Celestial Peak

Chapter 556: Familiar Touch I

The Deity Paradise, the only place where Deities could live in peace and recuperate from their losses after their sacrifice in keeping the Mortals alive. 

The once tens of thousands of Deities that roam their individual lands now dwindled to a few thousand. Their forces, though may seem imposing to the eyes of Mortals were nothing to the ever-growing forces of the Demons.

The strongest of the Deities left their home to push back whatever was happening on the world of the living. Like lightning, the Deities came rushing with thunderous applause in the face of a ravenous storm, and in their fight to sustain the remaining hundreds of worlds, the Deity Paradise was to Wang Ling to protect.

He stepped out of the Portal and warped space back to where it was. The opening disappeared, and as Wang Ling looked to his side, he ignored what was there and just looked forward thousands of kilometers away.

"I can see a flock of Demons and Revenants, inside the group is someone… I can't tell, exactly." Wang Ling raised his right leg, ready to end it swiftly, but Azazil and Angel stepped forth in front of him.

"Stop, Ling, it's out turn to play. What used is it to learning your sword technique. Why not sit this one out? We want to play too!" Angel argued and Azazil just timidly agreed to his counterpart's words.

"You two do know that the thing in line for this particular mission is the Furnace of Chaos, right? That's the only clue I have in how I can defend against an unstoppable sword. It may even be the key to defeating the Origin Asshole." 

Azazil raised his hand.

"…you don't have to raise yo—what is it, Azazil?"

"We know, of the importance, this fight has to the ending of the Universe. We really do. However, know that you can't move as easily as you have before. For all we know, a sword with Primordial Essence can be there and the Furnace of Chaos is being used as bait to lure you out into the open so he can kill you."

"I hate to admit it, but Azazil has a point, Ling. No one in the Deity Paradise is strong enough to do this, and  "

Wang Ling looked at them and raised both hands in defeat, "Okay, okay, just make sure not let whoever it is dying."

Wang Ling then flicked his wrist and two light, blue glowing orb appeared on top. The two touched it and the light disappeared the next instant, "I don't know if you can die now, so be sure to avoid everything. If you die, I don't thin—and they're gone to fight.

"Well, with this I will be able to see if they can actually help me. The Deities are too weak to hunt the Revenants, and the Origin Race is too loyal to make a full swing at one. To rely on these two… I really am grasping straws."

Wang Ling shook his head, but he wasn't all that worried. He could easily trace their presence and the thing he gave them was something he could use to beeline to them without a problem, "A part of my soul is on them, so I'll know if they get into a problem."

He said out loud as he turned around to meet two humanoid figures, his face twisted, "Just so you know, both the previous All-Father and All-Father or the Ruler of Chaos and Goddess of Beast as you knew them wore clothes. They were the ones who introduced at the Celestial Spirit Realm."

Wang Ling stated with a lighthearted jab seeing the Ancestors with White Fur and Vermillion Feathers. They did not respond to his words, so he just sighed, "Let's get this over with. What do you need? If you want to fight, just so you know, I can control a fraction of my powers already. I can both of you with a hand-tied on my back." Wang Ling did not utter a single lie.


"FUCK OFF!" Naor shouted as swung his spear against seven Revenant Devil Emperors and Abyssal Demons. Sparks flew across the vast space. Wave after wave of oppressive intent clashed and caused his indestructible body to tremble from fatigue.

Surrounded by Demons and Devil Revenants no weaker than Emperors put Naor in an unbelievably tough spot. His trusted spear now had chinks on its blade, and his mind was now subdued by the exhaustion that had piled since used the heresy.

The swords of the Revenants passed him by, no major spots had taken damage, but, deep cuts damaged the flesh given to him by the highest being. Of course, Naor could always call upon God's Mark, but he didn't have the luxury of such a thing.

He was without protection as all of the God's mark was pooled off somewhere, to his beloved wife and daughter. He dragged with him a cocoon formed by God's Mark, connected to his waist… inside these Cocoons, were his unconscious family.

He's losing more and more essence, running dry, something he didn't think before could actually happen. All of that was nightmare enough, but, that was not the problem. It was that, Naor couldn't kill them.

