Celestial Employee

chapter 37: Chapter 76 - Black Shura, Shadow Guardian-80th

Lin Yiren hadn’t had time to ask Zhao Lingjun what the phrase “it really is like this” meant. I saw the black spiral in front of me lifted a ripple.

There was a low, sharp voice, coming out of the black vortex.

The sound seemed to sound directly in people’s minds. Even Zhao Lingjun, who was casting spells, felt a panic in his heart. He couldn’t help but jumped a step and stood beside his two skeletons.

Zhao Lingjun had just jumped back to his side. The black vortex seemed to boil suddenly, and a ripple in the middle was like a fountain rising from the ground, surging high.

A black monster suddenly appeared in front of everyone. This monster is like a centaur that appears in many fantasy films.

The monster’s upper body is vaguely similar to ordinary people except for the black and scale-like scales covered with patterns and fish heads covered with thin horns. But the monster’s lower body has eight long, slender legs like shriveled horse legs, but under these eight feet, it is not ordinary horse-like bi-hoof, but a rising black flame.

The shape of this monster is not half the size of the four-eyed monster summoned by the Lin Yiren, and it does not look as scary as the four-eyed monster summoned by the Lin Yiren.

But Lin Yiren and Wu Xiaoye suddenly changed their faces.

“How?” Zhao Lingjun asked before exporting. I heard a loud roar from Lin Yiren: “This is Hei Xiu Luo from Shura Dao, Zhao Lingjun, take it back.”

Upon hearing Lin Yiren’s voice, Zhao Lingjun knew that the monster he summoned this time was no small matter. Zhao Lingjun immediately waved the key of Huang Quan, but he hadn’t waited for Zhao Lingjun’s power to condense between his fingers, and there was a sharp “jie” laughter.

Zhao Lingjun only felt that his heart suddenly seemed to have been pierced by countless fine needles, and his mind was dispersed at once, and the Dao force that had just condensed was like a loss of control, and it suddenly scattered.

“Bone bone is the order, blood river is the guide, and the ghost is broken, and the soldiers are anxious as the law.”

Before Zhao Lingjun had time to calm down and condense his power, he had already heard Lin Yiren’s singing.

Zhao Lingjun was taken aback again. Because Zhao Lingjun knew that after the Lin Yiren cast several spells in a row, the mana was almost exhausted. At this time, casting such a very mana-consuming and powerful spell can only show that this thing in front of him is really too much. Horrible.

“Jin Jie”

The Lin Yiren’s spell hadn’t been sung, and Hei Xiuluo gave another sharp smile.

With this stern laugh, the scales on Hei Shuura’s body suddenly melted and flowed away, but for a moment, Hei Shura’s whole body seemed to wear a thick layer of The iron armor only showed a pair of pure black eyes.

The two skeletons of Zhao Lingjun felt the hostility of Hei Xiu Luo, and they all flew towards Hei Xiu Luo.

As soon as the two huge mace of the skeletons were raised, Zhao Lingjun heard a sharp and obscure whisper from Hei Xiu Luo’s mouth.

With the disappearance of this deep and sharp voice, a circle of black thorns suddenly emerged from the ground and spread to the whole body of the skeleton instantly, and there was a rattling sound from the two skeletons.

“This monster also uses spells?”

Zhao Lingjun stayed again, and Daoli, who had just gathered on his fingers, was out of control.

“Nonsense, if it can’t spell, then how can it be called Black Shura.”

Eight suddenly flashed white bone burning fairy swords reflected Lin Yiren’s already whitish face like blank paper.

“If you don’t want to die, hurry up.”

As soon as Lin Yiren’s words fell, four huge white bone long swords had been shot at Hei Xiu Shuo like electricity.

Seeing Lin Yiren’s white bone long sword suddenly appearing, Hei Xiurao just made a strange laugh of “Ji Jie”.

Countless vines rose up like a fountain. Lin Yiren’s four white bone long swords were like chopping vegetables at the beginning. They easily cut off countless black vines rising from the sky, but more vines were wrapped around. Lived four white bone swords.

“Broken” saw that his bone-bone sword was tightly entangled in countless vines, and could no longer move forward, Lin Yiren’s hands quickly changed the law, and four bone-bone swords suddenly burst. .

Countless bone fragments are like bullets moving at high speed in the air, countless broken black vines are flying in the sky, accompanied by the huge shock wave that swept through, there are also the singing voices of Wu Xiaoye and Zhao Lingjun.

Wu Xiaoye and Zhao Lingjun also completed singing in an instant.

Eight huge bone-like long swords like door panels were erected in front of everyone like Zhao Lingjun like a shield. The magic symbol in Wu Xiaoye’s hands suddenly turned into dozens of black arrows, and flew to the black brother Shura.

Zhang Changsheng and Xiao Ping thought that under the explosion of Lin Yiren’s four white bone swords, Hei Xiu Luo would be injured even if he didn’t die.

But to the surprise of the two, when the broken bones were ejected at a very high speed on the body of Hei Xiu Shuura, only black sparks were emitted.

Lin Yiren’s attack not only did not hurt Hei Shuura, but also seemed to arouse Hei Xiura’s fierce flames. Countless black flames suddenly covered the whole body of Hei Xiu Luo.

Hei Shuura opened a mouth, and countless black skulls suddenly spewed out of Hei Shuura’s mouth.

Countless flying black skulls not only instantly smashed Wu Xiaoye’s black arrows into a black flame, but also more skulls shot at Zhao Lingjun and others.

At this time, Zhao Lingjun’s two skeletons also grew countless red flowers. With the blooming of the red flowers, the two skeletons shrank like a withered flower, and they shrank suddenly. Turned into a pile of waste ceramic pieces.

“I *. So powerful?”

Zhao Lingjun already had enough time to wield the key of Huang Quan at this time, but the arrogance of Hei Xiuluo aroused Zhao Lingjun’s victorious heart.

Zhao Lingjun’s heart moved. Six huge white bone burning swords like door panels quickly spun up, and a white light curtain was danced to protect all of them. The other two white bone burning fairy swords turned to Hei Si Xiuluo. Fly away.

“MLGBD.” Lin Yiren also knew Zhao Lingjun’s intentions. After Lin Yiren yelled, Lin Yiren’s remaining four white bone burning fairy swords also shot towards Hei Xiu Luo without leaving. After shooting the remaining white bones and burning the fairy sword, Lin Yiren seemed to have been exhausted, and he collapsed to the ground.

At the same time, Wu Xiaoye also started. With Wu Xiaoye’s flying hands, a black mirror appeared in the hands of the two shadow guards.

When countless black skulls struck Zhao Lingjun’s door-like white bone burning fairy sword, they made countless hiss sour. From a distance, the black skull that crashed on Zhao Lingjun’s white bone burning fairy turned into flying flames, just like blossoming black flowers.

The black skull hit the mirror in the hands of two shadow guards, but was ejected back.

At this time, Zhao Lingjun’s two white bone burning fairy swords and Lin Yiren’s four white bone burning fairy swords also suddenly hit Hei Xiura.

Hei Xiu Luo made a terrible hissing noise, the black flame wrapped around Hei Xiu Luo’s body, and was suddenly scattered by six white bone burning fairy swords.

Hei Xiuluo’s whole body was also forced to fly back two meters, and Hei Xiuluo’s body hadn’t fallen. Zhao Lingjun and Lin Yiren who fell on the ground changed the decision.


The side next to the black sura suddenly burst open.

