dignity. The one and only Spear God.

Wang Hong stood proudly before a blossoming union between the strongest powers in the Universe. He fought back armies and bought time for reinforcement and fought until there was only a liter of blood keeping him alive.

If the Union, nay, the Universe had a leader, it would be none other than Wang Hong, the Spear God. He was the reason why the transition of power was seamlessly given to Wang Ling and Bai Xue. He was smart and understanding, caring and kind.

Wang Yue could joke and laugh at him because he was her brother, but she was filled with respect for him as a Warrior, Leader, and most importantly as her family.

[If he got something, then it would most likely help us. But… he just had to stop and didn't even have the decency to hide.]

Wang Yue also stopped moving as well and decided to bring out her bow and prepared herself to protect Wang Hong.

She looked down and saw the forest. A ball of pure ice qi appeared atop her palm and dropped it on the ground below. It took a while but once it touched the ground, it turned a kilometer of land into ice.

[That should cover us from any sneak attacks. But still, the frost qi, or any elemental qi for that matter is hard to control in this dimension.]


"Oh, if it isn't little Yue, it is so good to see you."

Dozens of Revenants with strength varying from five wings and six haloes to seven. They had no mocking smiles, only a constant facade of serenity. They extended their arms for Wang Yue to indulge in.

"Come here, why no give your brother a hu—"


The body of a seven winged Devil Revenant fell with its upper body utterly destroyed.

"Stop spouting nonsense with his face."

Wang Yue's brows met in the middle out of annoyance and anger. She growled looking at the pathetic bastards before her. This was how they tricked her mother, with words meant to soften their guard.

But, Wang Yue calmed herself down.

"Honestly, you guys are really idiotic no matter how many things I see you pathetic imitations." Wang Yue breathed out, [You use too much qi. The qi here is also unrefined… it's like it's not even qi and it's disgusting to even use.]

She sighed and the entire area around her started to freeze until the air had frozen to become a solid platform..

Almost immediately the Revenants ignited their lineages in response.

"She's going to use her Domain."

Said one of them and the rest of the other Revenants jumped back and prepared Domains of their own to counter Wang Yue's.

But, Wang Yue never called for her domain, which baffled the Revenants.

"Don't worry, I will not call my Domain. It's too exhausting to use and the qi in the Abyss is too toxic to replenish my reserves." Wang Yue commented as she started walking at the frozen platform and keeping the bow away.

She summoned a sword made of ice that mixed with her own blood strengthening its composition even further.

"Celestial Crimson Sword — Frozen Blood Flower." With a gentle stance, Wang Yue looked at her enemies with a cold gaze, "I do not need to bother wasting my qi with you lot. That last shot was simply to shut you all up. That said, I don't even need to summon my bloodline or activate my domain. However, I have long abandoned material arrows, so, to conserve energy, I only need to beat an imitation with an imitation."


Before her, there were seven low ranking Revenants and hundreds of Abyssal Demons. They could not even begin to react against Wang Yue's unimpressed motions.

Wang Yue was a bow user. Wang Ling taught her everything she knows and she kept that beautiful gift and refined it to the best of her abilities. Now, she stands at the top and could even snipe enemies that others would call impossible.

She was a master of her craft but even she knew that distance would not always be her ally.

"Celestial Crimson Frost Sword—"

Thus, Wang Yue, the lass of the Wang Family decided she needed something to protect herself if she ever needed to protect herself… or, if she needed to kill time.

" —Frost of Heaven and Earth."


None could react against someone her caliber. Five hundred meters ahead of her, everything was encased in ice. Everything ended with a swing.

There was no contest.

"I limited my strength but it's still so strong. Did my ice get stronger?" She wondered looking at the destruction in front of her.

A single simple horizontal movement was all it took to summon a tower of ice. Crimson ice shining ever morbid with its haunting beauty amid the stench of death.

Celestial Crimson Sword, Chang Ping's personal technique. It was born through hardship, blood, sweat, and tears. It was a very famous sword and not even the Sword God's adopted children knew them, but Wang Yue did. Why? It's simple, because she was there when it was being created and when it shone with magnificent crimson light.

[Is this the doing of brother's blood? Or is it because I'm in the Abyss?] Wang Yue tightened her grip on the frozen sword.

Clearing her mind, Wang Yue prepared herself once again, "I can't be distracted, this world is uncharted territory for the Uni—"


The moment she spoke those words, Wang Yue felt an intense amount of pain overtake her senses on her right shoulder. Almost immediately, she reacted by raising her qi to its absolute limits.

The pain was there, but its descent did not stop. But, due to her attribute it did slow down from instantly separating her lower half.

Wang Yue's mind worked at full blast. First it recognized the damage, the diagonal cut on her shoulder going down at an angle and then she felt the bones connecting her arm had been severed. Whatever weapon it was, its blade was about to escape her arms and into her armpits it would pass through and cleave her in half.

She did not know the length of the mysterious attacker's weapon. She had not taken a look on her side, as that split second would be enough time to lose her life. Everything was processed by instincts honed for thousands of years, and when her right arm was about to be severed, she got the chance to react.

The blade stopped and could not even budge. Ice made from her blood had stopped it dead on its tracks.

Wang Yue's qi suddenly burst out together with her lineage. Twelves emerged without warning, its sharpness comparable to a master swordsman. It appeared quickly, yet, it still could not catch the enemy.

Wang Yue looked back and saw a retreating figure, safe from her trap.

[...what the….]

It had a humanoid body, it was a woman, a beautiful woman with perfect features, but it was not a race Wang Yue recognized. It was full of qi, yet it felt anything but alive.

One look and one could infer that it was… different.

First of all, it was not wearing anything, its limbs were longer than normal but not enough to make it look bizarre but instead pleasing to the eyes. Its black obsidian eyes looked lifeless, but it was entrancing to look at.

She had long silver hair going down her back, trimmed to perfection. It danced with the wind gracefully.

Her facial feature was perfect without any blemish and its skin was the most odd, it was not pale, dark, or even brown, it was red. Wang Yue looked at the haunting beauty before her and though it was weird, it reminded her of someone, [...no…no… no, nonononono, FUCK!]

Though different, she looked like Bai Xue and like a wild beast, Wang Yue's intention of conserving qi disappeared with an explosion of Holy Qi, summoning her haloes.

With an enormous amount of qi coming out of her, Wang Yue prepared herself to kill the creature before her, [It's possible this is the only one. I need to kill her before anything else!]

Wang Yue had grown with age.

She was the Bow God.

She was a true warrior that her family was proud of.

It was beneath her to simply charge ahead in a desperate attempt to kill anyone.

Her belief had always been to take a different angle. To take the most advantageous position. Ensure victory and take no chances unless needed.

But this was different. She needed to kill it before it could grow.

Thus, she disregarded everything,

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