Celestial Master of the Whole People: My Golden Light Mantra Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 33

Chapter 33 A Lot Of Evildoers

The corners of Zhang Wuji’s mouth rose slightly.

Ma Linger, an awakener of the Ma family’s Shenlong talent, would actually take the initiative to say his name and ask his name, which Zhang Wuji did not expect.

However, Zhang Wuji didn’t think much about it.

Even if Ma Linger is really curious about him, so that he can have a chance to try the feel of those long legs in the future, that will be a matter of the future.

Now, let’s upgrade the Golden Light Mantra first.


Zhang Wuji was about to walk to another street, and the layer of gray fog that had been shrouded in the ghost city made it difficult for ordinary people to see the road clearly at night.

Zhang Wuji’s vision has been enhanced so many times, even in darker nights, he can clearly see things a hundred meters away, but it is not affected by the geographical environment of the ghost city.

As he walked, he opened the on-hook panel.

Hanging panel:

User: Zhang Wuji (only)

Current on-hook skills:

Golden Light Mantra – Level: 20 (4462/10000)

Tian Yuan Jue – Level: 10 (23368/30000)

Yin Yang Eye – Level: 19 (9673/10000)


Zhang Wuji stopped in his footsteps and let out a groan in his mouth.

It was Zhang Wuji’s expectation that Yin-Yang Eyes did not gain experience points. After all, the resentful souls in Ghost City were too courageous to even hide their figures. Yin-Yang Eyes were useless at all.

But the Golden Light Mantra, how did it increase so much experience points?

A full 2000 points!

Zhang Wuji was overjoyed and thought to himself, “Is it possible that killing a Wraith-level Wraith can increase 2,000 experience points at one time? Doesn’t this mean: I only need to kill 3 Wraith-level Wraiths, and I will be able to gain 2,000 experience points at one time? Raised the golden light spell to 21?”


Zhang Wuji denied his own thoughts: “Maybe that kid is a genius among resentful spirits, equivalent to an elite monster, so using the golden light spell can increase 2000 experience points at one time, and the resentful spirits in the ordinary resentful spirit realm should only be able to use it once. Sex increases 1000 experience points.”

“But that’s a good thing.”

The corner of Zhang Wuji’s mouth outlined a smile: “After all, this is a ghost city, and even if there are not many geniuses among resentful souls, they should have a chance to meet them every three or five times. If you are at ease, killing one will add thousands of experience points.”

Zhang Wuji thought happily.

He soon appeared in the sight of the 7-star Wraith.

This time, Zhang Wuji didn’t even bother to look at the 7-star Wraith. With a wave of his hand, a golden beam of light shot out. After a “chi” sound, the 7-star Wraith didn’t even use the illusion. “Crack”, “Crack”, “Crack”… The shattering sound of the soul was dissipated.

Golden Light Mantra increases value +100!

Before 1 a.m. that day, Zhang Wuji’s yin and yang eyes were at level 20, but the golden light spell opened a bigger gap.

With a faint ray of light falling from the east, and the sky gradually turning white, Zhang Wuji stopped the ghost-killing operation for one night, and then quietly returned to the Ghost City Tianshi Hotel without anyone noticing.


The levels of Zhang Wuji’s skills are:

Hanging panel:

Golden Light Mantra – Level: 20 (9286/10000)

Tian Yuan Jue – Level: 10 (23981/30000)

Yin Yang Eye – Level: 20 (431/10000)

Zhang Wuji’s golden light spell has not been upgraded to level 21. If he hangs up to upgrade, it will take about 12 hours, that is, before 7 o’clock tonight, he will be able to upgrade to level 21.

The reason why there was no upgrade was not only that the number of resentful souls in the ghost city’s resentment realm was not as many as expected, but also because the involution of the ghost city was too serious.

Yes, it’s involution!

In the process of hunting the resentful souls, Zhang Wuji discovered that there are at least hundreds of Celestial Masters outside hunting those resentful souls at night in the ghost city.

The ghost city is so big, and there are so many resentful spirits that appear every night. It is very rare for Zhang Wuji to grab four or five resentful spirits from the resentment realm in the hands of so many celestial masters.


The wraiths of ordinary Wraith Realm cultivation base are indeed just as Zhang Wuji thought. After killing them, they can only gain 1000 experience points.

In addition, the Yin-Yang Eye has been used twice by accident. Both are when Zhang Wuji hunted the resentful souls of the resentful spirit realm. Wuji sees through actions with yin and yang eyes, and the experience gained after brutal killing.


After 10 hours a night, Zhang Wuji was able to raise Yin-Yang Eye to level 20 at 1:00 a.m., and accumulated another 431 experience points.

Besides, Zhang Wuji also knew something related to the ghost city.

That was told to him by a seventh-grade physicist who also had the innate ability of the Golden Light Curse.

In fact, the ghost city does not have the profession of night watchman, but is called night watchman.

This is because every household in the ghost city is stuck with a town house sign. Under normal circumstances, ordinary people will never be threatened with their lives, so the role of the night watchman is extremely low.

Thus was born the profession of night watchman.

What is the job of a night watchman?

It’s simple!

From 7:00 pm to 5:00 am, free activities to kill all the ghosts and ghosts that appear in the ghost city.

Hearing that the head of the night watchman, the strongest, is already a celestial master in the earth division realm, Zhang Wuji was stunned.

This is too far from Nanhe District.

Even worse:

Faced with this kind of crazy involution, Zhang Wuji could only choose to accept it silently, otherwise, the ghosts and spirits that appeared at night would be killed by other Celestial Masters and exchanged for rewards.


Zhang Wuji’s plan today is:

Don’t sleep during the day, finish 8 hours of practice from now on, and then have a full meal before applying to join the night watchman.

Then you can rest for three or four hours and wait silently for the night to come.

“I wonder if that Ma Linger is a night watchman?”

This idea suddenly popped into Zhang Wuji’s mind.


He sat cross-legged on the bed, put his five hearts to the sky, adjusted his breathing, held the Resentful Soul Crystal in his hand, and after a while, he entered the state of cultivation.

[The guaranteed update is over! At present, the flowers are only enough to add 1 more! There is still 3000 flowers and a second update! There is no reward, and 2 rewards are needed to add the second update! Ask for flowers, ask for a reward, kneel and thank you! 】

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