Celestial Master of the Whole People: My Golden Light Mantra Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 298

Chapter 298 Save Her And You Live

Tang Qinglong’s eyes were filled with a deep sense of unwillingness.

Which brother doesn’t love his sister?

It’s just that Tang Qinglong loves his sister differently. What he wants is to find someone who is absolutely worthy of trust for Ma Linger.

And Zhang Wuji is the best candidate in his heart.

After all, he and Zhang Wuji know each other, are familiar with each other, and are close friends who fight side by side…

Coupled with that terrifying talent and strength, making Zhang Wuji his brother-in-law is almost the best way that Tang Qinglong can think of to let Ma Linger live a carefree life.

And now.

However, he wants to show his sister Ma Jia Shenlong, which is likely to kill his sister. How can Tang Qinglong bear it?

But can’t bear it, what can he do?

The only thing he can do is to pray to God, hoping that God will have pity on his sister and let Ma Linger resist him.

Tang Qinglong thought too much.

The difference in strength between him and Ma Linger is not whether he can kill Ma Linger, but how long it will take Ma Linger to kill him.

Having said that, it didn’t take long.


The golden dragon appeared in front of Ma Linger.

Maybe the genes of the Ma family blood in the body are at work.

When she felt the breath of Majia Shenlong up close, Ma Linger instinctively avoided it.


Tang Qinglong was stunned.

He always thought that Ma Linger was under the control of the 5-star Corpse Emperor, and now he didn’t avoid such thoughts at all.

And in order not to kill Ma Linger directly, when he cast Ma Jia Shenlong, he didn’t have the ability to lock the target.


After Ma Linger dodged, the golden dragon slammed into the ground.

With the resounding “Boom”, the golden dragon knocked out a hole in the ground and then dissipated into the air.

Tang Qinglong was stunned, but Ma Linger was not.

Even she was not only not stunned, but also made an amazing reaction subconsciously.

Her hands formed the seal with difficulty, the corpse energy in her body was vigorously circulating, and she said word by word in her mouth:

“Pro, soldier, fight, who…¨〃…”

“What? How is this possible?”

Tang Qinglong’s body was falling toward the ground.

When he saw this scene, he was dumbfounded again.

Ma Linger can still cast the Majia Shenlong, who can stand this?

Ma Jia Shenlong, who was contaminated by corpse aura, was not something he could resist as an Earth Master Jing Tianshi.

“Linger must be stopped, otherwise, I won’t say go back and call for help, save my parents, I may be killed by Linger.”

Thoughts flashed through his mind.

After Tang Qinglong’s figure fell on the ground, he immediately ran towards Ma Linger with all his strength.

And at the same time, Tang Qinglong’s hands were still quickly forming seals, and he kept saying in his mouth:

“Dragon God’s decree, Fengshen borrows the law, Nine Dragons Binding Ghost’s Curse, Set!”

Tang Qinglong completed the seal and the moment he finished reading the formula, he reached out and pointed at Ma Linger’s body, scolding in his mouth.

A ray of light shot out from Tang Qinglong’s fingertips and landed on Ma Linger.


Ma Linger just moved slower than before, and didn’t stop.

And this time.

Ma Linger has made the final preparations.

She raised her head slightly, her gray-blue pupils looked at Tang Qinglong, and said the last two words with extreme difficulty:

“Excuse the evil!”

In an instant, the roar of the dragon that made Tang Qinglong’s scalp numb resounded.

That dragon’s roar is too evil.

Listening to it, not only does it not have the slightest sense of the divine power of the dragon, but it is rather gloomy and creepy.

the next moment.

Above Ma Linger’s head, a gloomy corpse aura emerged, and a huge figure appeared out of thin air.


A dark green dragon head stained with corpse aura appeared in Tang Qinglong’s realization, and Tang Qinglong’s scalp felt numb for a while.

After the dark green dragon head appeared, soon… the zombie evil dragon completely emerged from the rich corpse aura.


After the zombie evil dragon completely emerged in this world, there was a dragon roar that sounded like a ghost crying and wolf howling.

next moment.

The zombie evil dragon’s eyes turned and looked at Tang Qinglong gloomily.


Tang Qinglong was taken aback.

He actually saw that the “zombie dragon” that Ma Linger displayed had rotten eyes.

When Tang Qinglong was frightened, the zombie evil dragon with rotten eyes didn’t care about these appearance problems. It stared at Tang Qinglong, spit out corpse gas, and flew at a very fast speed. Tang Qinglong.

The terrifying power made Tang Qinglong’s heart skip a beat.

“Damn, so fast, so powerful!”

“This blow, I may not be able to stop it.”

“What should I do? I won’t be killed by my sister, will I?”

There was a hint of helplessness in Tang Qinglong’s eyes, but deep helplessness poured out of his heart.

He never thought that he would eventually die at the hands of his own sister.

And his death is likely to cause his whole family to be buried with him.

It wasn’t that Tang Qinglong didn’t think about resisting.


Now he has no means of resistance.

Majia Shenlong may be able to block the zombie dragon that Ma Linger casts, but it takes a long time to prepare to use this method.

As for other means?

Don’t be kidding, only ghosts can resist the evil zombie dragon that Ma Linger casts.

These thoughts flashed through Tang Qinglong’s mind quickly, and the evil zombie dragon that Ma Linger cast had appeared in front of Tang Qinglong in this short period of time.

the next moment.

“.”Bang”, the zombie evil dragon slammed into Tang Qinglong.

It did not penetrate Tang Qinglong’s body, nor did it cause any fatal injury to Tang Qinglong, but the terrifying power of the zombie evil dragon erupted, but in an instant, “click”, “kacha”, “kacha” came out of Tang Qinglong’s body …a series of sounds of broken bones and internal organs.

Tang Qinglong’s (Nuo Wang’s) body was knocked out by the zombie evil dragon, and he could clearly feel that his ribs, spine, pelvis… bones all over his body were shattered.

The various internal organs that were wrapped and protected by the ribs were also in the midst of broken bones, and were tied into hedgehogs by the dense bone fragments.

His body didn’t seem to have any injuries on the surface, but he was bleeding profusely.

After a few seconds.

His body smashed on the ground of the Mausoleum of Ten Thousand Corpses, and hit a big tree. After hitting the big tree and breaking it with a “click”, Tang Qinglong’s body stopped dying.

He was lying on his back under the broken trunk of the big tree, his eyes staring at the sky, his mouth, nostrils, ears…even his eyes, a lot of blood flowed out.

He looked at the sky, in a daze, as if seeing Zhang Wuji appearing in front of him, he subconsciously said weakly:

“Chicken, Lord Chicken, don’t kill my sister, save, save… save her!”

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