“Jiaao …” Hei Xiu Luo screamed even louder. The whole body of Black Seurat was blown up in the air, and then hit the ground with a bang with a bang. When the body of Hei Xiu Luo had not fallen, Zhao Lingjun and others had already seen the black liquid that was as thick as oil flowing from Hei Xiu Luo.

The blood of Hei Xiu Luo was actually black.

“Are you dead?” Zhao Lingjun was relieved when the black skull could not break through the shield made of his white bone burning fairy sword.

Zhao Lingjun feels that even an armored vehicle has withstood a joint blow with Lin Yiren, it is estimated that it has been scrapped. But to Zhao Lingjun’s surprise, Hei Xiuluo stood up staggeringly.

“Unbeatable Xiaoqiang?” Zhao Lingjun whispered easily, but the grudging eyes of Hei Xiu Luo made Zhang Changsheng and others shudder.

“Jiaao …” After Hei Shuura stood up swaying, even her eyes seemed to have oozed black thick blood, but Hei Shura seemed to be desperate.

After spitting out a mouthful of black blood, countless vines quickly grew out of the sword mouth of the black body Shura. In a moment, the black vines were covered with countless red flowers to be placed.

“What is this for? Make yourself a flower fat?” Zhao Lingjun froze.

“Hurry to send it back.” Lin Yiren couldn’t help but jumped when he saw this strange sight. “Ghost Mandala …”

But Lin Yiren’s words hadn’t fallen yet, and a green flame swept across the body of Hei Xiu Luo.

With the hoarse screams of Hei Xiu Luo, countless red flowers blooming suddenly turned gray. The six huge white bone swords also cut Hei Xiu Luo into six pieces at once.

“What a Nether Mandala?” Zhao Lingjun squeezed a dazzling decision, and the green flame on the yin and yang sword burned the six broken bodies of Hei Xiuluo.

“I *.” Lin Yiren suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and sat back on the ground again, breathlessly.

“TMD, do you know how fierce the team was just now.” Lin Yiren yelled at Zhao Lingjun after a few breaths. “If it weren’t for you to release the Void Yin Yang Sword, we would have to hang here.

“What a fierce team.” Zhao Lingjun looked embarrassedly at Lin Yiren who was almost out of control. Zhao Lingjun knew that it would be his fault to make Lin Yiren look like this anyway.

“As long as the Nether Mandala flower blooms, countless Nether poisonous gases will be emitted. Even the big Luo Jinxian, if inhaled, will be cut off the top of the three flowers.” Lin Yiren gave Zhao Lingjun a deadly glance. “Do you think you’re amazing when you get together in three flowers? Still killing you.”

“Well, I don’t know if I don’t know.” Zhao Lingjun had a tremendous cold, and did not expect that it was also a bite of a beast. The monster he summoned was so fierce.

“Your TMD is also a freak, and even the black sura is summoned by you.”

Lin Yiren looked at Zhao Lingjun, thinking very helplessly, if they talked to other Nether Masters, they would definitely not believe any of them.

“What is Hei Xiuluo?” Zhao Lingjun was also full of curiosity about the monster that just had a lot of powerful spells.

“This is a monster of Shura Dao in the legendary Six Ways, and it is dedicated to killing souls. It is one of the most cruel and killing monsters. I only heard the master talk about this kind of darkness. The powerful monster of magic, I didn’t expect to see it here today. ”

“It doesn’t seem to be very good.” Zhao Lingjun’s words made Lin Yiren stunned and died.

“Can’t you be humble?” Lin Yiren shouted towards Zhao Lingjun. “Is there a monk like you?”

“Hey, I am not a monk.” Zhao Lingjun threw the key of Huang Quan to Lin Yiren.

“What are you doing?” Lin Yi was stunned.

“Give it back to you, why? You don’t want to give it to me?”

“*. The beauty you think.” Lin Yiren quickly inserted the key of Huang Quan back into his waist. “Don’t you say you want to use more?”

“It’s no longer necessary.” Zhao Lingjun smiled strangely at Lin Yiren. “I think I figured out what happened.”

“Do you understand what’s going on?” Lin Yiren looked at Zhao Lingjun silly, wondering what Zhao Lingjun meant by saying that.

“Did you just realize there was nothing to ask?” Zhao Lingjun smiled at Lin Yiren. “Just then.”

“Just then?”

“He didn’t sing the mantra you taught him, he cast the Void Yin Yang Sword.” Lin Yiren didn’t come up with a reason, Wu Xiaoye said with a smile.

“What?” Lin Yiren took a sigh of relief and looked at Zhao Lingjun, who was smiling inexplicably with deep eyes, “How did you do it?”

“Oh, this will not be explained in a moment and a half.” Zhao Lingjun shook away Yunxia Tianyi in his hand with a smile. “Let me try my magic weapon first?” Chapter 77 of the body of stealth flying, the foundation of the spell “Do you think of the use of Yunxia Tianyi?” Seeing Zhao Lingjun shaking out his thin cicada Yunxia Tianyi , Lin Yiren was taken aback again.

“I just guessed.” Zhao Lingjun sighed slightly.

Looking at Yunxia Tianyi with a soft luster in his hands, Zhao Lingjun couldn’t help but think of the infatuated man thousands of years ago, the second-generation suzerain of the unknown Sambo Sect.

Lin Yiren did not know why Zhao Lingjun suddenly brought some inexplicable sigh.

The soft luster of Yunxia Tianyi and the slowly floating white clouds attracted Lin Yiren’s eyes.

“It’s beautiful, but it’s a pity that it looks like a woman.” Lin Yiren said with a little regret.

“This was originally a gift my master was going to give his sweetheart.” Zhao Lingjun looked at Lin Yiren and slowly put on Yunxia Tianyi.

“Ha ha.”

Yunxia Tianyi is a little tight for Zhao Lingjun, and after putting it on, Zhao Lingjun’s feet are also exposed, looking very funny. Even Wu Xiaoye couldn’t help laughing.

“Fortunately, in summer, if in winter, I really can’t put it on.” Zhao Lingjun scratched his head embarrassedly, his face flushed. After a tossing in the middle of the night, Zhao Lingjun was a little tired, but the coolness like water from Yunxia Tianyi made Zhao Lingjun feel refreshed.

Zhao Lingjun took a deep breath, so that the power in his body began to circulate.

A circle of water-like halo slowly appeared in front of everyone.

“I succeeded.”

“I *. How could this happen.”


After a circle of water-like halo, Zhao Lingjun and others were in an uproar.

When the halo disappeared, Zhao Lingjun really found out that even his outstretched hands could not see him.

But Zhao Lingjun just happily shouted “I succeeded”, and Lin Yiren beside Zhao Lingjun made a burst of laughter.

And after the people around were stunned, they burst out laughing.

Zhao Lingjun looked down at everyone, but Zhao Lingjun was also stupid.

My body in Yunxia Tianyi, as if disappearing into the air, was invisible at all. But his feet, exposed to Yun Xiatian’s clothes, wearing dirty sneakers, still did not disappear.

At this time, it looked as if someone had lost their dirty shoes in front of everyone.

“Aren’t you kidding me?” Zhao Lingjun walked two steps in tears. “Why don’t Yunxia Tianyi be two centimeters longer?”

“Haha.” Looking at the two dirty shoes as if they had taken two steps, everyone couldn’t help laughing.

“It wasn’t originally for you, haha.” Lin Yiren looked at Zhao Lingjun and laughed outrageously. But before Lin Yiren’s laughter disappeared, Lin Yiren was taken aback by Zhao Lingjun.

