Celestial Master of the Whole People: My Golden Light Mantra Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 72

Chapter 72 Cooperate To Kill The Half Step Demon Spirit Without Interruption

Zhang Wuji was startled, his face was full of surprise, he watched more carefully for a while, and after determining the specific location and distance, he closed his Yin-Yang eyes, retracted his eyes, and looked at the others.

At this moment.

Yang Yiyong also closed his three eyes, retracted his gaze, and looked at the others.

“There is good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?”

Zhang Wuji said aloud.

Yang Yiyong, who was about to speak, opened his mouth, but was forced to shut his mouth by Zhang Wuji’s words, and then looked towards Zhang Wuji suspiciously.

Everyone else looked at Zhang Wuji, and Tang Qinglong said:

“Zhang Wuji, your eyes…what’s the matter?”

Zhang Wuji said with a smile, “Yin-yang eyes are just! Maybe because my physique is quite special, a little change has taken place, giving Yin-yang eyes a little more function.”

Nan Xian’er, the little girl who gave Zhang Wuji a “Yue Qiluo”-like little Loli sense of sight, said in surprise, “Zhang Wuji, have you awakened the innate ability of yin and yang eyes?”

Everyone was shocked and looked at Zhang Wuji in disbelief.

I thought to myself: My God, is this the legendary, theoretically possible dual talent?

Zhang Wuji rolled his eyes at Nan Xian’er.

The brain is a good thing. Nan Xian’er’s brain is a bit big, so let me just say something about Yin-Yang eyes, you can think of dual talents, no one else.

I’d like to have dual talent, but I also have to have that luck.

Zhang Wuji explained:

“It’s not the dual talent you think. I learned the cracked version of Yin-Yang Eye, but my physique is a little special, so after I learned Yin-Yang Eye, I have some abilities that you don’t have.”


Everyone nodded secretly, thinking that it was so.

Oh shit.

So envious.

Why don’t we have this constitution?

Qin Jue, the seventh-grade geologist who awakened “Yang Wu Lei”, helped Zhang Wuji come up with a really good reason, because it seems that no one has suspected this until now.

This thought flashed through Zhang Wuji’s mind and continued:

“The bad news is: there is indeed a very strong spirit nearby. If nothing else, it should be a half-step demon spirit spirit. I don’t know what kind of spirit it is.”

Half-step demon spirit realm!

Everyone’s expressions became solemn.

A half-step demon spirit is equivalent to a half-step Earth Master’s cultivation.

This kind of spirit monster 843, because of its strong physical body, is even more powerful and ferocious than the half-step evil ghost realm ghost named “Ghost Swallow” that Zhang Wuji encountered before.

Even though Zhang Wuji is now a third-grade physiognomist, he still has no confidence in dealing with this half-step demon spirit realm.

Then let alone other people.

Zhuge Li’s Wuhou Qimen may not be able to shake the half-step demon spirit’s body.

Tang Qinglong’s Majia Shenlong is aimed at zombies, and its lethality to spirits will be greatly reduced.

An Xin’s Sword Intent of King Power should be able to break defenses, but he wants to defeat the half-step demon spirit.

Not to mention, killing this half-step demon spirit.

more importantly:

No one knows whether this half-step demon spirit realm is an ordinary spirit or a genius among spirits?

If it is Tianjiao, then what they should do now is to run as far as possible, and quickly contact Qin Haoyu, the general of the Tianshi general who is guarding the city, and let him deal with this half-step demon spirit.

“What about the good news?”

Nan Xian’er stared at her big eyes that were cuter than Cao Xiaye’s, and suddenly asked aloud.

Zhang Wuji smiled, squinted his eyes, looked in the direction of the half-step demon spirit, and said word by word, “I think we have hope of killing it!”

“I’ve already thought about the battle plan.” Zhang Wuji opened his eyes and showed a confident smile.

An Xin looked at him: “Tell me about it!”

Others also stared at Zhang Wuji.

Zhang Wuji nodded and introduced: “It’s very simple, my golden light spell has a golden light chain move, and there should be hope to temporarily restrain the half-step demon spirit. At the same time, Zhuge Li and Wang Man, you can use Qimen’s magic This technique interferes with the direction of the Nine Palaces and Eight Trigrams in the area where this beast lives, so that it can’t break free from my golden light chains.”

