Celestial Peak

Chapter 55: A Bloodbath is needed II

Wang Ling flapped his wings and soared to the air and took out the ordinary sword he had in his storage ring. His bloodline churned and gave him indomitable strength, with another flap of his wings he turn into a black light and descended upon the savage beast he had marked.

A dog like beast that stood over three meters tall was walking along the darkness trying to find its prey. It was hungry and was salivating all over the place. Walking along the darkness, the dog felt a gust of wind pass.

Startled it jumped back and saw a human with wings land after diving from above. The savage beast wanted to pounce at the winged-human but the back of that human was already the last thing it would be able to see as its head separated from its neck as it tried to retreat backward.

Wang Ling looked over at the still standing headless body of the dog and sneered. He extended his spirit qi to its body and head to find any beast core and when he found nothing, Wang Ling left the area.

The savage beast he had just slain was a pinnacle-sky root stage beast. It was but a small fry that is seen as prey in the White Dragon Valley. Wang Ling moved after coming empty handed.

It was midnight and Wang Ling was not only here to make his bloodline go down and subside. He was also here to hunt for resources, more specifically, he was here to hunt savage beast and try his luck on chancing upon a savage beast with a beast core.

A savage beast with a beast core was rare, but Wang Ling was already here and was about to create a bloodbath and show a great massacre. Why not hunt for resources while he is at it?


The freezing touch of the midnight wind brushed upon Wang Ling's skin. But he didn't even react as his skin was tempered by high temperature treasure making him able to automatically regulate his body heat according to his needs.

Wang Ling clumsily flew over the towering trees. He was using the Soaring Devil method to fly. He got this from the inheritance back then and was still unaccustomed to actually using it as he had never had the chance to train on it.

Thankfully, Wang Ling was able to do the most basics of the basic motions like flying up by flapping his wings and diving down by utilizing his superb usage of muscle control and awareness of his surroundings.

Wang Ling at this moment also had Ocean's Lull activated to make sure he is aware of his surroundings. He was aware about his surroundings. Wang Ling was searching the low ground at a high advantage point using his Piercing Vision.

His enhance sight and unique pair of pupils made the darkness clear as day to him. His eyes landed upon a Night Panther. He circulated his hellish qi and supreme spirit qi together before diving down like a ferocious eagle.

The Night Panther was stronger than the earlier savage beast and managed to sense the oncoming danger coming from above. The Night Panther raised its head and roared at Wang Ling's direction before jumping back.

Wang Ling's sword missed the Night Panther's neck. Twisting his body upwards, Wang Ling quickly made a follow up and chased after the retreating Night Panther.

Wang Ling was like a spinning top and quickly made its way to the Night Panther. With his blade moving along with him, Wang Ling used the created momentum from his movement and raised the speed of his slash.

His blade was akin to a torrential wind that can blast anything that is on its way. Wang Ling quickly reached the front of the Night Panther. The Night Panther retaliated and its sharp claws shone with a black light before brandishing it against the human that was trying to take its life.

Executing Judgement, Wang Ling's sword moved as if it was going to tear both heaven and earth. An image of a peerless swordsman appeared as Wang Ling held nothing back and became one with his sword.

The claw that was quickly making its way towards him was cut in half and Wang Ling's sword severed the body of the Night Panther without any problem. A rain of blood ensued after the guts of the beast flew into the air like fireworks.

He searched the body and this time found a beast core and immediately kept it inside his storage ring.

"My movement is not refine enough." Wang Ling moved out and decided to quickly refine his flying when he got the chance like this.

Movements needs to be elegant not only to be pleasing to the eyes but also so the movement will flow like water. Wang Ling's movement was already like flowing water, but because he was still new to flying with wings rather than flying using this [Spirit Force], Wang Ling was still unused to it.

The Night Panther had a middle-energy palace stage cultivation and shouldn't have escaped Wang Ling's sneaked attack, but because of various reasons, the Night Panther managed to sense him coming in from above.

He left the scene and started moving from place to place in order to hunt for savage beasts. From time to time, he will chance upon people who were camping at night and will choose to avoid them if he could.