The dirty shoes in front of Lin Yiren suddenly floated upwards, and flew into the dark sky for a while. When Lin Yiren looked up, the dirty shoes, Has disappeared into the night sky.

“I *, where did you fly?”


As soon as Lin Yiren’s voice fell, he heard a very lamentable laugh from behind him. When Lin Yiren looked back, he saw that Zhao Lingjun was slowly taking off Yunxia Tianyi.

“I *. One day I will scare you alive.” Lin Yiren looked at Zhao Lingjun and said very depressed.

“If you were really scared to death by me, you would be famous.” Zhao Lingjun looked at Lin Yiren and smiled. “You are not necessarily the last one, but it must be the first ghost mage to be scared to death by pretending to be a god. ”

“*.” Lin Yiren glanced down at Yunxia Tianyi in Zhao Lingjun’s hand. “It seems that this Yunxia Tianyi is really foggy and has the function of stealth, but unfortunately it seems to be shorter.”

“NND, if it doesn’t work, it should be used as a flying suit.” Zhao Lingjun also looked at Yunxia Tianyi in regret.

“Right, how do you use it?” Lin Yiren questioned with fullness. “How is the power consumption of this Yunxia Tianyi?”

“If I tell you, using this Yunxia Tianyi basically does not consume any power, do you believe it or not?” Zhao Lingjun smiled at Lin Yiren.

“How is it possible, even if the Shushan’s Imperial Sword Flight and Kunlun’s flying artifact Shenguang Boat still require constant consumption of Taoism,” Lin Yiren said.

“But the fact is like this.” Zhao Lingjun looked at Yunxia Tianyi in his hand, his eyes full of respect.

“I now understand why this dress has only two functions of stealth and flying, but it can be the same as Wu Dao and Dan, and it is tied to the three treasures and the six treasures.”

After a pause, Zhao Lingjun went on to say: “I originally thought this dress was made by the second generation of the Sambo Sect Master himself, and because the dress he intended to give to his sweetheart, his status was different in his mind, He only listed it as a treasure. But now it seems that this dress can be included in the six treasures because it is a magic weapon that does not require much mana at all, that is, as long as the caster If he wants, he can keep wearing this dress invisibly and fly freely in the sky. ”

“Great.” Lin Yiren hadn’t had time to speak yet. Xiao Ping and Zhang Changsheng, who had no magic weapon concept, could not help but sigh.

“What’s it like wearing this dress and flying up? Is it cold after flying up high? Will it freeze into a popsicle?” Zhang Changsheng stared at Zhao Lingjun’s part with a mischievous smile.

“This Yunxia Tianyi is a magic weapon that communicates with the surgeon’s heart.” Zhao Lingjun looked at Zhang Changsheng and smiled, “After you put it on, you want to fly as much as you want, it will take you how to fly, and to From beginning to end, there seems to be a film of water that isolates you from the cold outside. I don’t think it’s okay to fly any higher. ”

“I * … Then you don’t have to buy air tickets anymore?” Zhang Changsheng froze.

“You talk about what the **** is going on, why don’t you use the spell to release the Void Yin Yang Sword, and how do you use this Yunxia Tianyi, if this Yunxia Tianyi, you don’t need much at all. The consumption of Dao force, why in the records of the Sect Master of the Three Treasure Sects, said that there must be a gathering of three flowers, and the talents of Wuqi Chaoyuan can use it? “Zhao Lingjun had not had time to answer Zhang Changsheng’s question. Lin Yiren couldn’t help it.

“Okay. Don’t worry.” Zhao Lingjun looked at Lin Yiren and said with a smile, “Maybe some concepts are difficult for you to accept at once, and we will take it slowly.”

After a pause, Zhao Lingjun said, “The method of using Yunxia Tianyi is very simple. For example, just when you taught me to use the key of Huangquan, the summoning of the skeleton spirit only needs to move the power of Dao to the finger of the gem. And The method of using this Yunxia Tianyi is the same, that is, to exercise the power of Tao and move it to the upper and lower surfaces of the whole body. ”

“Run to the surface of the whole body?” Lin Yiren took a breath. Lin Yiren knows that this method does not sound difficult, but in fact, it seems that as long as it reaches the top of the three flowers gathering, the entire body meridian of Wuqi Chaoyuan realm has already been fused and can do this.

“No wonder this dress needs three flowers to gather together, talented people with five qualities can use it.” Wu Xiaoye could not help but nodded and looked at Zhao Lingjun: “So how did you think of this method of use? Why doesn’t it need to instill mana after using this magic weapon? ”

“Actually, I used the key of Huang Quan before I remembered the usage of this Yunxia Tianyi.” Zhao Lingjun looked at Wu Xiaoye and said, “You still remember the statement of the Five Elements Qi that I just told you Actually, I can be sure now that our Dao power is the greatly compressed Qi of the five elements. In a simpler way, the body of the monk is a barrel of oil that can store crude oil, and the monk ’s practice , Just to allow our bodies to store more crude oil. ”

“I accepted this, including the ghost gas you said, which is actually the condensed five-element gas emitted from the body after the death of a person. But this is related to the use of magic weapons and the use of spells Relationship? “Lin Yiren was obviously anxious.

“It matters.” Zhao Lingjun said, “Did you feel that when you use the key of Huangquan to cast spells on him, when you gather the power of the body to your fingertips, your power will be from you Of his fingers spewed out and was instantly absorbed by Huang Quan ’s key? ”

“Of course.” Lin Yiren felt that Zhao Lingjun said it was nonsense. When the spell of Tiao Beast was cast, the absorption of the spell by Huang Quan’s key gave Lin Yiren the feeling that it was as if he had installed it in his hand. The pumps are drawing blood.

“Then if I compare the key of Huang Quan to a factory, the raw materials it needs are as long as our Dao power, and those skeletons, beasts, and black asuras are all created by us with our Dao power. Can you accept it? “Zhao Lingjun smiled and asked Lin Yiren.

“How is it possible?” Lin Yiren said: “Those things that are not the key of Huang Quan, use our power to pull, open the channel connecting to the nether, and summon things from the nether land?”

“I originally thought so.” Zhao Lingjun looked at Lin Yiren and said, “But I found that I don’t need to read spells, as long as you can cast your power according to your hand, and you can cast your spell, my thoughts. Changed. ”

Zhao Lingjun looked at Lin Yiren and smiled.

Lin Yiren hadn’t responded yet. Zhao Lingjun’s hands changed several resolutions. There was still no sound. The bone-shaped sword with the same eight-faced door suddenly appeared in front of Lin Yiren.

“Look.” Zhao Lingjun said to Lin Yiren while pointing at the white bone burning fairy sword floating in front of him. “I can be sure that to cast other spells, I don’t need to cast spells.”

“How could this be?”

When seeing Zhao Lingjun’s white bone burning fairy sword suddenly appeared in front of him, Lin Yiren was completely stunned.

“Because these white bone burning fairy swords are also things created by our Daoli.” Zhao Lingjun looked at Lin Yiren and said one word at a time. “I can be sure that you can also cast spells without reading spells. Because those spells are just tools that help you to have no distractions, and allow your power to follow your specific meridian route.”

“You mean, as long as I can let my Dao power without distractions, follow the specific meridian route of the spell I cast, reach the place where I want to converge, and make a complete decision?” Lin Yiren took a breath.

