Celestial Peak

Chapter 565: Still Human

Receiving no answer, Wang Ling waved his hand, "Fer… erase the hindrance."

"Yes, Father."


Before anyone could react, the black flames engulfed everything in a five-hundred-kilometer radius, erasing everything that threatened Wang Ling, but extinguished not a single life. Wang Ling turned to Fer and reached out to the trapped God. 

Wang Ling touched its flames, its warmth extended to him erasing what once plagued him, "I cannot control you yet, wait, for me, I will get you and your sister outside of your confines. Then, would you provide me your strength?"

Fer growled in delight, "We shall be waiting, Father."

"Mm, for now, rest and gather your strength, when I call upon your name again, it would be the time when I rip space asunder and return you to your homes." 

The space closed after collapsing on itself. The temperature of the surrounding area returned to normal and as Wang Ling released his breathing he reverted to a carefree exterior. Stretching his body without even needing to do so, he took a single step to reach Lixus.

The Ancestor still clung to a hint of rage behind the terror. He could grasp the reality of the situation, but he couldn't let go of the hatred, "Just so you know, it was the Vermillion Bird Ancestor who deliberately orchestrated this little "Sparring" session to help me draw out my latent potential."

"…what?" naturally, Lixus' expression turned from anger to confusion.

"Yes, after a brief moment of misunderstandings that had her breath fire at me, we called the entire thing off and we tried to spar and she almost immedia—and he's unconscious already."

  "Oh, so Lixus lost after all."

Phena picked up Lixus from floating in empty space.

Wang Ling raised his brows seeing her wear robes he did not provide, "…did you go back to the Deity Paradise to get some after… I don't even want to ask. Get your brother out of this place, and please explain the situation to him, fighting won't help anymore."

"Oh, I didn't think you were so-called, new All-Father." 

"I'm not known to be sweet with words… I choose to speak facts — more often than not." Wang Ling moved and appeared in front of Naor, "Hey, been a while, hasn't it, Roan… wait, it's Naor, right?"

"All-Father… how disrespectful of me… I Naor gree—Aaaaaahhhh!" Naor tried to prostrate to the All-Father, but, he could only wince in pain failing to move.

"Stop that, you're only torturing yourself and I'm not exactly a big fan." Wang Ling touched Naor's forehead as he crouched down only to see bits of his organs were spilling one, "…you'll be fine, for now, just sleep for the time being."

Said Wang Ling as he tapped Naor's forehead and forced him to sleep. His God's Mark unwrapped themselves from the two females he carried on his back and immediately went back to go reconstruct his body.

The God's Mark was not only an armor, it was a part of their vital being. To a Devil their God's Mark's versatility was their bread and butter. It strengthens the body and accelerates its already monstrous regenerative capability.

"But even without his God's Mark, Roan should still be able to heal himself though… then there's these two Devils…"

They were skin and bones and their breathing was weaker than those who were dying. Wang Ling shook his head and after taking a close look, he saw a resemblance between the smaller lady and Roan, 'Wait… is she his daughter? So, he risked all that for his family…' 

Wang Ling let out stifled laughter, 'I guess I cannot let them at any cause, huh.'

As he went and examined their bodies, Wang Ling noticed something near embedded in their hearts. There was a beat, and as he pried deeper, he saw a single gray flame keeping extending outwards to the rest of her body, 'The Chaos Flame? Wait… is it?' 

It resembled what he created in the past, but, this time, the Gray Flames… it was not only stronger but, it seemed alive.

"It's his actual wife and daughter." Azazil suddenly said from the side, "They both share the same blood composition and their essence is split into creating her."

Azazil saw Wang Ling look at him with a shocked expression and with his brows raised, he asked him, "What? You're now the Origin of the Hell Qi and inherited the body that gave birth to all Devils and would be Devils, focus and you'd be able to do it too."

"Are you serious or are you…" Wang Ling paused as he tilted his head so much that it almost snapped, "…it works?"

"Told you." Azazil summoned tendrils made of God's Mark and lifted the three, "I can remember the Hellish Qi and God's Mark in total being a lot more versatile in the hands of the Ruler of Chaos and when it is mixed with Holy Qi, the reaction of both properties colliding could create interesting things."

Azazil proudly narrated and picked up Naor and the two mysterious women.

"As expected of the Hellish Qi incarnation, you know a lot." 

"It is nothing, it is still bits and pieces so I don't know to remember much like my sister." though he dismissed Wang Ling's compliments with a wave of a hand, one could see his ears turning red from embarrassment, "Can you open the path to the Deity Paradise? I can't really manipulate space." 

"Yeah, why not." The portal opened to the Deity Paradise and other than Wang Ling, Angel, and the others all went back leaving Wang Ling to stand guard from another surprise attack. When the others finally crossed, Wang Ling was prepared to go back as well but chose didn't, "You could have wakened me up you know."

Wang Ling said as he released a deep sigh as he proceeded to enlarge the Portal, preparing for a larger number of people. He could already feel countless ships appearing one after another. 

"Bah, I slapped you three times and weren't waking up so I didn't bother." A small voice sounded out from behind, it was Bai Xue's, "I see that you're already getting the hang of Spatial Manipulation."

"I am, but I can still tell that I am lacking, especially after remembering your work." he answered as Wang Ling expand for 30 meters before stopping, "Well, that's my limit, if it's not enough do it your…self…"

Two shadows faster than lightning all charged at Wang Ling he should have fought back, but his eyes first saw their faces, and immediately, his thoughts stopped. Their charge succeeded and allowed them to drag him to the green lands of the Deity Paradise.

He could feel them squeezing tightly, Wang Hong and Wang Yue's unrestrained strength grabbed onto him and he did not fight back.

"Older brother!" they both cried aloud as Wang Yue's tears gushed from her eyes.

A smile appeared from Wang Ling's face, and then it disappeared as quickly. Strangely enough, he did not have any reaction to their embrace.

Happiness, confusion, fear, all of it surfaced in the culmination of his emotions turning him into a mess. His mouth opened and closed without uttering anything, he did not know what to say and from above, he felt two others descend.

They were a pair of men and women, both dignified as they walked. The two looked at Wang Ling and the woman simply said, "Welcome back… my son."

Wang Ling always thought he would be able to appear before them calmly. That he was above his emotions especially after the incident in the Congregation.

But, no, hearing their words… Wang Ling could not help but feel a lump at the back of his throat stopping him from saying anything.

"I…" Wang Ling used his fingers to place pressure on his eyes, tried biting his lips, but in the end when he managed to beat the lump in his throat and barely speak all that he could muster were "I'm… I'm back."

Even he, the one at the top was not above shedding tears.

Away from a fight, when his thoughts derailed from worrying about the fate of the Universe, about his responsibilities, when all of it was stripped away from him, in the barest of it all was him — just Wang Ling — a human.

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