Celestial Peak

Chapter 33: What is it?

"How are you feeling, Ling'er?" Wang Shu Qing asked him with concern apparent on his voice.

Wang Ling nodded his head to his father and said: "I am fine. My body is feeling even better before I fought with the people of those devil cultivators."

Playfully showing flexing his right arm and executing a good Thunder Fist. Wang Ling demonstrated to his father that he was fine.

Wang Shu Qing saw Wang Ling doing his fist technique and nodded his head continuously while saying, "Good, good!" over and over again. He was clearly happy that Wang Ling was fine.

Seeing his father smile, Wang Ling also smiled. This was the first time he had seen and talk to his father, but Wang Ling could feel the boundless love and care being directed at him.

Wang Ling looked at his father for a while before asking him a question.

"Father, how long have I been sleeping? It seems like my body has undergone great change after fighting those devil cultivators. My mind is also in shambles as I am getting strange information flowing in my head from time to time ever since I got out of that pool."

Wang Shu Qing gave his son a peering look as if trying to see if what he was telling was true or not. For Wang Ling to bring up this topic was something that intrigued as he had been trying to make sense of how the hellish qi found its way to Wang Ling's qi pillars and spirit ocean.

[The hellish qi in his body was an abnormality that is hard to explain. Even I, don't know how to make a proper speculation about his current bodily situation.

For him to have hellish qi inside his body is something a mystery to me and I thought he himself would know. But it seems like even he does not know how it came to be.

Could it be that Ling'er is someone who a special constitution that even me and Fei'er was unable to detect? Does it have something to do with Ling'er falling into a deep daze for nineteen years?]

Wang Shu Qing was confused about many things in regards to the matter of his eldest son. Almost everything about his son was peculiar. Starting from his weird and one of a kind 'problem' since he was a kid to this 'devilish constitution' and bloodline of his.

As his father he should at least be knowledgeable about one of this things but Wang Shu Qing had no information or knowledge that can make heads or tails about Wang Ling as a whole. In short, he was as clueless as other people when it comes to Wang Ling's true situation.

Well, no one could blame him really. His son was a reincarnation of the strongest celestial who ended his era and opened a new, someone who defied the law of the void to escape death, and someone who cultivates the law of the heavens while refining his body using the method of the God of Hell.

With these kind of background under his son's belt. Just who on this world of theirs could tell him where to start? Wang Ling was an enigma in this world and Wang Shu Qing had no means to know that.

Only Wang Ling himself know what his situation really is. Only he knew that his body and cultivation was fine and there was nothing to worry about.

Shaking his head, Wang Shu Qing only showed a smile to his son and beckoned him to follow him outside. Wang Ling followed Wang Shu Qing and realized that he was brought to an open area of the mansion.

The garden was simple and lackluster. It only had a beautiful floor of grass and a canopy that stood in the middle of that place. Under the shade of canopy was a table that had many dishes that can make anyone salivate upon seeing.

Wang Shu Qing walked towards there and called for Wang Ling with a soft voice.

"Let us talk about your current condition while you eat. I shall explain everything that I know about to you so you'll be able to understand what is happening."

Taking a seat that was right across his father's, Wang Ling stared eating. He started with a light spoonful of the soup that was prepared for him before grabbing a few pieces of bread. While he was eating, his father started talking.

"Ling'er, what happened to you was is that your bloodline underwent a sudden mutation and gave your body a qi that is unique and not from our realm. Inside your body is a qi called hellish qi and it came directly from the depths of hell." Speaking in a serious tone, Wang Shu Qing explained.

As Wang Ling already knew of this matter he was, of course was not surprise. But because he wanted to show that he was ignorant about this whole matter, he acted surprise with his mouth opened wide. He stopped eating as he asked in a worried voice.

"Hellish qi? Qi from Hell? Father, are you talking about one of the higher realms that stand above ours? And what does the mutation of my bloodline mean?" Wang Ling acted like an ignorant peasant like a true professional.

"Yes, that is correct. The hellish qi I speak of is from the higher realms. I don't understand how your body got connected with the hell realm, but if I had to guess, I believe it has something to do with the formation the devil cultivators set up as an effect called 'blessing of the devil' is on present that day.