“Good.” Zhao Lingjun looked at Lin Yiren and said something that made Lin Yiren and Wu Xiaoye both deaf. “Because you told me that your Dao power will gather in Qihai, unlike my Dao power, which has already flowed in the meridians of the whole body, so your Dao power can only flow according to your established route, Only then you can reach the place where you want to gather. Presumably this is the reason why even if someone peeks and learns your hand and spells, you ca n’t use your spells because they do n’t know your power at all. How does the body flow, that is to say, he has no way to let Daoli reach the place where he must gather when he is doing the trick. ”

“It seems that TMD makes sense.” Half a day later, the shocked Lin Yi spit out such a sentence.

“Hehe.” Zhao Lingjun smiled. “Do you know why when we don’t use magic weapons to cast spells, the loss of power is much faster?”

“I don’t know.” Lin Yiren said very simply. “What do you want to say, you will finish it all at once.”

“Okay, let’s use your beast’s bite of the key of Huang Quan and white bone burning fairy sword.” Zhao Lingjun looked at Lin Yiren and said. “I just said that our body is like a container for storing Dao force, and the Dao force that can be stored in our meridians is all certain. So when we gather Dao force on the meridians between fingers At the time, Daoli will naturally overflow. And my cultivation level is higher than you, and the Daoli that overflows is naturally more than you, so this is the monster I made, or the white bone burning fairy. Are more powerful than yours. ”

“If I guess right, maybe those gems, like the human body, are also a kind of container for the five elements of vitality, which stores a certain proportion of the combination of five elements of vitality, and once our five elements of influx flow into it, it changes the established in it. The combination of various geniuses. When these five elements are recombined, new creatures are created. The size of the genius we input is different, and the composition changes. The monsters created, of course, do n’t ask. And those peculiar symbols may be equivalent to the meridians of the human body, maybe those gems, like our human body, can store five elements of vitality. When our vitality flows into those gems, the composition of those gems has been changed. Proportion of vitality will be released from these symbolic meridians, so monsters will appear in front of us. And these meridians may absorb the five elements of the heaven and earth or release the five elements of the gem in a certain proportion. , To restore the five elements in the gem to the original ratio. This is why the magic weapon can be reused. Chapter 78 of the main text, the entry test, the white jade box “Different magic weapons have unregarded functions, precisely because they have different materials that can store the five elements of heaven and earth, and the five elements of energy stored in them are also different. Those on the magic weapon The bizarre symbols and the constructed ‘Meridian’ are also different. “Zhao Lingjun said looking at the key of Huang Quan in Lin Yiren’s hand. “So your key to Huangquan can make all kinds of dark monsters with swords, and my Yunxia Tianyi can only make me stealth and fly.”

“Since this is the case, your Yunxia Tianyi must also constantly consume the power of the five elements. How could it not basically consume your power?” Lin Yiren said.

“In the beginning, Yunxia Tianyi will absorb some of the power from me, but it seems that when Yunxia Tianyi starts to use, the magic circle above it will automatically absorb the five elements of the heaven and earth around it. Qi is the same for it. “Zhao Lingjun looked at Yunxia Tianyi in his hand and said,” This is indeed a powerful magic weapon.

“It seems that the second generation of the Three Treasure Sect Masters is also a celestial talent.” Wu Xiaoye, who had been listening quietly, said, “What’s the reason for the magic spell?”

“Actually, all kinds of spells are just things created by our Dao force, because there is no magic weapon that also saves the five elements of the heaven and earth to provide the five elements. When we cast spells empty-handed, the consumption of Dao power is more than when we use the magic Dao force consumes more. ”Zhao Lingjun looked at Wu Xiaoye and said:“ In fact, when we cast spells, the role is to instantly build an invisible processing plant with Dao force, and instantly change the five elements in that space. The proportion of different gestures, the construction of invisible processing plants are different, so the effects of various spells are naturally different. ”

“What you said makes sense, but I always feel that something is wrong.” Lin Yiren looked at Zhao Lingjun. Although Zhao Lingjun said it was reasonable, it was difficult for Lin Yiren to accept this idea for a while.

Lin Yiren feels that if he talks to other ghost wizards about the dark monsters created by his own mana, he will definitely be dragged out by other ghost wizards to light up the sky lanterns.

“Oh, I know it’s difficult for you to accept this concept in a moment.” Zhao Lingjun smiled at Lin Yiren and suddenly said to Zhang Changsheng. “Boss Zhang, a hero of Mei. You have stolen something from someone else. You made someone so powerful to come to you to settle the account.”

“How do I know.” Zhang Changsheng pulled out the white jade box which was engraved with vine-like patterns and couldn’t be opened. Threw it to Zhao Lingjun. “It’s this thing.”

“This …” Lin Yiren, Zhao Lingjun and Wu Xiaoye were taken aback when they saw what Zhang Changsheng had thrown out.

The vines carved on the jade box come to life, but if you look closely, it is not difficult to find that the vine-like patterns are also connected by strange symbols.

“Is this also a magic weapon used by monks?” Looking at this jade box, which is smaller than the pen and pencil case but could not be opened, Zhao Lingjun looked at Lin Yiren and Wu Xiaoye and others.

“Aren’t you a spell theorist?” Lin Yiren glanced at Zhao Lingjun depressively. “If you don’t know, how do I know.”

“It looks like something used by monks.” Wu Xiaoye glanced carefully at the jade box in Zhao Lingjun’s hand.

“Shall I try it?” Zhao Lingjun looked at the jade box in his hand and tried to instill his own power.

“No.” But Lin Yiren and Wu Xiaoye stopped Zhao Lingjun at the same time.

“Unknown magic weapon is very dangerous for the spellcaster.” Wu Xiaoye looked at Zhao Lingjun and said. “And even if it is a magic weapon known to have any effect, its random use will also bring unpredictable consequences. Before we know what kind of magic weapon this jade box is, we still don’t want to experiment with it.”

“That is, if something suddenly worse than Hei Xiu Luo comes out suddenly, isn’t it our destiny?” Lin Yiren glared at Zhao Lingjun.

“Oh.” Zhao Lingjun smiled and looked at Zhang Changsheng. “Can this thing let me study for two days first?”

“You take it well, anyway, I’m useless, I can’t open it.” Zhang Changsheng said depressed.

“Okay, don’t pull it, it’s getting dawn.” Xiao Ping said suddenly: “We should go back, otherwise if they wake up and see the appearance of a group of us, and then see the appearance in the community, they can not be regarded as monsters for us No. ”

As soon as everyone looked up, they realized that the sky was faintly white.

“It’s time to go back.” Wu Xiaoye nodded. “The effect of Lost Soul is over.”

“Let’s go.” Zhao Lingjun waved his hand in a chic manner. The overnight harvest made Zhao Lingjun proud. “We should go back to see Wu Xuanyun.”

“Master, you are back.”

At the entrance of the corridor, everyone saw Wu Xuanyun standing with his hands up.

“Come on, come with us first.” Zhao Lingjun waved towards Wu Xuanyun, and a group of people poured into Zhang Changsheng’s room again.

“From now on, you are my official disciple of the Three Treasures.”

When Wu Xuanyun finally walked into Zhang Changsheng’s room politely, Zhao Lingjun suddenly said to Wu Xuanyun. “Because you have passed my test on you.”

“Fairy Master.” Although Wu Xuanyun didn’t know what Zhao Lingjun said to himself, but when he heard that Zhao Lingjun said that he was an official disciple of San Baozong from now on, he couldn’t help being overjoyed and fell to his knees. In front of Zhao Lingjun.

