Celestial Peak

Chapter 576: Beginning of the End II

"You used your domain to bypass the ritual? Hooh, that's impressive, Wang Ling would be jealous."

Chang Ping did not answer, and the Emperor of Death slowly lost his smile at the sight of her intent soaring to high heavens, [Aside from her incomplete form, she's already taken a fitting image of the Weeping Blood… I still cannot believe he chose to teach it to someone else.]

The Heavenly Howl of the Celestial God — The Grand Ascencion — True Celestial Demon — the Coming of the Crimson Heaven — the Monarch of Endless Blood — The Howl of Death — The Great Descent.

Eight appearances, Seven different epithets. All of its appearance, erased after the seal of two worlds came off, all had forgotten what is the truth of why Wang Ling was hailed as the strongest and stayed alive for as long as he did.

70,000 year long reign at the peak of his limited world, newcomers came and went yet none managed to even strike him down. None came close for everything they did, a calamity would descend upon the whole world.

With the last being the day of his death and becoming a forgotten time, nothing was given. But even at the seven recorded incident of its appearance was lost after the destruction of the world, all forgotten, all but one — the Emperor of Death.

The Emperor of Death inherited everything from Wang Ling after taking over his flesh and blood. His memories, pain, his knowledge, everything was siphoned out of the man who unsealed the Origin.

But there were two things he failed to acquire — Wang Ling's bottomless killing intent and the Blood Seeking Sword's True Essence, the Weeping Blood.

Memories of the Weeping Blood's awakening remained fresh in the Emperor of Death's mind. The methods of how it is activated remained with him. However, the Blood Seeker, Wang Ling used to seal his other went missing when he realized its worth.

The Emperor of Death looked down on Chang Ping's jet-black appearance. Her black hair and moved with the wind, one of her blacked eyes piercing as if it was a Shura's. Her appearance was a testament of the Weeping Blood, but, the Emperor of Death only scoffed, "A Modified-Weeping Blood is still not the Weeping Blood, lass. It will not scare me."


A massive pressure came down on Chang Ping, but her figure did not do as much as a waver. She stood still, as if she was affected by his appearance, "It's not perfect, but Master changed it so I can call upon it once I mature enough. He told me the dangers, and its backlash, and that made me hesitant… but no more."

Chang Ping inhaled and let out a deep breath, "I assume you know, why this technique is called as such, correct?"

The Emperor of Death did not answer, but, he grunted as a response.

The name Weeping Blood came not from Wang Ling himself. It is an unknown technique, that he refuses the acknowledge, but after its second appearance, the sight of ten Grand Sect of that Era begging with tears of blood, sobbing as they apologized for what they have done asking him to stop, begging him for mercy.

"No matter how weak my version is, even if it is a cheap knock-off of the original… that doesn't change the fact that it's the Weeping Blood at its core."

"Is it reall—"

But he couldn't finish his words. The ground below sunk and created a massive crater as Chang Ping appeared right above the Emperor of Death, "It is."

She answered coldly as she initiated a swing. Killing intent as black as the night sky formed a crescent trail. The sword travelled fast and as the Emperor of Death raised his right hand to defend, he pulled out his purple sword from the Abyss. He was calm until the split second before their blades clashed.

"Death Cloud!" alarmed, the Emperor of Death expunged a veil of thick black mist from his sword. The mist was the miasma of the Abyss in the form of a cloud. Death Miasma came from the mix of Origin Life and Source Life, it can take form of anything, and hold anything as it desires.

It can be the strongest element and be the weakest as per the Emperor of Death's desire. He willed it to defend him against Chang Ping's sword, but like a hot knife through butter, Chang Ping sliced through his defenses.


Their swords clashed and pushed the Emperor of Death across the rooftop. The Emperor of Death was about to open his mouth and comment on what's happening, but, Chang Ping beat him to it, "Devour."

As her words left her mouth, the darkness within her soul and mixed into her sword. Her blade dug into the Emperor of Death's own sword, and started eating away at it, corroding it, and then it reached the limit the sword could hold.

Chang Ping whispered, "Burst."

The killing intent exploded, blasting away the Emperor of Death.



Smoke billowed as a look of disbelief plagued the Emperor of Death. He looked at the night sky, as he whipped away the blood streaming down his nose. 

[That's just cheap knock-off, but, it already has this much power? If I fight Wang Ling then….]

The Emperor of Death smiled with joy.

[She gets a pass. She'll be participating in the final battle, I see. Lucky her.]

He climbed up the crate and raised his head to see Chang Ping looking down upon her.

She looked like a true Goddess of War, but the Emperor of Death could not help but smirk at the sight of her attempt to regain her honor and pride, "As I thought… that wasn't enough to kill you. Well then… I better—"

But the Emperor of Death shook his head, "I want to play some more and help you complete your Weeping Blood, but, time is up."

"What are you—"

It was then Chang Ping turned around as Wang Yue burst out from the rooftop behind her.

Her face carried an anxious expression as her spirit sense was spread out to the max, "Chang Ping! Qinyang's gone!"

"What!?" Chang Ping was shock at what Wang Yue had said.

Her master's daughter had disappeared and as she looked down, she saw the Emperor of Death had also disappeared.

But a lingering voice remained.

"If Wang Ling and Bai Xue is interested in getting their daughter back, tell them I'll see them at the place where the Universe began."

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