Wang Ling was in his devil form now, if he was to appear in front of other people like this, he will have to kill them in order to keep their mouth shuts.

Continuing his killing spree, Wang Ling was like a killing machine that never get tired. In just three hours, he had managed to trach and kill more than twenty savage beast and his speed was gradually increasing.

Getting used to the Soaring Devil technique, Wang Ling was nearing level 1 mastery of the said technique. If he can master it to level 1 mastery, Wang Ling will gain the ability to travel much faster as mastering it to level 1.

The bloodbath continued and Wang Ling easily killed everyone with one hit. That is until he encountered [Vermillion Crows] numbered at over a hundred. Wang Ling who had been leisurely flying suddenly felt his heart sunk when he saw a flock coming towards him.

"Shit!" Wang Ling cursed out and tried to fly away but ended up failing. He tried to shake them off from the ground but also ended up failing.

Wang Ling could just fight them but the problem was that he had no ability that can cover a wide range. If he can use the True Chaos Flame then he won't be needing to run like this, but because he had yet to even form the Chaos Spark, Wang Ling was left with no choice but to run.

The Vermillion Crows were a distant relative of the [Vermillion Bird] that is considered as a Celestial Beast. The Vermillion Crow carries the flames on their bodies and is only considered small fry when seen alone.

But when it travels with its flock, the little Vermillion Crow that is not more than ten inches in body length can become a giant ball of flame that can incinerate everything on its path.

A giant ball of vermillion flame appeared in front of Wang Ling as he quietly floated in front of the Vermillion Crows. He took in a deep breath, sharpened his mind, activated the Ocean's Lull and dove into the flock of the Vermillion Crows.

I anyone else do this who has a cultivation below late-energy palace stage, they will without a doubt be turned into charcoals. But because the one who dove in was Wang Ling who had been preparing himself for the most tyrannical flame of all, Wang Ling was not going to die with just this.

His eyes reflected a frenzied light as he immediately started hacking away the Vermillion Crows. The Vermillion Crows retaliated and started scratching him using their sharp claws and tried drilling a hole into his body with their beaks.

Even with his Ocean's Lull, Wang Ling was unable to dodged every little bit of attack but he made sure to alter his position every now and then to ensure no vitals will be damaged. Wang Ling's bloodline was churning and was screaming for more, but Wang Ling's mind was as clear as before.

Even with the frenzied smile he carried on his face and the dangerous light reflected in his eyes, Wang Ling was sane and was never going to be swallowed up by this feeling of murder.

He had already been to countless murders and massacre, this intoxicating feeling was nothing new to Wang Ling as he was someone who lives and die on the battlefield.

What's more is that Wang Ling was not just fighting the Vermillion Crows so they won't kill him, he was fighting them and was absorbing their flames little by little.

The incinerating spirit qi they inherited from the Vermillion Bird permeated the air and Wang Ling was frantically circulating the Overturning Nine Heaven Art to absorb it.

"I'm going to absorb everything from you."

A scene where the ball of flame that was formed by the Vermillion Crow was beginning to shrink. Wang Ling's body on the other hand was quickly digesting the absorbed qi while using the numerous attacks of the Vermillion Crows to temper himself.

Blood started to trickle down from the corner of Wang Ling's mouth. He was nearing his limit and he had already killed dozens of Vermillion Crow and had made a mess of their formation.

"This should be enough!"

Wang Ling said as he circulated his hellish qi to his sword and fully used his sword mastery to create a single domineering strike. He poured what remains of his energy palace and another seven qi pillar to this incomplete technique before unleashing it.

"Vanquishing Blade!"

Wang Ling slashed horizontally and a wave of a somewhat translucent blue light came of his sword and swept the area and shook the Vermillion Crows. His full powered attack did not manage to kill any more Vermillion Crows but it managed to make them feel distraught, giving Wang Ling an opening to escape.

Turning into a streak of black light, Wang Ling disappeared from the night.

He reappeared back near the camp and felt pain all over his body. It was still 2 hours before sunrise. Wang Ling sat in a cross-legged position and observed the change on his body after absorbing the flames of the Vermillion Crows.

Wang Ling celebrated as he said inside his head.

[This should be enough to ignite my Chaos Spark.]

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