Zhao Lingjun looked at Wu Xuanyun with a smile and knocked himself three times, then slowly took out a glass bottle from his pocket.

“Since you are already my official disciple, I should also give you a meeting gift.” Zhao Lingjun looked at Wu Xuanyun with a smile. “I haven’t refined any magic weapon yet. This one is great, and I will give it to you as a gift.”

“Fairy Master, you …” Wu Xuanyun, like being suddenly hit by lightning, looked at the transparent glass bottle in the hand of smiling Zhao Lingjun, and the blue pill with strange luster flashed, Wu Xuanyun’s whole body endured Can’t stop shaking. Because this infinite is not enough, for a demon like Wu Xuanyun, it has an extraordinary meaning.

As long as you eat this infinite pill, Wu Xuanyun can enter the realm of Jindan Dacheng and can reshape the meridians. That is to say, as long as you eat this pill, Wu Xuanyun can be built into a proper body Later, Wu Xuanyun was no longer a demon. This is the result that most monsters have been practicing for thousands of years.

“This medicine is so precious, I …” Wu Xuanyun was speechless for a moment.

“Since you are already a disciple of my Three Treasures, I will naturally not let you live in fear.” Looking at Wu Xuanyun trembling, Zhao Lingjun interrupted Wu Xuanyun’s words with a smile. “Compared to others, you need this immortal medicine more. I believe that any master ca n’t bear to look at his disciples and live a thousand years of panic.”

After a pause. Zhao Lingjun looked at Wu Xuanyun quietly, “And the reason why I give you Wuxian is that you have passed the test.”

“Test?” Wu Xuanyun looked at Zhao Lingjun, wondering what Zhao Lingjun meant by the test.

“When we went out, I ordered you to help me protect Meng Xue here.” Zhao Lingjun looked at Wu Xuanyun with a smile. “I’m still in front of you, and put a Wudan Wudan into my cupboard.

“That Great Great Return Dan is so important to you, why don’t you secretly take it and run?” After a pause, Zhao Lingjun said to Wu Xuanyun. “Depending on your cultivation behavior, go to my house and take the elixir and run away. It shouldn’t be difficult.”

“I …” Wu Xuanyun was stunned. “The fairy master trusted me so much and gave me the responsibility of defending the guardian. How can I betray it?”

“Actually, even if you want to take it secretly, you may not take it away.” Zhao Lingjun looked at Wu Xuanyun and said: “When we went out, I had let Wu Xiaoye and Lin Yiren lay down a hidden circle, as long as that one As soon as Wu Wei Da Dan is taken out, not only will you be trapped in the formation, but we can also rush back immediately. ”

“Fairy Master.” Wu Xuanyun only felt a cold sweat on his body.

“Since you are so respectful of the teacher, why can’t I give you a limitless return to Dan?” Zhao Lingjun put a glass bottle with limitless return to his hand in Wu Xuanyun’s hand: “Since you are my disciple, To be my Dan Tong, how can I not give you anything at all? ”

“Thank you, Master Xianyun for rebuilding.” Wu Xuanyun, who was shaking all over, fell down to the ground, and gave Zhao Lingjun a thud. “In the future, the disciples must vow to die.”

“Really?” Zhao Lingjun smiled innocently at Wu Xuanyun.

“Of course it is true. If my Wu Xuanyun violates the oath, he will be struck by five thunders in the future, and he will not die.” Wu Xuanyun gave a single vow.

Everyone around knows Wu Xuanyun’s mood at the moment, and can’t help but come up with congratulations.

But Zhao Lingjun’s next words made everyone almost fainted.

“Hey, you’re not a billionaire, let me borrow some money to spend it first,” Zhao Lingjun said in a frivolous way. “I don’t have enough salary and flowers now. I can’t afford a laptop that I have saved for so long. Also, the manado pot I want to refine …”

“I *, you regarded Wu Xuanyun as a cash cow, and you too …” Lin Yiren thought Zhao Lingjun was a real animal.

“The fairy master has the grace to rebuild me, and what are my extras? What’s it worth ?? Anyway, if this is not great, if he sells it, he doesn’t know how much it is worth.” But Lin Yiren’s words have not been finished. Wu Xuanyun had already taken out his wallet and a bank card, and handed it to Zhao Lingjun very respectfully. “The password for this card is 538538. If you want to use it, just draw the card.”

“Haha, really a good apprentice.” Zhao Lingjun’s expression was even happier than when he learned the spell.

“I *, is there a monk like you?” Lin Yiren looked at Zhao Lingjun, “When someone asks in the future, don’t say you know me, it’s shameful to die.”

“Recently, my hands are a little tight. Look at this …” But before Lin Yiren finished his words, Zhang Changsheng said to Wu Xuanyun with a cheeky face.

“I *.” Lin Yiren rolled his eyes and almost fainted.

“No problem.” But Wu Xuanyun said with a smile, “I don’t have so many cards on my body today. When I make a phone call, it will be done, and it will be sent to you, everyone has it.”

“Haha, really a good apprentice.” Zhao Lingjun was very pleased to pat Wu Xuanyun’s shoulder.

“But Lin Yiren’s one, you don’t need to give it. He, the monk, treats money like dung.” But Zhao Lingjun’s next words made Lin Yi fainted.

“You’re a dog day, I will fight with you.” Lin Yiren, who finally took a breath, looked at Zhao Lingjun with a sad and angry look. “Don’t think of learning a spell from me in the future.”

“Haha, make a joke with you, don’t take it seriously.” Zhao Lingjun slyly hugged Lin Yiren’s shoulder. “What’s our relationship, but iron buddies.”

“*, Iron, you don’t have to give me a great pill?”

“That is to save people.” Zhao Lingjun blushed. That being said, in Zhao Lingjun’s heart, the one with the greatest size was not red, but Zhao Lingjun had always wanted to leave it to Meng Xue or Lin Qianxun.


But Zhao Lingjun said that Lin Yiren had no objections. “Then you will make a good medicine, remember to order it to me.”

“No problem.” Zhao Lingjun grinned, “But I still want to ask you to help two.”

“What?” Lin Yiren said looking at Zhao Lingjun.

“One is whether you have any indoctrination, what kind of symbols you can cast.” Zhao Lingjun looked at Lin Yiren, “just like my Dahua Sky Helianthus, that kind of thing should be that it can gather The Five Elements Aura can be triggered by ordinary people as long as they know how to use it. ”

“Yes.” Lin Yiren glanced at Zhao Lingjun depressed. “What do you want those to do?”

“I want you to give Xiao Ping, Zhang Changsheng, and Meng Xue their self-defense.” Zhao Lingjun looked at Lin Yiren and said. “We wiped out our opponents and they will definitely not give up.”

“Okay. No problem.” Lin Yiren nodded. Wu Xiaoye also said: “I also have some, dealing with ordinary powers, there should be no problem.”

“What is the second one?”

“The second one is even simpler.” Zhao Lingjun glanced at everyone around him and said with a smile, “Help me take a leave today.”

“No, you just took Wu Xuanyun’s card, and you want to go out to spend time, and you don’t want to work anymore?” Lin Yiren looked at Zhao Lingjun depressed.

“Who said, but I have to go out to do business.” Zhao Lingjun said.

“What’s the matter. Don’t try to lie to us.”

“Isn’t it just for this?” Zhao Lingjun took out the white jade box stolen by Zhang Changsheng. “I just want to find out what this is.”