Not that he couldn't put out enough strength, no, he still couldn't. He could kill them, but that's the worst part. If he kills them, another would replace them, this time, stronger, and faster than the other. Their lineage now far deeper.

He already connected the dots, that it was the same as the past Revenants.

[This is worse than the fight against Deities… I actually miss Reka.] 

He was not in a good position, yet, he did not stop running. On his hand was a furnace. One that used to stand over meters, now, so small it could fit in his palms. The Black Furnace was obviously what the Demons wanted from him… he could throw it somewhere and run with his family, and actually live, but, Naor didn't.

Before he was a drunk that travels the Cosmos in a self-imposed exile, he was the guardian of this Cosmos. Roaming it, destroying any Abyssal Presence that has grown too powerful, he thought that he was beyond such a fate.

However, upon meeting the All-Father, his desire to reclaim his past honor to stand before his creator with his head held high reignited the guardian.

His daughter had always wanted to meet the All-Father… say to him how she protected what he left to the Devils and the Holy Race.

Naor's daughter died, turned to an abomination, the enemy they swore to destroy… he thought that his daughter would have wanted him to meet the All-father, in all his glory. He wished to write off the past, and fight against the Origin General as a new man. To represent his family that had been destroyed.

However, upon looking inside the Furnace, he found them, resurrected. No signs of death. So, he had a thought, [What if the Furnace is the key?] 

To rebuild the Cosmos once again… save others.

His mind wandered to such a possibility, and before he knew it, he was already running to the source of the All-Father's awakening.

[I can't let the Demons get i—] his thoughts suddenly stopped. The movement of his surrounding, the Revenants and the Abyssal Demons changed drastically.

In different intervals, they all suddenly swung their blades and shot out their tendrils. He could swing his spear, and deflect what was coming to him, but that was not his concern.

All the trajectories pointed to different places than before. It was towards his wife and daughter. He did not know how why now.

The God's Mark wrapped around them was impregnable, it was a useless effort… but, the Revenants did not think so. They continued their swords, allowed it to travel in full swing, calling upon their Quintessence and sharpening their blades.


Their blades touched the God's Mark… and it cut through.

Naor's eyes widened. Blood from one of the cocoons seeped out. And through his eyes, he saw it all happen in slow motion. Before the swing could be completed, he twisted his body and pulled them out of harm's way.

The Revenants did not stop their swords. They continued it, now with a smirk on their faces.

Naor traced the paths and realized what just happened, [It was a setup… they knew I'll move this way.]

Everything pointed at his vitals. Now, with his hellish qi already flowing in one direction, he couldn't move. He was about to die unless he risk it all in a suicide attack…

His mind ran all possible sequences. Naor knew all too well that if he dies, his family would follow shortly after. The truth would be scattered to the cosmos, just like his body.

'Hang on there, my child.'

However, just as he ran the simulation, he heard something. A small voice of a young man… and without any hesitation, Naor was beckoned. A path was given to him to follow, something he did not think would appear in a situation where all hope had been lost.

He twisted his body, powered through the flow of his hellish qi. His qi gathered on his left torso…


His meridians exploded, as well as a chunk of his flesh sending him bulldozing through the ranks of the Revenants and Abyssal Demons. 

He crippled his flow of hellish qi… just to gain a little bit of time… in accordance to an ethereal whisper from god knows who. Injured and without a way to protect himself, Naor watched as a legion of Revenants and Demons comes for his head.

He could no longer fight back. With his family right behind him, he whispered, "Don't worry, I'm here." He spoke to empty air.

The Revenants arrived; their killing intent swallowed him.


A sword's chime echoed. But Naor did not die… dozens of Revenants did for unknown reasons.

"You're safe now, my child." 

Once again, a childish voice echoed. This time, belonging to a girl.

Two figures appeared by his side.

A young body and girl, both bearing the signs of a Devil and Holy Race members walked past him. Both no bigger than a six-year-old child. 

And as they paid him no attention, Naor watched in awe as they swung their blades… and decimated the ranks he couldn't even scratch.

"Who are they?" he asked, sensing their existence oddly similar to the All-Father.

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