Celestial Peak

Chapter 552: Depths

The records of the Abyssal World were far and few in between. Only in three different worlds did books of the Abyssal World existed, one of them was the limited Celestial Spirit World, the Eternal Library Tower, and the previously, now destroyed Hal Family of a Fallen World. It only becomes harder to raid the Abyss as time moves forward.

The Abyssal World, according to the words of the very few survivors of several expiations in the past. 

Filled with floating, lifeless, Abyssal Demons of different forms. An Elk, Horse, Bird, and so much more other than the humanoid bound forms that come to wreak havoc on the living. The ground was the different hue of indigo and purple.

Darkness binds the Abyss and its mist was that of a darker hue. The clouds were nonexistent, no stars could be found in the forever purple skies. The Sun was a dim shade of gray, and the moon hovered as a yellow light with a deep, gouged out a mass of land in the middle making it look like an eye.

The plans were mostly had black leaves, and upon the living's existence came to walk upon the desolated land of the Abyss, all that was seen was the world pause. The wind would grow dismal and cold, no wind would pass but the chill would only grow.

Every being would stop their actions and turn their heads to your direction at the same time, their leering crimson eyes now locked upon those who bear the breath of life. Their eyes glowing with envy seeing a being in a suit of flesh and blood.

They all paused and without a moment's notice would rush towards the unlucky being with their tendrils from all sides. Besieging any and every defense they carried with the unstoppable force of their bodies.

Ramming their smoke-like corporeal form into their enemies, knocking them down so they could take the lives of those who breathe. Ripping the flesh from their bones, harvesting the organs and the soul to be transformed as one of the haunted souls.

Once the transformation is completed, everyone else, including what you previously saw as your companion would turn to you with grieving eyes. Filled with envy that another being gets to breathe while he suffers in torment, to be forever trapped, chained to the world that they had already lost.

Now, they open their maw, roaring as they come to ravage the guests of their realms one by one until they either escape from whence they came or be turned into Demons who roam the world forever without any signs of an end.

These words were taken from the book of Ergus, the man who stayed in the Abyss for a hundred days, surviving by running and abandoning those he saw as friends. Hearing the wails of his companions behind him as he ran with tears streaking down his face.

He ran but they never found an escape from the World. He flew but the skies were forever out of reach. The Abyssal World was a never-ending, forever extending scape of hell where the only torment is found.

This was the collective information, written through several books that would be discussed extensively over the millennia. Though it did not capture the whole picture of the Abyss, and dramatization of the truth about the envious beasts was added, the book spoke mostly of the truth.

The Abyssal World truly did hold creatures more than humanoid Abyssal Demons. Its skies could indeed not be touched, the sun and moon's description were apt, but what was wrong was that, the land of the Abyssal World was not never-ending.

It had an end; it was simply too big to be measured. Shaped like a world yet still too expansive than the sun or the Cosmos itself. It was a big world and only its Ruler could traverse its ever corner.

In the middle of the Abyssal World was in face a castle. Like any of the construct scattered through the Abyssal World, it was created by the Origin General himself. Brick by brick, crafted from the land to become a house he never had growing up.

The Castle in the middle had no name but it was complete with gates and towers. Walls were erected as if to protect the Origin General from something in the Abyssal World when in truth it was nothing more than useless additions to a lifeless and meaningless construct.

In the dark, the Origin General walked past the towering gates. He walked by the Revenants and several wandering Abyssal Demons, yet he knew he remained alone. Eyes were pointed to him, but no life exuded from the glowing eyes of the Abyssal Demons. The Revenants all stayed silent, they could say nothing to the one who created them.

Their memories were his memories, stolen from the only being he once saw as a friend. They were nothing but a failed collective, mere manufactured pawn that functions as good distractions and slaughterers.

Entering the Castle, the Origin General reached what he called his throne room… a place where no furniture was present, but a throne made of a block of stones put together in the form of a chair, created when he was but three to be his bed. He had not destroyed and never would he do such a thing.

The Origin General valued what little he could call memories of his childhood. Rarely could he recall anything more joyous than trudging on the cast emptiness of the Abyss. 

In the empty and spacious throne room, however, other than the reminder of the past was a carved stone path leading down into a cavern. He entered the clumsily created stone path held only by a mixture of blood and soul to create mud.

Reaching the bottom of the path was a purple cloud, hanging low, unmoving. With a wave of his hand, however, the cloud parted and from beyond it, the entire bottom floor of the cavern was occupied by a swirling pool.

Blue and White, mixing and then separating.

"I have returned." The Origin General said as he brought out the hundreds of black and white lights he hid in his body. The black and white lights circled around him and as he took a deep breath, he descended into the mysterious pool and submerged himself in its depths with the black and white lights.

As the General disappeared into its depths, the Abyss shook and the purple mist swirled. The Abyssal Demons raised their heads and roared all of them were in pain.

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