Chapter 79, Sanxing Building, the Spring Palace on the spot “Do you want to go to that Sanxing company?” Lin Yiren looked at Zhao Lingjun. “It’s inconvenient to be in daylight, although you have Yunxia Tianyi that can be invisible, but your feet are active targets.”

“Who said I must go to that company in broad daylight.” Zhao Lingjun said. “Can’t I go at night?”

“So what leave do you take during the day?” Lin Yiren said depressedly.

“Are you tossing all night, aren’t you tired? I have to visit them tonight to see if they are real or not. You don’t want to sleep, but I’m going back to sleep.”

“Ah ~? ~.”

Not long after Zhao Lingjun slept, he heard countless successive crying. When many people woke up one after another, the whole community was in chaos.

When Zhang Wenzi woke up, he found that he hadn’t wetted his bed for decades. He actually peeed a pair of pants, and what made him more shocked was that Zhang Fatzi found his face full of dry blood and tiny wounds, many wounds Inside, there are still fragments of glass.

And Hao Meili opened his eyes and found that the glass on his window was broken. Hao Meili opened her quilt slightly with joy, only to find that her pajamas were well worn.

“What’s going on.” Hao Meili was disappointed to put on her shoes and arrived at the window, but just after seeing the scene outside the window, Hao Meili uttered a miserable scream, which was sharp. The cry, awoke many people who had not yet awakened.

The entire Huajingyuan community is more horrible than a terrorist attack.

There are broken pieces of tree clothing everywhere. The flowers and trees in the flower beds look like they were hit by a hurricane. They are in a wolf, and some trees have been uprooted, and the fallen position is far from the original The location is a dozen meters away.

But such a scene is nothing compared to the cement road in the community.

The cement road in the community, as if bombarded by a bombshell, had almost no complete other side. Cracked cement blocks were scattered everywhere, and some of the others on the cement road were incredibly arched upwards, forming a cement wall. And even more incredible is that the broken concrete road has no shadow of a steel bar.

Seeing this scene, Hao Meili only screamed and fainted again.

Not long after that, Zhao Lingjun knew that he was asking for leave today.

Numerous noisy sounds came from a distance at once, and for a time police cars and ambulances came one after another. When Zhao Lingjun was very depressed, when he looked at the window, he found that even the fire truck and the news interview car had arrived.

“It’s definitely haunted, it must be haunted. There have been strange things in this community before …” Zhang Fatzi yelled at the reporter while running into the ambulance.

“What happened yesterday?” At this time. Zhao Lingjun heard someone knocking on his door. As soon as Zhao Lingjun opened the door, Meng Xue flashed in.

“It’s a long story.” Zhao Lingjun felt that it would be impossible to explain things to Meng Xue, who was caught in a loss of spirit. “Anyway, a group of people came to trouble us last night, and then we ran away.”

Zhao Lingjun looked at Meng Xue and lied. Because Zhao Lingjun felt that if he told Meng Xue, those people might have been killed by Lin Yi, and maybe the bodies were all destroyed by Lin Yi’s unknown spells, Meng Xue would definitely be greatly stimulated. of.

“Last night, who were you here?” Meng Xue looked at the chaotic scene outside the window, his eyes full of incredible eyes.

“The first team is the group of fat people. I don’t know the second team. I’ll find out their bottom now.” Looking at the chaos in the community, Zhao Lingjun sighed helplessly. Tone, knowing that I want to sleep can’t sleep.

“Baby, do you want me to take you to fly around in the sky?” Zhao Lingjun, determined, said to Meng Xue cheeky.

“Hate, who is your baby.” Meng Xue reached out and wanted to give Zhao Lingjun a hand, but Meng Xue’s hand just reached out and was caught by Zhao Lingjun’s hand.

“You …” Meng Xue took a draw and failed to draw his hand from Zhao Lingjun’s hand. Instead, the lingering heat from Zhao Lingjun’s palm made Meng Xue’s ears warm.

Meng Xue only felt that he was soft all at once, and he couldn’t help but hugged Zhao Lingjun.

“Oh, not my baby, why did you move over and live with us.” Zhao Lingjun said gently in Meng Xue’s ear.

“Hate.” Meng Xue took a bite on Zhao Lingjun’s shoulder, but his face was even redder. “What did you just say, take me to fly around in the sky?”

“Yeah.” Zhao Lingjun nodded proudly. “I understand how Yunxia Tianyi is used.”

“Really?” Meng Xue broke free from Zhao Lingjun’s arms in surprise.

“En.” Zhao Lingjun nodded incomparably.

In front of girls, especially in front of beautiful girls, it is estimated that every man likes to do things. Zhao Lingjun was very bullish and put on Yunxia Tianyi, and then disappeared in front of Meng Xue. Before Meng Xue had responded, he felt hugged by an invisible thing.

“Ah. Rogue.” Meng Xue did not break away from Zhao Lingjun’s cup, but felt that Zhao Lingjun kissed him on his face.

“Hehe.” Meng Xue’s ear sounded Zhao Lingjun’s voice. “Don’t move, I’m going to fly you.”

Meng Xue immediately stopped acting obediently.

Looking at the embarrassed Gai Xue in his arms, Zhao Lingjun was suddenly arrogant and moved, and Yun Xiatian suddenly took Meng Xue and Zhao Lingjun slowly away from the ground.

“I can really fly.” Meng Xue was surprised to find that he was slowly taken off the ground by Zhao Lingjun.

“Of course. I can take you to the corners of the world.” Zhao Lingjun said softly to Meng Xue.

“Zhao Lingjun, you really seem to be different from before.” Meng Xue also lived in the nihilistic Zhao Lingjun and murmured.

“Why, am I stupid before?” Zhao Lingjun said with a smile.

“You used to be good, but you lacked a little manly domineering, but now …”

“Fool, domineering is directly proportional to strength. I used to make such a small amount of money, and even raising myself is a problem. What do I have to be domineering.” Zhao Lingjun said with tears.

“In any case, I …” Meng Xue said halfway, and flushed.

“What are you,” Zhao Lingjun said intentionally.

“Don’t tell you anymore.” Meng Xue gave a slight thump to the illusory Zhao Lingjun. “You are dead now, let me go down.”

“Why don’t you go out and fly?”

“During the daytime, there are so many people outside. You want to scare them alive. You made it like this yesterday. It’s already messed up like this outside.” Meng Xue lamented.

“Oh. It seems that Wudang Huandan hasn’t made me smart yet.” Zhao Lingjun smiled and put Meng Xue down.

“You are much smarter now, but you are Se Lingzhi faint now.” Meng Xue’s next words made Zhao Lingjun almost fainted.

“Be careful, I will ask you for leave.” When Zhao Lingjun reacted and thought about Meng Xue, Meng Xue had already flew out of Zhao Lingjun’s room.

Sanxing Company is one of SH’s most popular companies in recent years.

The growth rate of this company started with solar thin-film batteries in the past two years can be described by rocket ascension. In the past two years, Sanxing Company has become a star company of SH from a small unknown company. Recently, Sanxing Company has made a large-scale investment and won the favor of the government.

The Sanxing Building, which was just completed last year, is not inferior to the mobile building not far away.

The azure glass exterior wall makes the whole Sanxing Building look like a sapphire. Zhao Lingjun couldn’t help but sigh when he saw the Sanxing Building in the sky.

After flying half a circle around the Sanxing Building, Zhao Lingjun found an open window. After Zhao Lingjun flew close, he found that there was an empty office inside.