"If we say that you were exposed to that blessing and your body resonated with the Hell realm. The formation and you having hellish qi is most definitely connected. As for what bloodline mutation means, it is basically your bloodline undergoing a change. You said that your body feels better correct? That can also be attributed to your bloodline mutation."

Wang Shu Qing stopped at this point. He didn't want to make Wang Ling any more confused with the wave of information he was delivering.

On one side Wang Ling was looking at Wang Shu Qing with his mind praising him for his deductive reasoning. Although he was way off on the method of how he got hellish qi, Wang Ling was still impress when he takes into account that everything that Wang Shu Qing had spoken of was plausible.

Acting like he had been enlightened, Wang Ling nodded his head. He then proceeded with his next question.

"So Father, how long have I been in a coma this time? I really wish to know how much time I have wasted when I could have focus on cultivation."

"…Seven months."

"Seven months!?" Wang Ling was startled as he could not believe that it took him seven months to complete a single bloodline mutation. He had earlier thought that it would have been three months at best but who would've thought that such a long time had already passed.

Wang Ling felt a headache running through his head. If seven months had passed, then it should be the sixth month of the current year. When he was attacked by the Demon Blood Cult it was already the last month of last year.

[So much time had passed? Wait, does that mean I'm already twenty years old? I was born in the second month, so my birthday had already passed.]

Wang Ling mused as he sighed. He was depressed. Time was continuously flowing and here he was, a mere sky-root stage cultivator. His original plan was to break through the first cultivation phase in a year and enter the first boundary realm which is the nascent soul stage.

Seeing Wang Ling's dejected face, Wang Shu Qing thought that his son was saddened about the time he had wasted to cultivate. Although seven months was nothing to him, for Wang Ling who was a sky-root stage cultivator at the age of twenty, that's already something big.

With him reaching the age of twenty, he had longed passed the opportune time to cultivate.

"Don't worry about it son, I, your father will support your cultivation in any way I can. Our family in the central regions will greatly help you in alleviating your cultivation base as quickly as possible.

"Also, I shall concoct a pill that will help you establish both your energy palace and nascent soul when the time come so you don't need to worry."

Wang Ling looked at his father and nodded his head. At this time Wang Ling talked with Wang Shu Qing some more and found out many things about him and his endeavor on the Azure Skies Kingdom.

However, Wang Shu Qing never told him any story about the central regions. He trued leading him into telling him something but in the end, the only thing he got from him was: "Just wait and see for yourself."

While they talked the food that Wang Ling was prepared for ended up all in his stomach. Showing the satisfied look on his face, Wang Ling stood up from his chair. He looked at the sky and stretched his body.

The sky right now had long turned golden indicating that it was already late in the afternoon. Wang Shu Qing notices this and saw Wang Ling releasing a yawn. He proposed to Wang Ling that he should go and get some rest.

"Go and rest, you have been through a lot today already. I have already checked your body through my [Spirit Sense] and found nothing abnormal." Wang Shu Qing explained.

Of course Wang Ling did not miss this opportunity to rest… or better yet, cultivate. There was not a single maid to be found in their mansion so Wang Shu Qing made of the Shadows do it.

He didn't really need to hide their existence to his son as Sun Wu had already informed him that Wang Ling had seen them already. Besides, there was good chance that they will become his companions in the future so it would be best if Wang Ling can get use to their existence as quickly as possible.

In some room, Wang Ling was lying on his bed thinking about the events of today.

[Seems like my father is someone who have a high cultivation.

I have also managed to stay away from any suspicions on how I got my hellish qi so everything is going well for me.]

Wang Ling initiated the topic of his bloodline mutation on his own. He was well aware that his father should have long been aware about him body possessing hellish qi. So he had to act as an ignorant fool to make his father believe that he has no direct means to cultivate hellish qi.

It was a risky move but it paid off.

Although he was depressed by the fact he had missed seven months in cultivation, Wang Ling chose to shake it off and just accepted it as facts. Without saying anymore, he sat in a cross-legged position as he began cultivating.

The path to the strongest is not going to be achieve if he whines about every little thing so he chose to cultivate.

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