Celestial Peak

Chapter 549: Annihilation I

"What happened to this place?" 

Surrounded by luscious greens, teeming with life and vibrancy Wang Ling stood in middle of it all, stunned. He shouldn't be surprised by this sight; the Deity Paradise was similarly luscious due to Bai Xue's doing.

However, that was the problem presented. Wang Ling was not in the Deity Paradise, at least, not his mind. His physical body may be in the Deity Paradise, but his psyche was somewhere else, in his Mindscape, where everything was white—or was supposed to be white.

Now, however, his Mindscape was filled to the brim with life. Streaming water by the wayside and several hundred meters away was a path leading to a strangely familiar mountain, Wang Ling smiled.

"An exact replica of the Red Mountain. Did I create this unconsciously?" he asked himself, curious if this was one of the processes in creating worlds. Without him noticing, a mysterious pull had him trudge up the mountain.

"So, you have arrived, my dear Father!" Wang Ling did not fight the pull, he followed its drag and then, he found himself at the top where a floating smoky, cloaked figure sat on a floating throne. His face was pale white, and his eyes red. He reeked of Hell Qi and the plucky grin was rage inducing to Wang Ling as it reminded him of unwanted people.

"After abandoning us for so long, leaving us to rot in this Mortal World for eons, I have come to exact punishment upon you! Prepare yourself to accept the wrath that had festered for eons!"

The blue sky turned black and beyond the white clouds came descending a single figure of power. A Giant Lion's head came down, scorching the land, causing destruction upon the lands. Swords manifested and hovered over Wang Ling.

Thousands and Millions of swords, varying in form and sizes. It was a complete replica of swords he had used and been used against over the years. Wang Ling looked at the young man and after a while, he finally reacted, "Azazil, what do you think of that name?"

The little figure's face warped from confusion, "…wha—what? What are you saying right now?" 

"Name, it is a title given to a being in order t—"

"I know what a name is!" The little figure shouted, "What I don't understand is, why are you giving me a name? I am trying to kill you here, draw your swords, manifest the best weapon you can and clash with me in combat, Father or are you just scared!?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm scared, you beat me. Now, do you want the name or not? It would be best if we can come to an understanding earlier than later. So, do you like Azazil?"

The cloaked runt's mouth closed and opened several times. His face turned completely red and soon his body turned from black to crimson just from the seething rage, "Wha, why are you acting like that? I am trying to—"

Watching the cloaked runt thrown a tantrum Wang Ling nodded in satisfaction, "Azazil it is, then. Angel, where are you?" Wang Ling called out while waving his hand and erasing the manifested sword and the Giant Lion's head. 

The Mindscape returned to its clear skies and blooming world, [Hoooh, the world itself did not return to its original white self. How interesting.]

"Couldn't you have played along with him for a while? He can take a punch, he won't die." 

On Wang Ling's shoulder appeared a tiny lady. Dressed in a white one-piece dress, her body was no longer just golden light. It was a defined body with a cute face and golden hair. Her ear pointed like an elf's and on her back was butterfly wings, "Surprised?" 

Angel asked while laughing.

"I am, I didn't think you would have a body now, you look adorable, Angel." Wang Ling complimented and Angel blushed in response, however, his eyes was drawn to the raging tantrum of the tiny figure by the mountaintop, "But, that little one's appearance is far more surprising than anything, really."

"You say surprised, but don't even look like you're shock."

"I am surprise. I am just getting better at hiding it… or should I say I am getting used to all the weirdness happening around me? I am, after all, already, like the God of this Universe. Moving on, is he the manifestation of the Hell Qi?"

"He is…" Angel's smile quickly flipped. She looked down and then snorted, "Essence of Hell, stop throwing a tantrum and greet Ling, already!"


"The Fuck did you just say to me!?" Angle aggressively shouted back and as she turned back to Wang Ling, she once again sported a quick smile, "Wait a minute, will you, Ling? I am just going to teach him a quick lesson as the Older Sister—didn't I tell you to call me Angel!?"

"Don't tell me what to do! I was created first, don't you dare claiming to be the older on—aAAAAAAAAAHHH!"

Wang Ling watched as Angel demonstrated the power of every older sister in the world, senselessly beating her brother to make him submit to her will, [Oh, she is very aggressive when it comes to him.]

He was well aware of her dissatisfaction with the Essence of Hell or Azazil as he named him without his concern. The beating lasted only for a few minutes, but for Azazil it felt like an entire year had come and gone. 

He was beaten back to his black color.

Beaten and torn, Azazil was presented before the new All-Father. He pouted and Wang Ling just smiled as Angel gently floated down his shoulders, "So, you are the Essence of Hell, also, Azazil. You seem interesting, oh little one."

"I—I do? He… hehe, of course, I am! Who do you think I am!? I am the Essence of Hell, the most complex thing in the entire Universe." he proudly announced.

[This one is easily coaxed, huh.] Wang Ling thought and Angel's sigh was a testament that she thinks similarly to him.

"Little Azazil, did you just awaken from being trapped in my Lineage?"

"Yes, and speaking of that, I have a bone to pick with you! Why did you take so long to free me from your lineage? Di… did you hate me that much, Father?" Azazil's voice gradually lessened as he spoke.

Wang Ling smiled softly and placed his hand atop his black hair, "I don't hate you, Azazil, why would I? I haven't even seen you before."

"I-is th—oh… you haven't seen me before?" Azazil's ear dejected pointed down, "I see… then, you're really not Father… like she said?"

"I'm sorry, but, my Predecessor already returned to the Void with his Wife… he's already gone and moved to the next life." Wang Ling explained.

"Oh… he's gone… father… is…" tears welled up from the corner of his eyes.

But, just as Wang Ling an Angel were about to console the little Azazil, all three of them felt something had gone horribly wrong.

"…what is happening?" Angel asked.

"I… do not know… but… something big is happening right now." Sniffling, Azazil stated.

And as for Wang Ling, he immediately opened his eyes in the outside world and dragged the two manifestation of Essence with him, "My Children are dying!" 

He said as more than half of the Origin Race dies in the span of a minute.

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