In a luxuriously decorated office in NuoDa, there was only a large desk with a computer and a lot of files on it. Obviously this NuoDa office is just a one-person office.

“Is such a large room used by one person? Such extravagance?” Zhao Lingjun couldn’t help but sigh when he thought of his and Zhang Changsheng’s office as crowded as a kennel.

After making sure that no one was around, Zhao Lingjun slowly floated into the office from the window.

If someone comes in at this time, you might see two dirty shoes floating in from the window.

“I *.” When Zhao Lingjun gently unscrewed the door of the office to enter the corridor, Zhao Lingjun found that the door of this office was written with the words of the manager of the production department.

In other words, such a large and luxuriously decorated office is just a department manager’s office.

“This Sanxing company is too wealthy.” Zhao Lingjun sighed secretly in his heart.

But before Zhao Lingjun’s heart sighed, he heard a clear footstep at the turn of the corridor.

“I *.” Zhao Lingjun found out that the office he was at was the end office at the corner of the corridor. Even if his speed was amazing, there was no place to flash.

So Zhao Lingjun didn’t think about it, so he used the same speed to fly, reopened the office door, and slipped in again.

Just after Zhao Lingjun slipped to the office sofa, the office door opened again.

A man dressed in a white shirt and a tie and looking very serious came in first. And behind the man with a serious expression is a young woman dressed like a secretary and holding a pile of documents in her hand. She looks very dignified and beautiful. The white-collar beauty is not too much to compare.

And this dignified and beautiful little secretary looked very pitiful. At the first sight, Zhao Doujun couldn’t help thinking that this beautiful little secretary must have made a mistake at work and was called out by the manager to teach. But the little secretary who looked pitiful, as soon as he entered the office, gently locked the door.

Zhao Lingjun had not yet figured out what was going on, and the pitiful expression on the pretty little secretary’s face disappeared immediately. And the man who looked very serious suddenly became less serious all at once, his face suddenly changed into a squinted expression.

“I *, no, it’s daylight, these two people will not be in the office …. Zhao Lingjun’s mind has just emerged in his mind. The man who has become squinting has embraced the beautiful secretary. , Both hands are already unreliable and stretched out from the open neckline of the pretty secretary, rubbing it on the chest of the pretty secretary.

Zhao Lingjun was dumbfounded.

“Don’t do it.” The beautiful female secretary said no, but at the same time she had thrown away the documents in her hand and gently touched the man where the man had become very strong. “Are you afraid of the boss calling you for a meeting?”

“I’m afraid of anything, my careful liver.” The eager man suddenly pulled off the short skirt of a beautiful female secretary, and a translucent lace panties, immediately appeared in front of Zhao Lingjun.

“The boss seems to be in a bad mood today. After going out once in the morning, he ran upstairs. Maybe he was venting which university school flower he was taking, how could he still come to control us.

“Hee hee, then close the window first.” The pretty little secretary gasped while letting the burning man take off his shirt. When the tall chest wrapped in the translucent lace bra appeared in front of Zhao Lingjun, Zhao Lingjun felt that he could not stand it anymore.

“What’s the matter?” The man panted, taking off his clothes. “This is the 40th floor, unless it is Superman, or someone might see it.”

“I *.” Zhao Lingjun thought depressed in his heart, if I suddenly took off Yunxia Tianyi, wouldn’t he still scare you to death?

But Zhao Lingjun certainly does not do such a stupid thing. He feels that this kind of live-action battle is really more exciting than the Japanese av film. Zhao Lingjun felt that he really could not give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to observe.

Just thinking about it, the man could not wait to take off his clothes, swept all the documents on the desk to the ground, hugged the beautiful female secretary horizontally, put it up, and then pulled The lace **** that could conceal the words of the female secretary suddenly threw up. Chapter 80 of the main body of the text, the zero and seven “I *.” Zhao Lingjun thought that the two people would like the movie in the island country, licking and biting for some foreplay, but the man was even beautiful. The little secretary’s lace bra was not ripped off, just ripped off the pretty lady secretary’s lace panties, and immediately stood up and went straight to the subject. And the lace **** that the man threw away suddenly almost fell on Zhao Lingjun’s head.

Although Zhao Lingjun has already seen more than N movies, Zhao Lingjun has never seen such a live-action scene. The scene of the beautiful female secretary’s constant white twisting on the man was too exciting for Zhao Lingjun.

Although Zhao Lingjun couldn’t see his body, Zhao Lingjun knew that he had pushed his pants out of a small tent.

Zhao Lingjun felt that he couldn’t help but lift the man up and put it aside, and then he changed himself. However, the current situation is that riding a tiger is difficult, and now the door has been locked. And the desk, facing the window, if he floated out of the window, his shoes would definitely be seen by two people.

“Get it done quickly.” Zhao Lingjun cursed the man and impotence premature **** while looking at the man who was doing the piston movement at the table.

But reality and ideals always have a big gap. Although this man does n’t look very strong, it seems to last longer than the man in the movie in the island country. After continuous piston exercise for a period of time, the beautiful little secretary puffed up and continued. After moaning, the man picked up the pretty little secretary at once, and came to the sofa in front of Zhao Lingjun.

And even when it was, the body of the man and the beautiful little secretary were not separated. The pretty little secretary hung on the man like a koala.

The two of them were naked in front of Zhao Lingjun.

And the man lay down on the sofa all at once, leaving the little secretary all over him. In this way, the snow-white of the pretty little secretary covered with thin sweat beads was swaying up and down in front of Zhao Lingjun’s eyes.

“I *.” Zhao Lingjun only felt his head bang as he watched the beautiful breast constantly beating in front of him.


Zhao Lingjun feels that he can’t stand it anymore. As a normal man, Zhao Lingjun doesn’t think he is a man unless he reacts a little.

So Zhao Lingjun stretched out his hand at once, and touched it on the beating chest of the pretty female secretary.

Zhao Lingjun felt that the beautiful female secretary would scream. But I didn’t expect that the beautiful female secretary in the excited state didn’t even notice at all, and continued to move on the man’s body.

“I *.” Zhao Lingjun couldn’t bear it anymore, he couldn’t help but stretched out his hands, knocking on the head of the man and the pretty little secretary in front of him.

“Slap” The two passed out without even humming.

“Fuck.” Zhao Lingjun stretched out his hand again and touched **** the chest and **** of the pretty female secretary before opening the office door and going out.

Sanxing Company was indeed rich and wealthy. It was out of this office. After turning a corner and entering the corridor, Zhao Lingjun discovered that there were countless offices on this floor, but the entire corridor was empty and added. A bit deserted breath.

When Zhao Lingjun’s heart moved, Yunxia Tianyi flew up with Zhao Lingjun, and then Zhao Lingjun controlled Yunxia Tianyi with his heart, and he will be close to the corridor and the upper edge of the corridor.

In this way, Zhao Lingjun ’s only pair of exposed shoes suddenly stuck in the uppermost corner of the corridor, so even if someone suddenly came out of the office, as long as he did not look up carefully Above the corridor, Zhao Lingjun’s shoes may not be found.

Guided by the signs on the moving path, Zhao Lingjun quickly found the president’s office on the top floor.

Looking at the tightly closed door of the president’s office, Zhao Lingjun was worrying about how to open the door, but Zhao Lingjun heard someone talking from the top of the building.

“There are people on the rooftop.”

Zhao Lingjun moved with his heart and sneaked up the corridor.