“Then, Cao Xiaye, your guardian spirit is in the forbidden, which can be used to attract hatred, cooperate with Sun Mie Yao’s King Kong body, and see if it can resist the attack of the half-step demon spirit. ”

“As for the others, including me, one counts as one.”

Zhang Wuji seemed to have made a final decision, and said loudly: “All of them will use our strongest attack methods, An Xin’s King Power Sword Intent, Tang Qinglong’s Ma Jia Shenlong, Nan Xian’er’s Wandu Attack, Li Feixue’s Tiangang Hanbing, and My golden light spell…”

“I believe that as long as we cooperate properly and don’t give this beast a chance to fight back and attack (bhcf), there should be a chance to kill it, or even kill it with one hit.”

After Zhang Wuji finished speaking, everyone nodded secretly, and their eyes lit up slightly.


If they can really cooperate so well, then it is possible to kill the half-step demon spirit.


The premise is that they must cooperate well, otherwise once the half-step demon spirit finds an opportunity to counterattack, they will immediately fall into a passive position, and then they can only escape and go back to find the rescue.

“This plan actually has certain dangers, especially for Zhuge Li and Cao Xiaye who have not yet advanced to the physiognomist realm. Once we fail, the situation you will face is very dangerous.”

Zhang Wuji waited for a few seconds before speaking again:

“So, let’s discuss, big guy, whether to do this vote or not!”

The eyes of the arrogant demons flickered.


Sun Mieyao gritted his teeth and said: “Fuck it, why not do it, since there is a great hope of killing a half-step demon spirit, why should you give up? Anyway, I don’t want to give up, but I listen to you, you guys I’ll do it if I want.”

Tang Qinglong also said: “Of course you have to do it. Men can’t say no, you have to do it when you need to do it.”

Everyone glanced at him, suspecting the guy was driving, but no one wanted to look for evidence.

Zhuge Li took a breath: “Then let’s do it, don’t worry about me, my speed is actually quite fast, mainly Cao Xiaye, in case of failure, can you escape.”

An Xin suddenly said, “I’ll take her to escape.”

Cao Xiaye looked at An Xin, showing an unexpected expression, a little surprised that An Xin would take the initiative to take him to run.

She knows her own looks. If she has looks like Nan Xian’er and Li Feixue, she will not be surprised by what An Xin said.

But the point is, she didn’t.

“Could it be that An Xin, this stuffy oil bottle, actually likes a girl like me who is a little fat and can eat?”

Cao Xiaye thought uncertainly.

Nobody wants to give up.

For them, they finally had a chance to fight the half-step demon spirit head-on. Of course, they had to seize it. After all, after passing this village, there would be no such shop. Where can I find such a good opportunity?

Zhang Wuji made a decision: “Then do it, you listen, wait for us…”

Zhang Wuji began to explain the specific combat details.

Nobody noticed.

Zhang Wuji has unknowingly become the backbone, or leader, of this 11-man squad.


Even if you notice it, no one will resist.

After all, the identity of Tianshi has always been respected by strength. Zhang Wuji’s strength is the strongest, and his brain does not look stupid.

Time flies, ten minutes have passed.

The Ten Thousand Demon Forest is about 5,000 meters away from the Xicheng Gate of Qinhuang City.

There is a bare, natural canyon with no towering trees.

In the middle of the canyon, there is a small stream less than ten meters wide.


A wolf demon that turned into a coyote was entrenched by the stream, with his eyes closed, and when he was breathing, a gust of wind blew up, and the stream was rippling with waves.

This is the spirit of that half-step demon spirit.

It originally hit the Demon Spirit Realm, but because of an accident, it was forced to stop the promotion and stopped at the half-step Demon Spirit Realm cultivation.

If it wants to attack the cultivation level of the Demon Spirit Realm again, it has to prepare for at least two or three years.

But it’s only two or three years, and for spirits, it’s nothing at all.

To know.

Spirits are not only physically stronger than humans, but also have a lifespan that far exceeds that of humans.

Zombies are even more extreme. There is no lifespan for this thing. After birth, it will not grow old and die.

The wolf demon is indeed sleeping.

When it sleeps, the demonic power in its body automatically rotates. With its breathing, it swallows the spiritual energy between the heavens and the earth, and strengthens its own cultivation, preparing to attack the demon spirit realm again.

It doesn’t notice at all:

More than a dozen meters away from it, on the top of a small hill that is more than ten meters high, there are heads appearing one by one.

It was Zhang Wuji and his group who were ready to “catch the demon”.

Zhang Wuji and the others all had solemn expressions on their faces, but there was a flash of excitement in the depths of their eyes.

It is time to deal with the wolf demon in the half-step demon spirit realm. For them who are only 18 years old, it is both challenging and exciting…

Young people who don’t like exciting things?

All 11 people held their breaths, watching Zhang Wuji slowly raise his right hand, doing the countdown “finger close” motion.

Last 5 seconds!

Last 3 seconds!

Last 2 seconds!

a certain moment.

“Hands on”!

Zhang Wuji’s eyes widened, and his mouth burst out.

He stood up straight and grabbed the wolf demon’s body violently.


“Om”, “Om”, “Om”…

A loud humming sound resounded.

The palm he grabbed spurted out streaks of golden light.

The golden radiance blooms and quickly merges together.






The sound of the chain shaking resounded.

The golden chains that seemed to condense into essence shuttled out from the golden brilliance, meandered away, penetrated in all directions, and rushed towards the body of the wolf demon.

The wolf demon suddenly opened his eyes when Zhang Wuji shouted loudly.

The demonic power in its body instantly boiled, and a manic demonic wind blew up. Its eyes were sharp, and it looked towards Zhang Wuji and his party, only to see golden chains meandering.

Before the golden chain, there were four figures, already rushing towards it with the fastest speed!

The wolf demon froze for a moment.

In its limited life, it was the first time it had encountered such a strange thing.

Those figures naturally recognize that they are one of the natural enemies of their monster family: human beings!

But the humans rushing towards it are too weak.

The strongest are two first-grade physicists, and the weakest are even only the ninth-grade physiognomist.


Are they dying?

How dare you sneak up on it without talking about martial arts?

But soon, the wolf demon’s eyes became violent.

Why do you care so much?

Since these humans wanted to die, it fulfilled them.

Human flesh and blood is the greatest supplement to spirits.

After eating these lifeless humans, it might be able to reduce one or two years of hard work, and soon be able to hit the demon spirit realm again.

With these thoughts flashing in his heart, the wolf demon flicked its limbs and bounced directly from the ground, revealing a huge body that was four or five meters high.

It opened its mouth, and a blue light condensed and compressed in its mouth…

Just this moment.

“Kun Zijue · Tuhe Cha!”

“Crazy gold watch!”

Zhuge Li and Wang Man shouted at the same time.

The veins on the foreheads of the two people burst out, and they used their Qimen techniques to the extreme.


The patterns of the two nine palaces and gossip merged together, with Zhuge Li and Wang Man as the center, and spread in all directions.

The wolf demon, which was condensing cyan energy, only felt the hard ground under its feet, and suddenly it became as soft as water, its body staggered and almost fell into the “water”.


Before it could adjust its body and regain its stability, a sense of time and space disorder immediately emerged in its heart.

“Boom” sound.

Its body was completely unable to maintain its balance, and it fell into the soft soil.

The energy in its body was also affected, and it could no longer condense stronger and more terrifying means in a short period of time, so it had to spit out towards the four humans during the fall.

“The ban!”

Cao Xiaye, who rushed to the side of the wolf demon, gave a snort.

A dark light appeared from her body. In front of her, a three-meter giant wearing armor and holding a sword came out. The moment she opened her eyes, she slashed at the blue light spitting out by the wolf demon.


The cyan light shattered the sword in the hands of the three-meter giant, and shot towards the body of the guardian spirit Yu Jin.


Before the guardian spirit Yu Jin could take this move, a figure with golden rays of light stood in front of him.

It was Sun Mie Yao who opened the body of King Kong.

The golden light on Sun Mieyao’s body was beaten to the point of “click”, “click”, “click”… There was a sound of shattering, and layers of golden light were beaten like a broken mirror and kept falling.


He blocked.

Although his qi and blood were low and his five internal organs vibrated violently, he blocked the weakened attack of the wolf demon.

“Come again!”

Wang Man’s eyes widened, and his mouth was full of anger.

Zhuge Li raised his hand without hesitation, and together with Wang Man, twisted his right hand in a certain direction at the same time, adjusting the nine palaces and gossip under them.


“Boom”, the wolf demon, who was just about to get up, fell again into the muddy water flow formed by the Tuheche.

At this moment.





The dense chain shaking sound resounded in the ears of the wolf demon.

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