“You said what the Lord wanted, was it for a thief?”

A cold-faced middle-aged gray man first jumped into the eyes of Zhao Lingjun. In such a hot weather, the middle-aged gray man actually wore a simple gown and looked like an old movie from Shanghai Inside is the same person who came out.

On the lounge chair opposite the cold-faced middle-aged gray man, there was a young man wearing gold underwear wearing only underwear, and beside him, stood a long hair wearing only a three-point bikini beauty.

The exquisite face and hot figure of the long-haired beauty made Zhao Lingjun blaze again.

But what the middle-aged gray-haired middle-aged man said coldly, let Zhao Lingjun cool down quickly.

“Do you know what is the consequence of deceiving the Lord?” The cold-faced middle-aged gray man looked at the young man wearing gold-tinted glasses lying on the recliner, his voice was as cold as hanging on the eaves in the winter Ice edge is the same.

“I have helped you to find this thing from the British Museum according to the agreement, but it was thieves, this is not what I expected.” The young man wearing gold wire glasses said without looking up .

“Your Lord, although powerful, is only your Lord. For me, he is no different from ordinary customers.”

“Lei Yun, do you know the consequences of your saying this?” The middle-aged man in gray showed a grim smile, and a yellow note appeared in his hand.

The young man wearing gold wire glasses smiled and clapped his hands.

A black door suddenly appeared out of thin air next to the young man wearing gold wire glasses. In silence, two black men with pale faces holding strange paper streamers emerged from the black door.

“This is SH, a city full of wealth and harmony. How do you do without spending a little money in a city like this?”

“You actually hired Anpei Onmyoji?”

Looking at the two black men who came out of the black door that suddenly appeared, the voice of the middle-aged man in gray was full of fear. Even if the gray-clothed people are extremely stupid, they dare not use one person’s strength to challenge two high-level Onmyoji at the same time.

In the disdainful sneer of the young man wearing gold wire glasses, the middle-aged man in gray clothes unwillingly withdrew the yellow paper note in his hand, and then appeared in the hands of the middle-aged man in gray clothes. Metal objects.

With a deep chant of middle-aged men in gray clothes, the metal object the size of a tile suddenly turned into a small boat.

As soon as the middle-aged man in gray clothes stood up, the boat took the middle-aged man away from the roof.

“You will definitely pay for what is happening today.”

That metal object the size of a tile turned out to be a magic weapon for flying.

Zhao Lingjun hesitated, glanced at the young man in gold-tinted glasses who seemed to be too lazy to move on the recliner, and glanced at the grey-haired middle-aged man who was slowly flying into the sky, secretly exiting from the rooftop exit It floated out against the air, and then floated directly into the sky as fast as a helicopter.

But even so, Zhao Lingjun was very worried about whether he would be discovered by the three people on the rooftop.

“I am also interested in the jade box now.”

“We are also very interested in the people in that community.”

When Zhao Lingjun floating above the sky heard the dialogue between the young man wearing silk glasses and the two black men who were so badly mandarin on the rooftop, Zhao Lingjun couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The magic weapon at the feet of the middle-aged man in the gray coat resembled a skyship in the playground. At first, it seemed to fly faster than Zhao Lingjun’s Yunxia Tianyi.

At the beginning, Zhao Lingjun was farther and farther away from him. If it was not in high altitude, with a wide field of vision and an unobstructed view, Zhao Lingjun might have been lost.

However, after a while, the speed of the middle-aged man in Jieyi slowly slowed down.

The middle-aged man in gray did not find the high-altitude behind him. There was a pair of belly-heeled shoes following him. After flying for a while, the middle-aged man in gray quietly landed on an unmanned person in a remote street. In the small alley.

In the unmanned small alley, after putting away his own magic weapon for flying, the middle-aged man in gray clothes slowly came out of the small alley. Then Zhao Lingjun saw that the gray-haired middle-aged man slowly entered a small hotel.

Zhao Lingjun’s heart moved, and he quickly took off Yunxia Tianyi, followed by the middle-aged man in gray clothing into the small hotel.

The middle-aged man in gray clothes didn’t seem to notice Zhao Lingjun who was behind him, but he moved upstairs on the fourth floor.

After thinking about it, Zhao Lingjun also asked for a room at the service desk not far from the middle-aged man in gray clothes.

As soon as he entered his newly opened room, Zhao Lingjun heard a sound of ping-pong from the middle-aged man in gray clothes, as if the middle-aged man in gray clothes was falling something to vent his anger. After a long time, Zhao Lingjun heard such a voice disappear, and then after a while, Zhao Lingjun heard the door of the middle-aged man in gray clothes creak open.

From the cat’s eyes, Zhao Lingjun saw the grey-haired middle-aged man with his hands out coming out of the door, as if to go out to eat.

“It seems that this time I am going to play zero and seven.” Zhao Lingjun quickly opened the window and floated out of the window.

Zhao Lingjun’s luck is good. The window of the middle-aged man in gray clothes is not closed. After looking at the middle-aged man in gray clothes, Zhao Lingjun opened the window and floated in.

There was no mess in Zhao Lingjun’s imagination, and Zhao Lingjun shook, not knowing what the middle-aged man in gray was just doing.

The middle-aged man’s luggage in gray clothes looks very simple. In addition to the replacement clothes hanging in the open wardrobe, there is only a yellow cloth parcel.

Zhao Lingjun stretched out his hand, and a black rune appeared in his hand. In a blink of an eye, he painted a black long-tailed monster bird. After flying around the room, this black long-tailed monster bird turned into a ray of light. The smoke disappeared.

This is the witch field that Wu Xiaoye specially taught Zhao Lingjun in the morning. After casting this spell, even if someone put down some hidden magic circle in this room, Zhao Lingjun could do whatever he wanted without being discovered.

After seeing the black long-tailed monster bird disappear, Zhao Lingjun opened the package of the middle-aged man in gray with confidence.

Gray-aged middle-aged people do not have much luggage. Zhao Lingjun turned out a bunch of unfinished runes, as well as a golden token in the shape of a gossip, and some odd-shaped pitiful containers. These windows seemed to contain some unknown liquid or solid powder Among them, the most striking one is a bundle of blue sapphire-like long nails wrapped in yellow scarves.

The cold light circulates on the spikes, and engraved with various strange symbols. Zhao Lingjun can be sure that this is a magic weapon at a glance.

Zhao Lingjun couldn’t help but took the bundle of sapphire-like nails in his hand and prepared to take a closer look.

But Zhao Lingjun just took the bundle of nails in his hand, and UU read www.uukanshu.com and heard a slight movement.

The sound was as if there were some tiny insects crawling on the wall, but Zhao Congjun now feels unusual. Upon hearing it, Zhao Lingjun heard something strange.

When Zhao Lingjun moved, he floated sideways. When he reached the ceiling, Zhao Lingjun hid his feet above the ceiling lamp.

A figure suddenly appeared in the window pushed by Zhao Lingjun, and he looked back. After seeming to confirm that there was no one in the room, a slender figure jumped in quickly from the window.

A fragrant fragrance permeated the entire room.

“Is it a woman?” Zhao Lingjun frowned, and the thought had just appeared in his mind, and he almost burst out a nosebleed.

The person who came was not only a woman, but also a woman who felt the extreme of her personality.

This woman ’s figure is not inferior to Meng Xue ’s, and the most terrible thing is that this woman is actually wearing a thin blue tights. The two outstanding points can be seen with the porch of this woman’s private part.

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